calbodeing · 1 year
I think it’s great that the Spyscrapper fandom as a whole decided that Cal bottoms. It’s what he deserves 👀
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calbodeing · 1 year
Cal’s version of cleaning shit is taking exactly one thing off of the counter and calling it good…man has one brain cell and I love him for it
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calbodeing · 1 year
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Whoops I fell into Spyscrapper hell oh my god why is Bode so unnecessarily huge
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calbodeing · 1 year
It’s canon that Cal bought a drink for Bode…like how can I not ship them??
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calbodeing · 1 year
Had an absolutely horrible Cal whump dream last night, soo definitely gonna write that down before I forget it
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calbodeing · 1 year
Jedi: Survivor spoilers:
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calbodeing · 1 year
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~ 𝘐'𝘮 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵, 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵, 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦 / 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 ~
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calbodeing · 1 year
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calbodeing · 1 year
CalxBode Au fanfic snippet
“So you love me huh?” Bode asked, his voice a teasing rumble and Cal ducked his head, feeling more than a little self-conscious.  “You’re a fracking-“ whatever he was about to say was lost as Bode’s hand shifted to gently grasp Cal’s chin.  
The feel of Bode’s leather glove brushing against Cal’s skin made him shiver and he found himself at a sudden loss as Bode stepped in closer.  Cal slowly glanced up and froze as his eyes landed on Bode’s lips with a sudden curiosity.  
Growing up in the Jedi Order, Cal had been taught never to act on feelings…they were a weakness.  But now…now that he was older, Cal couldn’t help but wonder just how accurate those teachings were.  He swallowed and slowly shifted his gaze up to meet Bode’s eyes then.  
“…What?” He asked, nearly cringing at how…vulnerable he sounded just then.  Bode smiled, and Cal felt a rush of heat as Bode leaned down to bridge the distance between them.  
“Do you trust me?” Bode asked and Cal snorted, “I wouldn’t let you get this close if I didn’t.” He pointed out, though it wasn’t an actual answer.  Bode raised an eyebrow down at him, and Cal rolled his eyes.  
“This…is all new for me.” He muttered, the tips of his ears turning bright red, by admitting as much.  Bode bent down and teasingly brushed his lips against Cal’s own.  The sensation sent a spark of heat through Cal’s body, he’d never been kissed before and he desperately wanted to memorize the feeling.  
All too soon Bode pulled away, looking altogether far too smug and Cal huffed in some annoyance.  “Don’t worry I’ll take care of you.” Bode said before his hands shifted and moved to drag Cal closer up against him.  Their lips met again, only this time with more intensity and Cal had to stretch up on his tip-toes so they could be on more equal footing.
“…It didn’t have to be this way Bode.” Cal whispered, he’d tried to give Bode as many opportunities to return to the light side as possible…and now Bode was dying.  Cal hadn’t wanted things to end this way, and yet…despite everything he hadn’t won anything.
“Not like I gave you much of a choice.” Bode pointed out with a telltale little glint in his eyes.  Cal’s eyes landed on the hole in Bode’s chest, he swallowed a little tightly then as he ducked his head.  “…I love you.” he whispered and Bode chuckled, the sound a little more strained than it had any right to be.
“…I know.” He said and Cal’s chest tightened as he glanced up to see the light fading from Bode’s eyes.  Cal let out a little breath, leaning back as he regarded Bode’s lifeless body.  Had it always been fated to end this way?  Cal hesitated a moment and then leaned forward to gingerly close Bode’s eyes.
His fingers lingered against Bode’s eyelids a moment before he hastily withdrew them in order to grasp Bode’s lightsaber.  “Good-bye Bode.” He said quietly before he moved to rest Bode’s lightsaber against his chest.   
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calbodeing · 1 year
And they were ROOMMATES
Noshir Dalal did it again and made an incredibly compelling character. Ya got me good, man, ya got me good.
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here’s one for the bode x cal shippers
be nice to each other y’all
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calbodeing · 1 year
CalxBode au blurb spoilers ahead!
“I trusted him.” The words escaped Cal’s lips with a raw sort of magnitude, everything hurt.  He’d trusted Bode far more than anyone else had…he’d given Bode everything and now because of him, everyone would suffer.  
Greez stared at him, not entirely comprehending what Cal was actually implying but Merrin did.  Her hands had balled into fists as Cal spoke, “…That’s on Bode Cal, not you.” She said quietly, her voice softer than usual as she spoke.  
Cal let out a self-deprecating laugh, “I told him I-“ he broke off the memory too painful to recall.  BD let out a sad little bleep before it gently nudged Cal’s shoulder with its head.  Cal for his part didn’t seem to acknowledge it, how could he have missed it?  
He’d…trusted Bode, not only with the secrets of the reformed Jedi sanctuary but with his heart.  And in so doing he’d all but destroyed everything he loved in one fell swoop.  
Cal let out a shaky breath and glanced down at his hands…hands that had touched Bode’s body in both curiosity and eagerness only the night before.  
He felt sick, his first time with someone and he hadn’t even suspected that Bode could have been anyone other than the person he’d presented himself as. 
“Listen kid-“ Greez broke off as Cal shot up to his feet and brushed past him and the others as he felt a surge of anger at himself for everything that had transpired.  
“It’s my fault that Cere is dead!  It’s my fault that Bode ever even got his hands on-“ he couldn’t finish that thought as a mental image of the night before replayed itself violently in his mind and he felt an urge to be sick.
Greez was staring at him with a dawning expression of understanding at Cal’s words and Cal shuddered, dropping his gaze so he wouldn’t have to see Greez’s face. 
He wasn’t so sure he could handle seeing the disgust and the anger that- he felt hot tears work their way down his face. 
“…I…I should have known.” He whispered, hating how broken he sounded just then.  “Cal, what Bode did…he abused your trust in him, in the worst possible way.” Merrin said after a beat and Cal scoffed.  
“I should be better than that!  I should have known he was a Sith…I should have at least been able to sense…who he really was.” He pointed out as he wiped at his eyes with a pained grimace. 
“If I hadn’t gone looking for Tanalorr…Cere might…everyone would still be alive.” He went on, knowing in his heart of hearts that it was true.  
There was a long pause then as Cal did his best not to completely lose his composure then and there. “The raiders were already looking for Gaden right?  If you hadn't gone looking, then things could have turned out much differently kid.” Greez noted as he hesitantly approached Cal though he kept his distance.  
Cal swallowed and nodded, though the motion felt disjointed…separate from the rest of him.  “…Right.” he muttered under his breath, deciding not to argue the point, despite the churning miasma of guilt that threatened to swallow him up.  
There was a pause then as Greez and Merrin glanced between each other and then over at BD-1 who was perched on the couch. 
“I need to clear my head.” Cal said after a beat before he headed for his quarters.  He wasn’t sure he could even manage mediation but he couldn’t bear seeing the pitying looks from Greez or Merrin just then.  
He heard the light tell tale tapping sound as BD followed along behind him.  He wanted to forget the past twenty-four hours, though he had a feeling the memories would never leave.
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