byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
November 16, 2017
By the time that I entered class I realized that we were going to watch Get Out. I’ve heard a lot when it comes to this movie because it praised to the highest degree by winning award for the message that they were trying to put across. After Get Out came out I heard plenty of people say that they become woke after watching the movie. The movie has a lot to do with the society now shown with in the movie. In the movie there are examples of racism that start even from the beginning. When the cop pulls the main protagonist in the beginning they show that the police officer wants to see his ID just because he’s black. The white girlfriend then tells the cop that it isn't necessary then the cop proceeded with his day. They make sure that they show the privilege that white people have because if that were to be another black person telling the police that it wasn’t necessary because he wasn’t driving then it would have ended in very different. Kinda funny, I bet he wishes that he would have been taken to jail if he would have known what was going to happen to him. The situation that the main protagonist gets put into has similar details to how it is in real life. America is just tricking african american citizens to think they are free even though they still treat them wrongly with things such as discrimination. Even when it comes to the friend going to the police and telling them what's going on they initially just laugh in his face. There are many things in this movie that represent what society is today to a giant community of ours. Just in the future I would want everyone to “be woke”.
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
November 9, 2017
I guess these blogs are to show you guys that we understand what was going in on our class, maybe not to agree or disagree but today I had a hard time being able to agree with the fact that it is very easy to blame video games for the actions of people that are sourced to something else. It’ super easy to blame the company to give the blame for people that commit wrongdoings or act the way they do. Game companies make the games for their specific audience such as Call of Duty, a war shooting game, is for older people. Games such as Pokemon are for everyone and can be played by anyone. Then theres games such as dora the explorer for kids. When kids play games that they’re not suppose to be playing yes I can see how that would affect them in a negative way but at what fault is that for the game producers that make the game for a certain audience. Wouldn't it be the parents fault for leading them down the path of playing games that they shouldn't and basically teaching them things that they shouldn't know at ages down to even 6 years old. Game developers should not be prosecuted for tending to the community of people that should be playing the game. While I agree ragin at other people isn't the best thing to do and it isn’t very much acceptable I see gaming just as competitive as sports can be. When playing the game it can be completely competitive and when things are competitive there is more on the line for the people playing. When players get aggravated in the game it’s only natural to let out stress through words and the game gets heated. Video games aren't what make kids do tragedies. Mental illness and bad parenting are the reason for these things. Anger only comes from the competitive in the game.
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
November 2, 2017
Today in class we went over a more common type of discussion which a lot of people hold victim to or even are the people that are bullying others. There are many reasons on why something having to do with bullying should or shouldn’t be talked about or reported by such as having pros and cons on why. It would be easier on saying why all bullying victims should all be addressed to a certain extent for the fact of shaming them can make a movement to make it super frowned upon. People that actively acknowledge the fact that someone is bullying another can change the lives of the people that are getting bullied. There could be some repercussions to giving the act of bullying so much attention. The way kids work is that people usually do monkey see, monkey do. When people see people bullying others it becomes easy to want to do the same and join in. Being able to shut the bully down for their actions should be done by giving them no attention at all because majority of the time bullies are actively doing what they’re doing for attention. The stories that usually do make the news are the ones that grabs people's attentions and those are the drastic stories where usually the kids commit suicide. This goes back to to the monkey see, monkey do aspect and probably isn’t the best idea to make this newsworthy stuff. In my eyes I don’t think any bullying is worth the news story unless it's a movement to stop it where a bunch of people fight against it. When it comes to hate online I dont think it’s possible to stop any of it. Of course there are going to be the people that defend others online but because there is a sense of anonymity.  
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
October 26, 2017
During class today we went over something that I don’t think ever has been told to me. Today we went over abuse in a relationship and the reason why people were to stay in these relationship that are so harmful and as a male that for the most part aren’t abused by the women just wouldn't understand fully on how a woman feels. Women live different lives as men when it comes to the real world and it could be baffling that the amount of danger they feel or they're actually in even when they go out in public by themselves whether it's at night or even during the day. It was a super eye opener to find that the reason that women stay is because they’re scared that theyll do something worse than their former significant other has done. The abuser at that point really has nothing to lose once you’re gone and more than likely he’ll do something after the fact you leave. There has been so many cases on where women get killed after leaving and for most people especially men always just say it's as easy as just leaving them when its not. Abusers in the mind are just taking control of the abused mind making a dependency of fear. When looking at Love the Way You Lie it really has everything to do with what the lesson is about. I’m sure that Eminem and Rihanna made this song because they’re aware of how being in a relationship where there is an abuser works. Eminem was once the abuser in his relationships with his wife and Rihanna with her significant other at the time. This lesson was an eye opener to where it has very much taught me to understand if I ever were to come across a situation like this whether with it’s with a friend, family member, or myself.
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
October 19, 2017
It is apart of our history to know what American Indians have gone through since the upcoming of the USA. To put in short we came to this country and ran the American Indians out of their land pushing them towards another part of the country making it the trail of tears. Americans have done a lot to the American Indians over the time with the amount of people that we’ve killed of theirs. Time has passed and the amount of American Indians are becoming smaller and the population of the United States is becoming more and more every year. People have stereotypes for everything and it might not seem like we use them because they’re used as such big names. Redskins in football and the Indians and Braves in Baseball which use terms and logos that could be seen as a stereotyping. Indian people shouldn't be seen as mascots because they are well alive today even if it more rare to meet someone of that ethnicity. There has been many movements to change these names for all the people. Many people aren’t okay with the teams that have these names. For example putting the context of the situation differently would make it sound way worse. Halloween is a day to dress up as fictional characters. Imagine if people started to dress up as an American Indian and walked the street with red face paint and feathers all over them. It wouldn’t be acceptable for people to do that then why is so acceptable for that to represent a whole nationally known team. Sports people are stubborn and don’t usually like to see change when it comes to their favorite sports team but it’s possible to see a change in the future if more and more people that favor the team speak out for a change.
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
October 12, 2017
Class today was actually pretty sad that I came up with plenty of realizations. Sarah was our guest speaker and she works in minor league baseball and she even gave us one of their game catalogs. Her topic was over women in sports journalism which I knew was bad but I never thought it would be anything like this. There is so much discrimination that goes on in sports journalism because there's so many men in that industry that think that they are superior when it comes to sports even though there are women that are bigger fans than them. A few classes back, there was a conversation of during the day of a woman that ended up getting fired because everyone was so worried about how she looks on camera and her knowledge of sports compared to her being an actual journalist. Women in sports journalism really have it rough even with what Sarah goes through in her career with the amount of sexism and amount of misogynistic men she has to deal with. Having to go through so much hate and being accused of hoeing around with player is messed up because what she has is a career and people go through so much school to not be in those work places. She works 80 to 100 hours a week and doesn't even get paid enough to survive comfortable. When I heard that the idea of sports journalism sank and it doesn't even sound worth it even less being a woman in the industry of sports journalism. I’m glad that there are ways for her to cope with these type of things but it shouldn't be something that exists still in this day in age. I agree that the best way for things to get better is for men to fix the situation but that would only fix things to a certain extent. I don't believe things will ever be able to be completely fixed the way we want this world to be equal between both genders.
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
October 5, 2017
Today was a day that isn't a topic that usually we go over ever or even an issue that is really noticed now in today that people actively try to stop now that the power of the Black Lives Matter movement has gained and the momentum that it has taken us. This topic is islamophobia. It was really impressive to have a guest speaker come talk to us about islamophobia when it comes to discrimination and and even when it comes to how they're treated by gender. He found his way around the situation of telling us the opinion of what women feel even though he was a man and he did that by interviews with his family members such as his mother and sister. Its insane how dangerous it would feel to be a woman with a hijab in public with the higher risk of getting attacked just for the religion that we follow. It was extremely sad to see the clip of what people would do if a young lady with a hijab would be discriminated against in public and seeing what people do to defend her and knowing some people are very much against her and it even being in Texas that it happened in. I very much applaud the fact of the people that defend her and do everything to make this world equal and I feel as the people that support the discrimination are still living in the past because most of the the time it would be older white males that would be agreeing with the discrimination. It is a start of a better world when people go out of their way to defend others that need to be defended for equality but I wouldn't necessarily say that the people that don't say anything are fully in the wrong. I would personally want to help defend people but in this society there are a lot of crazy and hostile people willing to do anything no matter the consequence and putting my life at danger every single time is just asking myself for trouble.
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
September 28, 2017
I would say that this week was kinda wild because even though i can relate to the other classes that we've had so far this one was way more different for me because it's something that i think of a lot. I think it really sunk into me when i heard our public speaker over the situation. The story she had was very emotional for me because i imagine that everything that she's getting when it comes to the hate would be way too much for me if i were in her shoes. I applaud her for being able to take the situation that was handed to her in a positive way and it helps push my mindset that i’m more okay then what others such as the media have made me think of myself. I have a goal to be able to take something that maybe be negative on the outside learn from it and use it to my advantage. I’ve been a pretty big person most of my life and hearing about today's lecture really had me interested where i would get the influence of my mindset of the perfect body type. When the video started that was shown in class it was really very interesting on what her research was on and how much of it had so much proof behind what she was saying. At that point i would say that i was “woke” but then i have to get in the mind of the advertiser and the consumer. I know that the speaker in the video had very good points but an advertiser making all of these are just doing their job. They make things that the consumer want to see such as the candy being sexualized or the body type of a woman or a man. When society is obsessed with these things it would only be right in my mind to advertise like this if they’re trying to push a product. I go back and forth when it comes to these things but i certainly understand both sides of the spectrum.
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
September 14, 2017
This topic that we covered in class today seemed like a topic that I don't usually see in the real world or is even spoken up in media. Basically it was about being sexist when it comes to women and through the media. I was really amazed to see the amount of very sexist things that men can still say about women even in this day in age. I feel as one of the examples that were given wasn't really strong much and that was with Bill O'Reilly and his segment when it comes to talking to a woman and he says some stuff that could possibly come off as sexist only if he wasn’t like that with everyone. Moving on from that it was really impressive to see a guest on a show say basically that women don't desire a career that they rather be home, have kids, and have a family. The amount of money that they actually made from suing people for saying these things was just absolutely great because that's exactly what they deserve but then after hearing that one of the talk show hosts actually still had his job after he made the company lose millions and all they did after that was replace the blonde lady with another blonde lady. I believe that sexism will always exist because there will always be people out there that are idiots. When i was hearing the rules that they make some of the girls follow at their jobs about how they look and what they eat it was insane to me but at the same time i wasn't surprised about places like Hooters and Twin Peaks. I mean if you don't want to be basically harassed about being female at those places the best thing is to just not work there but then there's jobs like Kohl's making their female workers do some outrageous things such as forcing them to wear makeup and not letting them have curly hair just doesn't make sense to me. I hope for the future of females and males being equal but there are too many ignorant people for it to ever happen.
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
September 7, 2017
Today was the day that we presented on the misrepresentation of black people on in the media. This seems like a big topic for me because this what field i'm going into when I get into my career. The way that I see media is that it's all just instigating to put an image of what certain races are like and because they can be seen as instigators it's easy for people to start categorizing the way media is showing them because people look up to the people on tv. It's easy for us to say that everything that an anchor says on the news is true and in reality we should research the things that we see because there's so many examples of people on the news stations saying things out of line and influences people to maybe even become dangerous. The way people are represented when it comes to their race causes some people to change the way that they treat other races. Just like an example of hiring one person out of three, one having a arabic name, one black, and another white. There is a statistic saying that majority of the time the person that will be hired will be the white name even if the other people are more than qualified. There was a video that was on our presentation that explained how white people are shown on the news for rioting compared to minorities rioting and the way each one is represented is outstanding because one is represented as they were playing around and the other ones are considered animals basically. I feel as the media is getting worse and worse especially that there is a really large presence of people that are racist such as our president on twitter and all of his followers.
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byronhernandez-blog · 7 years
August 31, 2017
Today i have probably witnessed one of the most messed up videos. This video was by vice and i'm kinda glad that i watched this video of how the Alt Right reacted to the Charlottesville incident and how their presence were during the protests and i would say that it's probably one of the most messed up things ever. I was so in shock with these things that after class ended I went back to my dorm and I rewatched it with one of my friends. It is entirely scary of the train of thought that these people have. They justify things that should not be justified at all because it was just plain bad. People were terribly injured and they saw it as okay. They had semi-automatic everywhere, saying terrible things that should have been left in the past. One thing that entirely surprised me is the names of the ranks of the Ku Klux Klan and seeing that they're not even afraid to hide that they're active and still are going strong with their intentions. I’m honestly kinda glad I got to see this because if it was told to me I probably wouldn't react as much compared to actually seeing it, watching these people march and say these things and seeing people of all ages and call everyone communist jews was just baffling. I just wouldn’t ever want to actually witness things like this and the way the united states currently is with our president i'm having less and less faith by the day for the country that I live in. I just hope that in the future that this country can change for the better but knowing how people are and seeing that these beliefs have moved on from one generation to the next I don't see it changing anytime soon at all. All I can do is hope for people to have more common sense as the years pass so we don't make the same mistakes that we’ve made in the past or even the mistakes that we’ve made in present day, our president for example.
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