cassiobeery · 4 years
Technicolors || Oliver & Cass
The thought of being at this place felt like torture when it first came about. The act of rebelling and doing his best to stay in the negative spotlight was all he’d dwelled on for a while. But as he came through the fireplace into the Ravenclaw dorm he breathed a breath that felt so free he swore he’d downed a little too much of his potion. But still that notioned remained. It’d been a while since he’d felt it. Not since his loft in New York. Home. The smile tugged at his lips as he took in the room and found a familiar face, waiting to greet him. Even if it was still in his own sassy way. “Hello, Currrrrrr.” He rolled his r’s as the cat came and rubbed up and through his legs and Cass bent down to scratch between his ears and soothe down the soft, thick fun that coated his body. The blond laughed softly as the cat in turn started bobbing around his ankles and hands, soaking up as much affection as possible. 
After a few moments, he’d shoo’d the little creature and shuffled his bags into the corner of the room. A shattered phone, wand and vial in stow and he was ready to go. While he wanted to unpack and see what he still needed to get done for the week, there was a certain Lion that was needing of a hug and Cassio missed him more than he’d thought he could. A quick once over in the mirror above the fireplace and the Raven was headed through the house and out for Lion territory. He’d have to make sure he stopped to see Apollo at some point today. At least leave a note for him, whether he was with Isaac or not Cass couldn’t say. It wasn’t like he could just pick up his cell and ask. No that last failed vault was unkind to the only piece of technology he bothered with. It wasn’t any matter, he was back and on his way to Ollie. Everything else could be dealt with after. 
The smells from inside Gryffindor were far less sterile in nature than that of Ravenclaw. He’d often wondered why he hadn’t been placed in this house but those were always short lived, as the vial in his pocket shifted against his leg he was reminded of the very reason why. A heavy exhale and he was into the common area and then the kitchen. There wasn’t hide nor hair of him yet. Which meant it was either early enough for him to still be sleeping or ... or he was trying to get Apollo to go and do something with him later. It was admirable, Oliver’s ambitions of befriending Apollo Maddox. That was a feat in itself but something told him if anyone was going to be able to attempt it, it’d be Oliver. 
“Oliver?” Cass called as he came up to the door of his boyfriend’s dorm. The blond pressed his face into the door crack and started to hum beautiful dreamer while he slipped out his wand to magic the door open. His voice grew soft a she continued to sing. And he was not disappointed by what came into view. A head of messy hair falling over a soft, still sleeping face of his Lion. “Starlight and dew drops,” Cass closed the door behind him and slowly, quietly made his way over to the bed to join Oliver in bed. His hand slid up the blankets and slowly started to climb in. “Are awaiting thee.” His tone softened more as he started to hum again and let his arm slide across Oliver’s body.
He felt so warm, smelled so good. “Led by the moonlight.” He whispered, kissing the other’s temple and he shifted himself into a more comfortable position against the other’s body. “Have all passed away.” His lips crept down as he kissed the other’s face and nuzzled himself as close as humanly possible. “Wake up sleepy head.” He cooed, trying to remain as soft and calm as he possibly could but his excitement to be with his Lion was starting to get out of his hands. “Oliver.” He called again, placing a soft kiss on his slightly pouty lips. “I raced back first thing just to talk you out of classes for today.” He teased, but only just that had been the plan after he’d gotten him awake anyway.  
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cassiobeery · 5 years
He was finding himself impressed with Cass the more he saw him. “I hope you do,” He said with a grin, referring to Cass using his number. He watched with mild curiosity as the Ravenclaw turned off his phone. He liked that. He had the blonde’s full attention. It was an odd feeling. Giving his number out to someone he had a crush on. For Oliver…well, this was a first. He thought for sure he would have goofed it up somehow but with Cass he didn’t feel like such a spaz or if he was…maybe Cass didn’t mind. Maybe he liked that about Oliver. “Always a call or text away. Plus I’ve heard I’m a good source of entertainment when someone is bored…” 
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Cass’ wand was out and he was waving it over Oliver’s drink. He smiled in appreciation at the gesture. He brought the drink up to his lips again and took a sip, a soft ‘mmmm’  sound escaping past his lips. “Thank you,” Oliver said after a moment. He took another sip and then another. “Definitely much better. But I think I still want that burger and chips eventually. Not now there. I’m okay for right now.” Orion was nowhere in sight and Oliver was in the company of Cass. Right now things were perfect just like this. 
Oliver tossed his head back with a laugh at Cass next comment. “How could you tell?” He asked, biting back his smile. True, clubs weren’t something he was used to. Honestly, he couldn’t even say what had lead him to one that very night. The noise and the lights were a lot to take in. Plus not being a big drinker…well, there really wasn’t much going on for him here. But he had promised himself at the beginning of the year that he would try new things and be more outgoing. He just really hated that Orion seemed to be lurking around every corner he went. Made it real difficult to enjoy the moment. “It isn’t that bad just a lot to take in all at once. I think I could be tempted to come back here again in the future. With the right date, of course.” 
He distracted himself with the drink in his hand while he mulled over Cass question. If he had a night planned out what would be on the agenda? “I don’t know. I guess something I’d usually do would be walking through the maze at night. Most people would think it’s creepy but you can see the stars at night. There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of stars. It’s life changing to see all of them like that.” He finished off the drink in his hand and set it down on the bar before turning and meeting Cass’ gaze. 
“Or I’d go see a movie if there was something interesting playing. Those muggle films can be entertaining but it’s not that fun when you’re by yourself. Hard to discuss the film afterwards when you don’t have anyone to talk to. What about you, Cass? What do you do on a night out?” He couldn’t imagine Cass making his way out of the clubs every night. He didn’t seem the type. But Oliver couldn’t quite put his finger on the mystery that surrounded Cassio Beery but he so desperately wanted to solve the man out. 
He liked very much that he could see Oliver’s emotions on full display. It was refreshing to see that someone didn’t hide behind a mask. That Oliver really just came as he was. It was something Cass wished that he could figure out but that was another matter for another time. Right now he wanted to get into that head. He wanted to see those bright blues light up with excitement and in turn Cass did the same for him. It was even easier when the Lion kept nonchalantly hinting at hanging out afterwards. And the blond had already decided that was exactly what they were going to do. He wanted Oliver right there with him. To just ... to keep getting to know him. A small part of him had wished they’d remained friends past their first meeting in Hogwarts but Cass was younger and, well, he didn’t exactly get much of a chance to hang out with anyone. Some things will never change. 
“We’ll go for chips and burger after. My treat for the super sour drinks.” Cass smiled warmly, finishing off the rest of his own and left the glass sitting on the bar. His fingers instead drifted to the glass of water next to it and he let his finger tips run around the rim. His lips pulling back into an even wider smile at the suggestion of the Lion finding his way back to the club at some point. Though he wouldn’t have guessed that to be a thing, Cass had an inkling if he’d asked for the Lion to join; he wouldn’t hesitate. “Things are always better with the right sort of company. Especially a date.” He spoke to him gently, shuffling himself all the more closer to his company. Not even the strobe lights and the song changing were going to pull him out of their little bubble. 
Cass sipped his from his water while Oliver contemplated what he’d answer him. And when he finally did, he was not disappointed. 
It was curious to him his fascination with muggle things. Though it shouldn’t have, Cass spent his fair share of time in the muggle world. Actually more than his fair share so he supposed it wasn’t all that strange. He’d just shut off a piece of muggle technology for Merlin’s sake. “Well if you can be persuaded to venture into a place like this again then maybe, with the right company; of course. Maybe I can be talked into a muggle film. Maybe more than once.” He'd decided there was no use in trying to hide or mask his interest in this one. No, he wanted Oliver and he’d wasn’t going to apologize for it.
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“I don’t know that you’d enjoy one of my nights out.” He admitted. Mostly because his nights, for a while now, had consisted of him downing his potion and trying to entertain himself within the confines of his own damn room. Or if not locked away privately he was forcing himself to practice. To make himself better or just work himself until exhaustion. “I’ll usually find myself someplace like this.” He told him, gesturing out towards the crowd. “Some place I can get lost and not have to be me for a little while. Where I can dance but on my terms.” He shrugged his shoulders and offered a small smile to the Lion. “Or ...” And he knew the next one would not surprise Oliver but still it was another. “I find myself sneaking into a lecture or reading of some sort.” Not that he was going for academic reasons or anything like that. But he enjoyed hearing different ideals and outlooks on life. Mostly because it made him feel like his own circumstances wouldn’t last forever. At least he could hope so.
“I guess it’s no surprise I’m still placed in Ravenclaw. Even after a few years.” He chuckled softly at him and tossed back the rest of his water with a big gulp. His tongue ran over his lower lip and Cass found himself bumping his knee against his side. “You sure you don’t want to get out of here? Maybe we can go see if you can show me those stars you’re so fascinated by. Trade in these obnoxious lights for some real ones.”
the bird and the worm
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cassiobeery · 5 years
“Me?” Oliver pointed to a finger to chest, eyes wide and brow raised at Cass. “Me?” He said again, disbelief coloring his words. “You think I need more fun in my life?” He faked a gasp and shook his head, unable to contain the smile that broke out. “You’re probably right about that.” It was refreshing to be able to laugh effortless. To have someone there to joke along with. Most of all, it was refreshing to have plans with someone. Oliver was able to keep himself busy with his studies and his RA responsibilities but beneath all of that, he was lonely. It was hard to make friends here but it seemed his luck was turning around for a change.  “I’m ready to have fun oozing out of my ears!” 
The bartender interrupted the pair and Oliver watched curiously as Cass ordered a drink. Drinking…had never been Oliver’s thing. He had seen what it had done to his older brother, how it put a wedge between some of his family members. A part of him feared that addiction ran throughout his family all the way down to him. So he had never bothered with the stuff before. Maybe a few drinks here and there but never enough to like it and certainly never enough to be drunk. Oliver glanced at Cass, offering him a small smile. It was hard to feel scared with that blonde haired, blue eyed wonder standing next to him. “An apple sour sounds amazing. I’ll have one of those as well..” 
The feel of a device in his hands had Oliver looking down. He couldn’t help the slight blush that spread like wildfire across his cheeks. He nodded when Cass admitted that he wanted to send pictures to him. He believed it, of course, but there was that devilish streak inside of Oliver that couldn’t let this go without a couple of jokes. “”Just pictures?” He questioned as he started to tap his finger into the device. “You’re sure you’re not fishing for a 24 hour booty call?” Oliver saved the contact number and passed it back off to Cass. “There you go, blondie. Now your phone is booty call enabled.” 
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The bartender returned with their drinks placed the full glasses in front of them. Oliver wrapped his fingers around the glass and picked it up, admiring the color of the liquor inside. “Looks good,” He said as he raised it to his nose and took a sniff. “Smells good. So what’s exactly in this? Am I in for a surprise with this? Is it one of those drinks that doesn’t taste like alcohol so you drink more and then before you know it you’re taking your pants off and shoving ten hamburgers in your face?” That blush was back, gracing his cheeks when he realized he had gone off on a tangent again. “Not like..that’s very happened to me before….”
He knew it was going to be something having Oliver with him that night. There was a lot the Lion hadn’t divulged yet and Cass couldn’t help but be more curious. He’d mentioned his brother, but which or how many did he have? What was school like for him? What were his parents like? A million and one questions seemed to flow through his head, asking themselves to him in the beat with the music from the speakers. But one thing was for certain, he was enamored with the Lion underneath the varying ray of lights dancing across them. Those crystal clear hues and that smile, well, Cass certainly knew how to pick ‘em. 
The blond smiled softly when Oliver had order as he had and even more so when he’d started to give him a hard time about what he was really asking for his number for. Though he couldn’t lie it wouldn’t just be pictures but messages and Merlin only knew what else. Cass wanted to get to know this man. And not just because they ran into one another, though they seemed to have that down to a science as well. “I’ll be sure to make good use of the number now.” Cass simply answered and held down the power button until the screen went black. He’d gotten what he wanted and now the rest of the night he wanted no distractions from this.
Cass watched closely as Oliver inspected the drink. He wasn’t entirely sure he’d like it, being slightly sour and all, but his brow found something else to pull up for rather than the taste of the drink. He smiled brightly, chuckling a little while the other was off on one of his tangents. Those were becoming a frequent thing and Cass couldn’t say that he hated it. No if nothing else, he found it incredibly sweet and freshening. Oliver wasn’t polished, wasn’t what other Pureblood children had turned out to be. At least not in realm of happenings. To be fair he’d really only had the chance to be around Apollo as it seemed their families agreed on damn near everything in their world and otherwise. 
“I can’t say that you’re going to be ravenously hungry for a burger and chips when you’re done drinking but it’s pretty good.” He’d tried to bite back the grin spreading to his face but it was pointless. That seemed to their constant and Cassio was way more than okay with it. The blond tipped the green drink into his mouth, eyes closing as his jowls tightened from the sour and he’d quickly gulped it back, the water in hand and to his lips to rid him of that awful sensation. Cass nodded to Oliver’s drinks, leaning in a bit more towards him this time. “It’s really very sour.” He’d warned, the drink slightly more potent than he’d remembered but he was along for the ride tonight.
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Cass pulled out his wand and swirled the tip above the other’s drink, mumbling a simple incantation to pull some of the sourness from it. While he’d have enjoyed seeing Oliver going on and on about how awful it was, he did want him to relax. While he was certain that he’d managed to pull the other’s mind off whatever it was before they’d gotten on the dance floor, he just wanted to ensure that Oliver was only here for himself and not worried about everyone else around them. For a moment he’d honestly thought about casting a bubble around them and riding out the night that way. Why am I being so selfish with him?
That thought alone caused Cass’ cheeks to burn red. He was getting way ahead of himself and that wasn’t far to Oliver. It’s just that ..... it’d been a while since he’d really felt that flutter of intense feelings and it was making him a little crazed. “I know this isn’t exactly your pace.” Cass gestured towards the mass of people grinding and wiggling around to various beats and a rhythm all their own in some cases. “Say ....” Cass bit his lip, taking another sip from his drink to give him a moment to gather exactly what he was going to ask. His cheeks sucked in slightly from the tingly and sour sensations. “Say you played a night out .... what all would you want to do?”
the bird and the worm
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cassiobeery · 5 years
A drink? Oliver tugged his lower lip between his teeth and thought on it for half a minute. A drink meant going to the bar. Going to the bar increased his risk of running into Orion. Running into Orion meant Cass meeting his brother. Cass meeting his brother meant Oliver’s worlds colliding in. It wasn’t something he was ready for. If Cass was going to get the Davenport family history it would be from him and not his brother. There was also the fact that Orion was a loose lipped drunk and would probably do anything and everything in his power to embarrass the fuck out of Oliver.
Not happening. 
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He turned and looked into those blue eyes and sighed deeply and hopelessly. Cass Beery was going to the end of him. He could already tell. How on earth was he supposed to ever say no to those puppy dog eyes? It was impossible and against his better judgement, Oliver found himself nodding in agreement. His feet floated behind Cass towards the bar. The amazing part of it all was that for the first time all night, he found himself so enthralled with the blonde holding his hand that Oliver forgot his family drama. He realized, in that moment, that Orion could be that bar. He didn’t care. Because he was with Cass. That and the promise of finding a quieter place was far too appealing for the little lion. 
His eyes scanned the bar eagerly to see if Orion was sitting there. He didn’t see his brother which was a little worrisome but Oliver wasn’t at university to babysit his older brother. If Orion got into trouble it wasn’t Oliver’s place to fix it. His brother had made that very clear. The fact that Orion wasn’t around allowed Oliver to relax even more. His shoulders weren’t tense any longer. His fingernails weren’t pressed into the skin of his palms and his gaze didn’t shift from Cass. 
“So basically…” Oliver walked towards Cass right side and leaned his body against the bar to mimic the other. “What you’re saying is that you’re super available to hang out?” He liked that about Cass. There weren’t any games. It easy. They were both a mess but they’d make a lovely mess together and Oliver was here for it. “ He pulled out the phone in his back pocket and opened up the app for notes. “Hold on a sec.” His fingers flew across the keyboard. “Another club night…” He nodded. “A walk…” Oliver grinned. “Mint pie and hot cocoa? I’ve never had that combination before but I’m willing to try it out for you. Better be good though. I don’t think I’ve ever met a pie that was disappointing…” Then he glanced up, his face softening and his cheeks tinted with pink. Cass remembered. That was sweet. 
“…trying new things…” Oliver grinned as he repeated the words and he clicked the button to close his phone before slipping it back in his pocket. “We’re going to be very busy you and I. Hope you’re ready for that.”
The blue light illuminated both of their faces and Cass watched curiously as Oliver made a list of the things he’d listed. The expressions he’d made and the way he spoke them again it just made the blond feel better. He couldn’t quite explain but it almost felt like a checklist. Maybe something we can add to. His hip tucked in and he’d turned into the other when he’d pocketed the phone again. “I mean.” He shrugged his shoulders slightly, head tipping slightly. “I’m not opposed to the idea.” His jaw clenching slightly to keep that smile at bay. Something told him that Oliver meant that seriously and Cass took it as such. 
“Besides,” His gaze drifted slightly, catching the bartender finally making their way towards them. “I think you could do with a little more fun in your life.” He knew that could possibly stir up that competitiveness in the lion. To which Cass had absolutely no complaint but as he stood there looking at Oliver. Feeling the energy around them, he was reminded of what Apollo had said to him not all that long ago. He never thought he’d have anything to consider like that while he was here. But why was it such a crazy concept? 
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Thankfully they’d been interrupted by the question of what they’d like to drink. The blond tore his gaze from Oliver and smiled warmly at the other. “I’ll have an apple sour and a water.” His gaze drifted back to Oliver and he’d smiled softly. “And whatever he’d like.” Cass pulled out his wallet and along with it his phone. A quick hand and he’d laid out money on the bar top as his other hand unlocked the screen. A few quick swipes and he’d managed to create a new contact screen. He’d filled in Oliver’s name and promptly turned it round to the other.
“Since we’re going to be so busy. Figured this might help.” His elbow caught the bar top and he’d leaned in slightly, feeling his cheeks start to feel a little warmer than they had, even when they’d been dancing a few moments ago. “And I may want to share a few pictures. Funny things. Mostly for busy business though. All serious, no play.” To which he nodded his head as if to signify he would take it so seriously. It was hard not to feel playful around this one. The way they’d met and now it just flowed. The only other person Cass had ever had that sort of feeling with had been Aubrey but even that didn’t compare to this. At least not in his brain at that moment. “Promise.” He’d assured Oliver a little further if for no other reason than to just watch the look on his face.  
the bird and the worm
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cassiobeery · 5 years
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ravenclaw - wit, learning and wisdom
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cassiobeery · 5 years
Well he got her there. He was right, it was the entire idea of adulthood. She wasn’t in love with her major, really she wasn’t. But she was good at it and she was trying to prove a point, specifically to her brother. She just didn’t understand why if someone disliked their major so much why they’d pursue it but she dropped it easily. Not like she was in any position to judge anyone. “Yeah you’ve got me there!” She admitted to him, not embarrassed that she was wrong in her response and thought process. More like she wasn’t embarrassed to admit it to Cassio, getting the feeling he wouldn’t hold it against her like some would. “I sometimes forget that people don’t have the chance to really look into other options,” Colee confessed and pushed back some loose strands of hair from her face. 
She couldn’t help the gentle chuckle at his reply and nodded, “That sounds good to me!” She began to follow after him, hands stuck into her pockets and she fell into step next to him. “If you wanna hear about this one I wonder if you’d wanna hear about the rest.” She laughed, pulling up her sleeves to show her tattoo and scar covered arms. “I swear at this rate I’ll run out of room!” It was a possibility, with the rate she was getting tattoos but she wouldn’t worry about that until the day it happened. She rolled down her sleeves and shrugged her shoulders. “But I just thought a rose that bloomed with the seasons would be cool…”
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“Reminds me of home, my grandmother specifically. She has a rose garden. Just a little tribute to her along with the ability to track the seasons. Thought a magical tattoo would be a nice mix among all my non-magic ones.”She clarified and looked over at Cassio as they began to head to the Hog’s Head. “Do you have any ink on you at all? Or piercings maybe?”
“I think that’s very sweet.” He told her in earnest. A part of him wished his grandmother was still with them. She was a kind woman, understanding and very sweet. Almost to a fault. He still to this day didn’t understand to this day how she could be so in love with his grandfather. That’s not your concern. “I think it’s worth running out of skin for.” He’d always wondered what it’d be like to have one. Or what he’d get if he’d worked up the courage to do so. That was an odd thought. Branding himself with something he wanted. Hmm....
“Uhh no.” He’d finally answered, after lingering on the prospect a little longer. Cass cleared his throat and shook his head as if to cement it. “No I uhh ... guess I just never really gave it any thought. Wouldn’t even really know what would look good.” His pursued out slightly and he’d shrugged, leaning in to his side a bit. “Or where.” His gaze fixed on her a moment and he smiled wider. “How did you decide to? I mean which was the first? Was it something that you couldn’t wait to do again?” He knew he’d started to babble and quickly shut it down. Maybe a drink was exactly what he needed to calm his shit down. Take it easy on the potion ya twit.
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cassiobeery · 5 years
Something like planning a date was right up Oliver’s alley. He lived to please those around him. Maybe that was because he was the baby of the family and felt he had to gain so much approval from his siblings, or maybe it was just his personality. But he liked surprising others. He liked planning and making memories. He was excited to be able to have the chance to woo Cass and even if it didn’t go beyond one date, he knew that the blonde was going to be something special to him. But he really did hope it dating the Ravenclaw would be a reoccurring theme.
They fell into a soft silence as they danced across the floor. For a few moments, Oliver forgot that he was hiding from his brother and that he was out in public at a club for the first time in his life, dancing with another man. His head still felt a little fuzzy from the pill he had taken when he arrived but he was relieved that its effects were mostly mild and he would most likely survive the high. Though now that he was thinking about it he was rather parched. He turned his head, finally tearing his gaze away from the top of Cass’ head and looked to see if Orion was still at the bar.
But Cass’ question took him by surprise and Oliver glanced back at the man in his arms with a raised brow. The Ravenclaw leaned forward and their foreheads pressed together. Oliver’s face broke out into a grin and he nodded eagerly, unable to contain his excitement at the closeness between them. “I’m having a much better time now that I’m here with you. It’s stressful being at a club alone. Not sure I’m a fan of that.”
The offer to go somewhere else was tempting especially with Orion lurking around the bar. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be seen with Cass. Actually, Oliver had no problem showing the blonde off. The problem was Orion. If he was in the bar it was safe to assume that he was drinking. If he was drinking…well, drinking never ended well for Orion. Oliver didn’t want to be a part of it and he definitely didn’t want Cass to witness it. “You just got here,” Oliver quipped at the question, pulling back enough to look directly at the blonde. It wasn’t that he actively wanted to go but he didn’t want to stay either. He was worried that leaving meant saying goodbye to Cass sooner and staying meant eventually running into Orion. “I’m down for whatever. Do you have something else in mind?”
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Deja Vu was one of those places that could leave you with a fantastic night or shred you to bits. Though to be fair that was more so from it’s visitors than the building itself. Tonight, however, was shaping up to favor the first part. They’d found a good pace but still Cass just wasn’t quite satisfied. He’d enjoyed having found Oliver, getting to dance with him again. Maybe it was an effect of the potion tonight but he couldn’t seem to focus of anything else but the man holding onto him, touching him. 
Cass smiled softly, his head swimming with a little more excitement than he’d thought he’d experience tonight. Oliver had certainly been unexpected but not unwelcomed. “Tell you what.” He spoke a little louder, arms squeezing the lion in his arms a little tighter. “Let’s have a drink and find something a little quieter to get into.” He had no intention of separating from Oliver so quickly. But he did want to see if the first time they’d met had been a fluke. So far it hadn’t been but Cass was not one to take things at face value. No matter how amazing they looked. His hands slid down into Oliver’s and their fingers laced tight enough for the blond to tug the other with him through the crowd. 
Bodies and faces passing by but Cass could only concentrate on Oliver. Part of him was still in awe of how very comfortable they seemed to be with one another. Their little moment off the trail that day still serving as a beautiful memory and if he were being honest, he’d hoped that it wasn’t the last time they’d run into each other. His fingers curled ever so slightly tighter and Cass turned to navigate them quicker to the far end of the bar. He figured it’d take a minute or two for them to get their chance to order and he was entirely okay with that bit of a wait. It’d give him a moment to linger in this feeling a little longer.
“For future reference.” He turned around, pressing the small of his back against the ledge of of the bar, waving his hand out to grab the bartender’s attention. “Next time you’re planning on a club night I’m usually always up for one.” Cass smiled and nodded finally catching the worker’s attention. “Or a walk. Or a slice of mint pie and a cup of hot cocoa. Or .....” Cass bit his lip trying to remember what Oliver was majoring in. No wait that’s wrong. His eyes squinted a moment and he smiled wider from the nerve of it all. “Well I’m alright on a broom can’t promise I’d be much help on a pitch but I’m not opposed to trying new things.”
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the bird and the worm
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cassiobeery · 5 years
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6 notes · View notes
cassiobeery · 5 years
He pocketed his wallet and listened to his roommate support his decision of opening his own shop. It was exciting to him, something so new in a way though also something that he loved doing was what he had wanted. A breath of fresh air away from listening to bosses tell him what to do and make him work hard only for a salary they deemed suitable. Being in control of his own career was something he craved and he had a feeling that it was the same thing for his young roommate.
The entire time they talked Valor didn’t feel the need to hide much from Cassio, something about his disposition made him comfortable enough to spill his beans to him as though he was a long time friend of the older Ravenclaw. Valor couldn’t help it and he hoped that his easy-going and comfortable attitude and manor put off the other. While Valor may be comfortable there was something about Cassio that came off as guarded. Secretive. He wondered what haunted the other so badly that he must have such a wall built up around him but he wouldn’t press. It wasn’t his business to know, though he hoped that soon enough the other would trust Valor enough to lower the walls.
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“I can understand that.” Valor nodded as he watched his roommate. He took in how casual Cassio looked but his words were enough for Valor to know he shouldn’t try to pry further. There was a call of his name and soon their drinks and snacks were being placed on the counter top. He grabbed Cassio’s drink and handed it to the other before grabbing his own and the treats. “You might end up findning something else you’re better at while at the University, if you explore enough classes that is.” He spoke encouragingly, “But breaks are good, sometimes people can get burnt out on what they do all the time and the same routine. Nice to switch it up a bit…” He took a sip of his drink. “With me I’ll definitely help shake up your routine. Especially the sleep routine when it comes to finals week.” Valor clicked his tongue and finger gunned at Cassio almost awkwardly with his full hands before he laughed.
He wasn’t quite sure what he’d liked most about Valor. Certainly the two of them had gotten insanely lucky rooming together but it was more his disposition. They seemed to mesh well together. Their attitudes and ideas were easily meshable and while this boy Valor seemed rather guarded over gave him pause, he couldn’t say he wouldn’t find himself in the same position at some point. He could respect that. And oddly enough fancied having an actual friend. Not one out of convenience either. 
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Cass’ brow raised almost instantly at the finger guns. He almost couldn’t believe he’d actually just witnessed someone actually doing that of their own valuation. The mouthed the word ‘Wow’ and brought his hand up to rub along his temples. “You really aren’t joking.” A smile spread on his face as he’d pulled back. “Alright Valor. If you insist but you’d best not complain when it comes for my finals as well.” He winked and blew the other a mocking kiss. “Hope you’re ready to help foot off choreography.” He stepped forward, squeezing the other’s shoulder as he passed. “And I do actually mean that.” Another squeeze and he’d nodded for the other to follow along.
“But aside from being the best roommate you’re ever going to have ...” Cass winked at the other blond and took a long, slow sip from his drink. It was almost too good to stop. “We should try and do something for everyone. Something nice. Mostly I just don’t want them all thinking we’re uptight pricks.” Flashing a small smile he’d shrugged his shoulders and gave a gentle shake of his head. “Figured with everyone still feeling out of sorts might be better. Well at least a bit more calm than that Slytherin party. Maybe we do a night in and have a film. Some popcorn and sweets. Might be fun.”
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cassiobeery · 5 years
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Loganshroyer: me and the twin getting stuff done today
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cassiobeery · 5 years
When he heard Cass cry out, he’d worried that he had bitten him too hard, but in the moment he couldn’t help himself, it just happened. He’d mention it when he could form a complete sentence again. At the moment he was still reeling and there weren’t even full thoughts running through his head. Just a series of curse words and blips as his body slowly adjusted to the surge of chemicals now coursing through him. He sighed inwardly as Cass slowly unfurled himself, the action helping to get his mind working again. Jack wasn’t really sure where they went from here. He knew the last time had been awkward and parting had been a bit uncomfortable. He’d wanted to avoid that this time if possible, but when Cass asked if he was alright, he began to worry that he’d over stayed his welcome in the other man’s space.
He wanted to kiss Cass again, but now he was questioning his every move. “Yeah… sor’y… that jus’… took a lot…” he chuckled as pushed himself up from the mattress and pulled out with a groan. Jack always opted for humor when he wanted to dispel any tension in the air. He carefully removed the condom trying not to let any of the contents spill out and placed it on the edge of the bed knowing damn well his legs might not make it if he tried to walk right then. He flopped on the bed next Cass, but in doing so attempted, quite awkwardly, to place himself down beside the blonde while still giving him space on a bed that really wasn’t made to fit two men lying flat together. He was scared to even touch Cass or imply that he was fine with them continuing to share space with one another in a physical capacity. He’d never really been opposed to cuddles, he just didn’t like people assuming it meant something.
After a few moments the sweat and cum drying on his body began to feel cool on skin and while it felt good a first, he was starting to feel chilled. His feet searched for the covers without any lucky and he realized they’d probably all ended up on the other side of the bed. He turned on his side, reached over Cass and pulled the sheet over both of them. “Sorry… ‘m gettin’ cold,” he explained with a small laugh hoping Cass was okay with everything. Jack really didn’t want things to be like this between them. The sex was amazing and he was sure they could get along if they actually spent time doing more than just fucking, but he didn’t know how Cass wanted him to behave now that they were done and he certainly didn’t want to ask or make any moves and guess wrong. “‘n ‘m sor’y if I bit ya too ‘ard…” he added worried that might have been part of the problem. As he spoke he stretched his legs briefly and turned over to face the other.
Cassio let his eyes close letting Jack collect himself for a few moments longer. His body still on fire from their tussle. If he were being honest this was much better than their first time in the bathroom at Slytherin. He’d underestimated how nice a bed could actually be in that sort of situation. Though that wasn’t really the only thing on his mind in that moment. He wasn’t entirely right then and there was a good time to unpack everything that’d happened between them. There were a lot more questions than he had answers for especially now. 
The sheet fluttered over his body and the blond was brought back to their current state on an all too small bed for the both of them. Cass shifted around onto his side and he propped his arm up under his head. Their eyes met and Cass felt his cheeks redden. Before he could even say anything Jack was already apologizing. His lips spread in a small smile and he’d shook his head, leaning down into his arm more and he’d let the rest of his body finally start to relax. “It’s alright.” He spoke softly. There were moments that people got caught up in and he understood that completely. Hell he’d even lost his head there for a moment. “I know you didn’t mean to.” His smile grew a little more and Cass stretched out his hand to rest on Jack’s chest. It felt odd to be so intimate with him like that. More so because he wasn’t sure what the other was comfortable with and what he wasn’t. He supposed they hadn’t really known one another at all. Aside from the fact that they clearly both enjoyed this little bit they had discovered. “Not that hard anyway.”
Cass felt Jack stretch out and he’d followed suite, their legs lightly brushing one another’s under the covers while they both took their time recovering from their romp around. That little mishap still very much in the back of his mind as they lay there. His fingers drug over the sheet and he’d taken in a deep breath, settling in against the other. Cass wasn’t sure what was going on in Jack’s head and a part of him was quite curious to know. “I hope that was alright.” He spoke softly, turning his face down to rest between the both of them, listening to the sound of the other’s breathing for a moment. “Definitely better than a trying to keep the bathroom all for ourselves.” He lightly kissed the other’s side and curled in, feeling the effects of the aftermath slowly start to wash over him. Cass yawned and let his arm rest over Jack’s rib cage, fingers lightly tracing over his ribs. 
Sapphire Chronicles || Jack & Cass
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cassiobeery · 5 years
“I think you’d be surprised,” Aubrey replied with a grin. “By the beet sugar, I mean.” They had been surprised when they made the switch to being vegan. At first, Aubrey was flabbergasted by how many foods had animal product in it. They had no idea it had been so many. It was a huge lifestyle change and one that took patience, time, and research. It had been challenging and there were plenty of days where Aubrey wanted to throw the towel in because it would have been easier. But they never did and Aubrey felt so much more at peace with themselves over the decision.
“Me too. I think this is the most fun I’ve had since coming here.” Of course any time spent with Cass was fun and exciting. Aubrey looked forward to their hangouts and especially their time in the greenhouse together. But this was so different and definitely a thrill.  “We’ll have to do it again. I know after all of that dancing tonight that I’m going to sleep like a ba-Cass!” Aubrey watched in horror as the blonde’s face scrunched up. Aubrey swore they could see Cass’ eyes watering at the sourness of the juice. They brought their hand up to their mouth, covering their grin, and when Cass reached for the oj in their hand, Aubrey found themselves pushing it forward into his grasp. “Hurry! Hurry! Drink it, ya goof!”
Part of Aubrey wanted to run around to the other side of the booth and help the poor choking Ravenclaw. They were about to when the blonde starting talking to them again. Aubrey was relieved that Cass was fine and just in time as their french toast arrived at the table. Their gaze didn’t break from Cass’ as the waitress set a plate down in front of them. Aubrey did thank her but they were so wrapped up in their friend’s last comment for any sort of distraction. Even food.
“What do you mean you’re clumsy around me? You’ve known me forever!” Aubrey exclaimed after the waitress left their table. They picked up a fork and twirled it between their fingers with a lopsided grin. “Do I make you nervous, Cassio Beery? Hmmm? Do you get all blushy and clumsy when I’m around you, hmmmm?” Their eyes lit up the teasing and in good nature over the entire situation. It was rare to see Cass so animated. Aubrey wished he could be like this forever. “You’re a goofball, Cass Beery. A completely goofball.”
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“I mean would it surprise you if I said yes?” He answered feeling rather full of himself at that moment. Aubrey just had this sense of good nature. Always had and it was true Cass lingered in it, lingered in them longer than he knew was good for either of them. But it was hard to deny his friend. Deny that Cass had come to care for them deeply over the years. Aubrey had just always been the one he didn’t have to try so hard for. Though he did still try, it was never a performance and whether or not Aubrey knew, just their little bit of understanding of the blond meant more to him than he could ever put into words.
Cassio followed suit and took to his own stake of french toast before he’d answered. Mostly he was just curious how vegan friendly breakfast foods were going to go over.  “I think you underestimate your own value, Aubrey.” He spoke as he’d cut out his first bite. He’d stuck the small stack with his fork and promptly brought it up, nearly to his mouth. “I don’t know that I’d be the same person if I hadn’t met you.” That part was true and he didn’t want to find out if that were the case, ever. The fork went into his mouth and he’d chewed apprehensively at first. The texture was still the same. Taste was fairly close but he also couldn’t be sure if it was because of the alcohol or if it was actually how they tasted. He’d have to try these again when he wasn’t so inebriated. 
“And now you’ve got me questioning my diet choices.” He laughed as he’d cut himself another bite from his plate and took it rather quickly. He’d chewed through almost all of it before he’d spoke again. “Because I may just seriously consider it if I can have things that taste like this all the time.” He flashed a cheeky grin, winking at his friend as he’d swallowed down that bite. “Probably better for me in the long run. Imagine how lean and agile I’d be.” That was his grandfather talking but it was out there now none-the-less. “I think Valor’s about to head to work if you’re planning on crashing in my room. At least we won’t have to jam on one bed this time.” He teased, happily swallowing another bite.
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black out days
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cassiobeery · 5 years
His mind was on the promise of date or maybe he just couldn’t focus because of the drug coursing through his system. It could have been because Cass made him nervous in the best sort of way or maybe it was because Orion was still out there something lurking. Oliver had a pretty good idea that it was all of those things clouding his mind. But part of him wanted to start planning the date already. He couldn’t hide the excitement nor did he want to. Already he was thinking of what they could do. What did Cass like? What would impress him? What would be a night to remember.
Stop. Oliver told himself and he shook himself out of the thoughts. Sometimes he got so caught up in his own mind and his rambling thoughts that he stopped living in the present. He wouldn’t do that to Cass. There would be plenty of time to think and plan the date but where he wanted to be now was dancing with a cute blonde and having a good time. They both deserved that.
“Oh no, no no. You don’t get a say at all. I am great at planning things. I’ve got it all under control,” Oliver said, flashing a grin at Cass. “The only thing I’ll tell you about it is that it’ll rock your world andddd it’ll be so good that I’ll probably get a second date.”
Oliver couldn’t ignore a challenge. His whole childhood at been made up of random challenges between him and his siblings. Oliver strived to prove himself to them yet never passed through the velvet ropes of their clubhouse. A challenge was familiar territory to him and something he couldn’t refuse. He didn’t want Cass to be a challenge to conquer though. He wanted to impress the Ravenclaw and make him feel good, to make him feel worthy. “You’re not a challenge, Cass,” Oliver said as he leaned forward so the blonde could hear him. His hands gripped at the male’s waist and he gave him a reassuring squeeze. “I’m not…I’m not saying you’re easy or anything. I’m just saying that..having a good time with you is easy because you’re great and taking you out on a fun date…I’m saying you’re not something to be won. If that…makes sense.”
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Things like this didn’t happen to Cass. They never had actually and he’d be lying if he didn’t say he was taken back a bit. Not in a bad way but more astonished that it was actually happening. His arms tightened around Oliver’s neck as he’d bent in to tell him more. What was said next assured him that he’d made the right choice in keeping him from being struck by that branch when they’d first met. Which also allowed his smile to grow along with his mood. Was it stupid to be this excited already? Probably. The last time he’d actually had a date .... well he was fairly certain he was still at Hogwarts. What was an adult date like? To be fair he didn’t truly expect something extravagant or expensive but he was rather curious to see what Oliver would come up with. If he’d had any indication of what the lion was like something told him he would be disappointed.
“And you say I’m the charming one?” He spoke back, pulling back just enough to get a good look at the other’s face. The nervousness was clear as day but he also took the time to enjoy those eyes that beamed so brightly back at him. “I’m looking forward to it.” It was probably a bold thing to say but it was true. So far he couldn’t say he’d had a bad feeling about anything they’d talked about or done for that matter. Which spoke worlds about Oliver. Cass usually shut things off quicker than anything else but it didn’t seem necessary with Oliver. He just wasn’t quite sure why that was. It wasn’t enough to completely take down his guard but was still curious.
The strobe lights washed over them and Cass found himself pressing his chest into the other’s. A new sense of comfort hanging over them. Though he was still aware of every move he’d made in that moment. He was incredibly surprised by the man holding on to him. He’d thought they’d make interesting friends when they met, thought Oliver was excitable and sweet. Now he’d have the chance to really see how the lion was. “Are you having a good time?” Cass asked as he finally gave in and pressed his temple against Oliver’s. It was too hard to make sure he’d heard him over the crowd.
Their bodies swaying back and forth to the beat of the music and Cass finally started to mellow out from his potion. It also helped that Oliver had a hold on him. The blond still wasn’t sure what to expect from him or their date but what he did know was he was enjoying himself and without any feeling of guilt. Which was also something new. “We can go if you’d rather?” He leaned in, his nose almost duh into the others neck as he spoke. “I know this place isn’t for everyone.”
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the bird and the worm
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cassiobeery · 5 years
“A Knarl. huh?” That caught Isaiah’s attention. He had briefly thought about getting a Knarl before he eventually picked out Needle. Hedgehogs and knarls are practically indistinguishable with knarls only having slightly darker faces and of course, having the distinct trait of being paranoid when people try to offer them food. Isaiah figured he’d rather not have to deal with that and ultimately just got an ordinary hedgehog. “I would honestly would love to see one. But … maybe having Needle and your friend’s knarl might not be the best idea.” Isaiah knew that Needle was particularly territorial.
Isaiah frowned. “But… I thought that was the whole point of the wager?” If Cassio thought that he could get away with not doing anything after losing, he was mistaken. Had Isaiah lost, he would have gone through his end of the deal albeit begrudgingly. He wouldn’t have gone through the bet in the first place if he couldn’t pay the price in the instance that he loses. Cass better suck it up and do the same.
“You’re going to recite Shakespeare? Isn’t that something you’re already quite used to?” Isaiah asked because if so, that would hardly be any fair. “I mean, had I lost, I would have to suffer joining you in a bloody dance class,“ Isaiah protested. “You’ve got to give me something more than that.” The snake looked directly at his companion and thought about it. Cassio might not budge. But if he were to modify what Cass was willing to do just a little bit then maybe … “Okay fine. If that’s the case, I won’t accept anything less than a monologue or a full scene. You have to get everyone’s attention, Beery. Do it in the middle of the cafe. Oh and …” Isaiah paused, his mouth curved in a mischievous grin. “You have to act badly intentionally.” 
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Cass fought to keep his eyes from rolling too hard at his suggestions and instead pressed his forehead against his own hand for a moment. He was really going to have to do this. A part of him was really hoping that Isaiah wouldn’t make him go through with it. But the Slytherin was incredibly serious. Judging by that little bit of attitude in his voice, he’d really meant business. Cassio sucked his tongue against the back of his teeth and thought a moment about what he’d do. Decisions. Decisions. 
“Alright. Alright.” He whined, slinking down in his chair a moment and he almost pouted at the other before he’d pulled himself up from his chair. His eyes narrowed as he jokingly glared Isaiah down as he’d moved away from their table towards the center of the cafe. His head rolled back and forth between his shoulders, a slight pop and he’d sighed out, stepping his way onto one of the center booths. The couples near were already giving him odd and rather annoyed looks. It was quite clear which punishment was actually worse. Oh he owed Isaiah one after this. 
The blond spun around on the table, wolf whistling loud enough to nab the rest of the cafe’s attention. The hairs rose on the back of his neck and he looked off towards Isaiah, shaking his head before he’d gone into his performance. Just about every set of eyes was on him at this point and he finally thought of the bit he’d be doing. Cheeks a bit more red than he’d wished they were. It’d been a while since he’d done something this intimate. Cass almost forgot what it felt like to be nervous in front of a crowd.
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“The fog was where I wanted to be. Halfway down the path you can’t see this house. You’d never know it was here.” He started, hand stretched out in front of him. Cass made a half turn, his palm turning over as he drew his hand back to his chest. His head bent down. And he whispered, “Or any of the other places down the avenue. I couldn’t see but a few feet ahead I didn’t meet a soul. Every thing looked and sounded unreal.” His head rose with one of the goofiest looks he could possible screw his face up into. He walked to the end of the table, arms rising out to the side as if they were wings. “Nothing was what it is. That’s what I wanted to be alone with myself in another world where truth is untrue and life can hide firm itself.”
The blonde tucked forward and rolled himself into a ball right of the table. Though he’d meant to catch himself when his feet got under him, the fall added a little extra umph to the performance. He thought so anyway. Cass sat there a moment, dragging his knees up to his chest and he spun his whole body around in a quick circle. He was quick to push himself up this time and found himself walking backwards reciting a fair bit more of the play. As he’d made his way back towards their seats.
“Out beyond the harbor, where the road runs along the beach, I even lost the feeling of bang on land. The fog and the sea seemed part of each other. It was hke walking on the bottom of the sea. As if I had drowned long ago. As if I was a ghost belonging to the fog, and the fog was the ghost of the sea. It felt damned peaceful to be nothing more than a ghost with a ghost.” The smile grew on his face as he’d rounded back to where he’d started this little thing. Cass couldn’t be sure exactly what Isaiah was thinking of this whole thing but he pushed through none the less.
“Don’t look at me as if I’d gone nutty. I’m talking sense. Who wants to see life as it is, if they can help it?” Cass plopped himself back down into the chair he’d started out in. His arm propped up his head and he gave one of the most devilish grins to the Snake. “Satisfied?” He asked drawing in a deeper breath as he’d finally relaxed and the rest of the cafe looked on.
Tea-nacity || Isaiah & Cass
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cassiobeery · 5 years
🤥 : Is your muse a good liar?
Sadly, yes he is. Cass knows how to put on a happy face and go through the motions to keep people from asking too many questions. Or, more importantly, from getting a bad impression.
0 notes
cassiobeery · 5 years
⭐️ : What's your muse's one wish?
If Cassio could have one wish it’d be to gather the courage to put an end to the insanity he’s allowed his life to become at the hands of his grandfather, parents and himself.
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cassiobeery · 5 years
Drop a symbol for a headcanon
🤢 : What makes your muse sick to their stomach?
😡 : What is your muse like when angry?
😤 : What gets your muse frustrated?
🤥 : Is your muse a good liar?
👙 : What type of swimsuit does your muse wear?
🌎 : Does your muse believe the Earth is round?
🍄 : Has your muse ever done any drugs?
⭐️ : What's your muse's one wish?
🌲 : What's your muse's favorite type of plant?
🕷 : Does your muse have any phobias?
🐌 : How fast is your muse?
🙊 : How silent is your muse?
🚗 : What does your muse like to use for transportation?
🎧 : What's your muse's favorite type of music?
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