camfordhq-blog · 6 years
I don’t know, I think you might be a hoarder.
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What kind of food are we talking?
I suppose that’s possible! I’ve never much thought of myself as such but I do have a knick knack shelf. So that probably puts me on the hoarder scale.
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I don’t know, what are you in the mood for?
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
How do people have so much trouble unpacking? I was done my first day, I don’t see what the trouble is, here. Is it a porn star thing? To not be able to unpack boxes? How much shit do you all have? 
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I’m not sure about everyone else, but I get very easily distracted by sunshine on a warm day and the opportunity to roam a new city! However it is super impressive that you got everything unpacked in a day, definitely the route to go, because then you can enjoy the world and come home to your fully unpacked, settled and furnished bungalow, or in this case, apartment! I suppose that would be a no from you for motivation which is a-okay! There is definitely still food though, if you want it.
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
I promised myself that I would take this past week to get myself unpacked and really settled. It was a promise I should not have made! I ended up spending all of my time exploring, eating and meeting an abundance of new people! In a way though I do feel much more settled than I had before and I did get myself a bike and it’d even got a little basket and everything! While I did manage to get more unpacked than I had before, I also feel like I somehow ended up with more stuff and so it doesn’t look like I’ve done anything. I might need a little or big helper bee to keep me motivated. Any takers? There will be sweets and food and hand squeezed limade!!
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
This past week has been an actual rollercoaster. First, I moved into a big ass suite that’s pretty much double the size of my entire old shoebox apartment, then I bumped into a few people I definitely did not plan on seeing here, and then I had a whole bunch of sex on camera, so like.. A trip. Anyway, I don’t believe I’ve met everyone yet, so for those I haven’t, hello! I’m Lily Clarington. Apparently my brother does this too, so you’ve probably seen him around, but I’m going to ask that you keep any stories about his junk to yourself, because no. Aside from that, I am 100% down to film whatever you’re feeling, so if anybody wants to do a thing, I’m your girl.
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Sounds like your week has genuinely been a rollercoaster! Definitely not hyperbolic in any way, but it also sounds like it was a lot of fun overall, at least I hope it was! Lily is a beautiful name and I promise to leave all zero of my stories about your brothers nether region to myself. I’m Cam and honestly you’re incredibly adorable and I feel like that should be celebrated with something sweet, so whatever your favorite baked good is, just let me know and I will make you some! Maybe have a little dessert chat because you seem like a wonderful person to get to know.
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
I spent most of the morning by the pool then headed over to a local greenhouse to find some plants for mine and @rosie-hq‘s balcony. When I was checking out (with a whole bunch of cute succulents and flowers, by the way) I saw a notice for a community garden like, 3 blocks from our building. Long story short, I signed up for some green space and I’m going to plant some vegetables. I think we could all afford to eat healthier, so if you want to help or have any special requests, feel free to let me know!
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That sounds like an amazing day and I’ve always wanted to grow my own vegetables but never had the space for it so I never even researched it. I know, shame on me, but if there is a community garden I would love to be a part of that. If you’ve got a green thumb maybe you could give me some face to face information on gardening!
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
When your phone starts screaming at 8:30 in the morning, the only logical thing to do is fucking ignore it, right? Apparently my Nana doesn’t take no for an answer - or know what the fuck timezones mean - and called three more times in a row until I finally picked up and talked to her. After a solid half hour of guilt tripping she made me promise to head back to Tennessee and see her this summer. So, here’s where y’all come in handy - what’s the best way to dodge a visit back home, even if you haven’t gone in like… two years? My Ma and Nana both know what I do so it’s not like I can just tell them I’m busy with work or some shit. Give me some excuses. Make yourselves good for something.
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I don’t know that I could give you any valid excuses but if you’re not comfortable going back home, you should tell them that. Make sure they understand where you’re coming from. Of course, I think you should visit, two years is a long time to not see your family, assuming your family is worth seeing, and I feel like yours are! Granted I don’t know anything about them, but they want you to visit which makes me assume that regardless of how they feel about your chosen career path, they still love you and they miss you! My instincts are begging me to ask you fifteen different questions, all amounting why don’t you want to go home, but I’ve been told I can be a bit nosy, so I won’t officially ask, but there is always home cooked food and a very talented listening ear for you... if you need or want it.
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
I should unpack - I really should unpack my shit and I know it - but I can’t bring myself to do it. Why? Because I’m an all-time procrastinator, so much so that I should be on an all-star team. 
That being said, any takers to help me put it off longer? I’m a master with my fingers and often use them to order takeout. My treat. 
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There seem to be quite a few of us! I’m starting to think I really should have made those t-shirts, but I’m kind of glad I waited because adding all-star to the League of Procrastinator shirts sounds like an amazing idea. If you don’t mind me using that. Of course I would give you all of the deserved credit!
I don’t know if the offer is still good, but I am not one to turn down the opportunity to enjoy something tasty with a potential new friend!
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
PSA, from your friendly neighborhood veteran, Memorial Day is NOT, I repeat not just a ‘long weekend’ or an excuse to have a cookout, I know, crazy right?
Lemme give you a little history lesson; 
Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. … Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. 
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So, be respectful– light a candle in remembrance, or you know– just treat Monday like a Monday, if you’re one of those folks that don’t agree with the whole army thing, totally okay 
BUT, if you want to volunteer, I’ll be working in L.A for the day with a non profit that organizes this huge dinner for families of fallen heros, to celebrate their lives, so if you wanna hop on that with Xavier and I, Im more than okay taking my mom van with some people.  
Oh I love learning new things! This was a wonderful fact to share, definitely important to know and gives me even more appreciation for the day.
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Usually for Memorial Day my dad hosts a cookout where he invites his old military buds and they share stories and remember those that are no longer with us. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend this year and volunteering for something so relevent and kind seems like a wonderful way to spend the day. So I will gladly tag along with you and X, if there’s still room in the mom-mobile!
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
messenger 💬 ( x&cam )
XAVIER: Are you busy this weekend?
CAM: This current weekend or this upcoming weekend?
CAM: either way no! I am 100% availible to any and all for adventures, food, lounging around, ect. ect. ect.!!
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
Oh my God, you’re like a literal ball of sunshine! Hey, I’m Skylar Anderson (Sky Heart), and I’m new too. Nice to meet you. If you ever want to join me in exploring, let me know. I’ve been doing it a lot since I got here, trying to get my bearings. Might be more fun to get lost together than alone.
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Come on, Skyler?! That is like the coolest name! It is incredibly nice to meet you too and I’m glad there are a few of us newbies roaming around. Is now too early to let you know that I would definitely like to go exploring with you? I think everything is more fun together than alone, especially getting lost. honestly, I’m so up for an excursion!
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
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Is this real life?
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I definitely just fished through my boxes to find my albums just so I could have a Queen power hour! So not only did you inspire me to listen to some Queen, which is always the right thing to do, but I got a little more unpacking done, so thank you!
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
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Well, aren’t you the cutuest thing to ever walk the face of the earth. I swear, you’re giving me a cavity from just talking to me.
There’s definitely a joke in there about a filling and that is probably the naughtiest I’ve sounded in a non sexual situation ever. I don’t know how I feel about that, I think I feel good though. Not entirely sure why I feel good about it, I didn’t even make the joke. 
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But, thank you, I think cute might be my accidental brand.
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
They give us crumbs of quality throughout the film so it doesn’t totally tank (unless we’re talking about one of their movies that are the exception to that rule) and I fall for it every time. 
 Yay! Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage or something non-alcoholic more of your style? I’ll warn you now, I plan on talking a lot throughout, especially when the wedding dress is revealed. I’m here to play Fashion Police. 
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They know what works for them and they do not stray. There’s a lot of comfort in that I think. You always know what to expect from them, and that’s kind of lovely.
I like wine, and because I have the world’s sweetest tooth, I am all about the dessert wines, but I do like a good Chardonnay, but also beer. I’m a big fan of Dos Equis Amber and apple pie moonshine, but I think that’s probably not as easy to find out here. Please do talk, commentary makes everything more entertaining!
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
Not weird, different, but definitely not weird. Personally, unless I’m doing the pranking, and not being pranked, and there is a full understanding of that, I love me a prank war. 
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Cam, my man, you are smooth, and I like it. A lot. Where from the south? Soul Food is, yum. What’s your favorite dish?
I am very good at being different, so that definitely feels right. Oh you’re a prankster... prankstar? what do they call themselves?
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The only thing smoother than me are my mashed potatoes Central Virginia, Richmond. It’s kind of a massive college infested city now so it’s very liberal and hipster, but definitely still the south outside of the Richmond bubble. Fried okra, if I could I would just eat that, honestly. Not very heart healthy but oh so good for my soul.
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
You can thank my mom for it, even if I hate it sometimes. If you need someone to store a spare, I have total confidence in myself that I won’t lose it for you. That way you won’t have to worry about it too much. Have you done the whole, shooting porn thing before?
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Well then, thank you Regan’s mom for giving the name Regan some much needed love! That’s a brilliant idea, I should definitely do that! A very kind and attractive hide-a-key. Just my audition, really I’m more of a filmmaker than an actor, but I am all about trying new things!
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
Aren’t you the cutest thing alive.. Nice to meet you, Cam. I’m Gabriel.
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Thank you! I don’t think I’ve ever had so many people describe me as cute before, but I like it. Nice to meet you too, Gabriel. That is a very good name, probably one of my favorites.
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camfordhq-blog · 6 years
Anytime, and it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance too.
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You have been really nice and that has put me in a baking mood! What’s a baked treat that you like?
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