cathowitch · 5 years
“Khaleesi” Glamour
Give off the powerful and commanding vibe that Daenerys Targaryen gives off to her enemies.
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What You’ll Need
Dragon’s blood incense
A red and black candle
Mortar and Pestle or items to muddle with
A container to save any leftovers
Storm water
Anemone (flower)
2 pieces of apple bark
Joe-Pye Weed
This sigil
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“Perzys zaldrīzi sēnagon kostos daor.” (fire cannot kill a dragon)
What To Do
Burn your dragon’s blood incense to start the spell.
Surround yourself with dahlias, benzoins, and anemones.
Light your black and red candle, burn one of your apple barks to ashes in the red candle (safely and carefully) and then blacken the bark in the black candle so you can write your sigil with it.
Add a small amount of storm water as the base of your glamour mix.
Then, take your cinnamon, lemongrass, and joe-pye weed and muddle them together.
After that take the ashes of your dragon’s blood incense and them into the muddled mix.
Write the sigil onto a piece of paper with the blackened apple bark, activate it by burning it, and then put the ashes into the muddled mix.
Rub onto your skin while thinking/saying “Perzys zaldrīzi sēnagon kostos daor.” or if you can’t speak Valyrian clearly “Fire cannot kill a dragon.”
Dispose of the carnations, benzoins, and anemones after you’re done.
If you have any leftovers put them into the container, draw the same sigil on a piece of paper with the blackened apple bark, and tape onto that container. Do not write the meaning of the sigil.
Keep the mixture in a cool, damp place.
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cathowitch · 5 years
Free ‘Irish’ Guided Meditations
I’m not-so-secretly a big fan of Lora O’Brien, a native Irish polytheist oathed to the Morrígan, namely because she’s pragmatic, hilariously sarcastic, and has the academic knowledge as well as experience to back up her practice.  I bring her up because she’s offering free downloads of guided meditations, and while I haven’t listened to these particular ones yet, I have taken some of her journeying classes and found them well worth the time and effort.  Here’s the Facebook link and the direct link to a mailing list sign-up that says:
You’ll receive a weekly(ish) message from Irish Author and Guide Lora O'Brien PLUS - first notice of the new Personal Development Meditation Podcast episodes. Once subscribed, you’ll be directed to a link to download your FREE Guided Meditation and Journeying in the Irish Otherworld Class Files & bonus Personal Development Meditation Files. As a Pobal community member, you’ll receive weekly(ish) news on: Native Irish Mythology, History, Society, Spirituality, Storytelling, and Travel - all direct from Lora in Ireland. If you don’t want the news - no bother! Just complete to access your FREE Guided Meditation Files download and then Unsubscribe any time.
Alternately, here’s her home site.
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cathowitch · 5 years
Spell A Day Challenge
So I like doing these cool challenges that are a month or so long, and I decided to make one for spell writing :)
Day One: Write a spell to help boost your confidence. Use things around the house. The weirder the better.
Day Two: Write a spell to aid someone in divination. Any method.
Day Three: Write a spell based off of a mythical beast.
Day Four: Write a spell based off of your favorite fantasy book series or TV show.
Day Five: Write a spell to make your life easier.
Day Six: Write a spell based off of your favorite childhood memory.
Day Seven: Write a spell based off of a kid's TV show.
Day Eight: Read one page of a random book at the library. Make a spell based off of your favorite sentence.
Day Nine: Write a spell based off of a horror story.
Day Ten: Write a spell based off of your street name or address.
Day Eleven: Write a spell based on your favorite poem.
Day Twelve: Write a spell to help the world in some way.
Day Thirteen: Write a spell for your favorite book character.
Day Fourteen: Write a spell based off of a holiday tradition your family does.
Day Fifteen: Write a spell using toothpaste, a wrapper, and a cup. You can use two other objects of your choice.
Day Sixteen: Write a spell based off of the way a song makes you feel. Bonus points if you use the lyrics somehow, or use ingredients based off of the song.
Day Seventeen: Write a spell to fix a relationship of some kind.
Day Eighteen: Write a spell to make you feel better after a long day.
Day Nineteen: Write a spell of any kind, and use a musical instrument or your voice in it.
Day Twenty: Write a spell based off of your favorite dessert.
Day Twenty-One: Write a spell that would help one of your friends or co-workers with a problem they're facing.
Day Twenty-Two: Write a spell based off of a place that makes you feel safe.
Day Twenty-Three: Write a spell based off of the name of a drink.
Day Twenty-Four: Write a spell you think will benefit you in the future.
Day Twenty-Five: Write a spell that will help you draw in money/abundance of some kind.
Day Twenty-Six: Write a Spell to ease anxiety. Use at least one crystal and one herb.
Day Twenty-Seven: Write a spell using a pumpkin, a candle, and yarn. You can add as many other items as you would like.
Day Twenty-Eight: Write a spell using a piece of your hair, a ribbon, and a stick. You can add two more items.
Day Twenty-Nine: Write a spell. That's it. Do whatever you'd like with it :)
Day Thirty: Write a spell based off of Alice in Wonderland, or one of the characters.
Day Thirty-One: Write a spell based off of feeling edgy and fierce and punk-rock.
If you guys do the challenge, tag me in it! :D I love reading spells ^_^
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cathowitch · 5 years
one word spells
As long as you can focus your energy and set your intention your spell should work, so I’ve designed these 5 spells using just one word for a Witch who needs a quick fix.
Pronounced mar-e-quil
Used to calm a temper or an upset person. From the latin word for sea, mare, and the english word tranquil. Essentially you are calling the sea inside them to be still. For better results cast with wet hands.
Pronounced Uni-var
Used for faster transport. I use it at the train station to have a shorter wait time but really its designed for traffic lights. By combining uni from universe and vert,the french word for green, you’re essentially asking the universe to make your path green.
Pronounced Vis-e-did-en
Used to go unnoticed or invisible. Taken from the english words vision and hidden. For best results chant it softly while visualising yourself turning transparent.
Pronounced Lap-ag-na
Used when you just need someone to shut the f**k up but are too polite to say so. Taken from the Latin words lapis and magna, meaning stone and voice. For best results hold a stone or some earth while casting, if they’re really pissing you off just throw the stone or dirt at them.
pronounced Bav-are-ig-ni
Used to strike up a conversation or to continue a conversation. Taken from the French word bavarder, which means chat, and the Latin word ignis, which means fire. Basically you’re asking for the conversation to spark or catch fire. For best results flick a lighter in your pocket or light a match.
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cathowitch · 5 years
My Personal Interpretation of the chain of St. Michael
So, as a Catholic Witch and Diviner, when I first found out there was a traditional form of geomancy called St. Michael’s chain, my first reaction was that I needed to find out more about it and incorporate it into my practice as soon as possible. Because I have a tendency to fan girl over St. Michael this seemed right up my alley. However, I ran into a few problems.
First, while I could find pictures of what it was supposed to look like, any information about how to use it was incomplete, defunct, or out of print. I got mostly dead links and a Google books preview that was missing a significant chunk of information I would need to make the chain useable as more than a simple yes/no indication. It was also full of typos and I’m fairly sure was written by someone who’s fist language was not English. Unfortunately, the typos included describing the same Heads/Tails pattern for 4 out of a possible 16 saints.  Since only two saints were missing, I was going to plug in two I though most likely and work from there, but the messing up of the pattern made that a headache to sort out.
Secondly, the Chain of St. Michael is from an Italian tradition of folk Catholicism. While it is next to impossible to grow up Catholic on the East Coast and not be exposed to and participate in Italian-American culture, the fact is I myself have no Italian Ancestors.  While I have a very strong connection to most of the saints listed, there were a few that I have no strong relationship with. I’m sure that these were probably the 16 most popular saints in Italy when the Chain was first being developed, but St. Martian of Tours, for example, isn’t even the first St. Martian I think of (St. Martian De Pourres). In order for the chain to do the best work for me, I wanted a strong connection to each saint, since you are essentially asking him or her about the solution to your problem.
With that in mind, I decided I would focus on the idea behind the St. Michael’s Chain and prescribe each Heads/Tails combination to one of the Top 16 saints I pray to.  This is not the traditional Chain of St. Michael but it is a way that works for me.  Since today is the feast of St. Michael and the Archangels I figured I’d write my system down so anyone who wants to use it can get a few ideas about how to incorporate it into their practice. I must warn you that this is a very Catholic practice and you have to be willing to have a good relationship with the Saints. Otherwise you’ll probably get Mixed Results.  I will give the basic system for yes/no questions and then go into the 16 saints, why I chose then, their feast days, and what their the patron saint of. They are all very well known saints so if you want to find out more about them, it shouldn’t be a problem. NewAdvent.com is a great place to start.
Part 1: Basic Yes And No.  This part is authentic to the original system as best as I can tell. The order doesn’t matter for this part, just the number of heads and tails.
All Heads: Yes, but in an unexpected way, more divination is needed. It is wise to make the sign of the cross and bless the chain and diviner with holy water before continuing.
3 Heads 1 Tail: A strong yes.
2 Heads 2 Tails: Maybe.
1 Head 3 Tails: A strong no.
All Tails: No, with the possibility that the quitrent is cursed. Bless quitrent, diviner, and chain with holy water and the sign of the cross before further divination to confirm or rule out the curse.
Part 2:  The Saints.
So the idea for this part is that each specific combination of Heads and Tails represents on of 16 saints. Your first question should be along the lines of “Who can help with this problem?” or “Who has a message for me?”  You pay attention to the answer and then you can ask the specific saint any yes or no follow-up questions you have.  This is why it’s a good idea to be familiar with and have a good relationship with these saints already.
HHHH- St. Joseph: Mary’s earthly husband and Foster father of Jesus.  He was on the original chain and is a pretty heavy hitter when you want Holy Power.
Feast day: March 19
Patron of: the Universal Church, unborn children, fathers, workers, travelers, immigrants, and a happy death
HHHT- Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception:  Mama Mary had to be on here somewhere.  She’s the heaviest hitter you can get after the Holy Trinity. The Chain invokes her under the title of Our Lady of Assumption but the feast day in the source I found on the chain gave the feast day as that of the Immaculate Conception, and as an American, I have a stronger devotion to her under that title, so I went with that.  Feast Day: December 8
Patroness of:  USA, Brazil, Ireland, Korea, Nicaragua, The Philippines, Portugal, and Spain under that specific title, Patroness of pretty much everything in the world as Mary herself.
HHTH: St. Gabriel: One source I found speculated that the chain might have started as a folk Muslim divination method under the patronage of Archangel Gabriel. Since he’s the guy tasked with delivering divine messages, it made sense to include him, even if he wasn’t on the original chain to the best of my knowledge.
Feast day: September 29 
Patron of: messengers, telecommunication workers, postal workers
HHTT: St. Francis of Assisi. Another on the original chain and a role model in terms of how I live my spirituality.
Feast day: October 4
Patron of Animals, Merchants & Ecology
HTHH: St. Maria Goretti.  One of the saints on the original chain. Another one who has helped me a lot and I felt should be included.
Feast day: July 6
Patron of youth, young women, purity, and victims of rape
HTHT: St. Dymphna:  Not on the original chain, but as someone struggling with mental illness, she helps me a lot and I wanted her to be included.
Feast day: May 15
Patron of those suffering from nervous and mental afflictions
HTTH: St. Jude. A good guy to have on your side. Possibly on the original chain.
Feast day: October 28
Patron of Desperate causes, desperate situations, lost causes
HTTT: St. Therese of the Little Flower. She’s really influential about how I see God and live my faith.
Feast Day: October 1
Patron of : Missionaries, Florists, gardeners  and those suffering from illnesses, especially HIV/AIDS and TB.
THHH: St. Patrick. Just as it is nearly impossible to grow up Catholic on the East Coast without being a part of Italian American culture, it’ nearly impossible to do so without being a part of Irish American culture. The difference is I’m actually Irish. Since this was a melding of traditions, I wanted him to be included.
Feast Day: March 17
Patron of: Ireland, engineers, paralegals, and exterminators
 THHT: St. Michael:  You can’t exactly call your divination method the chain of St. Michael without including St. Michael.  If you’ve got any demons on your tail, he’s your guy.
Feast day: September 29
Patron of: grocers, soldiers, doctors, mariners, paratroopers, police, and sickness
THTH: St. Brigid of Ireland. A personal patroness and role model of mine.
Feast day: February 1
Patron of Ireland, dairymaids, cattle, midwives, Irish nuns, and newborn babies
THTT: : St. Cecilia.  My confirmation Saint and a personal patroness of mine.
Feastday: November 22
Patron of musicians
TTHH: St. Anthony of Padua. He was on the original chain and is an absolute joy to work with. He has an excellent sense of humor and is a particularly good finder.  He’s basically Unofficial Patron saint of Hufflepuffs.
Feast Day:  June 13
 Patron of: Infertility, Elderly, lost and stolen objects, the oppressed and the poor
TTHT: St. Faustina. She’s the visionary behind the Divine Mercy devotion. Which is a favorite of mine.
Feast day: October 5
Patron of Mercy
TTTH: St. Joan of Arc: She was on the original Chain, and frankly is way too awesome to exclude.
 Feast day: May 30
Patron of soldiers and France
TTTT: St. Peter. The Fist Pope, Part of the original chain.
Feastday: June 29
Patron of fishermen, net makers, and ship builders
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cathowitch · 5 years
public playlists --
bc I get asked at least once a week about music recs and such here are my public playlists on spotify (also making this so I can stick in in my navigation page properly—
season of the witch – exactly what it sounds like, witchy music for your witchy needs, it’s the one everyone really likes, maybe you will too, who knows. 
nostalgia – again, this is literally my childhood from really small through elementary school really? lots of different genres, undoubtedly my very favorite playlist.
emo life – flashback music from my emo trash phase (8th - 10th grade and then again in 12th lol)
celine – this is literally an entire playlist of celine dion (english and french) bc where i am she is basically royalty so. (don’t argue with me about this. she is.)
noel – you guessed it, fucking christmas music.
clean your house – also self explanatory, what i listen to when i clean or shower, really. a lot of sing along songs, music that i prefer loud and to be dancing with a mop to. this is a really… odd mix of music so be warned.
covers – again, lame. literally just covers of songs from people. 
this is all that i currently really have made public, I think? I will likely add more as time goes on but here you go for now?
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cathowitch · 5 years
Knotwork and Herb Talismans: handmade jewelry items that bring together weaving and herbalism to create talismans and amulets for magical purposes.
Shipping worldwide!
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cathowitch · 5 years
Nova’s Divination Dust
Sprinkle on or around your preferred method of divination (i.e. tarot cards, runestones, pendulum, scrying mirror, crystal ball) to charge it and enhance its power. Alternately, can be used to dust your hands with before performing divination. 
Bay Leaf (1)
Star Anise pod (1)
Sea Salt
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cathowitch · 5 years
Gardens of the Witches
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Already starting to plan this years garden so I thought I should do a post on Witch Gardens
Moonlight Garden
A garden that blooms in the moonlight, a great place to perform night time rituals, meditations, or to just take a midnight stroll. A garden that is full of magick even after the sun sets. 
Plants to add in your moonlight garden:
Moonflower: (Ipomoea alba) A nocturnal relative of the morning glory. Has fragrant flowers that open at dusk and close by dawn.    
Evening Primrose: (Oenothera biennis) Has beautiful, scented flowers that bloom only at dusk. 
Night Flox: (Zaluzianskya capensis) A sweetly fragranced flower that only unfurls its pinwheeled shaped flowers after dusk. 
Four O’Clock: (Mirabilis jalapa) Its scented flowers bloom at around 4:00pm (hence its name) and do not close up until morning. 
Queen of the Night: (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) A species of cactus whose flowers only open at night. Attracts moths and bats!!!
Night Blooming Jessamine: (Cestrum nocturnum) Strong, sweet scented star shaped flowers that only bloom at night. Attracts moths and bats!!! All parts are toxic, do not ingest!
Angel’s Trumpet: (Brugmansia) Produces a strong scent on warm summer evenings. All parts are toxic, do not ingest!
Evening Stock: (Matthiola longipetala) Produces lots of small blossoms that produce a perfume described as a mix of vanilla, rose, spice, and cloves only after the sun sets.
Ever-Flowering Gladiolus: (Gladiolus tristis) Release a strong almond fragrance after dusk.  
Lilac: (Syringa vulgaris) Although has a perfume during the day, it is said to be a lot stronger after dark. 
Flowering Tobacco: (Nicotiana) Open in the late afternoon and have a fragrance that smells of jasmine. All parts are toxic if ingested!
Summer Snapdragon: (Angelonia angustifolia) Preferably in white, to reflect the moonlight. Has a scent apple-scented foliage. 
Silvermound: (Artemisia schmidtiana) Has thick foliage that will shimmer under the moonlight.
Jack Frost: (Brunnera macrophylla) Hdeart shaped leaves of silver and green, perfect to add more highlights of silver to your moon lit garden. 
Any plant that blooms after dark or has white, lavender, pale pink, pale yellow on it is a perfect addition to your moonlight garden. 
Things to add:
Stepping stones that have the phases of the moon.
Fairy lights
A place to sit
A small fountain to sing along with the insects and birds of the night
String charms and bells on tree branches for a soft jingling every time a gentle breeze passes. 
Herb Garden
For witches who need a more practical garden for uses of healing, tea crafting, drying, and growing plants used in their practices.
Plants to add to your herb garden:
Anise: Helps to ward of the evil eye, find happiness, and stimulates psychic abilities. 
Basil: Use for anything pertaining with love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits.
Bergamont: Corresponds with money and prosperity. Provides with protection from evil and illness, improves memory, stops interference, and promotes restful sleep.
Borage: Corresponds with courage and psychic powers. 
Cat Nip: Is sacred to the Goddess Bast. Brings forth beauty, happiness, good luck, and good spirits.
Chamomile: Corresponds with love, healing, and sleep. Is known to reduce stress.
Chervil: Brings a sense of the higher self, placing you in touch with your divine, immortal spirit.
Coriander: Corresponds with love, health, immortality, and protection.
Dill: Corresponds with money, protection, luck and lust. 
Lemon Balm: Corresponds with love, success, healing, and psychic/spiritual development. 
Marjoram: Used to cleanse, purify, and to dispel negative energy.  
Mint: Promotes energy, communication and vitality.
Oregano: Corresponds with joy, strength, vitality, and added energy 
Parsley: Calms and protects the home.
Rosemary: Protects, cleanses, purifies, and aids memory. 
Sage: Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss.
Thyme: Attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others.
Things to add:
A place to dry herbs
A place to compost any herb scraps
A place to leave offerings before you harvest
Bee Garden
Make yourself a sanctuary to watch bees frolic and thrive
Plants to add to your bee garden:
Bee balm
Snow Drop
Wildflowers/Any native species
Anise hyssop
Black eyed susan
Sweet peas
Things to add:
Bee houses
Bee waterers/bee baths
Bee feeders
A place for offerings to the bees
Some other ideas for your garden:
Hummingbird garden
Medicinal garden
A garden whose plants and decorations represent/correspond with your practice.
Butterfly Garden
Faerie Garden 
The options are endless! I hope this gives you some ideas for this years garden.
Happy planting!
==Moonlight Academy==
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cathowitch · 5 years
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List of essential oils and kitchen oils toxic to cats. Most of these are quite common so clean up thouroughly after yourself and make sure windows are open! Also avoid burning/diffusing these oils in excess around your furry friends!!
Link: meowlifestyle.com/6-essential-oil-safety-tips-for-cat-owners/
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cathowitch · 5 years
Soups and Broths in Magick
I am rather new to the witch community on tumblr but I have been interested in witchcraft for years. I have come upon a reoccurring thing, many of my friends I wish to magically aid through teas and herbal brews, do not like the taste of tea. I have found that mixing herbal blends or herbs representing what you wish to occur into soups and broths work just as well! In fact if you choose the right soup you can get sometimes better results I have found. Soup mimics tea by being easily drank and can be served warm and hot, which I find very comforting.
First it is important to choose a soup or broth that goes well taste wise with the herbs you wish to use. You want it to taste pleasant for yourself or the one you are providing it to. Though, try to find a soup or stock or broth that corresponds with what you wish to achieve with the herbs to further strengthen and increase the outcome you wish. 
A short list of correspondences:
Chicken Broth/Stock: Uncrossing, new growth, fertility, sacrifice, New beginnings, rebirth
Turkey Broth/Stock: Close connections to Earth, generosity, inspiration, bounty, blessings
Beef Broth/Stock: New beginnings, femininity/female power, fertility, strength, balance
Pork Broth/Stock or Bacon: Intelligence, good luck, prosperity, curiousity, discovering new things
Fish Broth/Stock: Close connections to Water, health, improving oneself, the unconcious mind, awareness, fertility, good luck, wishes, change
Shellfish/Clam/Mussel Broth/Stock/Soup/Chowder: Protection, stopping lies/gossip/rumors, removal or treatment of stubbornness, honesty, truth, close connections to both Water and Earth, living a natural life
Shrimp Broth/Stock: love, abundance, fertility, trying new things, moving forward
Cheese base/Milk base soup/Chowder: Beauty, femininity, love, self-love, purification, rebirth
Tomato Soup: Protection, prosperity, love, uncrossing, femininity, romance and passion, negation of negativity and evil
Pumpkin Soup: Healing, prosperity, love, protection, granting wishes
Squash Soup: Psychic awareness, spiritual enlightenment
Corn Chowder: connections to the sun, luck, prosperity, abundance
Onion Soup: protection, keep evil away, healing, banishing, stability, exorcism, money, lust, and ends bad habits
Pea Soup: Kindness, connections with Air
Mushroom Soup: psychic enhancement, connections to Earth, longevity, strength, immortality
Curry/Curry Soups: banishing, healing, prosperity, protection from negativity
Soups with Noodles: Longevity, uncrossing
Soups with Rice: prosperity, blessing, money and wealth, security, good fortune to come
Soups with Barley: Love, Healing, Protection Hopefully this will be helpful for any witches who are not very big fans of the taste of teas or for anyone else for that matter. I would love to hear or see any other suggestions for tea replacements or other soups that could be used. This came straight out of my Grimoire and I hope to add more of it to this site soon. Blessed be everyone!
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cathowitch · 5 years
hey sorry for bothering you but do you have a list of happy lgbt movies with a happy ending? the orlando shooting really wrecked me and i need to watch something positive :/
you are not bothering me at all, pal, please don’t think that.
my list of happy m/m movies
my list of happy f/f movies
my list of lgbt comedies
i hope you enjoy them, and please take care of yourself ❤❤❤
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cathowitch · 5 years
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Summer is coming and here is for you, all witch artist/writer of this world, a Challenge with only witchy stuff to draw or write about! You can do whatever you want with it, whenever you want! It’s just a list of witches I really wanted to design and bring to my story or I really wanted to draw just for fun~ 
You can mix it with some color palette meme found on the web, there is a lot of it around deviantart and Tumblr! It doesn’t have to be done in the order, you can just reblog it and ask to you followers to suggest you some of these! And you can suggest me some of these too! I’ll do it in July or August anyway ;D
This is a character design challenge~ You can do anything, any body type, any skin color, any disability, any religion or any gender you want, it’s totally free, so be creative ♥ That’s the only thing that counts! 
Lots of love *:・゚✧
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cathowitch · 5 years
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Pestlework: A Book of Magical Powders & Oils
From the author of Grovedaughter Witchery comes a volume of potions and powders for all occasions, suitable to enhance the craft of any practitioner.
Old standards like Banishing Powder and Blessing Oil meet new classics like Dream Dust and Stargazer Wishing Oil. Need to rid your house of a troublesome spirit? Try a sprinkle of Ghost-Be-Gone Powder. Looking for a way to get your zest back after spellwork? Brim With Vim Vitality Oil might be just the thing. Over 200 original formulae await you within these pages, along with helpful hints, safety tips, and detailed instructions for creating your own magical powders and oils.
Collected for the first time in a single volume, these recipes are the product of twelve years of experience and much experimentation. While magic is never a guarantor of success, the potions within these pages just might give your spells the edge you need.
Amazon Kindle Listing / Print Listing CreateSpace Listing
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cathowitch · 5 years
Dominant Houses
Few Tumblr astrologers are aware that “dominant houses” exist, but they do. And unlike many other factors of the natal chart, they’re very easy to figure out (and explain, luckily for me). Since dominant houses aren’t considered an important feature, the only real method available on the internet for calculating them is to simply label the house with the most planets in it dominant (and yes, there can be ties). That’s definitely the easiest plan, but as always, I’m going to suggest a way to over-complicate it all. Sound fun? Good.
—STEP ONE Understand the houses. This seems obvious, but I feel the need to say it anyway. There are lots of things to familiarize yourself with and you can do that {here}.
—STEP TWO Count the planets within each house; the one with the most is your dominant house. OR - Give four points for the sun and the moon. - Give three points for Mercury, Venus, and Mars. - Give two points for Jupiter and Saturn. - Give one point for Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. - Give one point to a house in a sign of its native element. - Give two points to a house in its native sign (watch out for interceptions). - Give half a point to Chiron, Juno, Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, Lilith, and N. Node. - Give a quarter of a point to angular houses with neutral or positive aspects. - Deduct a quarter of a point from angular houses with negative aspects.
The house with the most points is your dominant house. Yes, as I mentioned before, there can be ties – if two houses somehow have the same score, they’re both equally dominant. I’d say use the top three. Also, I consider the house with the sun it in a dominant house no matter its score.
INTERPRETATION Basically, when a house is dominant, it just means that the area of life it’s associated with will be amplified, or at least very important to you & your identity. I suggest using the page I linked in Step One to find out what the houses are all about, but below are simple generalizations of what it means when each house is dominant.
First house: your appearance & impression are important to you. Second house: your possessions & security are important to you. Third house: your communication & cognition are important to you. Fourth house: your home, family, & history are important to you. Fifth house: your feelings & expression are important to you. Sixth house: your health & well-being are important to you. Seventh house: your relationships & others’ happiness are important to you. Eighth house: your awareness & transformations are important to you. Ninth house: your knowledge & experience are important to you. Tenth house: your career & reputation are important to you. Eleventh house: your community & progression are important to you. Twelfth house: your inner world & vulnerabilities are important to you.
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cathowitch · 5 years
Why sun sign astrology doesn’t work
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Let’s face it: a lot of the time, you won’t relate to your sun sign.
Your sun sign is who you are at your BEST. It’s who you are when you’re in your element, when you’re confident, when you’re in a comfortable situation.
Your sun sign is your identity, but also who you aspire to be. When you think of your sun sign, you think of the qualities that make you special, and make you an individual. It’s probably something you’re proud of. But also, it’s something to live up to; it’s a goal to be the best version of your sun sign that you can possibly be.
The sun sign is extremely important, because it follows you throughout your life in all ways, but it often can’t be pinpointed to specifics like the other placements can. It’s much more broad; it’s always present, but sometimes it’s just out of reach.
People will not always see your sun sign when they first meet you. But close friends will see your sun sign more than anything else, because they see the best in you.
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Your RISING sign is who you are all the time, without thinking about it. It’s natural.
Any time you feel threatened, need to put up a front, want to “appear” a certain way…that is your rising sign. Many people don’t consider the rising sign as important as the sun. But in reality, it’s more important.
Some people aren’t even aware of their rising sign. Some people will be surprised when they read the description. But if you ask anyone around you, they will see it immediately. You can’t hide your rising sign, you have to just accept it.
If you meet someone for the first time, that is their rising sign.
Your moon sign won’t be seen by the world at first either, but a lot of times it can be seen more than the sun sign. Your moon sign is your instinctual reactions and ways of living.
Any time you’re upset, you’re happy, you’re jealous, you’re disappointed…these are all times that your moon sign will show. Depending on the sign, of course, it will show in different ways.
Anything to do with the emotions cannot be defined by the sun sign. That is the realm of the moon sign. People wonder why they don’t relate to their sun sign on a lot of different posts - this is why. The moon sign is far more important, because it is your immediate needs and behavior.
People who see through you see your moon sign; people who are able to connect with you emotionally. They have to look deeply enough to get through the wall put up by the rising sign, though.
Mercury is how you get your message across. When you meet someone, there’s a bit of mercury thrown in there too, since they’ll be communicating with you.
Sometimes people will not consider you to be a lot like your sun sign. That’s probably because your mercury is in a different sign than your sun. It’s a bit conflicting, because the words you say are quite different from who you actually are - you might seem more like your mercury sign in some ways.
Mercury is probably the least appreciated and noticed placement in astrology. People always seem to forget about it, but it’s absolutely vital to understanding someone’s personality.
“What is an *insert sign here* like in love?” This is the question that everyone wants to know. Unfortunately, people usually answer it with sun sign. Again.
Venus is your true “love” placement. You might get a sense of what someone is like with their sun sign, but in a relationship you might be surprised when they act so differently. Their idea of romance might be drastically different from their central identity.
Mars is where to look if you want to get an idea of the overall energy someone gives off. Rising sign has a part in this too, but mars is how someone takes action.
Mars, in a sense, is also related to love because it’s how someone does the pursuing. Mars has to do with initiative (and how much of that you take).
Next time you make an astrology post, read an astrology post, or think about astrology in any way, remember this. Most people don’t do their research, and make assumptions that all sun signs are a certain way, and all people will relate to all aspects of their sun sign. This is not the case.
Think to yourself: is this asking about me on a daily basis? My emotions? How I communicate? How I act in love? My impulses?
Chances are, it’s not your sun sign.
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cathowitch · 5 years
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The “Aphotic Sequence”
This is a sigil method that I use for a lot of sigils on my page. It’s come to my attention that my old post is extremely difficult to understand. Hopefully, with this example it will become more clear.
The first picture is the template of all the letters and the direction they represent.
The second picture underlines all the letters that are used. I underlined them once again for the letters that are repeated. Notice the ones that repeat have a small circle at the end of that line.
The 3rd picture is the 2nd to last step. From there you modify it slightly to put your intent in it.
I’d love to see it used in the community, and if you do decide to use it, tag me and I’ll reblog it.
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