breachingsecurity · 6 years
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“Never said anything about a relationship,” Niv countered calmly and rolled her lips together. “Why people think that two adults can’t have an exclusively sexual thing going is beyond me,” she added with a small, one-armed shrug. 
“What’s not to like about fire?” Niv asked, almost as if she didn’t see the need for his question to begin with. “Fire is pure, unbridled passion. It can consume and destroy. Desolate everything it touches,” she rolled over on her side with a strained noise and slid her hands between her cheek and the pillow. “But it can also provide warmth, safety, and provide a means of survival.”
“My mentor used to tell me ‘Anyone can dabble, but once you've made that commitment, It seeps into your blood, and it'll be impossible for people to stop you.’ I believe him, and so I made the fire mine.” 
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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It was overwhelming, and mindblowing, unforgettable even, and Niv was at a complete loss. All she had the power to do was moan, and mewl, and pant in time with each orgasmic thrust.
The heat was enough to make tears form in the corners of her eyes. She clenched around him, unable to control her body as it twitched and contracted under him. Her mind went completely blank with the all-consuming climax; Her head pushed back into the pillow while her eyebrows knitted tightly together and she all but cried out her pleasure, squeezing her eyes shut.The thought of anyone potentially hearing them didn’t even cross her mind, but if it had she would have arrived at the conclusion that a performance such as this deserved all the attention it could get.
The darkness that seemed to envelop them when the fires died down was a welcome change, giving Niv time to collect herself while their eyes adjusted.
Her mind was swimming, thoughts and words all muddled together in an incomprehensive mess. “And rarer still is a man who... I forgot what I was gonna say,” she exhaled shakily, “I promise it was something nice.” Her voice was low and rough, partly from the heat and partly due to the volume he’d elicited from her.
“I’m tempted to tell the captain he can’t have you back now, or he’ll have to sign me on too. I can’t remember the last time anyone made me come like that.”
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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Niv peered up at him through heavy-lidded eyes, a smoldering desire burning within them. The crackle from the flames was drowned out by her moans of pleasure as she arched her back up towards him, toes curling and twitching of their own accord. The muscles under his roving hands grew taut, and as the heat intensified and flames engulfing the both of them, Niv bit back a string of curses. She smothered the words by pressing her lips against his in a searing and needy kiss.
The intensity of it all, feeling him everywhere at once, meant she wouldn’t last long - and he had just gotten started. The thought of what was to come almost left her in a breathless, writhing mess.
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
‘Up for it?’ He snorted as he propped himself up on his elbows. 'Watch and learn. I’ve only got one question before we begin.’
On the pillow, beside Niv’s head, his fingers crept towards her ears. His touch was gentle against them at first, barely brushing against them, then suddenly warm. The first flickers of a fire spell danced around his fingertips like the flame on a candle and tickled the tips of her ears.
'How hot do you want it?’
The touch to her ears caused Niv to angle her head upwards, readily meeting the gentle caress of his fingers, lips slightly parted in anticipation.
She let out a heady moan at the sensation of fire licking her skin, and her eyes almost rolled backwards as her eyelids fluttered closed. “Scorching,” she breathed heavily, both hands slowly roaming over his shoulders, gripping and kneading the flesh encouragingly.
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
‘Are you proposing a second round, my lady?’
He wrapped his arms around her, rolled over, and pinned her to the bed beneath his not inconsiderable weight.
'Because if I was in charge, that is what I would be doing. No magic tricks this time. Not unless I’m doing them.’
“If you think you’re up for it,” she replied, squirming excitedly underneath him while peering into his eyes. She still hadn’t come all the way down from her previous high, and the promise of another one was enough to set her nerves on fire all over again. 
Niv lifted her head from the pillow as one hand reached up to beckon him closer. Her tongue lightly flicked over his lower lip just before her lips melded with his in a searing kiss. “In that case, I’m all yours,” she breathed, offering herself up freely.
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
Oran grunted and settled himself under Niv.
‘In front of the crew? If you are seeking a reaction from them, my lady, that will definitely get it.’ He closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort of the pillow and the warm weight atop him. ‘But true pleasure of the calibre I offer requires time, my lady. It cannot be rushed. And we leave on the morning tide. Our gallant captain only permitted me leave for one night.’
“You’ll have until just after nine in the morning, then,” Niv told him calmly. “That’s when the morning tide comes in around these parts.”
According to her calculations, that’d give them time to do whatever it was they wanted in the morning and still make it back to the ship in time, depending on how long they slept. 
“We better make it a night to remember, then, wouldn’t you agree?” she peered down at him with an almost wolfish grin, lowering her voice to a hoarse murmur as she continued.  “I still wonder what you’d do to me if you were left in charge.”
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
‘The art of sucking cock is one of the oldest and most respected there is.’
Oran said this with a straight face, and it remained in place while he considered the Wastrel’s tradition. Worth mentioning to the Scamp, perhaps, if only for the arguments which would erupt over what standards “fetching” was judged by and whether it counted if the individual was chasing the sailor with a stick while yelling at them to leave and never come back.
‘Make up all the stories you like,’ he said eventually. ‘I know you just want more of me. Come and wave me farewell if you like. I confess, seeing the crew’s faces is a pleasure I would hate to pass by.’
“Of course I want more of you,” Niv said as if it was the biggest no-brainer in history. “I just had the best sex I’ve had in a long while. I’d be stupid to say otherwise.” 
Niv leaned forward so that her she could rest her folded arm on his chest, and she peered down at him with slightly raised eyebrows and a wicked smirk. “I was planning to do more than just wave, though,” she purred, resting her chin on the back of her own hand. 
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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Another commission from @shaedry I love, love, love it <3
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
Niv had hit on precisely Oran’s type, right down to the swooning and the giggling, but her dismissive tone immediately touched his pride.
‘Hardly. Usually I would pursue refined ladies, skilled in the arts, wooing them with my simple charms and way with words. I’ve never met a lady who behaves like that.’
He rolled onto his back again. The arm which wasn’t pinned underneath Niv he used to pull at his beard while he considered her question, before he brought it to rest on the mound of his stomach beneath the covers.
‘If you can’t bear to part from me without a final farewell, my lady, then I can hardly object.’
“Skilled in the arts of what? Sucking cock?” Niv snorted, grinning brightly, gently prodding his arm in a teasing manner.
She watched him as he gave her question some thought, keeping a neutral and calm question. “I just want to see the look on your crewmates’ faces,” she confessed honestly, lightly shrugging the shoulder she wasn’t lying on.
“Used to be a thing back on the Wastrel; whoever brought the most fetching companion from the previous night were given brag rights as well as a free drink in the next port.”
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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“And what is your normal fare, exactly?” She asked, a mischievous glint flickering in her eyes. “Tiny Breton girls who fawn over and swoon at your every word?” Niv adjusted herself slightly, lying on her side as she looked up at him. “I can understand the appeal, but generally I find them a little too... giggly.”
She paused after that, seemingly deep in thought for a moment. “When you leave,” she began, rolling her lips together, looking nowhere in particular until her eyes landed on him again. “Do you want me to see you off?” 
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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When he rolled over towards her, Niv angled herself so that she mirrored him. “Would you be upset if I said no?” she countered, putting one hand between her cheek and his arm. There was no malice in her tone, however, and for all intents and purposes it was a genuine question. 
“Because I wouldn’t,” she replied honestly. “I’m not asking you to marry me, or begging you to stay. I hold no illusions about what tonight was,” there was a slight pause as Niv quirked her lips and shrugged one shoulder. “I would, however, be a little offended if our paths cross again and you turn me down for a repeat performance,” the last part was said with a crooked smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. 
“It’s not often I meet someone who will so readily butt heads with me, or match me tit for tat in nearly all aspects. It’s refreshing, and it would be a shame if this was the last of it, that’s all.”
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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The weight of his hand on her shoulder was a welcome one, and she snuggled into it encouragingly before she closed her eyes. “Just be sure to clear your calendar before you decide to go toe to toe with me again,” she replied, opening a single eyes while smirking up at him from her spot along his side. 
His yawn was infectious, and she stifled one of her own behind her hand, letting out a satisfied yet exhausted sigh.  “I have a feeling your captain won’t be too happy with me if I keep making off with you,” she said, her voice becoming slightly drowsy as her breathing and pulse finally seemed to level out. 
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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Niv laughed and it was a hoarse, spent sound. “That’s what you get for doubting me,” she smirked against his chest after having settled her cheek against him, resting her head on the side of his chest and shoulder that was closest to her. 
“I had to prove you wrong, and I don’t do anything in halves,” she added, idly playing with a tuft of chest hair, lazily running her fingers through it. 
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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Niv let out a frustrated whine when he stopped, and was half a mind to shove him back in, but before she could even get that far he was already repositioning her. “Not yet, but I have a feeling I will be,” she said, copying his own words from earlier back to him as she reached out towards him and shamelessly wrapped her fingers around his base. While it might have seemed like a perfectly normal gesture considering the circumstances, used simply to guide him in, Niv - true to her words - did something else as well. Subtly, and hardly perceptible, a spell was cast from that same hand, which would keep him right on the edge of his climax until she lifted it.
Somewhere between then and now, the duo had managed to make their way to the bedroom, largely at her insistence. While they went at it, Niv had cast another spell that allowed him to feel every throb of pleasure he elicited from her in addition to his own, and she could feel his. Before her third and final orgasm, she had lifted the first spell she had placed on him, and almost pleaded with him to come with her, bracing herself on the bed while he stood securely behind her.
She practically collapsed forward, her arms giving in under the waves of pleasure that wrecked her body. Sweat dripped down her back as she heaved for air, riding the wave until her body stopped trembling.
“B’vehk,” she exhaled, rolling over slightly so that she could look over her shoulder and at him. Any other attempts at forming words failed her, and she saw herself forced to settle for a comfortable silence for now.
After a minute or two spent catching her breath and rearranging herself on the bed, she settled in snugly against his side. “That was... fuck,” she smiled fondly up at him. “Color me impressed, and slightly speechless, and very, very satisfied,” she managed, stroking his chest affectionately.
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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Her head lolled backwards as she let out a heavy sigh at the sensation of him between her legs, caressing the back of his head and shoulders encouragingly. His beard tickled the inside of her thighs, effectively adding to the pleasures she felt.
“Right there,” she moaned, moving one hand up to give her own breasts a firm squeeze.
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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“Again with the damn Telvanni,” she groaned, impatience seeping into her voice. “I brought you here to fuck your brains out, not talk about House politics.”
Niv shifted, lifting herself out of his lap, but remained close to him. While peering down at him, she stroked his shaved head affectionately, running the pad of her thumb along his brow bone. “If I might be so bold, I suggest you put your skills where your mouth is and put them to use,” she said, lifting one leg and braced it on the edge of the bathtub directly behind his shoulder - effectively giving him an unobstructed view of her nether region.
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breachingsecurity · 6 years
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“Oh, I’m going to,” she grinned wickedly, lips ghosting across his while she spoke, “but you’re not. Not until I say so.” A tall order perhaps, expecting him to hold until she gave him permission, but she knew a few tricks that would help him out when the going gets tough. “Understood?”
Niv repeated the motion once, twice, drawing her hips in a slow circle. She ground against his hand this time, making it impossible for him not to feel the piercing nestled between her folds. “Never seen one of those before?” she asked hoarsely, clearly enjoying enjoying herself. 
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