saving this for myself <3
Dark Academia Books for Students of Politics and International Relations:
I mean, heck, I am no expert but my need to see this niche ass post is a lot so here goes.
The Prince: Machiavelli- do I NEED to explain this one. Its a seminal text in politics and political philosophy and when you listen to the ideas described in it they can sound a little crazy but once you read it you realise they are still crazy but grounded in something very real. Also its short as heck and an easy read.
Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace- Hans J Morgenthau. I had to pick this one up for my coursework last semester and I thought it would be a snooze fest but no. I was drawn in and I haven’t finished it since but I do plan to get back to it at my leisure.
The End of History and the Last Man: Francis Fukuyama- YES, I fundamentally disagree with Fukuyama on so many points. YES, it is still one of my favourite books of all time. it is a very riveting discussion of political philosophy, history and international relations. If you are interested in any of those topics, pick it up. You won’t regret it.
How Democracy Ends: David Runciman- captivatingly written, great arguments, and a very unique voice. Super relevant in today’s international political atmosphere and if you are interested in studying the rise of right wing authoritarian governments across the globe, this is a great place to start.
Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan- another one that I just feel like i don’t need to explain. Again haven’t read it fully yet, but its quite chill inducing and the basis for most of the contemporary discussion on state, liberalism, authoritarianism, rights and so forth. 
These were just my recommendations, and I by no means claim that they cover the entire gamut of the field. In fact, I would consider myself a noob still where texts relating to politics or IR are concerned, so feel free to give your recommendations and opinions as well!  
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this really nice scottish guy- lost connection and couldnt talk more :(
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
Stranger: Hi
You: hi
Stranger: How’s it going?
You: could be better, cant sleep
You: u?
Stranger: I’m not bad I suppose, just really bored ha!
Stranger: Where are you from?
You: georgia
You: you?
Stranger: Cool, I’m from scotland
You: oh wow
You: what time is it there
Stranger: It’s nearly 10am
You: woah
Stranger: What about you?
You: its 4:52am
Stranger: Wow that’s wary ha
Stranger: Early*
You: yeah, i have insomnia
Stranger: Aw that sucks
You: meh its okay, been like this for a while now so :/
Stranger: Aw, I suppose you must be used to it by now then!
You: yeah
You: how old r u
Stranger: How old are you?
Stranger: Ha
You: haha
Stranger: I’m 24, what about you?
You: im 20
Stranger: Cool!
You: gender?
Stranger: I’m a guy, what about you?
You: im a girl
Stranger: Cool. What’s your name?
You: rebecca
You: yours?
Stranger: Nice to meet you, I’m Jay.
You: nice to meet you- you lived in scotland your whole life?
Stranger: Yea ha. What about you, have you always been in Georgia?
You: pretty much, just different parts. 
Stranger: That’s cool! Are you guys on lockdown there too?
You: yeah, the whole shebang
You: been in lockdown for about a month and a half now
You: so why are you up so early? working?
Stranger: Yea it’s pretty crap ha! Yea I’m having to work from home. Suppose I’m just looking for distractions rather than working haha!
Stranger: Do you work?
You: haha- i used to when i was at school
You: but since everything's been shut down, my workplace closed for a while
Stranger: Ah ok
Stranger: Cool, do you go to college then?
You: yes, i do. i'm a sophomore at the university of georgia
You: studying economics and international affairs
You: #godawgs
Stranger: Nice! You must be a smart girl ha!
You: ha i hope so
You: you? what's your line of work?
Stranger: I’m a mechanical engineer.
You: oh very interesting
You: that's not an easy subject
Stranger: It’s mainly office work though. Hence why I can still work at home. I actually hate my job lol
You: lol i think that's normal haha
Stranger: Do you come on here often?
You: not really
You: tonight is actually my first time
You: on omegle that is
Stranger: Ha
You: you?
Stranger: I’ve been on a couple of times before, but not much.
You: ha i was going to ask if you spoke with an accent but i guess we both do technically
Stranger: Hahah well yes I have a Scottish accent ha!
You: yeah, i have an american one i suppose haha
Stranger: Haha cool
Stranger: I suppose the American accent can be totally different depending on what state your in. I can’t think what a Georgia accent sounds like lol
You: well, im not from southern ga so my accent is not very heavy. i would say i speak average, but then again- there's so many different accents in the US
You: i'm from the more urban area of ga so it's not as pronounced as some of my peers
Stranger: Ah ok ha.
You: have you ever traveled to other parts of europe?
Stranger: Yea, I’ve been to Germany a few times, Ireland, Paris, Amsterdam and Spain a couple of times.
Stranger: And Italy
You: Very cool- any languages you might've picked up?
Stranger: Hahah Na, I can only speak english. I just learned how to say hello, thank you and how to ask for a beer wherever I went lol
You: oh well i would say that's all you need when traveling haha
Stranger: Have you travelled outside of the US?
You: i have- my mom is from mexico and my dad is from honduras and we've visited family in mexico before
Stranger: Wow nice!
You: never been to europe tho
You: desperately want to visit italy
Stranger: Yea Italy is a cool place
Stranger: I would recommend visiting there
You: so do you look like the stereotypical scot?
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: Depends what you think a stereotypical Scot looks like haha
You: well the image in my head looks like a tall white guy, ginger, with a beard and a flannel hahaha
Stranger: Hahaha! Na I’m definitely not like that lol
You: and not saying it to be rude lol
Stranger: Haha no offence taken lol!
You: so how would you describe yourself?
Stranger: you're correct, I am white ha. I have short brown hair, blue eyes, I don’t really have a beard, more just stubble ha. I’m about 5’8 and slim
You: okay, im rearranging the image of you in my head lol
Stranger: Haha! There’s no flannel or tartan or gingerness haha
Stranger: We only really wear kilts at weddings and special occasions
Stranger: What do you look like?
You: i'm white- well, my skin is although i am hispanic. im also about 5'2 with long, dark brown, curly hair and green eyes
Stranger: Wow you sound very pretty!
You: thank you! im glad you don’t look like the stereotype i had in mind haha
Stranger: Haha thanks
You: so was i right in my assumption of a majority of the population?
You: or is it just media messing with my head? haha
Stranger: Hahah actually no not really. There is obviously a lot of ginger guys. But I think we look pretty normal for the majority lol
You: ahh so a good number of gingers haha
Stranger: haha I’m beginning to think you like the ginger look!
Stranger: Were you wishing I was haha 😂
You: i mean... i'm not particularly fond of the appearance of gingers although i dont want to discriminate against any group of people- i just assumed you would be
Stranger: Haha
You: sorry for that lol
Stranger: Hahaha it doesn’t bother me lol
You: okay good
You: did you have any preconcieved notions about the way i look?
You: just wondering lol
Stranger: No, I obviously was imagining you were Hispanic when you said where your parents were from.
Stranger: You sound quite hot though ha
You: haha thank you i guess
Technical error: Lost contact with server, and couldn't reach it after 3 tries. Sorry. :( Omegle understands if you hate it now, but Omegle still loves you.
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i kinda mightve fallen in love with this kid just a little bit.
You: yo by chance- you speak spanish?
Stranger: not enough to have a conversation,, i’m sorry :/
You: oh lol nvm its okay
You: i thought you might be hispanic
Stranger: ohh no skinny white boy here
You: lmfaaoo
You: noodle guys for the win
Stranger: fr we out there stuntin
Stranger: i used to have dyed black hair
Stranger: i just shaved my head tho
You: lol was it the quarantine boredom?
Stranger: completely
You: amazing lol
Stranger: it’s ok tho i have a good shaped head
You: yeah that's definitely a good thing when you shave your head haha
You: what time is it in tx rn?
Stranger: 2:53
You: oof, 3:53 over here
Stranger: oh man go to sleep ur crazy
You: yeah, im really about to lol
You: i just have insomnia so its hard
Stranger: aw i’m sorry
You: its okay :/
Stranger: i’ll sing u twinkle twinkle little star
Stranger: make u sleep
You: lmfaoo
You: it would sound better coming from a musician right lmao
Stranger: oh yeah, i’ll add a drum solo
You: omg amazing hahaha
Stranger: never caught ur name
You: rebecca
You: u?
Stranger: tyler
You: hi tyler
Stranger: hi rebecca
You: lol
You: i gotta go to bed
You: do you have any released music?
Stranger: yes!! i put all my beats on soundcloud
You: ooo whats your handle? ill give you a follow/listen
Stranger: soundcloud.com/---------
Stranger: do u have any other social media?? like insta??
You: insta: ----------?
You: is that one urs?
Stranger: yes!
You: lol ill follow u then
Stranger: sweet ok now go to sleep
You: ill try my bestest
You: see ya tyler
Stranger: night rebecca
Stranger has disconnected.
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