cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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starter call !!!
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
random starter sentences
“Oh my God! You love him/her.” “She/He doesn’t understand you like I do.” “Are you taking his/her side against me?” “But you’ve only heard his/her point of view!” “No! I’m tired of doing as you say.” “You really told him/her, didn’t you?” “I don’t give a damn what they told you!”  “This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us.” “Why is it always all or nothing?” “Please! We can’t argue, not now!”  “You have to leave! NOW!”  “The way you flirt is shameful.” “Yeah,I might’ve been checking you out.” “If I could just get you to see it.” “Everything I need is right in front of me.” “Once I hold on, I won’t let go …”      “So it’s all about getting attention?”  “Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?” “I’ll find him/her and take him/her home, I promise.” “H-How long have you been standing there?” “I just want a nice, easy life. What’s wrong with that?” “Just one moment!” “You can’t fool me!” “I’ll make your little secret public.” “You’re just wasting your time here.” “You call this a life?” “It’s not like me to walk away.” “Try me one more time!” “You always do as you please.” “You could have told me!” “Always keeping the front up, hm?” “Why would I do that?” “What is it good for?” “Don’t you dare!” “What do you think you’re doing?” “Oh no! Not this again!“
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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the threat will unite them - you will lead them
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
Merrill had been certain she knew the way home.   For sure,  this time.
It’s EASY,  really  —  straight ahead from Anders’ place to the little nook where the orphans sleep  (  stop to give the orphans something to eat,  but don’t let them empty her pockets,  )  left until she’s passed the place where the rude men selling illegal potions stand,  then left again across the rickety bridge over the sewer,  then the first stair to her right  —  or to her left?   She was certain then,  but she isn’t that certain now,  because somewhere around there she lost her bearings.   Or maybe she should never have walked past those potion-merchants.   She’s passed them twice more now,  and they’ve glared at her every time.
The third time she passed the potion-merchants she resolved,  Dread Wolf take her pride,  that if she sees them a fourth time she’ll go back to Anders because at least she knows the way to him from there.   But she doesn’t see the men again,  nor any other place she recognizes…
Ghilan’nain guide me,  why do I always get lost in the worst places  —  “ OH !! “   She jumps,  swirls with a shriek of surprise at the unmistakable sound of a person being stabbed,  and expects herself to be stabbed next  —  but all she sees is a dwarf girl and she’s not attacking.
She’s just grinning.
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“  —  goodness,  did you…? “   It takes Merrill a moment to register the scene,  and yet another to process the dwarf woman’s explanation.   Relief floods into her expression.   “ You saved me!   I  — thank you so much!   I didn’t notice him at all,  I was so  —  I was trying to figure out how to  — “   She blushes.   “ Yes,  I think  —  I think I’m really lost.   Would-   would you mind…? ”
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Given that she’s just witnessed a murder, the woman doesn’t seem overly concerned, but then that’s Kirkwall for you. There’s barely a day goes by she doesn’t seem some kind of violence or another. Maybe things are different in Hightown and the like, she doesn’t know. Ever since stepping of the boat months ago she hasn’t left the streets of Darktown. There’s nothing to leave it for, she tells herself, even as she hears people talking with undisguised envy about the food they must eat up there. Nothing to leave for at all. It’s not that she’s scared of the sky,  or the Merchant’s Guild, or the rolling endless ocean. None of that. There’s just nothing up there worth having. Right? Right. 
The woman’s accent makes her words a little hard to catch, but the look of relief on her features is universal, and Freja finds herself smiling back. “Don’t worry about it.”  She could leave it here, wish the woman good luck and go about her day, but she’s involved now. Freja may be many things, but she isn’t a quitter. 
“Where you tryina get to?” Probably a stupid question but whatever. She’s heard a few people talk about elves and alienages, but as for where and what an alienage is exactly she’s yet to find out. It seems like one of those things people just know, and admitting ignorance will just raise questions about what rock she’s been living under (no pun intended, probably). As soon as people know she’s an ex Carta thug there’ll be some nug-humper who’ll sell her right back to them. People are bastards. This woman seems like an alight kind though, maybe, probably too confused to be any real danger anyway. She steps forward and offers a hand to shake, “I’m Freja, I’ll help you get where you’re going ‘slong as I know where it is myself.” 
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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it is to be.
for the world and the self are one. existence is a choice.
a self of suffering, brings only suffering to the world. it is a choice, and we can refuse it.
tal-vashoth companion, KATARI. multiverse, multiship, mun is 18+. CW: trauma, violence, general NSFW themes.
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
@cartacalled ♡
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“Oh, hey, Inquisitor!” The greeting is shockingly colloquial for someone so distantly related to the Inquisitor’s inner circle – at least at a glance. Baelfire’s connection to Freja, though, is fairly simple: as a Friend of Red Jenny, he’s taken part in a few schemes with Sera, and he considers her a friend, for all of her oddities. Sera, in turn, is a part of the inquisition and its leader’s girlfriend. While Baelfire is wary of the inquisition – as he is wary of anything related to magic, which has done its part in ripping his family life to shreds – he has to admit that Freja is solid company. “Sera’s not here, she had an errand to run, but I’ll buy you a drink; you look like you need one.”
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Out of the two, Freja’s not sure what’s more concerting: the thought of Sera on an errand, or the fact that this guy is being so chummy to her when she really can’t place him. There are just so many people in the Inquisition, and they all want to talk to her all of the time. It’s hardly her fault the names and faces get mixed up now and then. It’s not the end of the world though, because this guy clearly knows Sera and, despite what others might say, Sera is a damn good judge of character. Even if she wasn’t, Freja would still trust her with her life (ugh, sappy). A tired smile makes its way onto her face and she sinks into the seat beside the guy, grateful to have changed out of her amour a little while ago. “You have no idea. Did you know you have muscles in your ass? I didn’t till they started aching.”  Josie would probably turn blue if she could hear this right now, but whatever, if the guy is a friend, then there’s no way he’s a noble. Even if he is she’s too tired to care. “I’m gonna be honest I can’t remember your name, but you know Sera huh? You a friend of Jenny too?” 
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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          practiced ease has the slim - limbed elf skipping out the window in one languid , confident movement ( as if gravity is just another thing that she has decidedly made up her mind only happens to other people ) . one eager glance is thrown over her shoulder , feet moving against the tilted surface on their own accord as a smile spreads her lips wide across her face . freja is slowly but surely making her way out of the window , and by the time the dwarven inquisitor has made it past the windowpane , sera is sat with one leg tucked close to her chest , chin resting upon her knee as the other hangs lazily over the roof’s edge - foot dangling in the air . eyes follow her companion as she makes it across the aged bricks that make up the collapsed outer walls of skyhold , the grin upon the elf’s face lacking all mockery it would have contained would it have been anyone else but freja . instead there is soft amusement in her eyes , a fond curl to her lip as the inquisitor finally reaches their spot . safe , unbearable warmth unfolds in her chest at the thought . they have a spot . they have one , together . a spot only for them . if she tucks her leg closer , knee conveniently placed to hide where the corners of her lips flutter in beat with the muscle doing aerobics in her chest , well — she can only hope freja’s too focused on the altitude to notice .  ‘ it ain’t awkward , glowy . ‘  she  fires  back  ,  her  smile  wrapping the words in good humor , ‘  it’s private . only ours , yeah  ?  besides  ,  the view’s great  .  as in y’can see right into the  second  floor  kitchens  from  here  ,  gives  the perfect advantage to knowing when there is lemon cakes left unsupervised .  ‘
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“Right, it’s for the tactical advantage, my bad.”  There’s no comment from her on the whole “it’s ours” thing because if she thinks about that for too long it’s only going to make her sappy and she might say something dangerous. Something like I love you, which will probably ruin everything. So instead she laughs and gives Sera a nudge in the ribs. Her own heart is beating double time; something she decides to blame on the height. “Lemon cakes my arse, it’s the chocolate ones you want.” 
It’s still a novelty to sit here, with someone who likes her, talking so easily and casually about food. Even though she feels it’s been hundreds of years, it really hasn’t been very long at all since she was a duster in Orzammar. Back then she’d had to scrabble around looking for Deep Mushrooms (which she never got to eat, mind you) just to earn half a slice of crusty bread. Now here she is, fucking Inquisitor, it’s like Varric says, she could probably conquer Ferelden just by looking in the right direction, and she could get a whole fucking three course meal bought to her just by asking. Not that she tends to do that, not since the first time she’d stuffed herself full of food and thrown it all back up because her stomach wasn’t used to it. Besides, where is the fun of having food bought to her in her chambers when she could do this instead. 
“Speaking of cakes,” she nodded to the fancy cake box she had awkwardly dragged through the window with her “Some Orlesian noble sent me these, fancy shit apparently,” she grinning, and put on a bad imitiation of the Orlesian accent. “A present for ze inquisitor, ah trust zat she will enjoy zem and per-aps visit if she ‘appens to be in Val-Rouioux. Not that I’m gunna visit the stuck up old bitch, but the cakes do look bloody good, and I figured where better to try them than on a roof?” 
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
Solas: I sense one of the artifacts of my people.
Inquisitor: You are one of the artifacts of your people.
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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                                           canon divergent dwarven inquisitor 
When death captures me, he will feel my fist on his face
                                                                 by dee (promo by starscorched) 
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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hey what’s up i’ve been on holiday with the fam but i’m back and i’m ready 2 party 
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
❛ he was longing for something to be a part of. ❜
❛ and the world is gonna know your name. ❜
❛ there’s a million things i haven’t done, but just you wait. ❜
❛ you never learned to take your time. ❜
❛ talk less…smile more. ❜
❛ who’s the best? c’est moi! ❜
❛ the plan is to fan this spark into a flame. ❜
❛ i’m not throwing away my shot. ❜
❛ i may not live to see our glory, but i will gladly join the fight !  ❜
❛ they’ll tell the story of tonight. ❜
❛ tomorrow there’ll be more of us. ❜
❛ i’m looking for a mind at work. ❜
❛ look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now. ❜
❛ oh my god. tear this dude apart. ❜
❛ i will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love… ❜
❛ dying is easy, young man… living is harder. ❜
❛ then you walked in and my heart went ‘boom’! ❜
❛ you look at me and suddenly i’m helpless. ❜
❛ i am so into you. ❜
❛ i’m just saying if you really loved me, you would share him. ❜
❛ love doesn’t discriminate from the sinners and the saints. ❜
❛ i’m willing to wait for it. ❜
❛ i am the one thing in life i can control. ❜
❛ call me son one more time —…. ❜
❛ i don’t pretend to know the challenges you’re facing. ❜
❛ that would be enough. ❜
❛ and we could be enough. ❜
❛ let me a part of the narrative in the story they will write one day. ❜
❛ you have no control : who lives, who dies, who tells your story. ❜
❛ history has its eyes on you. ❜
❛ awesome. wow. ❜
❛ i’ll make the world safe and sound for you. ❜
❛ why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room? ❜
❛ what’d i miss? ❜
❛ run away with us for the summer. ❜
❛ take a break. ❜
❛ well, hate the sin, love the sinner. ❜
❛ no one else was in the room where it happened. ❜
❛ and then we’ll teach them how to say goodbye. ❜
❛ we both know what we know. ❜
❛ i will choose her happiness over mine every time. ❜
❛ god, i hope you’re satisfied. ❜
❛ i saved every letter you wrote me. ❜
❛ you built me palaces out of paragraphs. ❜
❛ be careful with that one, love, he will do what it takes to survive. ❜
❛ when you were mine, the world seemed to burn. ❜
❛ the world has no right to my heart. ❜
❛ i hope that you burn. ❜
❛ everything is legal in new jersey… ❜
❛ i’m so sorry for forgetting what you taught me. ❜
❛ it’s quiet uptown. ❜
❛ they are trying to do the unimaginable. ❜
❛ there are moments that the words don’t reach. ❜
❛ forgiveness. can you imagine? ❜
❛ i had only one thought before the slaughter. ❜
❛ i imagine death so much, it feels more like a memory. ❜
❛ what is a legacy? it’s planting seeds in a garden you will never see. ❜
❛ death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints. ❜
❛ i survived, but i paid for it. ❜
❛ have i done enough? will they tell my story? ❜
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
what, with all due respect, the absolute fuck
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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     ‘  why   ?   ’       cassandra  frowns  ,       brows  knitting  together  as  she  glances  at  the  inquisitor  .    this  question  seems  to  have  no  true  purpose  to  it    -   just  as  sera’s    “  have  you  ever  punched  a  BEAR   ?   ”       the  breach  is  closed    ;           whilst  corypheus  is  still  about  ,    the  most  urgent  of  dangers  has  been  taken  care  of .     it’s  a  relief  for  all  of  thedas  ,    the  knowledge  that  the  hole  in  the  sky  is  gone .     perhaps  the  inquisitor  merely  attempts  at  small  talk  ,   now  things  have  considerably  calmed .     ‘  but  to  answer  your  question  :     no .     i  cannot  say  i  have  .        leliana  would  have  murdered  me  if  i  did .   ’  
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Well, she’s given an answer at the very least. A genuine answer too, not just something to brush her off, nor something impolite. All round, quite successful and a much better result than she’d expected. There really is nothing like food to bring people closer together, although that said the thought of attending a feast with any number of Orlesians is still distinctly unsettling. She can’t help but laugh at the Seeker’s answer and shakes her head slightly. “Surfacers , I’ll never get what you people love about the ugly little bastards. Trust me they’re much better roasted than running around the place.” 
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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She almost laughs, the sound bubbling up in her best before she clears her throat in an attempt to hide it. At this point, she thinks her face may actually be half-frozen in the miserable little grimace that she wears and laughing might crack her face clean in half anyway. “-At least if the world ended we wouldn’t have to deal with the snow.” And even with her thirtieth name day a scant three years away, she can’t help sounding like a sullen child when she says it.
Before the other woman has even finished speaking, Valora is moving closer, dropping to sit at her side. “Valora. I’m Valora. Or Val, if you’d like.” She lets out a quiet rumble of laughter. “The important thing is that Denerim was usually warmer than it is here. Couldn’t tell you much about the city proper; I lived in the alienage and even that was– Only for a few years before the Circle.”
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Huddled comfortably under the furs, and feeling grateful for the company, she listens with interest to Val speak. Words like alienage and circle have slightly more meaning to her now than they did once, even if she doesn’t really agree with the existence of either. After all, as far as she can figure it alianages are just the topside elf versions of Dust Town. As for circles, well, magic is a bit weird and scary she’s not gunna deny that, but locking people up for it seems a bit shitty. Besides, she’d been there when the right of annulment was announced in Kirkwall. She can still remember the screaming. 
Now isn’t the time for such gloomy thoughts though and she lets out a low, rumbling laugh. It’s still weird to her, having such high pitched voice where dwarves are concerned, but still having unwitting  humans mistakenly call her sir. The stubble probably help things, to be fair. Humans are weirdly smooth. “Everywhere’s warmer than Haven, probably anyway. It’s weird how different the whether is up here. I was in Kirkwall for a bit and never saw snow once there, but here it never fucking stops. Down in Orzammar the only weather is really hot, or slightly less hot when you get closer to the surface. How do you people manage it all?” 
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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The Ultimate Dragon Age Meme
Three unromanceable characters you wish you could romance:
1/3 Cremisius “Krem” Aclassi
“A battle cry, a soldier’s sigh, I wish I hadn’t said goodbye This time I won’t be coming home In the heat of the fight I search for the light A rainbow is painting the sky I am destined now to die “
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
You know what strength is? Forgiving a person who wasn’t even sorry.
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cartacalled-blog · 7 years
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anchor meltdown
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