briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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BlackBerry Q10 from Verizon
Q10 should release 4.2 inches Z10 smart phone aimed at preserving users Blackberry, thirsting for over four-plus inch displays offered by competitors. Q10 eschews passion for the big screen and a slim form factor that gave rise to love Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One for the physical keyboard. Verizon offered Q10 review unit at $ 199.99 with a two-year agreement.
BlackBerry RIM may be on the ropes, but he’s not going without a fight.
For those who value typing on a fat slab of glass up there with nails on a blackboard Q10 offers the best physical keyboard available on your smart phone. SwiftKey and text prediction works its magic on the screen for quick entry.
BlackBerry Q10 Engadget praised as:
Q10 Engadget praised as “undoubtedly the best phone with a keyboard on the market”, but its small screen makes it difficult to use the content. As a niche device I suspect that this is not an issue for a lot of the majority of those interested in Q10.
Obviously 3.1 inch display size is a compromise for tactile typing on the keyboard buttons Q10 sculpted. There is a micro HDMI-port for viewing content on the big screen though. The rest of the device Q10 experience is certainly a lot of Z10 with a smaller screen – and a real keyboard. This camera and the battery life is average. Design and construction is flawless.
One outstanding feature is the BlackBerry Q10:
One outstanding feature is the BlackBerry Hub, where it quickly whisk shows notification of calls, texts, email, social media and such into a single interface.
There is no comparison with the iPhone 5, HTC One or Galaxy S4. BlackBerry Q10 is not for everyone, but there are some consumers who will appreciate it. It will not win any smart phone shootouts, but for those who need a physical keyboard Q10 is king.
Typically, what’s hot in Blackberry Q10
What’s hot?
-Best physical keyboard
-Predicting word-of Swiftkey
.. But
-it’s relatively small app ecosystem
-So-so camera-
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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Apple investigating iPhone electrocution claim
China’s consumer-safety agency has warned of an electrocution risk from unregulated mobile-phone chargers. This unregulated mobile-phone chargers are typical in China. Past Monday, Apple mentioned it will check out claims that an iPhone could have electrocuted and mortally wounded a 23-year-old female in western China.
China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency documented over the week that Ma Ailun died after responding to a call on a charging iPhone. The report rapidly went viral within China. China is considered as a second-largest market with regard to Apple iPhones. A local investigator informed the Wall Street Journal that this woman suffered “an obvious electronic shock.”
“We are deeply saddened to learn of this tragic incident and offer our condolences to the Ma family,” Apple said in a statement. “We will fully investigate and cooperate with authorities in this matter.” The firm declined to tell more about the incident or what could have caused it. It is unclear whether or not the phone was to blame. The incident is definitely the latest setback regarding Apple’s China services. This year, Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook issued a strong apology and improved Apple’s warranty insurance policy after an extensive assault from the Chinese media. This particular Chinese media lamented that the insurance policies were unfair. Allegations of abuse as well as unfair labor situations at Apple providers remain a prominent issue in China, said Michael Palma. Michael Palma is known as a consumer-electronics analyst at market intelligence firm IDC.
“The Apple brand still bears the value within China that it carries in the U.S.,” Palma said. “But preserving that impression is what’s bringing Apple’s quick reaction. They’ve already been very proactive in trying to show that they’re interested in preserving Chinese consumers.” China was perhaps most widely known as a supplier, not a consumer of luxury technological products like the iPhone. But over the past fiscal year, China, Taiwan and Hong Kong accounted for 14 percent of Apple’s global product sales. That share is anticipated to grow, said Brian Colello, an expert at Morningstar. China is the world’s largest smartphone industry, with Apple, Samsung and homegrown manufacturers such as Lenovo and Huawei duking it out pertaining to market share.
Barely any of those companies have been resistant to most of these incidents. Colello remarked that last week, a lady in the United Arab Emirates lamented that her Samsung Galaxy S4 captured fire while charged up overnight.
Via: Seattle Times
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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No. 1 S6 Samsung Galaxy S4 clone showcases hands-free gesture operates in this video footage
China phone and gadget maker No. 1 have been completely boasting within the gesture manages of their young Galaxy S4, the enlightened No. 1 S6.
I would say the No. 1 S6 is actually a Mediatek battery powered quad-core Samsung Galaxy S4 clone. It may have several of the sale extremely easily. With the exception that I would say the quad-core chipset combined with overall S4 look alike would seem a key stand-out benefit of this business phone.
To previous reports, No. 1 may have spoken about where did they make those S6 cooperate with hands-free gesture configurations. This low video shows users that you can scroll belonging to the image collection and its application projector screens by simply dragging your hand over a screen. It’s a modern advantage.
The No. 1 S6 comes with a quad-core 1.2GHz MTK6589 processor chip, 1GB MEMORY, 13MP back camera, Google android 4.2 OS along with 5-inch HD exhibit. Based on the news, each S6 can be to purchase on July 15.
Via: GizChina
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The CEO explained that compared with cheaper feature phones, today’s smartphones are able to do so many things that they justify their higher prices.
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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Pegatron CEO: It Won't Be Cheap For Apple's Low-cost iPhone.
Has one of Apple’s major suppliers just outted the much-rumored low-cost iPhone? At a shareholders meeting on Thursday, Pegatron CEO T.H. Tung served up one intriguing comment about the so-called “cheap” iPhone, suggesting that the product is real but that it won’t be cheap, according to China Times as covered by blog site Macotakara.
Tung said the price of the phone would be “fairly high,” though he apparently didn’t reveal any specific price ranges. The CEO explained that compared with cheaper feature phones, today’s smartphones are able to do so many things that they justify their higher prices.
Apple has been shifting some of its manufacturing work away from Foxconn in favor of Pegatron in part to avoid relying on a single supplier.
Pegatron has reportedly been tapped as the major assembler of the low-cost iPhone, the Wall Street Journal reported in May. Earlier last month, Pegatron said it would build up its workforce by 40 percent during the second half of 2013, according to Reuters, suggesting that the company may be ramping up its factories to prep for the low-cost iPhone.
Via: Cnet
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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Facebook Allows You To Post Images In The Comments
It would be interesting to know or maybe annoying to others that Facebook allows images to be posted in the comments. Facebook is currently rolling out the ability to add an image to comments. This is the first time that Facebook has let users simply add image files to comments – free of links and whatnot. As you gain the ability, you’ll see a small camera icon appear on the right-hand side of your comment box.
Clicking on the camera lets you add a photo from your computer. Here’s what it’ll look like in the comment threads:
The new feature should be rolling out globally on both desktop and mobile – so if you don’t yet have the ability to add images to comments, just wait. You may/may not be sad to learn that as of now, animated GIFs don’t appear to work.
Via: Web Pro News
Here Are Some Interesting Topics:
Samsung Galaxy S4 zoom
Are You Ready To Get The Most Out Of Your iPad? Watch This Video!
7 Simple Scientific Tricks To Have Any WOMAN You Want… Watch This Video!
Free Presentation Reveals A Somewhat Unusual Tip To Quickly Get A Flatter Belly While Still Enjoying All The Foods You Love… Watch This Video!
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If you’ll take my hand, I’ll show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your ex lover back in your arms – Especially if you are the only one trying…
The video presentation above shows you some unique and rare tips on how to release your cellulite, for a sexy lower-body.
Adonis Index is based on science and math, you are shooting for a golden ratio that is the key. You will have a specific and measurable goal. A goal that is tailored to your own body shape, not somebody else. This is what makes it the number one workout program.
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3 Simple Steps That Transform Your Kitchen From Fat STORING Foods To Fat BURNING Foods In LESS Than 24 Hours…
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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This Is How Samsung Develop The 21st Century
“Forbes contributor Haydn Shaughnessy notes that Samsung has started investing substantial sums of money into science and technology research for an ecosystem that may never see the light of day. In particular, he says that Samsung has said it will invest $1.34 billion over the next decade in the Samsung Future Technology Foundation.”, Brad Reed in his report to BGR.
In other words, the institution sounds a little bit like Bell Labs, the research arm of AT&T that in the 20th century made major breakthroughs in physics, electronics and computer science. That said, Shaughnessy doesn’t see Samsung’s investments in such research really paying off until it learns not to stretch itself so thin with multiple product launches every year.
“While it is now a formidable innovator, its relentless launch program leaves it with considerable inventory and stretches the company,” he writes. “The big issue is whether long-term ecosystem building will bring Samsung the customer loyalty and service revenues it needs as we pass beyond the peak of high-end smartphone buying.”
Also Read:
Samsung Galaxy S 4 zoom
Google’s New Algorithm Will Penalize Poor Mobile Implementations
  Credits to: BGR
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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Samsung’s Galaxy S 4 Zoom
“If you can’t win ‘em over by putting the platform into a camera, why not try slapping the camera onto the platform? As our news hound Alex Wagner reported earlier in the day, the next installment of the Galaxy S 4 line, the Samsung Galaxy S 4 Zoom, is officially headed to launch sometime later in the year. However, after looking at the details, I can’t help but shake that jingle out my head: ‘One of these things is not like the other…’ and consequently feel that the Galaxy S 4 Zoom doesn’t really fit – either in the Galaxy S 4 line or in today’s market.”, Anna Scantlin in her report to Phonedog.
The device per se has good intentions. The Samsung Galaxy S 4 Zoom will certainly feature a 4.3-inch qHD Super AMOLED display (960×540), a 1.5GHz dual-core processor, as well as runs onJelly Bean Android 4.2. The even more defining highlights of the device include a 16-megapixel camera with 10x optical zoom and Xenon flash. The camera on the back of this is obviously good. That’s amazing!
However, the specifications on the Galaxy S 4 Zoom actually resemble the Galaxy S 4 Mini more than actual Galaxy S 4 itself. It’s gonna be a watered down variation of the Galaxy S 4 on board, plus a honker tacked on the back of the device. The Galaxy S 4 is a perfectly average Hybrid device. You need to think about other things that sell people on phones: battery life, size, and physical form. While the actual size of the smartphone is average and pocketable at 4.3-inches, the thickness and weight of the phone. This what makes users question just how comfortable the device will be to hold both for general use and for voice calls. It’s also worth mentioning if you’re losing out on more battery life. because the battery size is not yet mentioned in any news article.
The optical zoom of the device is what makes it take better quality pictures over your typical digital zoom of regular smartphones. However, with this device also serving as a smartphone, manufacturers like Samsung need to realize that there should be a happy medium to executing the design when dealing with hybrid devices like these.
Anna Scantlin added,” I feel like hybrid phones like this need to look like and act like a smartphone, but have point-and-shoot camera-like qualities in order to succeed. The Galaxy S 4 Zoom seems to be more of a Galaxy Camera Mini with a bonus phone feature included.  If you were looking at photos of the Galaxy S 4 Zoom and didn’t know any better, you’d probably think that’s what the device was anyway – not a continuation of the Galaxy S 4 line.”
With the rumored Nokia EOS device with 41-megapixels and Sony’s rumored 20-megapixel Honami device it’s no wonder that Samsung wanted to get in on the action as well. The overall form factor of the Samsung Galaxy S 4 Zoom doesn’t live up to modern expectations on what a smartphone/camera hybrid device should look and feel like. The idea was good, but the actual device seems like it needs more refinement in order to provide either A.) Better specs or B.) A slimmer form factor or both. The Samsung Galaxy S 4 Zoom may still manage to generate sales from consumers who have been looking for a smartphone/camera hybrid solution.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
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Google’s New Algorithm Will Penalize Poor Mobile Implementations
Here Is The Invitation of 6.44 inch Sony Xperia Z Ultra
  Credits to: Phone Dog
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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Google's New Algorithm Will Penalize Poor Mobile Implementations
“It goes without saying that smartphone users do comprise of a significant and fast growing segment of those who use the Internet, and Google has every intention of having them experience the full richness of the web. This has led the Internet search giant to change their algorithms and penalize those who implement their mobile pages the wrong way, by publishing recommendations from the big G itself so that you do not need to repeat the most common configuration mistakes.”, Edwin Kee in his report to ubergizmo.
Since it is usually better to understand from the faults of others rather than fall down yourself, avoiding what Google has shared would certainly help your smartphone users engage with your site a lot more fully, while it also helps visitors locate what they are looking for together with added speed as well as accuracy. Faulty redirects are some of the common mistakes. Others experienced when you discover a user who might be visiting a desktop page from a mobile device, and you happen to already have an equivalent smartphone-friendly page at a different URL, it might help to redirect them to that URL other than to serve up one of those 404 or a soft 404 pages.
Good luck in making your mobile page experiences better for your visitors!
Also Read:
Here Is The Invitation of 6.44 inch Sony Xperia Z Ultra
iPhone 6 Watchers Argues Apple’s Quality
  Credits to: Ubergizmo
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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Here Is The Invitation of 6.44 inch Sony Xperia Z Ultra
“What could very well be the smartphone with the largest screen on this planet, was used on Sony’s invitation for its July 4th event in France at 9:30am. The invite shows a sideways view of what is believed to be the 6.44 inch Sony Xperia Z Ultra. And it sure looks like this device is not only big where it counts, but also cuts a svelte figure at 6.5mm thick. The earphone jack will be on the side of this model and there is even an opening for a lanyard.”, Alan F in his report to phone arena.
The usage of a stylus in the ad appears to indicate that this Japanese OEM’s big boy should come with some kind of pen-based input. The actual phone is also expected to be water and dirt resistant. It starts with the 6.44 inch 1080 x 1920 Triluminos display. Running the phone is a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage.The latter could be expanded using the included microSD slot. Back and front snappers weigh in at 8MP as well as 2.2MP respectively. Android 4.2 is reported to be pre-installed.
The invite states that “Sony Mobile reserves an important surprise for you”.
If you’re looking for an example, take a look at Motorola DROID RAZR models that come with the water-resistant splash guard. These types of devices are covered using nanotechnology in an exceedingly vacuum chamber, as well as the electrical circuits and ports are treated. With the improvements that we have seen in treating smartphones to deal with water, the Sony Xperia Z Ultra will likely to be able to resist a drop into the toilet.
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iPhone 6 Watchers Argues Apple’s Quality
LG Optimus F3 in Purple Shows Up
  Credits to: Phone Arena
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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A Cloud Print App For Android Is Now Officially Released By Google
“When you take a look at what Google has done by rolling out an official Cloud Print app for the Android platform, chances are pretty high that you would start to wonder whether how come it took such a long time for Google to roll out this particular app? Having said that, the official Cloud Print app for Android that is now available for free in a 1.9MB download will require just Android 2.3.3 and above. Of course, there has been a fair number of respectable apps in the marketplace which would work with your Google Cloud Print account to date, but this is the first official app of its kind from Google.” Edwin Kee in his report to ubergizmo.
Cloud Print has existed since the midst of 2010, which certainly is a cloud based printer management. Specially made to work with Chrome, it must have been a necessary function to the Chrome OS that was coming out then.
How does this Cloud Print app work? It would certainly forward “print jobs” via an online UI rather than linking it directly to your computer, where these printers will obviously be placed in Cloud Print, that is a snap to accomplish. Once you might have registered a printer, you possibly can print from any place in the world, anytime of your choice.
Also Read:
iPhone 6 Watchers Argues Apple’s Quality
LG Optimus F3 in Purple Shows Up
  Credits to: Ubergizmo
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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iPhone 6 Watchers Argues Apple's Quality
iPhone 6. Apple iPhone 6 watchers debate brand quality . Millions of Apple fans believing that their favorite brand builds a more solid product than any other. But a growing belief that Apple and other smartphone brands are at least equal on quality.
iPhone 6. People are looking towards an expected big update with iPhone 6 next year and a rumored minor improvement with iPhone 5S this year, it seems some people believe you can’t claim Apple builds a more quality product anymore. Some iPhone 5 user points out some build quality issues with the current generation. They continue to support Apple and explain the iPhone 5 runs a lot cooler with a better overall design, but they believe Apple made a big mistake with how easy the black and slate model scratches.
One reader had this to say on the subject of build quality “People who like Quality (I mean QUALITY), are always going to be loyal to Apple. It doesn’t matter how fast Android hardware releases, they are always behind Apple in terms of Quality“. Others are not so confident and this is seen with a number of Apple phone owners feeling a little letdown.
A Sprint worker commented on the amount of iPhones arriving back with problems, and this made them feel that Apple has lost the quality reputation a bit in recent years. They feel “Quality is no longer on Apple’s side” and further highlight the specs within an iPhone 5 compared to similar priced Android smartphones with much higher specs. The iPhone 5S will gain a release date around September with minor improvements as seen in some of the latest concept designs, but the real improvements will arrive with an iPhone 6 launch at some point next year. The real focus for some people will be the balance of paying a higher price for iPhone 6 and the expectation of “quality” being fulfilled.
If Apple fail to meet the high expectations this year, then we could see some people holding out for iPhone 6 or even jumping ship to an Android device if their contract is up. Would you leave Apple if they fail to deliver with iPhone 6 or 5S?
Also Read:
LG Optimus F3 in Purple Shows Up
There Should Be “Strong Privacy Protections” for Google Glass Facial Recognition Apps
  Credits to: Phones Review
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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LG Optimus F3 in Purple Shows Up
LG Optimus F3. The LG Optimus F3 for Sprint has once again shown up in the form of a leaked image, this time sporting a purple hue to its back battery cover.
LG Optimus F3. Evleaks, a source with a nearly perfect track record for mobile leaks, came up with an image of the Optimus F3 with a purple back cover. This handset has yet to be officially announced, so we aren’t sure when it will be released as of yet. The June 24 date on the screen could be a hint, but we’ve seen that become less and less accurate over the years as the manufacturers have caught on to people analyzing every inch of an image.
When the Optimus F3 is announced, don’t expect it to set the world on fire for specs as this is definitely a lower level entry phone .
Also Read:
There Should Be “Strong Privacy Protections” for Google Glass Facial Recognition Apps
Galaxy Note III Appears in Samsung Code Aside Tab 3
  Credits to: @EVLEAKS
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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There Should Be "Strong Privacy Protections" for Google Glass Facial Recognition Apps
Google Glass Facial Recognition Apps. Google revealed that it won’t allow Google Glass apps that use facial recognition features for the time being, as long as “strong privacy protections” aren’t in place.
Google Glass Facial Recognition Apps. “The news is not unsurprising considering the on-going privacy-related debate we’re witnessing in connection with Google Glass. Even at Google I/O, the company tried to address such privacy concerns for the wearable gadget that can take easily take pictures and record videos, as some people including the U.S. Congress are afraid of the potentially malicious uses of Glass that could affect one’s privacy.” Chris Smith in his report to Android Authority.
He added, “Google did not elaborate on what “strong privacy protections” would be, and how they’re supposed to work when it comes to facial recognition features. Suffice to say that for now Google will not officially approve any apps that make use of the technology.”
Here’s Google’s full message related to facial recognition and privacy:
When we started the Explorer Program nearly a year ago our goal was simple: we wanted to make people active participants in shaping the future of this technology ahead of a broader consumer launch. We’ve been listening closely to you, and many have expressed both interest and concern around the possibilities of facial recognition in Glass. As Google has said for several years, we won’t add facial recognition features to our products without having strong privacy protections in place. With that in mind, we won’t be approving any facial recognition Glassware at this time.
Let’s here it from potential Glass buyers, what are your thoughts on Google Glass so far?
Also Read:
Galaxy Note III Appears in Samsung Code Aside Tab 3
New Google Nexus 7 Will Be Revealed at Computex
  Credits to: Android Authority
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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Galaxy Note III Appears in Samsung Code Aside Tab 3
Galaxy Note III. The Samsung Galaxy Note III has been strongly suggested by SamMobile to work with a 2.3GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor, 5.99-inch display with 1080p resolution, and a 13-megapixel camera.
Galaxy Note III. The inevitable Samsung Galaxy Note III complete with its code-name SM-N9000 riding in the source code of Samsung Kazakhstan, of all places, along with some other rumored devices. Here we also see the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1, 8.0, and 7.0, along with the Samsung Galaxy S 4 Zoom – a replacement for the Samsung Galaxy Camera.
“The Samsung Galaxy line of smartphone-sized devices has been an apparent success for the brand, bringing on a second round last year (two years ago the original Galaxy Note was introduced), along with two sizes of Galaxy Note tablets. As the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 appeared with styling not unlike that of the GALAXY S 4, Samsung all but guaranteed the release of another new Galaxy Note “phablet”.” Chris Burns reports to Slash Gear.
According to this leak, all we can really tell is that the device exists – or will exist soon. The first and more sensible place would be at the June 20th event Samsung has planned for new Galaxy and ATIV devices. The second place the Galaxy Note III could be revealed is at IFA 2013.
He added, “Samsung has been turning toward a model in which they announce their hero devices at their own, separate events over the past year or so, so sticking with IFA and going it alone (in this already announced event) for the Galaxy Note III are just as likely possibilities as one another.” Inside we’ll either find Android 4.2.2 or Android 4.3, depending on when the device is released. Then it goes without saying that the Note III will work with the newest in Samsung’s S-Pen technology.
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New Google Nexus 7 Will Be Revealed at Computex
An Image of LG Optimus L9 II Leaks with Benchmark Results
  Credits to: Slash Gear
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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New Google Nexus 7 Will Be Revealed at Computex
New Google Nexus 7 . According to analysts, ASUS will be introducing the new generation of the Google Nexus 7 during the Computex show that runs through next Saturday.
New Google Nexus 7 . Asus could unveil the new Nexus 7 model at Computex in a few days but the source isn’t really providing that many details to work with.
The publication writes: “Those waiting for a refresh of the Nexus line of tablets could be in for some great news in the coming week. Analysts expect Asus to launch a refreshed Nexus 7 tablet at the Computex trade fair which will be held from June 4 to 8, 2013 in Taipei.”
“The devices would be priced between $100 and $150 and could pack MediaTek SoCs.” Chris Smith in his report to Android Authority. He added, “While the report doesn’t sound that promising, we’re not saying that a new Nexus 7 isn’t coming. We’ve seen an other analyst detail the potential specs of the new tablet, and the next-gen device has apparently been spotted at the Bluetooth SIG already.”
Furthermore, a rumor that emerged soon after Google I/O 2013 said that the tablet would arrive at some point in July, and ship with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean on board. A different report also said that the handset would be launched in the third quarter of the year.
Also Read:
An Image of LG Optimus L9 II Leaks with Benchmark Results
Cricket Samsung Galaxy S4 Starts Shipping on June 7 with Pre Order Goes Up
  Credits to: Android Authority
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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An Image of LG Optimus L9 II Leaks with Benchmark Results
LG Optimus L9 II. As for when exactly it’s supposed to come out, LG hasn’t given us any real clues yet. But current speculation points to a summer 2013 release, so watch for it to appear in the coming weeks..
LG Optimus L9 II. Ever wonder what happened to the Optimus L9 II, the follow-up to last year’s LG Optimus L9? It’s still in the works, and it’s still coming out in the future, which can happen pretty soon according to new information pieced together by the guys at TechTastic.
“Our biggest clue that it is indeed the Optimus L9 II and not some Chinese knockoff is that it has a sticker right above the display that says “L9II EU.” Also, based on results that recently appeared on the web site gfxbench.com, it looks like the phone is already fit for some action.” David Gonzales in his reports to Android Authority. The LG Optimus L9 is a 4.7-inch Android device uses a 1GHz dual core Cortex A9 processor and a PowerVR SGX540 GPU. It come with 1GB of RAM, 4GB of internal storage, and just recently received its highly-awaited update to Android Jelly Bean. Now, its second iteration is now said to be very close to the original in terms of both hardware and software.
LG Optimus L9 II’s main features include the following:
1. 4.7-inch 720p HD IPS screen 2. 1.4GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 CPU 3. 1GB RAM 4. Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean
Also Read:
Cricket Samsung Galaxy S4 Starts Shipping on June 7 with Pre Order Goes Up
Leak Images of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Active, Huwei Ascend W2, and LG Optimus.
  Credits to: Android Authority
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briannaqaz-blog · 11 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.nerdtechie.com/cricket-samsung-galaxy-s4-starts-shipping-on-june-7-with-pre-order-goes-up/
Cricket Samsung Galaxy S4 Starts Shipping on June 7 with Pre Order Goes Up
Cricket Samsung Galaxy S4. An easy solution to purchase the Samsung Galaxy S4 in a somewhat reduced price is available nowadays courtesy of Cricket Wireless, that has just organized Samsung’s latest flagship Android smartphone for pre-order on its official web site. .
“Cricket Samsung Galaxy S4. The information on the Cricket Wireless pre-order page for the Samsung Galaxy S4 states that the handset can be bought at a discount rate. Normally, a unit of the Galaxy S4 costs $599.99 a piece. However, those who pre-order from the Cricket web site can get a discount of up to $125, which brings the price all the way down to only $474.99.” David Gonzales reports to Android Authority. He writes “And what about the accompanying monthly plans? Firstly, there’s a $50 monthy plan that gives users 1GB of data per month. And secondly, a $60 monthly plan upgrades that data allowance to 2.5GB per month. Every purchase also includes a matching flip cover for the handset.”
The best thing about the Galaxy S4 listing on Cricket is the fact that it is scheduled to start shipping only a few days from now, on June 7. Availability is limited only by a customer’s location, so if you want to know if you can really buy one right now, we suggest checking out the pre-order page yourself and entering your zip code to see what happens.
Cricket’s Samsung Galaxy S4 is available in white and black.
Credits to: Android Authority
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