brujhahii · 9 months
Of course i am.
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Reblog if you are team Henry&Betty
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brujhahii · 1 year
I always believe or think thata Rhaegar actions where similar to a cult leader, and he has convinced his wife and Lyanna of serve to a major achive.
But this is very insteresting theory to.
Honestly, the argument over Lyanna’s consent could easily be settled by answering only four questions:
Was her consent voluntary?
Was her consent free?
Was her consent informed?
Was her consent ongoing?
I’m going to set aside Lyanna’s age for now despite how this alone invalidates any argument for consent since Lyanna was a minor even by Westerosi standards and thus incapable of giving consent. But I know that people will come out from the woodworks claiming that “this was how things were back then” which is factually incorrect, and “we shouldn’t apply our modern world’s rules to medieval period” which…. why shouldn’t I? The text calls Lyanna a “child-woman” and goes a long way in establishing her youngness, powerlessness and impulsiveness. It shows how a somewhat similar “relationship” between Cersei and Lancel - which also includes a fucked up power dynamic and an older “partner” using the younger one’s naivete for their own purposes - was devastating to Lancel’s psyche. We argue about the skewness of Dany\Drogo and what it means for the definition of their relationship, we argue about how Cersei and Lancel’s relationship could not be considered consensual despite Lancel saying yes. So why should I ignore the same considerations when it comes to Lyanna and Rhaegar?
However, let’s put that aside for a little while as we try to answer the above questions. Consent is not just about saying yes: for Lyanna’s consent to be valid and accepted, it had to be voluntary, free, informed and ongoing, otherwise it was not consent. But did these adjectives truly apply to Lyanna’s situation?
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brujhahii · 2 years
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brujhahii · 3 years
Wait, this just passed of my mind...
Could be Martin just... lying?
You believe Stannis loses his battle with the Boltons but also burns shireen, but not at Winterfell. How do you think this logistically will go down, since it would currently take over a month of travel to get notice summoning her, then another month+ for her to get to Stannis. By the time of the pink letter, Shireen is still at the wall tho.
I believe that the Starks are going to retake their home. That belief eliminates Stannis doing it.
I believe that Stannis will decide to burn Shireen, because GRRM said so:
GEORGE R. R. MARTIN: It wasn’t easy for me. I didn’t want to give away my books. It’s not easy to talk about the end of my books. Every character has a different end. I told them who would be on the Iron Throne, and I told them some big twists like Hodor and “hold the door,” and Stannis’s decision to burn his daughter. We didn’t get to everybody by any means. Especially the minor characters, who may have very different endings.
—Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon: Game of Thrones and the Official Untold Story of the Epic Series by James Hibberd
I don't know the logistics, so I will patiently wait for the next Books to come.
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brujhahii · 3 years
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The Towers
Río Serrano, Torres del Paine, Patagonia Chilena.
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brujhahii · 3 years
Jon looking at Gendry
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Jon looking at Tormund
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Jon looking at Daenerys
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Jon Snow looking at people in Eastwatch
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brujhahii · 3 years
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Tenet (2020) dir. Christopher Nolan
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brujhahii · 3 years
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FIGHT CLUB (1999) dir. David Fincher
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brujhahii · 3 years
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Another Sansafied Mucha, minimal changes, inspired by @that-plo-koon ‘s fic idea. I wasn’t sure if I was gonna post this one because, well reasons, but @amymel86 seemed to really love the first one, so why not? :) Original painting “Poetry” by Alfonse Mucha
Bigger Sansa
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brujhahii · 3 years
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The Peaky Walk™
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brujhahii · 3 years
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brujhahii · 3 years
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The Dark Knight (2008) dir. Christopher Nolan
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brujhahii · 3 years
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Jon/Sansa + touch
I won’t ever let him touch you again. I’ll protect you. I promise. 
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brujhahii · 3 years
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A Promise (France - Belgium, 2013)
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brujhahii · 3 years
Maori baby learning the Haka dance 🥰
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brujhahii · 4 years
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Mathias Heymann in Sleeping Beauty.
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brujhahii · 4 years
And if you think about that.... she was raised for a cruel brother who give to her the message she was only a thing to server him, Viserys even want to rape her, and she grow in fear to be killed and fear to be baaten with trauma in her childhood, she have some times of peace, but that estabilitie dont last, and the emotional and mental wounds are more deep and hurt more. Later she become in a "woman" in the middle of a cruel people; rapers, loaters and in order to survive she adapt her self to his way to see the world; she see (when she doesnt have more of 13 or 14) his brother killed in a very hard and cruel way, and understand a view of that world in Essos where that is "justice", when the wine Man try to poisoned her she in person take his body in a very painfull and long death, and for her and for us is "rigth" we dont question because "that is the way" later she see the pillage, rape and death and she decides to "protect" and that was terribly wrong for her, Khal Drogo and his child and that is only the first book, by that time Dany has been, beaten, raped, forced been a child to become in a mother, and been valued only for that reason, she become in an adult in a way nobody has to pass without been traumatizaded. And her speech and desitions after that only are result of that experience. We dont see that because in that world; Essos she was "better".
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They can live in my new world, or they can die in their old one.
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