probably my last post
my encounter with shmorky was around 2016- june to 2016-nov.. november was the last time we chatted. again, i had been a follower for years, since purple pussy comic. i had no idea shmorky was also sandypant, who i chatted with a few times under my old alias
i was in my late 20s as well, not underage, when this took place. 
(for those who called my logs fake, they are real. here is a better link where its in order thanks to someone on kiwifarms http://pastebin.com/dHXfLD4y )
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here’s my experience with shmorky.
most of these logs are out of order and kind of incomplete. i used skype on my phone and pc, so there was trouble getting these. the blank messages are shmorky sending roleplay shit and immediately deleting it after i responded, possibly to hide tracks. he’d use baby talk or mom talk, and often tried to rp lewd stuff. i usually played along a little but the constant diaper shitting/pissing was too much for me. shmorky of used terms like ‘i’ll do anything, mom wont know’  or ‘you can touch me, my parents arent home’ 
claimed to be born female but i knew shmorky was cave deli but never mentioned it.
also did a similar stunt as sandypants back when i used a different handle, and stopped talking as soon as i said i didnt rp diapers, didnt know until recently it was the same person.
after i stopped bothering with rping and i stopped doodling our characters he dropped me and never looked back.
logs have been edited to remove my name/username but nothing else.
edit: heres a better copy of the log http://pastebin.com/dHXfLD4y
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