bybloods · 21 days
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the  valyrian  princess  has  always  been  wholehearted  in  friendship.  as  a  child,  her  devotion  came  quickly  and  without  fuss.  her  attachments  made  in  youth,  though  far  away  now  both  in  time  and  in  geography,  still  threatened  to  linger  for  all  her  days.  the  same  could  be  said  of  her  friendship  with  the  lady  grafton  —  or  the  lady  royce,  she  supposed,  now.  "  lady  jessamyn,  "  a  welcome  distraction  from  the  newest  false  king  who  sat  upon  the  throne  that  was  meant  for  her  mother.  "  it  has  been  a  while,  hasn't  it?  "  she  offers  an  ebullient  smile,  reaching  out  to  take  the  lady's  hand  in  both  of  hers  without  much  thought.  valyrian  custom  —  and  lyseni  custom,  luckily  enough  —  cared  little  for  the  perceived  impropriety  of  physical  touch  that  some  houses  in  westeros  seemed  aghast  by.  "  lys  is  gorgeous  this  time  of  year.  and  i  do  still  wish  for  you  to  visit.  don't  think  my  many  offers  have  simply  slipped  my  mind.  "  it  was  unlikely  to  ever  happen  —  she'd  be  unable  to  keep  up  her  ruse  in  her  father's  home  city.  but  visera  enjoyed  pretending.
day four with visera targaryen @bybloods
with  the  new  king  now  watching  them  all  with  a  crown  atop  his  brow  the  mood  in  the  gardens  seemed  to  be  ebullient.  pleasantries  exchanged  she  had  found  a  quieter  part  of  the  gardens  to  survey  the  proceedings,  indulging  in  a  quiet  moment  with  her  spouse  when  it  seemed  as  though  despite  rarely  straying  from  each  other's  side  there  had  scarcely  been  enough  time  together.  the  notion  almost  makes  her  balk  (  almost  but  not  quite  when  her  feeling  of  comfort  around  them  will  always  win  out  )  realising  that  she  had  become  almost  soft  in  their  company  and  that  their  side  was  the  one  place  she  wanted  to  be.  perhaps  that  was  why  when  a  familiar  figure  came  into  view  she  was  quick  to  leave  their  side  with  a  squeeze  of  their  hand  and  a  soft  smile,  attention  then  becoming  solely  focused  on  the  woman  before  her.  "lady  visa,  what  a  wonderful  surprise."  words  are  smooth  but  sincere,  fondness  ringing  clear  in  her  tone  as  she  continues.  "had  I  known  that  you  would  be  attending  I  would  have  sought  you  out  all  the  sooner  but  we  shall  simply  have  to  make  up  for  lost  time  now  -  how  have  you  fared?  I  trust  all  is  well  in  lys?"
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bybloods · 21 days
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visera  presses  her  lips  together  into  a  hard  line.  her  brother  had  always  had  extravagant  tastes.  in  anonymity,  visera  thought  it  might  toe  over  the  line  to  excess.  but  she  could  not  control  aerys  any  more  than  she  wished  to  do  so.  "  if  imbibing  is  not  enjoyable,  it  is  pointless,  "  she  insists,  "  and  only  serves  to  dull  your  mind.  "  she  taps  a  fingernail  against  the  side  of  her  discarded  goblet,  dark  eyes  scanning  the  room  with  the  child - like  curiosity  she's  retained  all  her  years.  it  was  strange,  the  way  that  westerosi  high  society  gathered.  it  was  so  little  like  things  were  in  her  mother's  kingdom,  and  yet  this  was  her  mother's  kingdom.  it  was  where  she  had  grown  up.  "  you  talk  too  much,  aerys.  you'd  do  well  to  indulge  in  more  silent  observation.  "  though  the  princess's  words  may  lean  scathing,  the  wide  smile  that  blooms  on  her  face  suggests  nothing  but  fondness  for  her  younger  sibling.
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with  as  much  curiosity  as  he  has  regarding  their  family's  history  in  westeros,  it  is  no  wonder  aerys  has  dreamt  of  how  the  capital  appears.  the  magnificent  red  keep,  however,  is  one  that  holds  no  flame  to  the  regrowth  of  valyria.  where  he  is  usually  familiar  with  ancient  architecture  beautifully  reshaped  once  more  with  molten  metals,  he  only  finds  the  clear  lack  of  ...  devotion  within  the  royal  home.  he  cannot  imagine  his  own  blood  residing  in  a  place  so  void  of  inspiration  and  art.  even  with  a  goblet  full  of  wine,  aerys  still  finds  himself  struggling  to  see  what  everyone  else  does  of  the  incredible  king's  landing.  a  familiar  voice  questions  his  taste  and  he  gives  a  shrug,  glancing  into  the  near  empty  container.  "  i  find  it  not  nearly  strong  enough,  "  at  least  they  can  agree  on  their  dislike.  "  let  me  guess...  it's  too  strong  for  you  ?  "  there  is  a  teasing  in  his  tone,  taking  another  sip  to  finish  off  the  rest  of  his  wine.
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bybloods · 21 days
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visera  regards  the  lord  over  the  flickering  candle  set  equidistant  between  them, interested to have finally come into contact with someone not of westerosi's southern kingdom at the feast.  at  an  event  such  as  this,  a  goblet  of  wine  was  more  a  shield  than  a  beverage,  carried  if  one  should  wish  to  parry  the  blows  of  conversation.  at  least  —  that  was  what  she  had  learned  thus  far  from  her  sporadic visits to  westeros.  as  long  as  she  had  a  goblet  in  hand,  visera  found  herself  feeling  no  more  than  truly  invisible.  further,  she  relished  in  it.  in  westeros,  she  was  no  crown  princess.  the  weight  of  her  mother's  bloodline  still  weighed  on  her  shoulders,  and  the  boulder  that  was  reclaiming  her  late  grandfather's  throne  in  this  very  keep  was  still  hers  to  push  up  the  hill  —  but  no  one  here  knew  that,  save  she  and  her  siblings.  lady  visa  rogare  could  sit  in  a  dim  corner,  bored  and  left  to  her  own  devices.  it  was  a  habitat  that  felt  more  natural  to  the  valyrian  princess  than  royal  duties  ever  had.  "  too  strong,  too  sweet  ...  "  she  trails  off  for  a  second's  breadth,  "  too  everything,  perhaps.  some  may  call  that  overkill.  "  she  offers  a  thin  smile,  pushing  her  glass  further  away  from  her  on  the  tabletop  with  a  single  finger  pressed  to  its  base.  "  lady  visa  rogare.  of  lys.  "  her  smile  widens,  nodding  slightly  in  official  greeting.  "  i  fear  i  haven't  tried  much  in  the  way  of  westerosi  libations  just  yet.  only  enough  to  know  that  this  particular  offering  perhaps  isn't  for  me.  "
a fish out of water, emir scanned the red keep for familiar faces before resigning himself to the inevitability of mingling. he regretted accepting a proffered cup of wine the moment he lifted it to his lips. maybe it was the furrowed brow of disgust, admittedly poorly concealed, that provoked the woman's question. he flashed her a perfunctory smile. "not too strong. too sweet for my liking. i prefer ale." regardless, he would politely nurse his drink in company. an awkward pause passed before emir cleared his throat to speak once more. "forgive my manners. lord emir mormont of bear island, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. —are you partial to arbor red?" it would amuse him well enough if they were both merely drinking it for courtesy's sake.
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bybloods · 23 days
OPEN   STARTER       ⋆       day  one  of  the  tyrell coronation and wedding celebrations,  at  the  feast  with  any  who  wish  to  respond. 
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the   journey   from   driftmark   to   king's   landing   had   been   a   short   one.   how   curious   a   feeling   it   was   to   lay   one's   head   to   rest   in   a   keep   so   close   to   where   her   mother's   bloodline   had   ruled   for   centuries.   the   red   keep   itself   was   nothing   like   visera's   valyria.   the   once   doomed   kingdom   made   a   beauty   of   its   ruin,   the   crumbling   infrastructure   reshaped   with   molten   metals   to   retain   its   original   magnificent   beauty.   king's   landing's   ruin   was   not   its   beauty,   according   to   her   mother.   it   was   its   rot.   watching   passers   by   with   the   quiet   intent   innate   to   her   being,   visera   places   her   wine   goblet   aside.   "   you   don't   find   it   too   strong?   "   she   queries,   refering   to   the   deep   red   wine   that   still   fills   it.   her   lyseni   accent   is   obvious   amongst   the   din   of   common   tongue   conversation,   and   her   dark   eyes   glitter   in   the   candelight   —   from   a   candle   that   she   leans   almost   too   close   to   in   search   of   a   response.
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bybloods · 26 days
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(   rogare   targaryen   a   /   anya   chalotra   /   cis   woman   &   she/her   )   hear   ye   hear   ye   —   king   garlan   tyrell   welcomes   princess   visera   rogare   targaryen   of   valyria.  his   great   majesty   is   glad   that   the   twenty   nine   year   old   noble   appears   to   be   astute   while   overlooking   that   it’s   said   they   are   also   heedless,   as   long   as   they   are   glad   to   celebrate   peace   in   the   seven   kingdoms.   fortunately   for   them,   garlan   remains   oblivious   that   they   aren't   happy   with   his   reign   and   that   their   true   allegiance   lies   with   house   rogare   targaryen   &   the   kingdom   of   valyria.
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001.      dossier      .
full    name:        visera    rogare    targaryen.            
title:        crown princess    of    the kingdom of valyria.            
alias(es):        doom's daughter.        
age:            twenty    nine.        
gender    &    pronouns:            cis    woman    &    she/her.            
orientation:            bisexual.            
allegiance:            house    rogare    targaryen, the people of    valyria.     
spoken    languages:            high    valyrian,    bastard    valyrian, the lyseni tongue    &    the common    tongue    of    westeros.            
religion:            the old gods of valyria.
002.      appearance      .
notable   features:        thick, dark hair, eyes as black as midnight.          
height:            5'7.          
build:        slim, almost willowy.        
dominant   hand:           right.            
voice:            raspy, like she spent too much time yelling as a child and it just stuck. she has a decidedly lyseni accent.            
faceclaim:           anya chalotra.
003.      personality      .
positives: disciplined,   observant,   astute   
negatives:     heedless,   prying,   hyper   -   independent   
moral   alignment:     chaotic   good 
touchstones:    shallan   davar   (the   stormlight   archive),   eowyn   (lord   of   the   rings),   amy   march   (little   women)
004.      ties      .
parents:     queen   maegelle   targaryen, king syrio rogare   
siblings:     prince   aerys   rogare targaryen,   prince/ss   tba   rogare targaryen 
children:    none   
marital   status:    unmarried,   unbetrothed   
dragon:    darksmoke,   currently   the   size   of   a   house   cat   and   such   a   dark   shade   of   forest   green   that   he's   essentially   a   black   void   unless   in   direct   sunlight.   
005.      more      .
visera  has  always  been  naturally  observant,  determined  to  notice  things  that  others  cannot.  though  she  tends  to  be  loud  in  her  happiness,  having  yelled  her  way  through  her  childhood  to  the  point  where  her  adult  voice  is  slightly  raspy,  she  can  choose  be  quiet  when  it  counts  —  keeping  to  herself  in  order  to  be  present  without  being  noticed.  that  said,  she  often  tends  to  create  secrets  where  they  might  not  actually  be  —  digging  too  far  into  something  has  resulted  in  her  fabricating  stories  that  are  almost  unbelievable  more  than  once,  and  though  she’s  aware  of  this  flaw,  she  still  continues  to  hunt  for  bits  of  knowledge  that  she  likely  should  not  seek.  these  days,  she'd  prefer  to  rely  on  others  to  collect  the  vital  information  for  her  —  if  only  to  avoid  this  unfortunate  side  effect.  she  still  enjoys  prying  and  eavesdropping  for  sport,  however.
studying  and  lessons  were  never  something  that  came  naturally  to  visera.  despite  her  distaste  for  the  dusty  smell  of  tomes  and  the  overall  dullness  of  scholarship,  she  kept  her  focus  by  sheer  will  alone.  visera  is  nothing  if  she  is  not  bull-headed,  and  scholars from lys and her father's house  could  teach  her  many  lessons  —  those  of  coin  and  coffers,  of  manipulation,  and  of  espionage.  visera  was  privy  to  them  all,  and  her  breadth  of  knowledge  and  her  political  mind  matured  alongside  her.  this  could  do  nothing,  however;  to  quiet  her  hair  -  trigger  temper,  nor  her  tender  heart  —  both  traits  that  transcended  her  childhood.
now  in  her  late twenties,  visera  has  steeled  herself  in order to resemble  the  image  of  a  ruler  she  has  in  her  mind.  the  mask  that  she  bears  to  conceal  what  she  has  been  told  time  and  again  are  character  flaws  has  thickened  substantially.  many  who  only  know  her  cursorily  consider  her  to  be  cold  in  nature,  dull,  and  without  much  of  a  personality  as  a  result.  she's  withdrawn from both valyrian and westerosi high society —  preferring  to  observe  from  darkened  corners  as  to  not  draw  unnecessary  attention  to  herself.  though  her  siblings  are  amongst  those  that  she  does  not  hide  her  true  nature  from,  visera  is  very  well  -  practiced  in  concealing  her  worries  from  them.  she's  always  done  it,  managing  to  attribute  the  dwindling in the number of her concerns  as  she  aged  to  the  simple  act  of  maturing  —  though  in  truth,  she's  only  become  a  better  liar. despite her misgivings, she is kind - hearted, observant, and nearly unfoolable — she spent many days in her youth playing cards for gold, searching the faces of grown men for tells.
wip, more to come !
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bybloods · 2 months
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bybloods · 2 months
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tarah  thought  that  she'd  perhaps  grown  too  callous.  when  she  was  young,  shows  of  violence  had  shaken  her.  as  she  aged,  she'd  numbed  to  them.  matthos  had  always  enjoyed  jousts  and  melees —  displays  of  strength  and  tenacity  that  were  all  but  guaranteed  to  end  in  bloodshed.  the  more  tarah  was  forced  to  sit  in  on  the  show,  the  less  she'd  found  her  knees  would  feel  gelatinous  at  the  sight  of  someone  in  pain.  though  the  reach's  jousts  tended  to  be  slightly  more  ...  flowery  —  the  violence  was  there  all  the  same.  "  i'm  sure  most  would  understand  if  you  decided  you  couldn't  stomach  it,  "  she  offers  a  warm  smile,  "  especially  seeing  as  you're  with  child.  i  remember  being  unable  to  handle  witnessing  any  sort  of  suffering  even  when  both  of  mine  were  already  infants.  it  all  seemed  just  ...  far  too  sad.   " 
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Nerissa had been lost in her own thoughts, she thought of her boys and how much they had enjoyed the reach so far. she had been exited to show them the fields of fruits and flowers, fields she had once walked as a little girl, she too had been mesmerized by her surroundings. it had been a dream to witness it in them too. she returns her attention to the lady, a soft smile spreading across her face as she takes the bloom from her, twirling it in her fingers. “i am still pondering about it, it has never been much of my liking, such activities. but it would be a shame to missed the showmen.” she teases on the reach knights slightly.
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bybloods · 2 months
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a  smile  falls  onto  tarah's  features.  her  self-imposed  distance  from  king's  landing  at  all  costs  made  it  so  that  she  was  generally  unfamiliar  with  those  that  her  brother's  children  associated  with.  it  was  comforting,  however,  to  speak  to  the  one  tasked  with  the  protection  of  drystan's  life.  perhaps  if  she  were  a  better  aunt,  she  would  have  been  there  to  vet  the  knight  who  had  sworn  his  sword  to  the  prince  in  person.  alas,  she  hadn't  been  —  and  this  conversation  would  need  to  serve  well  enough.  "  would  you  not  consider  acting  also  a  talent,  ser?  "  she  questions,  tilting  her  head  slightly.  "  your  abundance  of  jousting  prowess  does  not  indicate  a  lack  of  theirs,  regardless.  you'd  be  wise  to  not  count  them  out  so  soon.  "  the  advice  is  peddled  with  a  smile  that  remains  —  she  doesn't  mean  it  to  be  taken  too  seriously. 
Before gaining his position as Drystan’s sworn shield, Addam had never left the green of the Riverlands. And perhaps he was a simple man, but he didn’t think he would have minded if that had continued to be the case for the rest of his life. The emerald hilltops above the Tumblestone, the grey skies during the rainy season, the blue ones during the summer, grass that tickled your hands as you walked through it, all reminded him of home. Of his mother. And while home may be the first place many learn run from, that had never been the case with Addam. While his rooms in the Red Keep were nicer than any he had before, he would have much preferred being back in the brothel, like he was a boy again, sleeping wherever there was space. That was all to say, while all these new locales were impressive, Addam was not impressed. “Absolutely, Lady Baratheon. The Reachfolk may put on a show, but what is a show in the face of real talent, I ask?” Brow was raised in question, even if it was somewhat rhetorical. “Winning a joust is how I ended up as your nephew’s sword shield, you know.”
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bybloods · 2 months
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politicking  was  a  learned  skill.  visera  knew  as  much.  her  lyseni  education  had  lent  itself  to  her  abilities  in  mathematics,  in  geography  and  bookkeeping.  but  no  matter  how  many  hours  she'd  spent  half-assedly  scouring  tomes  imported  from  westeros  that  detailed  their  political  customs,  nothing  had  taught  her  as  much  as  what  she'd  experienced  in  the  moons  since  she  and  her  siblings  had  docked  in  dorne  for  the  first  time.  the  alliance  with  the  lannisport  lannisters  had  been  a  natural  next  move  —  the  hightowers  were  already  amongst  her  closest  allies,  and  nerissa  was  tybolt's  wife.  but  it  was  the  ruling  lord's  demeanour  and  care  for  his  smallfolk  that  pushed  visera  to  envelope  them  into  her  circle.  despite that,  brynden  and  tybolt  still  resided  on  the  outer  border  of  her  trust.  "  lord  brynden,  "  she  greets,  looking  up  from  the  ornate  bronze bookmark  she'd  been  inspecting  —  a  peace  offering  for  rhaella,  perhaps,  something  that  told  of  her  gratitude  for  her  youngest sibling's  efforts  in  sunspear.  "  there's  something  satisfying  about  spending  coin  that  i  find  quite  dangerous,  "  she  jokes,  "  like  a  siren's  call.  but  so  far  i've  managed  to  fend  it  off.  "  she  offers  a  thin  smile.  "  i  can't  say  i've  tried  a  fireplum  at  all.  i  spent  my  time  in  the  orchards  scarfing  down  peaches,  instead.  "  visera  found  conversation  much  easier  once  someone  else  knew  of  her  true  identity.  no  longer  did  the  oppressive  weight  of  charade  weigh  down  on  her,  as  if  lady  marra  were  crushing  visera  targaryen  with  the  weight  of  her  very  existence.  but  still,  she  scolds  herself  inwardly  for  being  so  ...  flippant.  a  good  ruler  required  a  certain  amount  of  poise  —  poise  that  she  was  still  unsure  she  possessed.
WHERE : highgarden, the markets WHO : @bybloods
               BRYNDEN DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK about the resurfaced targaryens. it sounded like a mess that may soon land them all in another unwanted war, but he tried to be open minded while visera had been in lannisport even though he'd been more focused on making sure the fleet had recovered well than whatever she and tybolt had been planning. seeing her now in highgarden reminded him of her identity again, a little smile going her way. ❛ good afternoon, lady marra. have you enjoyed the markets ? ❜ he wondered if she'd looked around or was only there for appearance sake.
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❛ people have said that the fireplum candies are very good. have you tried any yet ? ❜ brynden asked in the interest of being polite and not as cold as he usually was if tybolt did align their house with her.
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bybloods · 2 months
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aemma  finds  herself  smiling  down  at  her  creation,  revelling  in  the  first  moment  of  true  peace  she's  felt  in  moons.  what  had  begun  as  a  tentative  crouch  in  the  sand  had  evolved  into  their  skirts  riddled  with  sand,  sat  firmly  amongst  the  grains  as  they  sculpted  a  fretfully  mediocre  rendition  of  runestone  —  their  sister  jessa's  home.  "  if  there  is  a  trick,  i  fear  i  haven't  been  let  in  on  the  secret.  "  they  admit,  shifting  their  positions  slightly  so  that  the  lady  tyrell  can  see  just exactly  what  they  mean by that.  "  i've  managed  to  make  something,  "  she  shakes  her  head  slightly,  beaming  down  at  the  lumps  of  sand  almost  involuntarily.  "  but  i've  enjoyed  the  process.  if  we  were  all  artists,  good  art  wouldn't  mean  much  of  anything  at  all.  " 
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content  upon  the  sands,  half  molded  between  her  fingers  in  shape  reminiscent  of  highgarden  itself  —  less  impressive  than  her  ancestral  home.  "  there  may  be  a  trick  to  this.  i  recall  being  able  to  build  much  taller  sand  structures  before  the  tide  came  in  to  send  them  back  to  sea.  "  patience  aided  younger  pursuits  where  malina  had  grown  into  restless  energy  that  had  been  tamed  only  by  word  upon  a  page  or  the  interest  of  something  she  did  not  consider  herself  knowledgeable  in.  "  it  is  a  good  thing  that  there  is  no  competition.  i  would  hate  to  fail  so  miserably  at  something  that  i  put  together  by  avocation.  have  you  managed  to  make  something  splendid  ?  "  asks  while  dark  hues  peer  over  the  sand  to  them.
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open starter, bride's day beach event ( 0 / 6 )
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bybloods · 2 months
CLOSED   STARTER       ⋆       fated  for  @ofhereditas  ,  day one of the wedding celebrations ,  in  the  courtyard  with  leo banefort  . 
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visera  had  heard  of  house  banefort  long  ago.  when  she'd  first  come  to  westeros  under  the  guise  of  looking  for  local  folklore,  house  banefort  had  been  third  mentioned  —  after  only  house  upcliff  in  the  vale  and  house  reed  in  the  north.  however,  seeing  as  she  wasn't  truly  seeking  out  myths  and  legends,  leo  had  only  come  into  her  peripheral  when  she  had  absorbed  tybolt  lannister  into  her  circle  of  modest  trust.  the  privilege  did  not  yet  stretched  to  the  lord  banefort,  no  matter  how  much  trust  tybolt  put  in  the  man.  visera  had  learned  quickly  that  she  should  trust  no  one  but  herself  —  and  even  then,  she  tried  to  take  her  own  opinions  with  a  grain  of  salt.  "  lord  banefort,  "  she  greets  with  a  polite  nod  of  her  head — a  gesture  common  for  lady  marra,  but  not  visera  herself.  "  have  you  spent much time in the reach?  "
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bybloods · 2 months
CLOSED   STARTER       ⋆       fated  for  @ephiiphanies  ,  day one of the wedding celebrations ,  in  the  orchard  with  cassian baratheon  . 
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visera  had  lost  her  partner  amongst  the  fruit  trees,  but  she  doesn't  mind  the  moment  of  solitude.  in  the  free  cities,  many  of  her  days  had  been  spent  alone.  since  they'd  docked  in  sunspear  moons  ago,  seldom  had  she  had  a  moment  to  herself.  the  squat,  stocky  peach  trees  provide  insulation  from  the  sounds  of  others  picking  fruit  rows  over,  and  visera  strolls  through  them  at  what  some  would  consider  a  snail's  pace.  the  warmth  of  the  sun  in  the  reach  is  reminiscent  of  lys,  and  she  finds  herself  homesick  as  she  bites  into  a  peach.  homesick,  and  annoyed  at  herself  for  still  thinking  of  lys  as  home.  rounding  the  corner  of  another  row,  the  presence  of  another  takes  her  by  surprise.  she  stops,  recognizing  him  as  the  baratheon  prince.  the  man  who  lived  the  life  her  brother  viserys  should  have  been  living.  "  my  apologies,  your  highness,  "  she  says,  dropping  her  bitten  peach  to  the  side  as  if  to  conceal  it.  for  what  purpose,  she  isn't  sure.  she  makes  to  turn  back  from  whence  she  came,  jaw  clenched  slightly,  her  bitterness  towards  the  baratheons  still  far  more  potent  than  she'd  wish. 
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bybloods · 2 months
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tarah  feels  a  migraine  pulsing  inside  of  her  skull  threateningly.  she  turns  her  face  up  towards  the  sun,  hoping  that  its  warmth  could  penetrate  and  soothe  her  irritation.  regrettably,  she's  intelligent  enough  to  know  that  it  was not at all  likely  to  happen.  "  may  the  mother  and  father  continue  to  smile  down  on  them,  then,  "  she  responds  after  a  long  second,  opening  green eyes  once  more to turn them on her good sister. once again, she finds herself fending off a pang of grief. she longed for the companionship that she'd had with matthos's first wife, even after all these years. looking upon myrcella's features just made the feeling more prominent.  "  i  hadn't  realized  you'd  become  a  shipwright  in  your  spare  moments,  your  grace,  "  her  tone  offers  nothing  of  the  sarcasm  tarah  privately  intends  it  to, the smile plastered on her face practiced.  "  this  stretch  of  the  mander  is  not  known  for  its  rapids.  if  a  team  takes  on  water  or  capsizes,  they  could  simply  stand  up.  "
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◟ open starter, open to five on day two at the mander.
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❛  it's  such  a  lovely  day  for  there  to  be  a  race  .  the  gods  must  be  smiling  upon  this  union  .  ❜  her  oaf  of  a  husband  should've  listened  to  her  for  there  to  have  been  a  match  between  one  of  the  tyrells  &  their  own  children  .  gyles  had  done  well  enough  that  at  least  she  was  only  the  youngest  ,  &  odd  one  ,  not  fit  for  king's  landing  .  ❛  though  do  be  careful  .  from  this  vantage  the  boats  look  a  bit  rickety  .  perhaps  only  fit  for  leisure  rather  than  a  race  as  the  tyrells  desire  .  ❜  the  artfully  disguised  insult  had  a  smile  on  the  queen's  face  ,  inviting  as  she  tried  to  be  when  in  public  .  away  from  her  husband  that  cared  only  about  the  joust  it  was  easier  to  pretend  .
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bybloods · 2 months
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jory  had  been  paying  attention,  just  not  to  the  scene  unfolding  with  the  lady  tyrell.  he's  surprised  when  she  approaches,  blocking  the  eyeline  that  he  had  reserved  for  the  starks,  who  were  in  the  area.  "  me?  "  he  questions,  hardly  bothering  to  hide  his  incredulity,  her  intentions  dawning  on  him  belatedly.  "  perhaps  you  seek  my  brother,  my  lady.  the  lord  of  greywater  watch.  we  look  quite  similar,  "  he  offers  a  wan  smile, unsettled by how . . . unsettled he is speaking of his brother.  "  almost  as  if  we're  twins.  "  the  retreat  of  the  noble  she'd  been  speaking  to  prior  triggers  the  dawning  of  realization  in  his  crowded  mind.  "  ah,  "  he  nods,  with  almost  too  much  vigor,  "  no  need  to  apologize.  that  man  wouldn't  know  tact  if  it  died  in  his  bed.  "  jory,  seemingly,  may  have  suffered  from  a  similar  ailment,  though  he  does  it  with  a  levity  that  he  hopes  alleviates  any  crassness. 
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she would follow the strict lessons the tyrell matriarch laid out for them all . easy smile on lips , poised to be both graceful and helpful in the midst of the kingdom come to highgarden. malina had not requested much of malaika aside for her to be more hostess than she , to be impediment when she could no longer stand the prying conversation . " i do deeply apologize , however , both the bride and groom have been called away to attend to other things . i would be more than willing to pass along a message , or perhaps , be of assistance to you . " she did not falter , though as her gaze met another , malaika excused herself smoothly with a curtsy . " i have been in search of you , " greeted warmly to be overheard , façade dropping once the other had exited . " my apologies . i did not know of another way to repeat myself for the third time . "
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bybloods · 2 months
OPEN   STARTER       ⋆       day six of the wedding celebrations ,  in  the  gardens  with  any who wish to respond  . 
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the  reach  was  just  as  she  remembered.  the  years  had  dulled  tarah's  stored  memories  of  highgarden,  packed  away  in  her  brain  for  over  thirty  name days.  the  only  memory  that  remains  vivid  is  the  one  of  her  reluctant  departure  at  six  and  ten.  for  six  years,  she'd  managed  to  convince  herself  she  was  a  rose  rather  than  a  storm. her mother's death and the realization that she would be at her father's beck and call until he died were wine too bitter for tarah to swallow.  highgarden  as  it  is  now  is  technicolour,  and  tarah  finds  herself  rather  reluctant  to  leave  once  more.  "  will  you  be  attending  the  joust  later  on?  "  she  questions,  tilting  her  head  slightly  with  the  query. she picks a brilliant pink rose from its bush, offering it to the other.  "  it's  sure  to  be  a  spectacle.  the  knights  of  the  reach  are  nothing  if  not  showmen.  "
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bybloods · 2 months
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observing  alys,  jory  is  reminded  of  what  he  has  lost.  it  was  not  anything  material  so  much  as  it  was  his  youthful  optimism.  the  jory  that  had  chosen  squiredom  over  learning  to  rule  over  the  neck  had  long  faded,  and  had  taken  the  expectations  that  he  had  for  this  future  version  of  himself  along  with  him.  ultimately,  jory's  goal  had  been  accomplished.  he  was  a  knight,  the  captain  of  winterfell's  guard,  and  he  was  good  at  what  he  was  tasked  with.  but  the  path  jory  had  taken  to  get  there  had  been  such  a  heinous  deviation  from  what  he'd  once  dreamed  of  within  the  walls  of  greywater  watch.  "  lord  edric  learned  that  from  me.  "  he  says  as  much  in  jest,  offering  a  smile  that  fades  as  he  contemplates  the  question  she  levies  at  him.  it's  not  one  that  can  be  answered  simply,  but  he  attempts  anyway.  "  be  loyal  to  what  matters.  it  doesn't  have  to  be  the  starks,  or  winterfell,  or  bear  island  —  though  it  can  be.  "  he  struggles  to  wrangle  his  train  of  thought,  sighing  quietly.  "  you  can  be  the  finest  technical  swordsman  the  realm  has  ever  seen,  all  of  westeros  can  know  of  your  prowess  in  battle  —  but  it'll  mean  nothing  if  you  don't  have  something  to  fight  for.  " 
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" a team, yes, " alys agrees with a nod, grinning at the attention she knows bear is enamored with. he is spoiled, no doubt, but has grown comfortable with those frequently seen such as the captain of winterfell's guards. his reassurance is absolutely welcomed and they let out a deep breath the mormont hadn't realized they were holding. " lord edric says much of the same, " she remembers after the hunt feeling a bit embarrassed with a lack of contributing, but ned had reminded them there are more important traits for a knight to have. riding seems more of a priority to alys, thankful they placed well in the race - jory was right, second place is more than fine. " what do you think are the most important skills about knighthood, ser ? i have been focusing more on how to wield a sword, but i know there is more to it than that. "
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bybloods · 2 months
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jory  merely  shakes  his  head.  the  presence  of  a  direwolf  could  ward  off  many  an  amateur  assailant.  but  the  kind  that  sought  to  kill  members  of  great  houses  —  the  kind  that  attacked  the  queen  along  the  kingsroad  —  they  would  know  of  ned's  wolf  and  have  already  decided  how  to  deal  with  it  thirty  times  over.  regardless,  jory  doesn't  feel  like  wasting  his  breath.  his  friend  is  privy  to  his  concerns  already.  "  no,  "  he  responds  in  his  usual  gruff  fashion,  looking  to  ned  for  further  rebuttal.  dark  gazes  locked,  jory  senses  that  there's  something  waiting  on  the  tip  of  ned's  tongue,  and  he  silently  hopes  that  the  other  man  doesn't  allow  the  words  to  spill  over.  after  years  of  friendship,  jory  finds  that  the  majority  of  their  communication  occurs  between  the  lines  of  what  is  not  said,  rather  than  what  is.  "  i  could  throw  the  uniform  in  lannisport's  stenching  harbour  and  i'd  still  lead  the  guard,  "  he  counters,  "  what  do  a  sigil  and  cape  mean  then,  ned?  "  he  shrugs, more than sufficiently  convinced  that  he's  won  the  topic.  "  i've  told  you  time  and  time  again,  brother.  you  should  only  put  your  good  money  on  the  good  men.  "  with  this,  he  jokingly  references  the  men  that  joust  as  their  life's  calling  —  the  ones  who  preferred  showmanship  over  bloodshed. 
with another he might have been suitably chastised but the closeness from years of friendship meant that slightly less guilt was felt over choosing not to bother him simply because he wanted some air. "I brought one." head is inclined towards the direwolf now sat peacefully at his side, seemingly more relaxed as though jory's arrival had relieved him of his duties. but he knows it's not the response that his friend wants and so he attempted some kind of contrition. "would you accept the fact that I trust you to never be far behind?" though he thought his faith in the other man to be implicit, the stark had never seen any harm in giving a reminder every now and again. the last thing he would ever wish for would be for his closest friend to feel undervalued. "a collection of letters and a uniform, don't forget the uniform." the idea of challenging the reed over dodging his question is toyed with before it is rejected. while he might wish to give some support to the other northerner he also wished to allow him peace. pushing would only make him a hypocrite when there had been countless times throughout his life he had chosen silence over burdening another. so he allows privacy, "well I shall hope that is ready enough, I have good money resting on you."
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