broodyxarcher · 1 year
ooc: hi, guys! i've been enjoying this blog so far, just have been having issues with posts and trimming. i'm debating on moving alec over to my multimuse (as well as possibly writing jace!). would anyone be interested in carrying over threads and whatnot? i'm still interested in writing with everyone i've followed thus far. 😊
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
Eli had only been allowed in because his mother had been one of them.  Eli, however, was the son of a werewolf and a werewolf himself.  But he was eighteen now, and with his town constantly filled with dangers; it was decided that he should come here to learn to fight.  Even if he couldn’t use runes.  Even if he couldn’t use their weapons.
At least they could teach him to better use his claws.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to...”
Eli had caught an arrow that had been heading for his heart.
“I’m just...uh...new and I was...watching.”
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"How'd they let a kid in here?" Alec almost barked in question, surprised his arrow had been caught though. He hadn't been aiming for Eli, but clearly if he had, Eli knew. He was quick, Alec would give him that much.
"Watching? If you want to be trained, you need to do a lot more than just watch." He huffed, walking over and reclaiming the arrow.
Shuffling away, he placed his bow and arrows away, grasping two large staffs. "Here," The shadowhunter tossed it to the other male. "We'll start with these."
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
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Leave it to Isabelle to actually bring said smile to Alec's face. Lips curled upwards a fraction, just enough to appear on his face momentarily. It was difficult to juggle the ways he felt for Jace, fear of trouble coming to the surface should he act on what he actually felt. It was an emotional rollercoaster, turmoil awash in his mind constantly when it came to trying to grip on what he really felt for his parabatai. Popping a fry into his own mouth, Alec shook his head, brooding expression reclaiming his face again. "Cute? You're not serious, are you?" Because watching after Clary's mundane friend had been another thorn in Alec's side. But at least the brunette was right about something: nothing could break the bond he held for his brother Jace. Sure, they weren't blood related but there was a shared bond that didn't have to be spoken for. It was evident in the way the pair fought together, trusted each other and worked as a team. Only, Alec worried that would slip away if Jace couldn't get his head back in the game they were playing with Valentine as he searched for the mortal cup. "I'll give you this: things around the institute haven't been this.. chaotic in a while, for lack of better terms." Analytical he was, but his words rung true. Alec couldn't recall the last time things didn't feel as structured.
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Izzy was not the most responsible member of the Lightwood family but she currently had to juggle two of her brothers at the moment. Clary was beautiful, but Jace had been a moth to flame to her. She wasn’t sure if his jealousy was because of the parabatia bond or lingering romantic feelings. She was used to Alec’s cagey behavior. His height was always something that caught her attention even sitting or in heels. At least, he had set the seraph blade down. She wanted to kill Valentine just as much, but there was nothing they could do now. And they had his daughter. Even if the whip wielding girl liked the redhead a great deal. It didn’t seem like a good thing to bring up to Alec. Not a sparkle discussion again. Hopefully, it would put her brother back together to remember that Jace was at least a capable warrior. Besides, she needed something to preoccupy her mind at the moment. “Alexander Gideon Lightwood smiling? Is Raziel here?” She said with feigned surprise. A hand reaching to steal a fry from his plate upon principle. Maybe she should force him to the training room with her later. Throwing things full force against dummy’s sounds lovely to relieve stress. “Worrying takes up much needed time. I don’t look this good by osmosis. At some point, they will just make out and things will die down. Besides, it’s been entertaining recently. Did you see that cute mundane? Simon- Sid? I don’t know. We have a lot of shadow world first. He’s your parabatia. One girl won’t come between you. Have some faith in that analytical head of yours.”
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
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The feigned offensiveness allowed Alec to loosen up a little, shoulders slumping forward a bit as the male took a seat at the table next to Isabelle. "Ha, ha." Alec responded, a fake laugh with little enthusiasm but jest all the same. His thick brows came together briefly at the mention of Jace having some sense. Since when did Izzy ever admit to that? Perhaps she was trying to comfort him, help him lay some of the edge he carried to rest. "I still know how to smile." He countered, rolling his shoulders into a small shrug. "It's just that things have become.. difficult and it's like I can't get through to Jace at all." The Shadowhunter accepted the plate that was pushed towards him, then grabbing a fork so that he could take a bite of the food. As he mulled over the thoughts churning in his mind, Alec ate in silence for a long moment. Taking a sip of the drink before his plate, he put the glass back down and looked to his sister. "You're saying you're not worried?"
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Alec had a switch that was always that was clear from the way he stood at the moment. But she knew it was a lot of caring hidden behind stoic anger that was what really bothered him about the cute little redhead that Jace was following after at every moment. She wished Alec could be as honest with himself as he was others. At least, this wasn’t about her cooking. The seraph blade was polished to shine enough for that day. She didn’t mind pushing a plate his way. Getting Alec to take a break was already like herding cats. And she loved him. There would always be a little girl idolizing her big brother buried however deep in her independent self. “Good to know you hate my company so much, brother,” she teased with fake offense. Izzy may have been getting irritated, but she knew well the affection hidden behind that. “Please, Jace has some sense. Not that I’ll ever acknowledge I said that. You are the one who I haven’t seen so much as hover over a chair or smile. Valentine will be vanquished. The clave did it once. And worrying only makes things twice as bad. “
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
ooc; just got done with work! i'm here! i'm having a lot of trouble trying to trim posts on the new blog here. is there anyone online who could help me out with that?
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
ooc: I got work in a bit for a few hours. Will get to everyone after đŸ„°đŸ’ž
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
betrayal liners
"i should have seen it coming."
"given your history, i should have known better."
"please tell me that at least a part of it was real."
"[friend's name] tried to warn me about you, but i didn't listen, you know."
"i was ready to give you my heart."
"you should have killed me earlier, so i wouldn't live to see this."
"get away from me."
"kill me right now then, i dare you."
"i should have left you bleeding to your death."
"do you have any regrets doing this to me?"
"i hope you will remember this until your death."
"i loved you in this lifetime. i won't make that mistake in the next."
"no one could have saved you."
"somehow, i expected that this would happen eventually."
"do we really have to end it all?"
"the worst of it all, it's that if you ask now, i will forgive you."
"are you expecting me to beg for my life now?"
"you made a promise."
"we could have had a thousand of tomorrows together."
"i lost, didn't i?"
"i deserve this. you deserve to kill me"
"technically you won't kill me, because i gave it to you. do it properly, then."
"make it quick, please."
"please tell me why."
"was i not enough for you?"
"please forgive me for pushing you this far"
"i forgive you."
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
ooc: the new tumblr post editor is so confusing and so bad.. welp. xD;
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
‘ I have to go after her, Alec!”- from jace if that’s okay @multistoty
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The taller man was angry, eyes flaring in Jace's direction. It was always about rescuing Clary, running after her and putting himself in danger. Wasn't Jace his parabatai? He should've been able to lean on the other man, fight with him side-by-side and rely on him in ways he couldn't another Shadowhunter. "Do you hear yourself?" Alec honestly shot back, venom in his question dripping off his words. He wouldn't hold back from how he felt, not anymore. "You're acting like someone I don't even know anymore." Pain evident in his additional words, despite the fact that he didn't really want to fight with Jace over this matter any longer.
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
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A gentle roll of his eyes proved that Alec was exhausted from the lengths of which Jace was going to help the redhead. Isabelle had pointed out his frustrations on more than one occasion. "Fine." He dropped the seraph blade that occupied his hand and paced over to meet his sister. "What's there to worry about? Jace should be the one you're worried about." The tone of his voice was cold, harsh, though he knew the furrowed brow on the woman's face was enough to make him drop his walls. "You're right about one thing though. I'd rather stay far away from their... whatever it is they're doing."
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isabelle rolled her eyes fondly at her darling brother. She loved Alec though he could be like a piece of wire to tightly bound at times. Her hands ran to twirl a length of wavy onyx hair in her hands. A slight smile pulling at the edges of her ruby red pout. Honestly, she needed to get the boy to sit down just once in the past few weeks. “I’m asking you to eat lunch with me, Alec, not start world war three.” The words accompanied a furrowed brow making a picture of her doe eyes. “Besides, wouldn’t you rather hang out with me than those two making eyes at eachother? Come on , big brother, I’m worried.”
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
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❝ i’ll be yours in a landslide. ❞ — novo amor, state lines
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
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"I don't really have time for this." Alec told the other person, uncertain as to why they were interrupting his training. There were demons that needed to be slain, people that needed their protection. He was growing tired and more weary by the day as they focused on aiding Clary and finding Valentine. Sure, Alec didn't want the cup to fall into the villain's hands but he also felt that the other Shadowhunters were losing their focus.
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
ooc: i am still working on a biography page, verses page and a tags page. but i really wanna rp. let it be known also that, i am still in season one of the show currently. so for now, most of my interactions may follow into canon divergent/au stuff. thanks!
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
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Alec Lightwood + smiley archer boy đŸ„ș
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broodyxarcher · 1 year
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MATTHEW DADDARIO as Alec Lightwood | Shadowhunters (2016 - 2019)
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