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careful Tori that pie is gonna get pretty salty if u carry on like that
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send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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send a ☜ to interact with a younger version of my muse!
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Staring curiously at the journal, his eyes looked briefly at the man as he asked about his family. “No. They aren’t.” He said, his voice losing its previous energy and lowering his gaze with certain nostalgia. The memories where still fresh on the boy’s memories, and it was hard for him to remember his family without feeling even a bit of sadness.
He took a deep breath a few seconds after, gathering himself up. He missed his clan, but he couldn’t go lamenting all day. “What ‘bout you?” He asked, taking a small pebble from the ground and burying it lightly. “You aren’t from here either, are you?” Feral said with his view fixed on the pebble.
Feral raised an eyebrow as the man traced the palm of his hand with the edge of the knife, yet said nothing. Blood tributes weren’t strange for him, but his clan tended to use the blood from others, and not their own. Yet, he knew many clans where different, and maybe so was the custom in the man’s clan. His eyes followed the man’s hand as he reached back for the bandages but didn’t give it much attention. Funny enough, he count’s recall seeing bags like these on the on the other tents.
When the man offered to teach him, Feral’s eyes opened wide in anticipation. Reading perhaps, but learning to write had never crossed his mind. He nodded his head (perhaps a few more times than what he had intended to) and asked, still in disbelief.
“Are there… runes of Hircine?” He said. Even when he wasn’t smiling it wasn’t had to notice the eagerness both on his face and voice.
Aodach chuckled at the enthusiasm on the boy’s face. He grabbed a nearby stick with a spell of telekinesis and scrawled a series of words into the dirt; Hircine’s aspects, followed by a pictogram in the shape of a horned face. 
“Alrabeg,” he said, pouting at the first word with the stick. With his other hand-the false hand composed of wood and vine and Reachmagic- he conjured up an image of the Horned Hunter. He tapped at the next word. “Uricanbeg, the Great Stag.”
The illusory horned figure collapsed into itself, reforming in the shape of a white stag. 
Tap. “Guilebeg, the Trickster.” The illusion shifted into the image of a fox, a wand of bleached bone clutched in its jaws. 
Tap. “Storihbeg, the Man-beast.” Fox became a great were-beast.
Tap. “Hrokkibeg, the Great Bear.” The Were-beast changed again, becoming a monstrous bear. 
He scrawled another line of script, tapping at the words with his stick as he spoke them. 
“Five are the aspects of Lord Hircine. Five like the fingers on your hand, or the clutch of a hagraven. All are true and right, and all are death-in-the-woods.” The gravesinger nodded to the boy. “I can teach you phrases and lines all you want, but if you want to learn to truly read and write it will take time.”
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Dagoth Ur
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Feral looked at the ginger, one hand fixed on the boy and the other subtlety tensing the string. The option of running away wouldn’t cross his mind, and if this guy wanted to fight, the kid wasn’t going to make him wait.
Strange sounds up the hill distracted him when he was about to shoot, making feral take his eyes out the Gaelic for the first time since they’ve met minutes ago. That sounds where familiar: Too loud to be grass and too deep to be a wolf.  On the top of the nearby hill, figures started to appear. One.  Three. Six. A whole pack of saber cats that had been attracted by the voice of the two warriors. The way they growled and gave to know that they had thought the duo a proper meal, and where ready to attack.
“Shit!” Feral shouted. The kid didn’t even think it twice before turning towards the animals and shooting the arrow to the one he had closest, making it stagger for a few seconds before grabbing another arrow and shooting again, this time to a second one that had come closer while the first one was slowed down.
The quickness which with the vampire fastened his bow managed to make the boy stagger for a moment. He had been careful to try and make the less noise possible, and cured under his breath thinking he may hadn’t paid enough attention.
Even with the warning, Feral refused to lower his weapon; he was confident about his skills, and even if he wasn’t his pride wouldn’t let him. He recognized the odd’s weren’t on his favor, after all it was the vampire’s probably sturdier bow, against the forsworn’s bow, older than the kid himself and repaired more times that he could count. Still, this wasn’t what got him so nervous.
There was something off about the man. Feral couldn’t tell what was it exactly, but something wasn’t right with him. He almost could swear the ma eyes had a certain glow.
He inhaled deeply before speaking, in a futile attempt to calm down. “We’ll see ‘bout that.” Answered, without changing his menacing expression. He may be nervous, but he couldn’t afford to show weakness in front a stranger, especially if said stranger had his weapon aimed at him.
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// Bam! There’s so many issues with anatomy that I can’t quite figure out…
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Before he could even lament over the failed assault, the boy bent as fast as he could when he saw the blade going his direction, barely escaping the attack by mere inches. He was lucky, he knew, and in a certain disadvantage given he wasn’t at his primes when it came to sword fighting.
Feral gave a few steps backwards. Even if he tried, he couldn't even consider the option of backing down. As far as he knew the only possible option at the moment was to try killing the woman. Unsheathing his other sword, he took impulse and dashed towards the Nerevarine, failing his attack again, ending up a few steps behind her.
Impulse, attack, stops. Again. Impulse, attack, stops. And again. Impulse, attack, stops…Every time, something failed, and at this point his weary body could feel the tiredness taking over. It was just matter of time.
Closed with child-of-the-reach
The arrow impacted on her left pauldron, and Marian felt extremely thankful for the mere existence of armour.
“Should have brought a shield…” she muttered to herself, but stopped mid sentence to try to lay a blow on the Forsworn. She stepped aside, trying to avoid the oncoming assault, and in exchange offered an uncoordinated swing. Her sword made a pleasing noise when it cut the air, and she hoped it would make an even more pleasing noise if it hit flesh. She was tired, which was a disadvantage, but she forced herself to focus on the combat. A misstep and she’d be dead.
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Deadpool Starter Sentences
"I need help! And a pony!”
"That's the shit emoji. You know the turd with the smiling face and the eyes. I thought it was chocolate yogurt for so long"
"Do you know how they say cancer in Spanish ?"
“Ride a bitch’s back like Yoda on Luke.”
“It reeks like old lady pants in here.”
"Life is an endless series of train wrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness"
"Cue the music"
"A-Poc-Key-Lips. I think I found my new favorite word!”
"I look like a testicle with teeth."
"Oh, come on. You're gonna leave me all alone here with less angry Rosie O'Donnell?"
“You don’t need to be a superhero to get the girls. You just need one woman to bring out the superhero in you.”
"Negasonic Teenage... what the shit? That's the coolest name ever!"
"Shit, did I leave the stove on?"
“You look like Freddy Krueger face-fucked a topographical map of Utah.”
“I was just memorizing her face, thinking it might be the last time I see it.”
“My common sense is tingling.”
“If that hit you in the chest, I’m sorry. I was aiming for your crotch.”
"Look-- I'm a teenage girl. I'd rather be anywhere but here. I'm all about long sullen silence, followed by mean comments, followed by long sullen silence"
“Shenanigans? Did you just curse me out in Irish?”
“You look like your an avocado that had sex with an older avocado but it was like hate sex.”
"I've played a lot of roles, damsel in distress ain't one of them."
"Why, hello gorgeous"
“Oh, I so pity the dude who pressures her into prom sex…”
"I prefer "Well-Compensated Establishment Provocateur."
"All the dinosaurs fear the T-Rex"
“She’s like the Batman to my Robin, but old, black, blind, and in love with me. Although I’m pretty sure Robin loves Batman.”
"One thing that never survives this place is a sense of humor."
"I think you'd agree that shit just went sideways in the most colossal way"
"His name is Francis, he got his name from a soap dish"
"Love is a beautiful thing. When you find it, your whole world will taste like daffodil daydream"
"I never said this but don't swallow"
"My boyfriend said this was a superhero movie but that guy in the red suit just turned that other guy in a fucking kebab"
"I gotta take you back long before I squeezed this ass into red spandex"
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Hey guys! I’m starting commissions on this blog, and would really appreciate if you paid some money for some art, you feel? The price is pretty low, but only because I don’t really need too much from you guys (plus i feel my art doesn’t make up for, say, 30 bucks). The price might hike up if I get used to it, but for now, they’re ultra-cheap, comrades.
Things I WILL draw:
A bust of your awesome character, of any race or species!
A character from any video game, but keep it Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, or Fallout-centric if you can. If not, I will still draw it.
I’m a little iffy on gore, but I’ll draw blood or injuries.
Things I WON’T draw:
Sexual content.
Excessive gore.
This is my first time handling commissions and what not, so if I get an order wrong or if you’d like a refund, it will be done. I am not one for no-refund stuff, and I want you to be content with what you paid for with your money.
Like I said above, I’d really appreciate it if you guys tried to commission something from me! I’m trying this thing out with low prices, and then around summer time I will raise the prices the next time I do commissions (and with more variety as well). Contact me at [email protected] so we can discuss what you’d like me to draw and the payment process.
Bless up.
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✒️ Maybe modern!Al chasing Feral away from a trash can? XD
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im proud of this
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Join the stream, get a free cookie
disclaymer: there may be no cookie
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Following with his eyes the movement of the stick, the boy decided to sit down and pay attention to the writings. He tried to memorize as best as he could every line, curve, and point that formed the runes, specially the image of the horned face.
The conjured figure of The Hunter aspect took him by surprise, making him turn towards the hand. He stared for a few seconds, but more than out of admiration to his preferred aspect, the boy was looking at the wooden prosthesis. With curiosity, he opened his mouth to ask about the false hand, but then decided to be quiet. He’d rather ask after the explanation.
He listened carefully, following the runes and images with his eyes and nodding softly at every rune he was able to associate. He had been told the verse many times when he was little, but it was very different to hear a verse than to be able to associate it to written words.
The explanation finished and he raised his head, looking at the man. “Of course I wanna!” He responded, determined and sounding almost insulted, mostly out of custom than actual annoyance. “I want to read, like real read. Not just phrases.” Continued more calmly, but still with determination in his voice.
Feral raised an eyebrow as the man traced the palm of his hand with the edge of the knife, yet said nothing. Blood tributes weren’t strange for him, but his clan tended to use the blood from others, and not their own. Yet, he knew many clans where different, and maybe so was the custom in the man’s clan. His eyes followed the man’s hand as he reached back for the bandages but didn’t give it much attention. Funny enough, he count’s recall seeing bags like these on the on the other tents.
When the man offered to teach him, Feral’s eyes opened wide in anticipation. Reading perhaps, but learning to write had never crossed his mind. He nodded his head (perhaps a few more times than what he had intended to) and asked, still in disbelief.
“Are there… runes of Hircine?” He said. Even when he wasn’t smiling it wasn’t had to notice the eagerness both on his face and voice.
Aodach chuckled at the enthusiasm on the boy’s face. He grabbed a nearby stick with a spell of telekinesis and scrawled a series of words into the dirt; Hircine’s aspects, followed by a pictogram in the shape of a horned face. 
“Alrabeg,” he said, pouting at the first word with the stick. With his other hand-the false hand composed of wood and vine and Reachmagic- he conjured up an image of the Horned Hunter. He tapped at the next word. “Uricanbeg, the Great Stag.”
The illusory horned figure collapsed into itself, reforming in the shape of a white stag. 
Tap. “Guilebeg, the Trickster.” The illusion shifted into the image of a fox, a wand of bleached bone clutched in its jaws. 
Tap. “Storihbeg, the Man-beast.” Fox became a great were-beast.
Tap. “Hrokkibeg, the Great Bear.” The Were-beast changed again, becoming a monstrous bear. 
He scrawled another line of script, tapping at the words with his stick as he spoke them. 
“Five are the aspects of Lord Hircine. Five like the fingers on your hand, or the clutch of a hagraven. All are true and right, and all are death-in-the-woods.” The gravesinger nodded to the boy. “I can teach you phrases and lines all you want, but if you want to learn to truly read and write it will take time.”
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“You’re disgusting.” He mumbled with a considerable amount of burger on his mouth. The kid had long ago got used to eating disposed food and couldn’t bring himself to get disgusted anymore. Not that he had many choices anyway.
Finishing the burger, he spoke again. “And you don’t look like a cleptomaninac, you are one. Call me what you want, but at least I don’t go arround robbing any poor bastard that crosses my way.” Said before burying his arm on the trash again, hopping to find something more nutrious.
"The only way anyone will control this damn kid is zapping him with a cattle prod. Now that I think about it, putting a control collar on him would also do the trick. Anything involving shock."
“Fuck you.” He growled, as he shoved his arm inside the trashcan. “At least people dont have to nail everything down when I go to their places. Unlike SOMEONE ELSE.” The kid scowled, pulling back his arm and catching a partially-eaten burguer.
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send me a ✒️ and i'll draw your muse interacting with mine!
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