butlerettes · 1 year
I have a quick question, I really want to do My Austin Story in ten parts, but part ten is super long already, do I just publish it after I am finished or do I publish it now? Also if you are any follower of mine, my health is bad. Had to have an MRI. Have not heard anything from that yet. So what's ya think? Let me know.
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butlerettes · 1 year
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butlerettes · 1 year
550 Spyder on set "The Carrie Diaries"
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butlerettes · 1 year
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butlerettes · 1 year
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butlerettes · 1 year
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68 Special / Elvis (2022). Thank you Ruby Bell.
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butlerettes · 1 year
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The Missing
Chapter 8
You were sitting at your desk finishing one of the few books that were piled on your desk.  It was a few days until Christmas Eve.  You and Austin would spend Christmas Eve with your family and Christmas day with his.  Ashley knew about the engagement but no one else.  You were a little nervous to tell your Mother and brother but excited too.
After that, you would move in completely. You have been staying with Austin.  He insisted.  
Putting the book down, you take a deep breath.  You want to sign this author.  You grab the book and head to the Editor’s office.  "Hey, E/N, we need to sign this author."  “You think so?”  “I do. I can start with editing and then get a complete transcript.  After that, I think I can sell this.”  “Then do it. I will get the contract started and the ball rolling.”  “Great, I’ll get started.”  “Uh, Y/N, I hear there are congratulations in order?”  “Yes, I got engaged.”  “I hope he doesn’t take you away from us.”  “He won’t,” you walk out of the office and head back to yours.  There was a message on your desk, “Call Ozzy.”  You had to laugh.
Lunch was with Austin at the only cafe serving Turkey clubs, both of your favorite sandwiches, and sharing the serving of home-cooked fries.  Of course, you had your bottle of water, and Austin had an iced green tea.  "Are you signing that author you were talking about last night?" He questions.  Replying, "Yes, E/N is getting the contract ready.  I am so excited to sign A/N. I know I can sell this book.  I already have an idea for the…." You pause. Austin is staring at you intently.  Furrowing your brow, "What?" "Gerdy, you are so gorgeous.  I want to get married as soon as possible." He answers you. "Butler, we could go to Las Vegas!"  "We could. Do you want to?"  " No, I want to wear a nice dress and tell my mother and brother.  We should probably let your grandparents know.  Your dad, my grandparents.  I know you don't want a big wedding and frankly, neither do I.  But I want your family there, and my family there, and…" tears started forming in your eyes.  "Gerdy, Gerdy, what's wrong?" Austin quizzed in a near-panicky voice.  "M-m-y dads n-not here to walk me down the aisle," you respond, crying.  “Oh, Gerdy, I know.”  He wanted to wrap you in his arms and take away the pain.  He knew how it felt. Losing a parent is like losing a piece of yourself, especially if that parent was the one you favored.  It’s hard, you never get over it, and no matter how old you get, you grieve for them.  Time doesn’t heal all wounds. It just makes it better to deal with.  
After lunch and Austin making sure you were O.K., he dropped you off at your office.  You went straight to your office and called your mom.  Austin was great, but this was a mom thing.  "Hello," your mom answers.  "Mom, I am having a hard time today," you start to cry.
"Oh, honey.  What's wrong?" Concern fills her question.  "Well….Austin asked me to marry him, and, " Your mom interrupts you, "And you said yes and are now sad because your dad is not here to walk you down the aisle.?"  "Yes," Sobbing, you answer.  "Congratulations, he asked if he could, and I am glad you said yes.  I can walk you down, and Grampa can, or  Uncle/YU/N. Your brother would.  Honey, someone will walk you down the aisle and give you a way to Austin." She says in a loving voice.  “I know, and it will be great, but….” she interrupts again.
“But it will not be the same?  I know, but it will be O.K.   Plus, Austin knows exactly what you would be going through, “ she explains.  There is a few-second pause, then you speak, “I suppose you are right.  I guess I should start planning a wedding."
Hanging up the phone with your mother, you went back to work.  Y/AN entered your office, “Ms. L/N, Mr. Butler is here to see you.”  Looking up,  “Send him in.”  “Yes, Ma’am.”  She walks out, and Austin walks in within a few minutes carrying a bouquet.  “Butler, I thought I told you I would be home in a little while. Thank you for these. They are beautiful,” you reprimand, grabbing the flowers.  “I know, you just looked so sad, and I wanted to cheer you up.,” pouting, He says.  “I am fine. I just realized my dad wouldn’t be here to,” pausing to think about how you wanted to word it. “Walk me down the aisle, but I knew this.  It just hit me hard, you know,” squinting, you asked. Austin’s forehead furrowed.  He walked over to you and hugged you.  This was truly the first time he hugged you, and it didn’t turn into kissing.  He just held you.  The world faded, and it was just you and Austin.  Why do you feel so safe with him?  Why do you feel like he could take any pain you had away?  You loved this man with every fiber in your body.
Austin stayed with you while you finished up. He sat on one of the chairs and read one of your recently received manuscripts. The Editor came in to show you the contracts.  You introduced her/him to Austin.  Your editor congratulated him and talked to you some more about the author.  When she/he left, Austin looked so proud.  “Gerdy, you are amazing,” he smiles.  “Thank you, you are too. Shall we go?” you ask as you grab your bag.  Austin waited and held the door for you.  As you both left the building, Austin asked, “I was wondering if you thought about a date?"  “I have,” you answered.  Austin seeming surprised, raises an eyebrow, “You have.”  “I have.”  “When do you want to get married?” he asked.  He grabs your hand.  “Well….Aussie,” you say in a sassy voice, “I was thinking sometime in January.  Maybe the (pick a date)? What do you think?”  “I love it. Now, do you want to get married in a church?”  “No, I know you want to get married in as small of a wedding as possible, and I understand that.  We can get married in front of the Justice of the Peace.”  “Are you sure, Gerdy?”   “I am, I really am.  I just want to be married to you.”  Austin held your hand as you rode home.
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butlerettes · 1 year
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butlerettes · 1 year
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butlerettes · 1 year
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“i had a really hard time celebrating, for a while after. and jerry schilling actually, he texted me. and he said you know- lisa marie would want you to enjoy this time.”
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butlerettes · 1 year
@14:07 Austin is taking a tequila shot with Guillermo ☺️
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butlerettes · 1 year
His face says it all!!
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butlerettes · 1 year
We are going to know, who is the winner so soon.
Even if he doesn’t win an Oscar, he already won our hearts❤️❤️❤️❤️
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butlerettes · 1 year
I am starting to get a little worried about him. He looks super skinny.
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Someone give this man another project so he'll finally get off the Elvis train. I can already tell he's doing the accent just from this photo.
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butlerettes · 1 year
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butlerettes · 1 year
Red is his color, wait he looks good in everything.
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baby boyism
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butlerettes · 1 year
He's Wearing Red!!!
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