burntchakra · 2 years
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(via Malachite Stone: a power and heart stone – Wonther)
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burntchakra · 2 years
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(via What is Malachite? Meaning, Healing Properties & Uses)
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burntchakra · 3 years
✨🌿 Green Witch’s Comfort Spell Jar 🌲
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In a small jar with a cork top, layer:
Lemongrass or Lemon Balm
Tree Bark (I used White Oak)
Fennel Seeds
Ginger Root
Pine Needles
Let it charge in the sun for an afternoon near your houseplants, in the garden, or even under a favorite tree in the woods. For an extra boost, charge it near a moss agate stone too! Later, seal it with green or white wax and recite:
“Support me and guide me, Spirits of Nature. As a Green Witch, I thank you for your many blessings. I take a little piece of the Forest with me as I walk my path. Blessed be, and so mote it be.” 🌿
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You can now take your little piece of the Forest inside your spell jar with you wherever you go as a reminder of your Green Witch oath and path. It’s great to keep in your bag, purse, or travel altar! Blessed be, lovelies! 💖🌿
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burntchakra · 4 years
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burntchakra · 4 years
Amethyst Phantom
Phantom Quartz is a variety of Quartz crystal that over millions of years has undergone the intrusion of variations of trace mineral content or radiation during its growth. These variations cause outlines of the crystal growth to appear within the body of the crystal due to colour or clarity variations caused by the variation of trace minerals or radiation. These outlines are the “Phantoms”. The phantom outlines are typically aligned with the outer surfaces of the crystal. Phantoms are found in countries such as Austria, Brazil, Madagascar, Switzerland, Australia, Tibet & the United States.
Metaphysical Properties
Amethyst Phantoms open doorways to the divine temples, here the walls are inscribed with the secrets of one’s soul journey & the karmic lessons to be understood. Once conceived these karmic ties can be released freeing the soul to achieve its highest purpose. Also within the temples lies the heart of all elements the beginning of all creation & the instructions on how to call on the elements to create in the physical realm. The temple energy can be channelled into the physical to surround the self with divine grace at all times.
This crystal opens the crown & third eye stimulating immense energetic or psychic abilities. They rain supreme love into the auric body dissolving negativity & sharing ancient wisdom. They teach us we are infinite beings engaging in a physical experience & awaken us to life’s true purpose.
A crystal of transformation they teach us how to move on to the next level. Points the soul in the best direction for growth & enlightenment. Phantoms show us the cycles of life & show the need for the old to die to give life to the new. They facilitate broader spiritual awareness & smooth all periods of transition creating effortless movement between stages of growth. Allows for assimilation of past lessons & reveals the strength within ones spiritual core, turning old wounds into new beauty.
Phantoms activate healing ability & stimulate healing for the planet, also opening psychic abilities. Calls past life powers into the physical realm for use in this life. Assists one to see between the worlds & converse with other realities. Phantoms open communications to beings from other worlds, particularly useful for contacting guides & stimulating clairaudience.
Enhances meditation & releases ingrained patterns. Shifts perception of self, unveiling ones eternal truths & opening the internal light source. Phantoms teach us how to turn toxic environments into joyful opportunities. They deflect negative energy & protect their human friends. Phantoms have the ability to activate all chakras.
Crystal Healing
Helps mineral absorption, bone & muscle disintegration, Joint movement, eyes, organ function & lymphatic system. Cleanses blood, immune system, skin conditions, cellular disorders, fine tunes metabolism & endocrine system.
Group: Quartz (Silicate-Tectosilicate)
Crystal System: Hexagonal/Trigonal
Composition: SiO2
Form/Habit: Prismatic
Hardness: 7
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Conchoidal
Lustre: Vitreous
Streak: Colourless
Specific Gravity: 2.7
Transparency: Translucent to nearly Opaque
R.I: 1.544 to 1.553
Colour: Purple, violet, pale red – violet
Birefringence: 0.009
Pleochroism: Weak gray-purple, reddish purple
Fluorescence: Inert to weak greenish blue
Causes of Colour: Violet to purple, O2+→Fe4+ charge transfer, due to irradiation.
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burntchakra · 5 years
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burntchakra · 5 years
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burntchakra · 5 years
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burntchakra · 5 years
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burntchakra · 5 years
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burntchakra · 5 years
Quartz – Dow Crystal are also known as Trans-Channeling crystals – This is because they combine both Channel and Transmitting Receiver crystal properties. Adding in a third layer completes and empowers the trinity experience. Thus, Quartz – Dow crystal have a close affinity with the holy trinity – Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Numerology speaking, Number 3 resonates with the energies of optimism and joy, inspiration and creativity, communication, imagination, intelligence, and compassion. Number 7 resonates with the vibrations and energies of the ‘Collective Consciousness’, faith, spiritual awakening and awareness. Thus combining these properties to the power of three makes Quartz – Dow crystal very powerful master healers indeed!
Quartz – Dow crystal also provide balance and inspiration to many circumstances and scenarios. They are very effective crystals to use for deep meditative work. Using them requires strong focus, and defined conscious intent. Being very specific with your questions will ensure you get a very specific answer/response. Accuracy is key when using these crystals.
Quartz – Dow crystal are considered “completion” crystals. People who are in their final lifetime on Earth will find themselves attracted to these crystals. Everything thing from all past lives including this one is pulled in for processing.
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burntchakra · 5 years
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burntchakra · 5 years
Aqua Aura Quartz
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Clear Quartz bonded with Platinum and Silver, sometimes Gold or other trace metals; exhibits a light blue, rainbow and silvery iridescence like the gossamer wings of angels. It carries a very loving and sweet energy, stimulating the spirit and elevating one’s mood. Meditating with this crystal allows one to enter a state of serenity and peace, purification and rest, and to go beyond the body to perceive and receive help from one’s angel guides. Angel Aura assists in remembering lessons from past incarnations and attuning to one’s spiritual purpose. It is a marvelous aid for recognizing beauty, from Nature and Spirit, from within, and in others.
Use Aqua Aura at the Throat Chakra for loving communications, in romantic pursuits, in caring for children and the aged, and in all healing situations. It may also be used to align and purify all chakras, allowing for the Rainbow Light Body activation and integration. Aqua Aura is an all-healer, harmonizing one’s energy field with the physical body, and is thought to be particularly helpful for autism, Asperger’s syndrome and the nervous system. It is great for anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, and for use in Reiki healing, reflexology and shiatsu. [Simmons, Ahsian, 33-34][Melody En, 649][Eason, 179]
Aqua Aura Quartz is a marvelous support stone for the career-minded, expanding the boundaries of possibility and transforming restrictions into new opportunities. A stone of effective communication, wear or carry Aqua Aura to break through closed doors, glass ceilings and written rules. It is considered particularly beneficial to those in the travel industry and in pharmaceutical research and development. [Eason, 232][Hall En, 143]
Aura Quartz crystals are extraordinary stones for healing crystal grids, activating the Light body and grounding it in the physical body. Laid along the chakras like a rainbow, the various colors raise the vibrational rate of the chakras to accommodate expanded consciousness. They align and purify the entire system, allowing for “Rainbow Light Body” activation and integration. [101 Hall, 40][Ahsian, 34]
Aqua Aura is created in a vacuum chamber by heat bonding an infusion of gold to natural quartz. The gold atoms fuse to the crystal's surface and permanently alter the colour and properties of the crystal. It combines the energetic properties of Clear Quartz and Pure Gold.
Aqua Aura can have soothing and relaxing effect on the emotional body. Furthermore it is highly invigorating to the throat Chakra, enhancing one's ability to communicate inner truth. It is said Aqua Aura Quartz can be used to calm anger and release stress. It is strongly connected to the element of water, and it is therefore a stone for enhancing one's access to the truth of the emotions and the portals of Spirit which are accessed through the emotions. This stone cleanses, heals and calms the aura, releasing any stress and healing "holes".
Aqua Aura Quartz has a very high and intense vibration. It has been used to activate the energy of other minerals and gemstones for healing work. It works well with Amethyst, Moldavite, Golden Labradorite, Rainbow Labradorite, Danburite, Larimar, Charoite, Lapis, Seraphinite, Chrysoprase, Rhodochrosite, Citrine, Iolite, Green Amethyst and Tanzanite. -Judy Hall
It can be a potent crystal when used in body layouts for activation of the Chakras. It can be successfully applied to heal the Auric field, and to release negativity from one's emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual bodies.
(Spirit Quartz Infused With Gold)
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“The Stone of Spiritual Elevation”
High Vibration Crystal
Aqua Aura is the stone of spiritual elevation, which aids spiritual growth through the development of psychic gifts and communication. It has an intense vibration that is known to activate the soul energy of a person, along with activating all of the Chakras.
Aqua Aura will clean and heal any holes, tears or lose patches within the Aura.
Aqua Aura has the power to heal any victim from a psychic attack by cleansing and healing the Auric Field. Along with the Aura, it heals the emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual bodies. Wearing Aqua Aura helps to radiate and shine with one’s inner-beauty.
Protects a person from negative effects of any energy that one may come in contact with.
Aqua Aura is made up of Clear Quartz, Gold and Aquamarine. Therefore it possess the properties of those stones, as well.
Enhances one’s access to portals of Spirit which are accessed through emotions.
Aqua Aura can aid those who wish to become conscious channelers for spiritual wisdom. It will clear and open pathways of inter-dimensional communication through that of emotions. This is done by increasing one’s ability to access the meaning and truth behind their own emotions. In return, this will allow for a much deeper understanding of the meaning behind the emotions from those in the spiritual realm.
Removes negativity on all levels and activates the healing powers of other crystals.
Aqua Aura can be used to soothe and heal the Auric field. It releases negativity from one’s spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional bodies. Use this stone in body layouts for the activation of the Chakras.
Aqua Aura is one of the stones to assist in raising the vibration of humanity.
Chakra(s): Throat, Heart, Thymus, Third-Eye & Higher Crown (Activates All Chakras)
Energy Vibration: 9
Element: Water
Against Psychological Attacks
Against Psychic Attacks
From Any Negative Energy
Spiritual Awareness
Spiritual Growth
Psychic Insight
Esoteric Wisdom
Throat Chakra
Metaphysical Properties:
Activates one’s soul energy
Connects one with their spirit-guides
Stimulates astral travel
Stimulates the gift of psychic hearing and other psychic communication gifts
Facilitates shamanic journeying
Strong aid to communication allowing on to speak without fear
Aids development of psychic gifts and spiritual growth
Activates all Chakras, especially Throat and Third-Eye
Strengthens Heart Chakra energies
Connects Heart Chakra with Throat Chakra
Helps one to grow and evolve as a spiritual being
Cleans and heals the Auric field
Aids one to speak more truthfully and honestly
Attracts wealth and success
Allows one to let go of perceived limitations
Resonates with the higher Chakras to connect one with spirit
Prevents any negative effects from any kind of energy
Aids ones emotions to help them feel more at peace and calm
Heals the emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual bodies
Assist one in plumbing one’s emotional depths and heights while retaining inner peace
It is a form of Quartz and can be used to activate the energy of other stones
Healing Properties:
Auric Field
Psychic Healing
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burntchakra · 5 years
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Trigonic or Trigonics is the name given to a rare Quartz formation that exhibit “upside down” triangles on a termination face. The point of the triangle faces down towards the base of the termination as opposed to facing up towards the apex of the termination as in Record Keepers. Trigonics can be found in Quartz, Smokey Quartz, and other forms of Quartz such as Amethyst and both Natural and Common Citrine. This rare formation is a Master Crystal.
The frequency of Trigonics connect to the third eye, crown and upper transpersonal chakras. They open one’s consciousness to the higher dimensions so that one is able to gain insight and knowledge from one’s soul and to understand aspects of one’s lives, past, present and future.
This rare formation allows one’s consciousness to “travel” through dimensional doorways enabling one to “see” and “feel” different states of consciousness and awareness, projecting all possibilities into one’s open state of awareness, without judgement.
The energy of Trigonics allow one to have absolute trust, and to be accepting on all levels.
Associated Chakras
Third Eye
Casual Vortex
Soul Star
Stellar Gateway
Emotional Issue
Spiritual Connection
Higher Consciousness Awakening
Higher Dimensional Consciousness
Trust - Absolute
A Trigonic Record Keeper (sometimes called Trigon) is an upside-down Record Keeper that you can easily feel and see. Traditional Record Keepers are little triangles which point up, like a teepee or pyramid. Trigonic Record Keepers point down and seem to be “cut” into the surface (meaning you can easily see and feel them). They are like tiny Keys, actually, except that they are shaped like a Record Keeper (triangle) with the flat “bottom” of the triangle at the top, and the point facing down.
Here’s a comparison of some of the features in a Record Keeper versus a Trigonic Record Keeper:
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surface features which you usually can’t feel and are only apparent when lighted properly.
May be equilateral triangles or have curved edges
appear point up
comparable to opening a book
appear to be cut into the surface and can be easily seen and felt
may appear to be beveled if larger
appear point down
comparable to accessing a library
Like traditional Record Keepers, sometimes Trigonics are tiny, sometimes larger. When they are large, sometimes they appear to be beveled. And unlike traditional Record Keepers which normally only appear on faces, Trigonic Record Keepers may appear on the face, side or base of a crystal. They are fairly rare.
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burntchakra · 5 years
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burntchakra · 5 years
Angel Aura Quartz
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Properties: This stone awakens awareness. This spectacular version of opalescent quartz is a result of scientific alchemy created by bonding natural clear quartz crystal with the precious metal infusion of pure platinum and silver, resulting in an immensely powerful and protective combination most associated with our Guardian Angel. Angel Aura Quartz has it’s own unique vibrational signature.
It’s iridescent rainbow coloring is hypnotic and helps us to instill peace, tranquility and a feeling of contentment. This stone helps to bring you into a higher realm, where it is easier to meditate, contemplate and communicate with your guardian or spirit guide facilitating conscious contact with angelic teachings, channeling higher knowledge and understanding.
Angel Aura Quartz assists in accessing the Akashic records, remembering past lives and gaining insight into one’s spiritual mission in this lifetime. This stone is an excellent aura cleanser and acts to stimulate and clear all of the Chakra centers.
Folk Remedies: Angel Aura Quartz acts at a cellular level, dispelling disorder and restoring balance. Angel Aura can be used in the treatment of eye disorders. It helps the body eliminate toxins and assimilate minerals and vitamins. The quartz resonates with our own body’s silica.
Feng Shui: Angel Aura Quartz is used primarily anywhere to help bring enlightenment. Consider using this stone in the Center for balance, health and grounding, or in the Northeast for knowledge and wisdom.
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History: Angel Aura Quartz Crystal is the tradename of a bonded combination of crystals created by bonding a natural clear Quartz (SiO2) with a precious metal infusion of pure platinum and silver. Although the process for making these stones is not carried out within the earth, the stones are made of all natural components with no man-made or synthetic additives (such as plastics or dyes). Therefore, it seems as though the quartz simply acts as a natural amplifier to the metals bonded to it.
For Revealing & Transforming
Angel Aura Quartz assists in accessing the Akashic records, remembering past lives and gaining insight into one’s spiritual mission in this lifetime. This stone is an excellent aura cleanser and acts to stimulate and clear all of the Chakra centers.
Angel Aura Quartz acts at a cellular level, dispelling disorder and restoring balance. Angel Aura can be used in the treatment of eye disorders. It helps the body eliminate toxins and assimilate minerals and vitamins. The quartz resonates with our own body’s silica.
Angel Aura Quartz will help put you in a comfortable space in your life. It will encourage you to take responsibility for your actions and life. It is particularly useful for those seeking to adopt a more connected and spiritual lifestyle.
Angels: Guardian Angel
Associated Crystal: quartz family with infusions
Birthstone: January
Color: Indigo, Violet, Pink
Chakra: All Chakra, Crown Chakra
Element: Air
Flowers: Narcissus, Iris, Hydrangea
Oils: Lavender, Peppermint, Rose, Pine
Gods/Goddesses: Artemis, Cailleach, Ishtar, Luna
Planet: Uranus
Zodiac: Aquarius
Sabbat: Imbolc, Yule
Tarot: Moon
Third Eye Connection
Hold a vibrant piece of Angel Aura Quartz over the Third Eye Chakra. You can do this over another person or lay the stone on your forehead, between the eyes with the point facing up toward the top of the head. Eyes closed as you take deep inhales and slow, extended exhales. Take the focus behind the eye lids at first, then move the focus to the center of your forehead.
Allow yourself or your client, time…. time to connect with the crystals. Get a sense of calming energy with each “letting go” of the exhale. The idea is to combine your energy with Universal thought and the reach of your own intuition. What are you connecting to?
You can find this meditation and many others in Andrew’s certification course, The Crystalline Angel, Read more here
Cleansing & Charging Angel Aura Quartz
~ Cleansing a crystal is always a good idea to rid it of energies (negative or otherwise) that it may have picked up during handling and excessive use.
~ Charging a crystal is bringing its energy levels back up, after use and cleansing. Like re-charging a battery after it has lost its energy. A great way to do this (and remind you that it is time to do so) is during a full moon.
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burntchakra · 5 years
Cathedral Quartz
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Cathedral Quartz is also known as Lightbrary Quartz Crystal. Cathedral Quartz crystal is a variety of milky white to colorless quartz that is named for the way it forms as a crystal. Multiple crystal terminations grow parallel along the sides of the body of a main crystal reminding one of turrets fortifying a castle wall or as part of cathedral architecture. Cathedral Quartz is thought of as a “cosmic computer” or “light library” holding the records of existence for all beings. Cathedral quartz makes a powerful crystal for meditation and for access to the Akashic records. Cathedral quartz aligns one with the energies of the universal mind raising and acts as a receptor and transmitter for collective thought. It is believed that Cathedral Quartz makes itself known every two thousand years to aid in the spiritual evolution of consciousness by raising thoughts to a higher vibration.
Cathedral quartz may help one to develop clairvoyant and psychic abilities. Cathedral quartz is an effective crystal tool for those wanting to create a connection with the physical being while developing multidimensional awareness and exploring the angelic realms, the subtle energy fields, and astral traveling.
Cathedral Quartz are also very helpful when working with and connecting to the vibration of other crystals. Cathedral Quartz create an energetic link with other crystals allowing for crystalline information to be “downloaded” so the knowledge may be examined and the guidance may be shared with all others. Cathedral quartz facilitates harmonious learning in group settings and allows for cooperative growth.
Strongly connected to the crown chakra, Cathedral Quartz is associated with memory of the past, group connection, and self worth. The crystals are known as ‘Light Libraries,’ as they are rumored to provide access to the Akashic Records, which document all that has occurred on Earth. Cathedral Quartz is also often used to strengthen self awareness, and to give the user a sense of belonging, and peace by reminding them that they are enough. Awe bringing Cathedral Quartz dispels negativity, and shines a positive light on all.
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