bradleycoop · 11 years
Fitness begins Monday
I can see a seriously positive change in my life, and I want to reflect it in my fitness. Barring my Bod-e delivery not arriving by Monday, I'm kicking my ass into gear and looking the part of a successful business man. I gotta be accountable for my successes and failures, so I'm doin it in Blog form baby!! I'm riding this motivation into the winners circle, and you keep up?
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bradleycoop · 12 years
My sidescroller/ how it turned out
My game is based on a pineapple VS a blender. the explosions make smooties and the sound is the clip from the ever popular hit, "Do you like Pina Coladas".
I found the variable set up to be a bit confusing. It's a very technical software and a slight hiccup in code can derail your entire game. I definitely have a lot more respect for game developers now
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bradleycoop · 12 years
Changes to Story Board
While my main concept and many scenes stayed the same, due to the filming schedule I had to improvise a few shots. These included the scenes where I pulled out a chair for my sister, the cupboard and the short girl, the delivering cookies scene, nerdy girl dropping the papers, and the aid via tissue. I changed the subject of the man giving flowers to his mom to giving flowers his love interest. I also added a vibrant nature scene at the end to show bright colors and the beauty of the world.
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bradleycoop · 12 years
Due to the popularity of the Artist, I’ll make a silent, black and white video that follows a person on UD’s campus as they witness small, random acts of kindness. It will be a montage of paying forward the small kindnesses and as the video continues, the shots will slowly take on color. As people brighten the days of others, so too will the film become brighter.
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bradleycoop · 12 years
story board
person does something, some sort of reaction
3 minutes long -5 mins
time - Thursday 4/5
2 sentence synopsis:
Due to the popularity of the Artist, I'll make a silent, black and white video that follows people on UD's campus as they do small, random acts of kindness. It will be a montage of paying forward the small kindnesses and as the video continues, the shots will slowly take on color. As people brighten the days of others, so too will the film become brighter.
Guide to Independent Film making
-This brings a lot of great tips from successful short film makers and gives you an idea of how to start out and do it on a budget.
Short Film
-This incorporates the silent film genre as well as all of the elements you are looking for from our video projects.
Black & White
-I like this one because it brings a bit of humor to a black and white video. In the absence of color, the story has a chance to really provide joy, though it isn't a very hot form of media.
The Artist Trailer
-The movie which inspired my design and plan to create my own, which re-animated the genre and provided a look back into the history of films.
Pleasantville Trailer
-I plan to borrow a lot of the techniques used in this movie and apply my own ideas to make it a successful project.
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bradleycoop · 12 years
My Website
A Performance Group Website
Essentially have customers and fans keep up to date with us.
Things to include:
About us
      Our photos
      Our Videos
Our Song Samples
Contact info
       message board: get involved
        Social media  (FB, Twitter, Flickr)
        A Blog?
    T Shirts
examples of successful sites:
All of these have elements which are great, and perhaps will influence my site, at least for coding.
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bradleycoop · 12 years
The Facebook Show
Some notes on the OTM show:
The third largest nation in the world: Facebookistan
It doesn't abide by the rules it sets for its citizens: Terms of service become law
Facebook has become a haven for activists, easy to call people to action behind your cause.
Info you thought was sent to friends, it is now sent to advertisers.
The Internet has become so easy to use that everyone can use it, and therefore Facebook as well.
Facebook is changing assumptions of "it's my data, I control what is seen"
Users will have more control of thier own data, or "The right to be forgotten"
Liking a brand on Facebook is seen in the eyes of marketers as a user declaring a purchasing preference.
When you read a story, there is an ending. When you check in on Facebook, it doesn't have an end. Refered to as the "Great Ephinator"
As a Facebook user, I have no choice but to think about what my online reputation says about me. Though I started using it as a social outlet, it has become a branding website, defining me to friends, family, and strangers. At the same time, I believe that companies understand that in this age of constant sharing, it's what you hide that defines you rather than what you don't.
To be a Facebook user means to live a public life. No matter how private, no information goes away. While some hide from these cold hard facts, I embrace them and decidedly share my life and views in hopes of people trusting that since I'm not hiding myself, I can be trusted to be who they see me to be. In essence, because people judge me on my Facebook persona whether I post what i ate for lunch or not, why not give them the full picture?
After listening to the show, I feel like I am more cognoscente of the issues surrounding Facebook, but they don't change my views on how I will use it. With the new Timeline interface, which is soon to become standard, people can see EVERYTHING I have ever posted. Though I am sure there are some choice statuses and likes from my Sophomore year of High School, I find it fascinating to see my views change from year to year. The only thing that the podcast convinced me of further is the inevitable emergence of jobs devoted solely to the fall out from the development of new technology. More so now than ever, I think there is serious speculation on what is and isn't acceptable, and laws must be decided on to establish legal precedents in future cases. I for one can't wait to see the trials which will come about, a lot of which I believe will involve intellectual property and online privacy.  Our society's continual push towards the mobile culture will eventually push social media advertising to a point where someone's toes will be stepped on and litigation will emerge for the issues surrounding personalized ads sent to your phone, based on data collected from Facebook, Twitter, and Four Square. This is my biggest fear and challenge as I enter the workforce. Only time will tell where the lines will be drawn and how it will impact my levity in posting photos from the bar from last Friday.
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bradleycoop · 12 years
erin example
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bradleycoop · 12 years
Appropriation Assignment
Bad Example:
Christodoulos panayiotou
He used the negatives from the Cyprus royal archive and re arranged them to create a story. He didn’t create art, he simply re arranged photos into a slide show. I hardly think this constitutes an artistic process.
Good Example:
This is mostly the same photo as Vincent Van Gogh's classic Starry Night, but it adds the bat signal, improving on the message of the iconic painting, while retaining the beauty of it’s original.
I feel that appropriation is a touchy subject. It’s hard to delineate guidelines which separate one example of art that is fair use to a piece that is not. In any case, as a precaution I feel artists should be sure to cite their inspiration  if their works are pretty similar to the original to protect against legal troubles later.
Intellectual property should have some weight, but many ideas are recycled. It is all well and good to say that everyone's intellectual property entitles them to all financial gain, but it is much more complicated and harder to monitor.
I would be fine with my work being appropriated, as long as there was no financial gain to be made from my work or ideas. If someone makes millions off of my photos, I will take the necessary steps to be sure they have a signed release from me, with stipulations of a certain percentage of the profit going to me.
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bradleycoop · 12 years
Tumblr media
The original photo
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bradleycoop · 12 years
Tumblr media
Art 307 photo appropriation
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bradleycoop · 13 years
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bradleycoop · 13 years
Here we are, she thought, At the edge of the world, the very edge of western civilization, and all of us are so desperate to feel something, anything, that we keep falling into each other and fucking our way towards the end of days.
Californication- Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder
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