cute little hufflepuff  [lasey]
Landon: Who said anything about me and her getting together?
Landon: Last I checked I don't think she ever got back to me on being a couple.
Casey: I mean, I would assume you would want to date the person you have a crush on?
Casey: Wait, so you already talked to her about this?
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Sitting next to Casey she tried to reassure her as best she could. She knew the girl was worried about her, all her friends had been. But being as close as the two of them were couldn’t have been easy on her. After a slight shrug she looked at what was in her hands, “Well what’re you eating?”
Violet tried to stay as relaxed and calm as she had been as to not worry her, but her demeanor faltered at the question. “I’m alright. Better. But nights are still hard. I probably have to be back by three before Adrian freaks out that no ones come to get him.” She rambled on. “What about you? Is everything okay?”
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This was crazy. Violet was the one to be kidnapped, so why was she trying to comfort Casey? Of course, the Ravenclaw had been a big sister to her since they were little kids, so it did sort of make sense. Still, Casey was tough - she had been handling things relatively well. “Oh, um. A pastry. Do you want one? Or tea?” Casey asked, taking another sip of her own tea. Honestly, she probably shouldn’t be having this much sugar so late, but if it meant spending time with Violet, then it was worth it.
Casey frowned, noticing Violet’s shift in mood. “That makes sense. Have you tried taking any sort of sleeping potion?” She questioned, leaning forward on her elbows. “You’ll be back before three,” Casey promised. Adrien’s reaction wasn’t really surprising given how close he and Violet were. After news of him getting into a fight a few days ago, Casey wasn’t willing to challenge his authority. Now wasn’t the time to stress any of them out more than they already were. “Oh. Fine, I guess. It’s been...it’s been a lot,” Casey glanced down, shrugging.
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long nights [Viasey]
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“I’ve been working on some plays. Getting the team ready to compete. I wish I could tell you you’re going down, but you’ve taught me to put my foot where my mouth is.” He joked.
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She laughed. “Yeah, don’t get ahead of yourself. We’re shaping up to be a pretty fearsome team this year. Conrad made us matching sweaters and everything,” Casey remarked dryly, smirking.
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Oh! Hey... {Lasey}
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cute little hufflepuff  [lasey]
Landon: A girl on the Hufflepuff quidditch team.
Landon: She's a real amazon
Casey: I'm sure she's great. She is on my quidditch team, after all.
Casey: Well, I hope you two are happy together or whatever.
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financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty.
medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged.
class or caste: upper / middle / working / slave / unsure.
education: qualified / unqualified / studying
criminal record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no.
married - happily / married - unhappily / engaged or betrothed / partnered / single / divorced / separated / verse dependent
has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent
close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased.
orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s)
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close-minded / open-minded / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown.
monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic.
belief in ghosts or spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in an afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care.
belief in aliens: yes  / no / don’t know / don’t care.
religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious.
philosophical: yes / no.
pro-choice / anti-abortion /  doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-marriage / anti-marriage / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-death penalty / anti-death penalty  / doesn’t know or on the fence.
pro-drug legislation / anti-drug legislation / doesn’t know or on the fence.
left wing / right wing / middle / doesn’t know or on the fence.
heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual. / questioning
sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable.
romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable.
sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious.
potential sexual partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all.
potential romantic partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all.
combat skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
literacy skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
artistic skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
technical skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none.
drinking alcohol: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
smoking: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
other narcotics: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
medicinal drugs: never / sometimes  / frequently / to excess.
indulgent food: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
splurge spending: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
gambling: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
75 notes · View notes
Interview the Muse
- What is your Full name? Include any maiden names, aliases, or nicknames.
- When is your birthday? Do you know where you were born and at what time?
- What is your star sign? Do you know your Chinese Zodiac too?
- What is your earliest memory that you can remember?
- Where was your childhood home? Was it more urban or rural?
- How was your childhood in general? Did your parents treat you well? Did you have a lot of friends?
- How was/is school? What is your favorite and least favorite subjects? What were your grades on average?
- Did you have a best friend growing up? What was their name? Are you still in touch?
- Were you in any cliques?
- Best childhood memory you can recall?
- Worst childhood memory you can recall?
- Name an event in your childhood that has shaped you into the person you are today
- What is the dumbest thing you have ever done to impress someone? Were they impressed or was it all for naught?
- Did you ever have any sweethearts or lovers? Do you have a boy/girlfriend?
- Are you a virgin?
- Do you ever plan on getting married in your life? Do you want kids?
- Would you rather have your own kids or adopt? How many kids would you want?
- Do you think you'd be a protective parent or a relaxed parent?
- How would you prefer to pass away? Surrounded by loved ones and at peace, or while doing something heroic?
- Generally, how healthy are you? Do you get sick or injured easily or are you fit?
- Have you ever been badly injured before?
- What is the worst injury you have ever gotten? What was it and how did it happen? Were you ever close to death?
- How many times have you been to the hospital/doctor's?
- Have you ever had a concussion or brain injury? Have you ever had amnesia?
- What was the worst illness you ever contacted? Do you know what it was? How long were you sick?
- Ever had any extended hospital stays? What for?
- Have you ever had to give yourself or someone else emergency first aid? What happened?
- Are you employed? Where do you work and who do you work for? What do you do?
- Are you happy with your current job?
- Did you have any previous jobs? What were they and what did you do?
- Most dangerous thing you have ever done?
- Do you consider yourself a more active person or a more relaxed person?
- What is your dream come true? How about your worst nightmare?
- What is the biggest and most important goal you have set for yourself?
- How persistent would you say you are? How much does it take to get you to give up on a task?
- Would you surrender yourself to your enemies or fight to the very end?
- When do you usually do your shopping? What is currently on your shopping list?
- Top three things on your wishlist?
- Currently, what is something you want but do not need?
- Do you like shopping? What is your favorite thing to shop for?
- What is the most expensive thing you have purchased? Was it worth it?
- What would you do if you were suddenly given one billion dollars out of the blue?
- What would you describe your style of clothing as?
- Do you have any hobbies? Name all of them if you can.
- Do you like and appreciate art? What is your favorite piece of artwork?
- Do you like music? What is your favorite style of music?
- Have you ever seen any musicals? What is your favorite?
- What are your top three favorite animals? What would you say your "Patronus" or "Spirit Animal" is?
- What are your top three favorite colors?
- What is your favorite season? Do you prefer hotter or colder weather? Do you like snow at all?
- What kind of flavors do you prefer: Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Spicy, Dry, or Umami (savory meat taste)?
- Can you cook at all?
- What is your favorite dish? Can you prepare it? Do you have the recipe handy?
- What is your favorite fruit and vegetable?
- What is your favorite dessert? What is your favorite type of candy/treat?
- What is the best thing you have ever had the opportunity to eat? What is the worst?
- Do you like to drink tea or coffee? Any favorite flavors?
- Describe your sense of humor.
- What is one thing you are justly proud of?
- Do you have any religious beliefs? If not, have you ever been to a church service?
- What would you say is the worst thing someone has done to you? What is the meanest thing someone has ever said to you?
- What is the worst thing you have done to someone? What is the meanest thing you have said to anyone?
- Share the latest entry in your diary/journal.
- What is the most precious thing you own? Is it valuable at all?
- Talk about someone you know. It can be someone you either like or dislike.
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cute little hufflepuff  [lasey]
Casey: So who do you like?
Casey: Not that I care or anything.
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“But how’re you?” He asked focusing all his attention to her. “Uh..ready for quidditch?”
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Rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly, Casey shrugged. “I’m alright, I guess. It’s...it’s been a weird few weeks, that’s for sure.” She glanced back up at him. “Yeah, of course. What about you?”
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Oh! Hey... {Lasey}
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The fool
The Fool: What is the stupidest thing your muse has ever done?
“Nothing. I’ve never made any mistakes in my life.”
“Okay, so I was sort of a…rambunctious kid. I got into a lot of trouble thanks to having a pretty laid-back dad and a very curious mind. One day when I was about six or seven, my dad was working on one of his books while I was playing around on my broom outside. My hair kept getting in my face, and instead of doing the logical thing like grabbing a hair band, I decided to cut it all off. Myself. My father tried to even it out by just giving me a bowl cut, so I ended up looking like a small, sad mushroom for a few months until it grew back. Needless to say, I don’t cut my hair much these days.”
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Conrad smiles as he walks through the hallways of Hogwarts, or more like speed walks through the halls. He had started his surprise for the Quidditch team over winter break and finally just finished them minutes ago and he wanted to get them to his team as quickly as possible. As captain, he really wants his team to know how appreciated they are, and wants them to feel even more like a team.
He knew his best bet was the common room to find Casey, who he wanted to give the first one to. Then he would call a team meeting for the rest. He got into the common room easily and darted in through the painting hole. He spotted Casey as soon as he walked into the common room. “Casey!” He calls and nearly trips over something on the ground as he rushes over to her. 
“I’ve got something for you.” He says, a wide grin on his face as he looks down at her. 
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With everything that had been going on lately, Casey was in dire need of a distraction. She still wasn’t sure how she felt about Josh winding up dead, but she knew she really didn’t want to think about it. Honestly, she didn’t want to think about any of the drama that had been going on recently; she just wanted to think about quidditch.
That was the only thing that could really get her mind off of things - it always had been. Unfortunately for her though, it was storming outside. Normally that wouldn’t keep her off the pitch, but she really didn’t want to get electrocuted right now. So, she sat in the Common Room with her nose buried in a new quidditch book she had picked up during the two week period they had all been sent home right after Josh’s body had been found.  
Hearing Conrad’s voice, her head snapped up to watch the quidditch captain stumble through the quiet room. “Conrad!” She greeted. “What is it?”
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Critical Role Ask Meme
Grog: Would you rather lose your best friend or all of your friends except for your best friend?
Keyleth: Share a shameful embarrassing memory that you'd rather bury and forget.
Percy: What things do you need to live happily?
Pike: What's one secret you'll talk about online but not IRL?
Scanlan: If you ever needed an alias, what would your name be?
Taryon: What would you title your autobiography?
Tiberius: What would you like to encourage more of in the world?
Vex: What is holding you back from being the person you want to be?
Vax: What is the best prank you've ever pulled?
Trinket: What is your favorite animal video on YouTube?
Doty: What was your first word?
Vox Machina: What do you define as family?
Whitestone: Where is home to you?
Allura: How is your alcohol tolerance?
Kima: Have there been any people that you care about now, but you had a bad first impression of?
Gilmore: What is your strongest personal quality?
Jarett: Describe your worst boss or teacher you've ever had.
Cassandra: Regardless of your current age, do you feel like a grown up?
Victor: Share a mistake you've made that you'd like others to learn from.
Sun Tree: What is the coolest thing you've ever done?
Kaylie: Have you ever punched someone?
J'mon: Would you like a dragon or would you rather be a dragon?
Earthbreaker Groon: Where do you find your strength?
Kynan: When you were little, what did you want to become when you grew up?
Zahra: On a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents?
Kashaw: Would you rather spend the rest of your life alone or with people that annoy you?
Lyra: What is the clumsiest thing you've ever done?
Thorbir: Do you believe in luck?
Garthok: How would you fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Gern: Do you use candles, febreze, incense, or something else to make stinky rooms smell better?
Lilith: Who in your family are you closest too?
Kerrek: Can you saw Irish Wrist Watch three times fast?
Tova: Most memorable moment with your friends?
Shale: What do you hope to experience by the end of your life time?
Lionel: What is your patronus? Alternatively, your daemon?
Craven Edge: Nickname you have that you don't like?
Orthax: In what form do you imagine your inner demons manifesting?
Clarota: Do you like puns?
Briarwood: How far would you go to save the people you love?
Ripley: Have you ever gotten revenge?
Thordak: If you had the power to rule the world for one day, how would you handle it?
Hotis: What can't you stop thinking about right now?
Raishan: On a scale of 1-10, how good are you at lying?
Brian Wayne Foster: If you could get an absolute truthful answer to one question about anything, what would it be?
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Put a tarot card in my inbox and I'll answer the question!
The Fool: What is the stupidest thing your muse has ever done?
The Empress: What would your muse name their children?
Judgement: Would your muse ever go back to their most recent ex-lover?
The World: What has been your muse's greatest success?
The Sun: What was the happiest moment of your muse's life?
Wheel of Fortune: Does your muse believe in luck?
The Hierophant: What is one rule or law your muse would never break?
Strength: Name a time when your muse had to be strong in the face of danger or trouble.
The Star: If your muse had one wish, what would it be?
The Magician: What would your muse draw if given paper and markers?
The Emperor: Name a time your muse has broken the rules.
Death: If your muse had to change something about themselves, what would they change?
The Chariot: If your muse ruled the world, what would they change first?
The High Priestess: What is the smartest thing your muse has ever done?
Temperance: Would your muse remain calm despite the worst circumstances?
The Lovers: At what age did your muse first fall in love?
The Hermit: If your muse were trapped alone on an island, name three things they'd have to have..
The Moon: Has your muse ever had something unexplained happen to them? If so, what?
Justice: What's something your muse has been dying to admit or confess?
The Hanged Man: Name a bad habit your muse can't give up.
The Devil: What was the worst relationship your muse has ever had?
The Tower: What event would trigger your muse's breaking point?
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Violet sat with her knees drawn up to her chest on the couch in the common room, an all too familiar sight nowadays. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake the hollow feeling that filled her. Being back was both the best and worst thing to happen.
Standing, she glanced back at the entrance to the boys rooms before quietly slipping out of the tower. Wand tightly gripped in hand, she frequently glanced over her shoulder, assuring herself that- yes- no one was behind her.
Pushing open the entrance to the kitchen, she braced herself with a small smile. The last thing she wanted was Casey to worry about her, the last thing she needed was to talk about what happened. “I took a minute. Needed to make sure Adrian wasn’t gonna freak out on me.”
Casey frowned slightly, mentally scolding herself for the rude greeting. Of course it wasn’t easy for Violet to just sneak out anymore. Casey more than understood Adrien’s protectiveness towards Vi, she felt it to a much lesser degree herself. “No, right. Of course. Sorry, that was stupid.” She shook her head.
Patting the stool next to her, Casey looked back up at Violet. “Um, do want anything to eat or drink?” She asked awkwardly, still not entirely sure how to act around the other girl. It felt weird not knowing exactly what to say or what to do for Violet, but she would just have to adjust. Things couldn’t magically go back to normal, as much as Casey wished it could. “So...how are you?”
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long nights [Viasey]
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Landon let out a breathy laugh and ran a hand through his hair. “Hangin in there. For the sake of them, you know.”
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“That’s...that’s good to hear, I guess.” Casey nodded in understanding, slouching slightly. “I get it.”
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Oh! Hey... {Lasey}
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long nights [Viasey]
Casey ran a hand through her messy curls, yawning loudly. With everything that had been going on lately, things had been absolutely crazy. From her sort of, maybe ex-boyfriend turning up dead to her best friend disappearing and then reappearing later, Casey had been under a lot of stress. That had led to her sleeping very little, which in turn made her even more irritable than usual. Needless to say, she hadn’t been the most fun person to be around lately.
But Violet was back now and she was...okay? Mostly. In truth, Casey had no idea how she really was, which wasn’t a common occurrence. Since the two had met when they were children, Casey had known better than almost anyone (except Adrien and probably Landon). She felt helpless and like a horrible friend for feeling so in the dark.
That was partially why she had suggested that they sneak out for food around midnight. Casey needed to be sure Vi was okay, and she had wanted to take both of their minds off of everything for awhile. They needed some time to unwind and forget everything for a little bit. Casey found herself sipping some tea and nibbling on a croissant when she heard the passageway to the kitchens open. “Hey!” She said, faking cheerfulness as she turned around. “Nice of you to finally show up.”
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He swallowed hard and took an awkward step back from the younger girl. “Yeah it’s been awhile hasn’t it?” There was a too-long pause. “How’ve you been?”
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Crossing her arms awkwardly, Casey looked anywhere but Landon. “Yeah, well,” She shrugged stiffly. “I’m fine, I guess. How are you?”
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Oh! Hey... {Lasey}
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Not expecting the younger girl to be around the corner he turned quickly with his head down. When he felt someone bumped into someone he looked up and stuttered out, “Oh- hey…”
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Minding her own business, Casey made her way quickly down the corridor when she collided with someone. Opening her mouth, ready to tell the person off, she noticed it was Landon. “Oh, um, hey. Long time no see.”
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Oh! Hey... {Lasey}
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