bunumakisa · 4 years
invisible character
invisible letter
You can put blank spaces in an Instagram post caption to break up lines of text using recent versions of the app. If you don't yet have the option, you can write the original text in an external app, like the iPhone Notes app or Google Docs (Android), and copy it over. Visit Business Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories. Whether you have an Android or an iPhone, a recent Instagram update made it possible to quickly and easily add line breaks within your captions — without having
to copy over your text from another app.
Being able to add those kinds of breaks is important. Not only does it allow you to space things out the way you want them to appear within Instagram's feed, it also
helps make your posts easier to read and understand.
Plus, it can allow you to hide long lists of hashtags that many people use to help boost their visibility. While those can be helpful, they can also be something of an
eyesore, and line breaks solve that problem.
For those who aren't familiar, here's what you need to know about using the new option, what to do if it isn't yet available to you, and more tips for formatting your
Instagram posts:.
Check out the products mentioned in this article: iPhone 11 (From $699.99 at Apple) Samsung Galaxy S10 (From $699.99 at Walmart) How to put spaces in an
Instagram post caption If you have the new option to add line breaks within the app, the process is simple: You just need to hit the "enter" or "return" key and format it as you'd like it to
appear, creating the rest of the post as normal.
Up-to-date versions of Instagram will let you add line breaks freely. Devon Delfino/Business Insider However, if you aren't yet able to use the line-break option, it may be worth updating your app. If that doesn't work, though, there is still a way to add those line breaks
to your posts. Here's how:
1. Open your notes app of choice, and create a new note.
2. Add your text, then select it and hit "Copy."
You can type your caption out in another app first. Devon Delfino/Business Insider 3. Open Instagram and log into your account, if needed.
4. Create and edit your new post, but don't publish it yet.
5. For the caption section, long-press on the blank space and select "Paste."
6. Remove any periods from the last sentence that precedes each line break.
Your text should then copy over, including your formatting. Post it.
Once posted, double-check that the formatting's been done correctly. If it hasn't, delete the post and try again.
Formatting tips and tricks Formatting can drastically change how your followers perceive and interact with your posts, so knowing different techniques is essential as a creator. Again, if you
don't have the new invisible line-break option, or you just want to try something different, here are some tricks you should add to your Instagram game:
Create line breaks using symbols You could use a specific symbol of your choosing on the lines where you don't wish text to appear. By doing so, you give the old version of the app something that acts
as a placeholder and thereby gives you the overall effect of having line breaks. But the symbols you use, of course, will still be visible. So while it's a better option that
relying on huge chunks of text, it's not perfect.
You can use emojis to separate your lines. Devon Delfino/Business Insider Hide hashtags with periods As mentioned earlier, hashtag groups are commonly found at the end of captions, which can help the reader focus on what's important: Your message. However, if you
don't have a long caption ahead of it, those groups can still be distracting. To get around this, you may choose to use a period placed on each line break to visually
differentiate between the caption and the hashtag group.
You can create vertical ellipses to break up your text. Devon Delfino/Business Insider Try a dedicated space maker tool If you've tried your usual note-taking apps but still aren't getting the line-break effect you desire, a dedicated tool, like TextSpacer.Com, can be a solid option. With that
site, you'd create and format your post as desired within the site, then click "Copy" and paste it into your Instagram caption.
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