bowers-games · 3 years
crime show: well we don’t know what time she was taken but as you can see in this convenience store security footage she’s mouthing something and our lip reading technology tells us she’s saying ‘those three wise men they’ve got a semi by the sea’ which are lyrics to James Blunt’s song ‘Wisemen’ which was playing on that store’s favoured radio station at approximately 3:18PM and she disappears from view exactly five minutes later so therefore
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bowers-games · 3 years
ok you’re thick but is your heart thick ? 🐸☕️
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bowers-games · 3 years
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bowers-games · 3 years
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by Paru Itagaki
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bowers-games · 3 years
An Afternoon In París, 1900 , This video was shot by The Lumi
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bowers-games · 3 years
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31 DAYS OF HALLOWEEN ↳ DAY #7: HALLOWEEN (1978) • dir. John Carpenter
“Death has come to your little town, Sheriff.”
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bowers-games · 3 years
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BRAM STOKER’S DRACULA (1992) dir. Francis Ford Coppola
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bowers-games · 3 years
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What do you make of this weirdly remodeled warehouse home in the UK?
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Serial killer easy-clean stainless steel kitchen. 
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Heavy duty spiral stairs.
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Hmmm…stainless steel fireplace, but medieval castle doors in the living room.
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Then, there’s the ship’s hatch. Submarine? Space ship? 
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Where are we?
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Spacy steep steps leading to the home gym.
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Music room? Dance studio?
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Hang out room.
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This looks like a room in a sanitarium.
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And, it’s got the bathroom to prove it- even a giant toilet paper roll, but it’s up too high.
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Are those sinks or bidets?
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Is that a two-way mirror?
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What is this room? Are those sleeping nooks?
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Interesting sink.
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This is just weird.
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The wall was sealed- would’ve been nice if they left a door to get out on the deck.
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bowers-games · 3 years
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bowers-games · 3 years
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Atols / Miku 2
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bowers-games · 3 years
Lady of shallot. Lady of onion. Lady of garlic. Lady of chives.
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bowers-games · 3 years
I went through the same exact trauma and had to process the same way. Fuck anyone who leaves nasty shit, and youre writing is beautiful. Youre allowed to vent in any way you please, and allowed to cope in any way you please. Tale care of yourself 🌹
I just wanted them to like me
The Lost Boys x Trans! Reader
TW: Sexual Assault, Men being men, beastiliaty,Fear,
The sexual Assault is not done by the Boys, I would never do that.
This is a vent for me so please know that if you think the mc is dumb for not noticing this is a situation that I just realize so please no insults or anything.
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School always drained you, work and such made you tired and the only way you could even get through the day was because of your friends, and the boys.
But lately it's made you uncomfortable.
You had been friends with this kid for a while, meeting him through a mutual friend. You only shared two classes but mainly talked during your 5th period
You got close, took some pictures together, talked about some things
He always talked monotone. And didn't tell you many things but you knew the basics.
He was asexual, a furry, and didn't date.
Cool whatever
And the he started poking at your body.
He was thin, and around your height.
But he always poked at your body, talking about your chubby cheeks and your stomach. How fat you were.
Really you had no problem with your body. You didn't fit in at the school obviously, dressed differently from everyone else, was openly gay, but frankly, you really didn't care about anything of that.
And you just ignored what he said because he was a friend and it's not like he meant harm, right?
And then you made a joke about your chest during 5th period.
And he touched it.
You never binded, lost your binder a few months ago and frankly your ribs hurt a lot. Plus who cares if you do or not, it's your body and you are comfortable in it. You know your a guy, you don't have to hate your body just because you're trans.
It's not like you needed to fit into a spectrum. And if anyone said shit you had the boys there for you
And he said "it didn't do anything for him."
So it was okay
And he kept doing it, but you laughed.
Just wanted to be one of the guys. So just laugh it off. Wanted to be accepted
And then he talked about how he was a furry.
'Furries are fine as long as they don't sexualize animals'
And then he said it
"Nah, I wanna fuck a wolf"
W h a t
His voice was so monotone
You thought it was a joke
I mean your mutual friend laughed
And then it happened
Friday, last day of school before the weekend
And it was 2nd period
He poked at your stomach, he poked at your chest
And you just felt uncomfortable
So you asked your mutual friend to switch places with you so that he wouldn't sit by you.
Because men are dangerous and while you lived with vampires, they can't stop everything that will happen to you.
And he did
And when that guy came around again?
"He doesn't want you sitting here because you make him uncomfortable "
"Fair enough."
What the fuck??!
Your friend wasn't supposed to say that, God doesn't he know the danger you could've been in????
Fair enough???
That meant he knew that he was making you uncomfortable
He knew it
And he still
But was it actually wrong???
You never said no
God you never said no
It was a Saturday when you told the boys
You were in the kitchen, just overthinking it over and over again in your head
"Hey tell me something. "
And then you said the whole situation
David was making cookies, Dwayne was sitting on the chair, Marko and Paul were eating the cookies.
And you saw the anger.
Marko spoke first, David was angrily making the food at this point (which would've made you laugh had the situation not been serious, and Dwayne held his arms open, Paul just stopped eating.
You sat on Dwayne, his arms wrapping around you.
"What he did wasn't okay, he was lying."
He was lying
And you were just silent.
They spoke to you, trying to get you to say what was on your mind.
Really you only said one sentence.
"I just wanted them to like me."
Cause that's all you wanted, was for people to like you.
You took some cookies and left to your room
A few hours later, your door was knocked on.
Paul came in.
He didn't say anything, neither did you.
Honestly you didn't really feel anything about the situation
Which made you question everything
And he didn't say anything, didn't tell you he was sorry. Didn't say you were wrong.
He just held you
And then you cried
And God dammit he held you tighter
And the other three came in
And you hated people seeing you cry
And them being around made you feel so much better
When Monday came around, you avoided speaking about it.
But you didn't see him
And you knew what happened
And you didn't feel a damn thing about it
So this is how I feel, and this is me venting. So please don't comment mean things. Also if you think I should add some more trigger warnings please tell me, I think I added them all but I'm not sure. Sorry this doesn't talk a lot about the boys I just needed to vent without feeling overwhelmed
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bowers-games · 3 years
Men will hear one sound while driving and be like “oh no the fuel mixture in the engine cylinder must have been ignited prematurely by the heat of compression as the piston was moving up on the compression stroke” what the hell did u just say to me
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bowers-games · 3 years
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bowers-games · 3 years
"it's a coping mechanism"
Wait until you find out that some coping mechanisms are bad
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bowers-games · 3 years
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bowers-games · 3 years
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