cassguardia · 10 months
The fact that Rosetta seemed to be so chill and not awkward about this at all made Cass feel more uncomfortable, and double down on her shifting. She shrugged. "I've been fine," she said in that way where things probably weren't great, but you're not going to say that in front of someone you barely know. Sure, you can take your clothes off in front of them, but emotional vulnerability? No thanks. "I've been around. Haven't really seen you. What have you been doing?" She forced herself to ask.
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Besides delivering the tarts to Alice, Cass had heard nothing but radio silence from C.B. While his employment paid well, it gave her a bloated amount of time to do…frankly, nothing. She was tired of sitting at home or wandering the town aimlessly. So she started funneling her free time back into hobbies.
It almost felt silly, being a grown woman putting together fake armor and weapons. But considering what she knew about worlds beyond…maybe this was exactly what she needed to prepare. So here she was, thrifting some leathers to make a sheath. This was the year she was going to get a real sword.
Her trip to the counter was interrupted by someone bumping into her. Her lips curled into a scowl and some nasty words were on the tip of her tongue before the other person said her name. That’s when she looked up to see a face she hadn’t seen in years. The last time being asleep in bed as Cass slipped out the door.
Oh fuck.
“Oh. Hey…Rosetta,” she said, shifting uncomfortably.
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How long had it been since she’d seen Cass. Three months? Six months? Frankly, Rosetta couldn’t really remember, but that was the point of one night stands right. Two consenting people had their fun then parted ways. Shifting the items in their arms around a bit, the brunette flashed the other a warm smile. “It’s been awhile, how have you been? I feel like I haven’t even really seen you around town much.” 
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cassguardia · 10 months
At this point, Cass had become familiar with all of the bars in town. However, she made a point not to go to just one, if only because she didn't want people putting together the dots that she was out drinking essentially every night. With all of her needs being met by her employer, it's not like she didn't have the money to throw away.
In her usual rotation, she was on her way to a bar where she was used to getting some alone time. The regulars there all seemed to know and interact with each other, and generally left her alone. All for the better, in her opinion. If another clueless, horny man offered to buy her a drink, she was going to scream.
Her lips tightened as she entered, only for the giant klutz who she'd argued with several months earlier to order a drink for her. It took her every ounce of control not to roll her eyes, though she couldn't help the annoyed exhale through her nostrils. With no other seats available at the crowded bar, she went to sit next to him. "Is that supposed to be your attempt at a peace offering, or trying to get laid? Just going to dash your hopes now, you are not my type."
That being said, she did go to order a rum and coke on his tab.
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Even if he did his best not to get carried away like he used to do, Colt still liked to spend time unwinding in the bar. But as long as he did not attract a bunch of so-called "friends" who could end up leading him astray, he did not see a problem with dropping in for a drink on a regular basis. He had no problem with meeting some typical drinking buddies, mind you; he had gotten to know some of the regulars and found them to be good company, but he would never say no to having more people to drink with either. One evening, when he had gotten a bit into his cups, Colt decided to make an offer which he felt would be guaranteed to make him a new friend. "Hey," he said to the bartender, "Tell th' next person who comes in th' door that their first drink's on me." He smiled and took another sip of his own drink, waiting to see who his new drinking buddy would be. When the next person came in the door, however, Colt's face fell. "Aw damn," he grumbled, recognizing the woman he had quarrelled with outside the hospital a few months back. Suddenly he was seriously regretting making that offer, but he was not going to go back on it, so he sighed and plunked some money down on the bar. "Yeah, ok, get her whatever she wants."
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cassguardia · 10 months
Was it a bad idea? Yes. But did Stas not still thrive on drama? Besides, this was just getting interesting. It was like the more annoyed that she looked, the more Stas had to hold back a very annoying, very sparkly, smile. “It doesn’t have to be ‘my business’ for me to ask. Have you had a conversation before? I’m Anastasia and I’m giving you the opportunity to get this clearly crushing sitch off your chest. Work with me here.”
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Maybe it was because her mind was on Rachel. And how Rachel was going to be busy spending Valentine’s Day with Toulouse. More than likely it was the smarmy ass attitude of this girl who was asking for a couple teeth to be knocked out. Cass was more than happy to oblige.
She stepped towards her, voice going low. “Hi Anastasia. I’m Cassandra. How about I take the opportunity to work my fist into your face?”
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cassguardia · 10 months
Cass shrugged at the initial response, taking a sip at what was now essentially melted ice with the slightest biting taste. Placing the drink down and sliding it across the bar, she nodded to the bartender for another of the same. At the words "ex-girlfriend", Cass's interest seemed to pique, if only because it was rare that she got to talk with other women who "got" it.
"Shitty?" She offered, finishing the woman's sentence as she folded her arms on the bar. "Guess this bar is just a magnet for lonely gays," she mused sarcastically. She'd been lonely that first night as well, until a certain plant professor came along.
"What happened? She just get up and leave town?" She asked, the alcohol inhibiting her already crappy social filter. "I mean, you don't have to tell me. Just making conversation."
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There was something melancholic about bars, the quiet music being played reminded her of the time on Amelia's boat, when she had surprised her with a dinner. They had dined and swam in the ocean. Times were good back then.
It seemed like the alcohol wasn't doing her any favors either, and she had to worry about how to get home (since aside from Ollie occasionally) no one was. It wasn't hard to feel lonely lately.
She missed Anna, Amelia and Ollie. She hadn't heard from Hans, Sven or Kristoff. Not since the party with Hans at least, and god knows where Anna was.
"𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦..." She said comforting, feeling the same bitterness of it all. She, too, held out her glass to say cheers.
"𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥, 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 - 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐞𝐱-𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧." She explained. "𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨..." She didn't find the word for it.
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cassguardia · 10 months
Cass was growing more and more uncomfortable with this conversation. People had every right to speculate, and no doubt they would, but she was in a precarious situation. Considering she knew exactly what happened, she did have to misdirect while also not trying too hard and not showing her hand. These kinds of mental and social gymnastics were hardly her strong suit.
Still, his last comment did get a begrudging, curt chuckle out of her. "Yeah," she agreed. Less than a year ago, a comment like that would've pissed her off and sent her over the edge. Now the shoe was on the other foot.
"Well, it sounds like Remy Reinhardt is on the case," she touted sarcastically, deciding not to engage in his theorizing anymore, lest she slip up. "With all the junior detectives who think they know their shit, I'm sure someone in this town can figure out what's going on." But hopefully not.
Cass was trying to keep her face emotionless throughout this interaction. However, if she was any good at that, she probably could’ve avoided a lot of nasty situations. There was obviously something that was bothering her about what he said, but she was using every ounce of self control not to show it.
Then again, what was she so afraid of? This was the last guy who was ever going to go to the police about his suspicions. And it’s not like he was the only one with concerns that this might have been more nefarious than a simple accident. Especially because it was going to keep happening. Still, it was in Cass’s best interest to keep the “accident” narrative alive.
“I mean, sure, it’s weird. But it seems a lot more likely that someone accidentally spilled something when making the punch than…what? Someone purposefully is poisoning people? It hasn’t killed or even caused permanent damage so like…what would be the point.” Was she going at this a little too hard? Was it making her even more suspicious?
“I don’t know, I’ve also heard some people say it’s a new disease.”
“Please, nobody who ended up in the hospital must have had anything against alcohol... Unless it was spiked with something else, of course. Something intentionally dangerous,” he said, gesturing with his hands, growing excited. “And I mean, yeah, it didn’t cause permanent damage as far as we know... But that’s the weirdest thing, right? What sorta substance even causes people to go into comas like that?”
Now he was just thinking out loud. He didn’t have any answers, certainly, but he kept a keen ear and was relatively caught up in a few arguments against and in favor of either theory. The ex-policewoman seemed firmly set on the side of it simply being an accident, which he still couldn’t really buy.
Remy scoffed, as if he was suddenly a specialist in the matter. “I haven’t heard anyone saying anything about a disease. Sounds like misdirecting to me.” It was only then that he realized he had way more opinions on the matter than he had previously thought. “Anyway, I don’t think whoever did it is gonna be caught. Not unless they try again, and I’d like to believe there would be measures to prevent that from happening. RHPD doesn’t really need any more proof of how incompetent they are, right?” he chuckled, quite stupidly.
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cassguardia · 10 months
Cass was trying to keep her face emotionless throughout this interaction. However, if she was any good at that, she probably could've avoided a lot of nasty situations. There was obviously something that was bothering her about what he said, but she was using every ounce of self control not to show it.
Then again, what was she so afraid of? This was the last guy who was ever going to go to the police about his suspicions. And it's not like he was the only one with concerns that this might have been more nefarious than a simple accident. Especially because it was going to keep happening. Still, it was in Cass's best interest to keep the "accident" narrative alive.
"I mean, sure, it's weird. But it seems a lot more likely that someone accidentally spilled something when making the punch than...what? Someone purposefully is poisoning people? It hasn't killed or even caused permanent damage so like...what would be the point." Was she going at this a little too hard? Was it making her even more suspicious?
"I don't know, I've also heard some people say it's a new disease."
Remy kept staring at the woman for a couple more seconds. He was reminded of when the son of a friend of his father joined the RHPD a while ago, how the whole family acted uneasy towards them since. Then he married, moved somewhere else, and he hadn’t been to any family reunions since. Were they only friends with other police officers? Did this woman even have friends? She had that friendly girl, Rachel something, right? Not that Remy was one to judge, he thought, looking down. Terence was the only person he felt he could trust outside of his immediate circle. It was rather weird, to think that he and this woman might have anything in common.
Her sudden change in expression was a bit startling, but Remy decided to reply honestly anyways. “I just mean that... I don’t know, it just seems weird. Didn’t it seem weird to you?” he asked her with a shrug as he lowered his voice, for no real discernable reason. “That kinda sugary soda’s kind of a poison, I guess, but it wouldn’t affect people the way it did. It just seemed like something done on purpose.”
Now, Remy wasn’t a detective by any means, and he wasn’t really interested in leading an investigation (as if he had the time); but ever since it happened, he couldn’t stop himself from worrying that it could happen to someone in his family. A dumb concern, in a way, since it was unlikely that it would happen again in the first place. Still, who knew? Maybe it was the first try for something bigger. It gave Remy chills just to think about it.
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cassguardia · 10 months
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I love how even Owl looks insulted at Rapunzel’s pun 😂
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cassguardia · 10 months
In between the existential dread of her existence in a fake world, and the general boredom of not knowing what to do with herself every day, Cass spent a lot of time in bars. Spending her nights in a drunken haze beat laying alone with her thoughts, 10/10 times.
However, on this particular night, the alcohol wasn't helping her melancholy. That was because after her fourth rum and coke, she realized something. She was in the same bar, in the exact same seat, as she was on her and Honeymaren's first "date". What had started out as some light flirting at the bar soon turned into a wild night of breaking into the zoo and then a night spent in the throes of passion. It was one of the last times Cass felt truly happy.
Now here she was in the same place, alone. At first, she almost didn't register that someone was talking to her. But then she glanced over to see a woman looking at her in concern. "Uh, well, you know. Living the dream," she replied flatly, lifting her mostly empty glass in a sardonic cheers. Her eyes flickered over the woman. "You seem like you're having a really great night, too."
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thread for @cassguardia
Elsa was sitting at the bar, after a long day at work she felt like she deserved a nice time off. Anna was away for the moment and Amelia - well she was gone. Like her relationship with her was gone. She moved her hand around the glass, circling the crystal wine glass before taking a sip. It was normal for her to be gloomy, but now she felt a lil bit depressed even.
Of course, there were enough women that she felt were attractive in this town, but her heart ached with missing Amelia.
It was then she noticed someone, who had a similar expression as she had. "𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭?"
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cassguardia · 10 months
closed starter for @magicaladamlegrand
It probably wasn't a good idea to approach the man that you poisoned. What kind of idiot returns to the scene of the crime? Still, Cass felt adrift, one of the sole few who knew the truth of their reality and the realities that lay beyond. It was maddening in a way, and she had to know that others were beginning to see it too. After all, what was the point in them awakening all these people if it didn't go anywhere?
She waited outside the Enchanted Cafe at closing hours, her fingers fiddling with the moonstone that hung from her necklace. The object that had started everything for her. The chipped cup that had started everything for him. As he exited the building, she turned to walk alongside him.
"Hey Adam," she cleared her throat. "Er-- Mr. Legrand. Can I talk to you for a second?"
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cassguardia · 10 months
closed starter for @elliefredricksxn
You know, sometimes you just don't have people to talk to. Sometimes, your dad kicks you out of the house. Sometimes, your best friend turns out to be the reason your mother abandoned you. Sometimes, you're involved in nefarious schemes that you wouldn't be able to talk about, even if anyone did want you in their life. Sometimes, all you have is an owl.
Cass had met Owl a few years ago when he was brought to the local Ren Faire for falconry demonstrations. The moment the two interacted, she knew there was some kind of bond between them. Since then, she frequently visited the Redwood Hollow Zoo to visit him, her sole confidante in this whole mess.
"I don't know," she sighed as her ramble was beginning to come to a conclusion. "Sometimes I just feel crazy, you know? Like when I say it all aloud to myself, I know I sound fucking insane. But I also know what I saw. It has to mean something. I have to be doing all of this for a reason. Or else...what the fuck else is there?" She sighed again, crossing her arms on the railing that separated her from the mesh cage the little bird sat in. "...Well, at the very least I know you'll be there, waiting on the other side."
She didn't seem to notice the person enter the vicinity, nor how much they had heard.
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0 notes
cassguardia · 10 months
closed starter for @imattractedtopower
Cass was beginning to lose her mind. It had been over half a year since that fateful night with C.B. Her entire world had been turned upside down and everything she knew was wrong. But somehow she was just supposed to just...keep living. In this world she knew was a lie. She thought that by joining the cause, she'd be able to help the progress that would eventually free her from this existential nightmare. But so far, the plan just seemed to be awakening a few more people every once in awhile. Were they just supposed to keep doing this until the whole town was awoken?
She didn't want to wait that long. At the very least, she needed some relief for herself to make this all worth it. After learning the truth of what awakening another person from your world might mean, she knew what she had to do next.
It was nearly impossible pinning down C.B., but Mirage was a little bit easier. At the very least, she would actually be out and about in the world in a place Cass could find her. It would take her weeks of aimlessly wandering the town in search, but eventually she'd spot that signature platinum blonde hair. Not wanting the opportunity to slip away, she burst into a run to catch her. "Hey!" She called out, only slowing her approach once they were face to face. "We need to talk."
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cassguardia · 10 months
closed starter for @xalicethewonderx
It had been over a month since Cass had delivered the "tart recipe" to Alice, which had ultimately put Lorelai Hart under. At this point, Lorelai Hart was just another addition to the ever-growing pile of shmucks just starting to wake up to the realities of the world around them. At this point, Cass was much more interested in Alice.
When she was first given this mission, she'd been confused why they were targeting Alice again, instead of Lorelai directly. She'd been told that waking up someone from the same world would have a rippling affect, triggering more memories in those surrounding them.
Cass had to know if it was true. While she hadn't been given any direct orders to watch Alice or try to glean more information, this was for her own satisfaction. If what she had been told was real, then there may be certain people that Cass had investment in awakening next.
It took her awhile to figure out how to approach the situation. After all, the two didn't know each other, and she very well couldn't just walk up and say, 'So you've been having memories of another life, right? What is that like?' Most especially, she had to be careful not to implicate herself or anyone else. The last thing she needed was another reprimanding from her boss.
In the end, she waited until Alice was someplace public, like the park. Somewhere it would be easy to just "bump into them". And that's exactly what she did, pretending not to be looking where she was going until she ran into her unsuspecting victim. "Ah, sorry," she apologized quickly, before her brow furrowed. "Hey, uh. You're...Alice, right?"
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cassguardia · 10 months
Besides delivering the tarts to Alice, Cass had heard nothing but radio silence from C.B. While his employment paid well, it gave her a bloated amount of time to do...frankly, nothing. She was tired of sitting at home or wandering the town aimlessly. So she started funneling her free time back into hobbies.
It almost felt silly, being a grown woman putting together fake armor and weapons. But considering what she knew about worlds beyond...maybe this was exactly what she needed to prepare. So here she was, thrifting some leathers to make a sheath. This was the year she was going to get a real sword.
Her trip to the counter was interrupted by someone bumping into her. Her lips curled into a scowl and some nasty words were on the tip of her tongue before the other person said her name. That's when she looked up to see a face she hadn't seen in years. The last time being asleep in bed as Cass slipped out the door.
Oh fuck.
"Oh. Hey...Rosetta," she said, shifting uncomfortably.
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It was secretly their favorite time of year. Second only, to the holiday of Halloween. It was a chance to dress up, escape and just be different. Ren Fest. Rosetta had a look in mind and very little time to complete it. Thrifting was the only way they were going to get anything done.
Arms full of various earth toned fabrics and leathers, Rosetta's mind was swirling with ideas when she came around a corner and right into the path of someone else. "Ope, I'm so sorry! I was not paying att-...Cass?" They asked with a tilt of their head.
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cassguardia · 10 months
continued from here with @remy-reinhardt
Socializing was not Cass's strong suit, especially with people she didn't particularly like. Then again, did she really dislike this guy? He was a weirdo and a creep back in the day, but she was also a huge hardass. And for what? It never got her the promotion she wanted and it probably never would, even if she hadn't discovered the truth. In the end, he was just a guy shopping for a coat like she was. And at this exorbitant prices, she almost had an inkling of why people might steal in the first place.
"Uhuh," she responded flatly, not really caring if this guy was telling the truth or not. Go ahead, steal it, it would just be another thing the RHPD couldn't prevent. At this point, her very low social battery was spent and she was ready to just walk out of there, not saying anything else to him.
But something he said stopped her. She froze mid-turn, her heart skipping a beat. Did this guy know something? She turned back to him and looked at him directly. "What do you mean by that?"
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cassguardia · 1 year
Stasia took another pause, a slow smile gracing her glossy lips- “Oh, I think you know what it means.”
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The comment, along with the sickening smile, was enough to send a chill down Cass’s back. Her hackles were raising and she was not about to answer this question without fighting tooth and nail. “And why the fuck is that any of your business? Who the fuck are you, anyway?”
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cassguardia · 1 year
Yes, it was  extremely petty to be bickering like this over nothing. But if Colt felt wronged–and he did–it was much harder for him to just shrug it off. Especially when she was attacking him for his size, which was no fault of his own. If she was going to be petty, he could be petty right back. “Aw, what’s th’ matter? You jus’ bitter ‘cause I can meet th’ height requirement t’ ride a roller coaster an’ you can’t?”
In truth, he was starting to wonder whether it was an act. Considering she was antagonizing someone who, as she had less-than-cordially pointed out, was much larger than her without batting an eye, Colt had to think she either was pretty brave or pretty foolish. “You tellin’ me you go 'round pickin’ fights wit’ guys like me all th’ time? Or was this jus’ my lucky day?”
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Cass rolled her eyes. “Good one,” she shot back sarcastically. Was that really the best he could come up with? Honestly, it was probably for the best that his insults weren’t all that good. If he actually did manage to get under her skin, that’s when she would go for the throat.
As it was, she could actually feel herself beginning to cool down. Verbally, he was no threat, and physically, he didn’t seem to be coming for her. Not that she would put her guard down entirely. “Well most of the time guys like you don’t go barreling down the street into whoever’s in their path,” she pointed out. “Look, it’s been a shit week for everyone,” she said, her eyes flickering briefly to the hospital. “Let’s just cut our losses and move the fuck on, yeah?”
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cassguardia · 1 year
Myra still had a flare for the dramatic, something that had never left her even in her darkest of days. She could speak easily in riddles, make use of long winded and flowery prose— in multiple languages, ancient and otherwise. She almost didn’t mean to be so mysterious in approaching Cassandra. A slow smile fell on her lips at her question. Myra took her eye of the bartender and focused back to Cassandra. “I’m sure your reputation often proceeds you. A blessing and a curse, no?” A pause, before she yielded— “You could say that we have a mutual friend. Employer in the loosest sense of the term. I can’t say I’m terribly fond of him but these are the webs we weave. So, I thought we could both use a drink.”
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Cassandra watched the woman carefully--it was hard not to. She was obviously attractive but more than that she held herself in such a way that the air seemed to still around her. It was magnetic, but in a way where you’d get shocked if you came too close. The answer was unassuming at first, but the clarification had her eyebrows raising slightly. She’d met plenty of people who worked with the big man, but working directly? It immediately piqued her interest. “I see. Well, I could definitely use a drink over that.” It was at that point the bartenders handed them their beverages. “So...in the loosest sense...what exactly is it that you do for him? You weren’t the one who, uh...” Her voice trailed off as she looked down at her drink, mixing it with the little straw. She was referring to the botched mix-up that caused the poisoning, though she wasn’t sure how clear that was.
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