bragavasta · 8 years
Everyone has their opinions, and the great thing about that is that even someone like me can share my own thoughts. Now with that comes the understanding that many of you will disagree with them and probably most of you will downright hate them. It is important though that we all understand our rights to these thoughts as people and our right to have these thoughts uncensored for all to see. People scream hatred and bigotry on a daily basis from all walks of life. Here is something I would like us to consider, maybe instead of trying to shut up the people who say these ignorant and racist thoughts we allow their freedoms and let them say what they want. If society truly is progressing then the natural course would be for people to see these kinds of people as delinquents and steer away from those ideologies. In hindering their ability to be bigots and ignorant people we are in fact becoming no better than they are. This concept of allowing them to continue in their ignorance is one that many people understand to be taking the high road. If each individual was to look out amongst all the other opinions out there and ,instead of getting riled up and angry and then lashing out about these topics; we were then to arm ourselves with education and logical thought process we could then see real change in the world. As I go forward with sharing my thoughts, my plan is to make sure that I share and try to reasonably explain my points of view in an open and clear way. If anyone wants to hear about any specific kinds of topics (I especially love politics and history), feel free to message me and I would love debate or even just a dialogue. 
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