catherinekaida-blog · 5 years
30 odd facts about beeb boop
give or take a few! here we go
Catherine Kaida was born June 13th in Brentwood Heights, Los Angeles, California, United States. 
This means she is a Gemini, and it does not mean she places stock in zodiac stuff, which she thinks is a whole lot of nonsense. She’s also an ESTJ, 4w5, and Choleric.
She doesn’t place much stock in unsubstantiated superstition in general. Supernatural matters are an entirely different issue, and Catherine believes wholeheartedly in matters of the unexplained and is very interested in what they are capable of.
Her family consists of her father Rei and one older sister, Marianne. Rei is the CEO of Astrova Inc., a famous robotics corporation and he is also known as being a former SHSL Robot Combatant. He is a fairly big deal in the United States, and Catherine is employed at Astrova as well. 
Marianne deserves her own fact. She is Catherine's older sister by one year, and she has... well, an interesting relationship with her sibling, I'll just say that. As of now, she is a quite successful Hollywood actress.
She is mixed, half-Japanese on her father's side and (mostly) half-Norwegian on her mother's.
Catherine is a transhumeral, transtibial amputee, which means that her arm below the elbow and leg below the knee are both missing, with prosthesis in their place. This is absolutely no secret, and she has been fairly open about her life as a double amputee and has spoken about disability rights and accessibility in the workplace. 
She delivered a TED talk about accessibility in the workplace and the role of robotics in ensuring a better future for humanity. It mostly serves as educational material for individuals in robotics and as a gotcha for debates on transhumanism by self-aggrandizing individuals on internet forums.
Catherine has quite the social media presence, and has a few million followers on Twitter where she posts about her latest projects and contributions to engineering. 
She has a bachelor’s/master’s degree in mechanical engineering and is currently working on a PhD. This was achieved with a touch of nepotism as her father was a benefactor of the university she addended, the California Institute of Technology. 
She has a great fondness for animals, and her family has owned several Borzois in particular. She owns two, Nikola and Babbage, who live on her estate, also currently in Los Angeles. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, it seems.
In terms of favourite animals, she loves hawks, magpies, cephalopods, and canids, of course. Fish are also faves - she loved going out into nature as a child and to this date believes studying animal movement is important for engineers. Catherine was especially fascinated by octopi, and loved to witness them on one of her family’s many trips to aquariums when she was young. 
Despite her current image, she was quite the wild child. Catherine took the entire “be assertive” thing too far and would talk back and speak her mind whenever she had the chance - partially because she hated being condescended and partially because she wanted to establish respect for herself. 
Cath was one of those people ahead of the curve even as a child (never mind that her parents shelled out for the best education possible), so her advanced knowledge for her age caused people to view her as a novelty. She really hates receiving this sort of treatment and still does, but chilled out considerably as she aged.
I actually have a voiceclaim for her! Amber Grey as Persephone in Hadestown. 
She cannot sing nearly as well as the above fact may imply. Because of her family’s strong acting tradition both Kaida siblings were sent to theatre courses, but Marianne was far better at it than Catherine, ho was disposed to overacting to the point she chewed the scenery up thoroughly whenever she was on-stage in the hammiest way imaginable. Thing was, she took this entirely seriously and believed she was doing an amazing job. This still carries over to her present personality. Subtlety, she knows not.
Her dream role is Javert from Les Miserables, who she auditioned for once at a school play.
She got the role of Eponine instead because the school gave top roles based solely on how popular the student was and how prominent their families were. This wound up with her playing the role exactly as she would have done Javert, which would become one of her greatest embarrassments. There exist recordings of young, red faced Catherine Kaida belting out “On My Own” with all the subtlety of a JCB in her family’s archives.
She absolutely adores tokusatsu. It was her primary interest growing up, and she still has an incredibly soft spot for it - Kamen Rider, Cyborg 009, Godzilla... all subgenres appeal to her, but she especially loves super sentai shows. 
She prefers savory/umami food and absolutely adores Japanese cuisine - on the chances when she was able to visit her extended family in their home country, one of the things she’d look forward to most would be their cooking. She’s especially fond of noodle dishes and tempura. 
As if it wasn’t already obvious, she’s painfully rich. Catherine’s... marginally better about being charitable than her parents and has donated a large potion of her income to charity, but she still thinks that $99 gold ice cream is a worthwhile investment. Please stop her. 
She doesn’t listen to music that often but does have a collection of old movie soundtracks - she prefers podcasts or news reports when she’s going about her routine. 
Catherine’s fashion sense tends towards vintage chic (1930s-1940s especially), and she’s very fond of 1940s noir style, thus her outfit. Most of her clothes are custom made (partially for accessibility, partially because she has Very High Standards), but she does like to source the odd actual vintage piece. Usually, these are just worn on special occasion.
Catherine’s hair is dyed, and its natural colour is a reddish-brown shade. She gets it done professionally because she always ends up making a mess if she attempts to do it herself, and she wears the hat in part to cover up her roots when they start to show. 
She’s also very fond of wearing cosmetics - vintage chic just like her fashion sense - and at minimum puts on BB cream and contour when going out. More extravagant looks are not uncommon, however. 
Catherine in her personal life has a reputation for coming off as intense - she’s clearly extremely passionate and knowledgable about her job, but this comes at the expense of human relations. Those who talk to her remark that she deserves much of the credit she’s given, but that comes off as surprisingly brusque and no-nonsense. This doesn’t come through in her professional life as much because interactions there are typically rehearsed, but it’s known to be notoriously difficult to get close to her.
It’s also notoriously difficult to center interviews around anything regarding her personal life. Those that know her would glean the basis - where she was born, her family, the fact that her mother passed away some-odd years ago under mysterious circumstances, but attempts to push deep into her personal life are all for naught and she gets very irritated if people try.
Catherine can be very, very single-minded, as can be clearly shown during several events in her backstory. What are they? Well, time will tell. 
As much as her public image may imply otherwise she’s a bit of a bleeding heart and cares for people more than her exterior gives away. She’s just very, very bad at showing it. Will she ever get over her reservations? Time will also tell. 
Her greatest wish is for understanding. What sort? Who knows with her!
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catherinekaida-blog · 5 years
“Stars” performed by Bradley Jaden (August 2, 2018)
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catherinekaida-blog · 5 years
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catherinekaida-blog · 5 years
At last. I have the sacred information of how to do the fourze handshake
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catherinekaida-blog · 5 years
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Still On - kirokaze
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catherinekaida-blog · 5 years
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“God’s in His heaven, all’s right with the world.” - Nerv
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catherinekaida-blog · 5 years
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We have received your applications and we have sorted through them carefully. Thank you for your time and patience! Without further ado, we are quite enthused to announce the list of candidates that have been accepted into our program:
Asuka Nagae, certified Singer
Cassie, certified Veterinarian
Cassius, certified Field Medic
Catherine Kaida, certified Biomechatronic Engineer
Daisuke Amamiya, certified Mechanic
Erin Arclight, certified Nurse
Haru Yokouchi, certified Idol
Maho Inoue, certified Wagyu Breeder
Mori Yau, certified Printmaker
Rum Hackworth, certified Explosives Engineer
Ruse Crowsal, certified Head of Recruitment
Sparky, certified Spellwriter
Sunny, certified Traumatologist
Tarsila Entrada, certified Translator
Congratulations to those of you who have been selected, and thank you to all of you for your interest in the Vix Vanitas program!
If your name appears on this list, you will shortly receive an invitation with all the necessary information required to access our facilities. Feel free to contact is via our inbox if your invitation has not yet been received after an hour following this announcement, (and make sure your discord name matches the one in your application so there are no mistakes!).
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