bookworm513 · 4 years
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What a jealous husband☺️☺️
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bookworm513 · 4 years
Hi! I just finished Haikyuu and Boku No Hero Academia Can you recommend me something Shounen but not Romance please 😊
Of course! Since you liked Haikyuu I would recommend some sports anime if you wanted to stay in that genre such as (Free!, Days, Kuroko no Basket, Yowamushi Pedal) Below are some other anime recommendations that focus more on superpowers, thrillers, and action. I hope this helps!
Banana Fish (10/10): This anime is currently airing and tells the story of Ash Lynx who was adopted by a wealthy pervert, Papa Dino, who uses Ash for sex and power. Ash is a super genius and has a staggering IQ. However, Ash leads the local gangs in New York and decides that it’s time to break away from Papa Dino for good as he searches for the mysterious Banana Fish. This triggers gang wars and of course threatens Papa Dino’s hold on Ash. In the midst of all the chaos is Eiji who recently befriended Ash. Ash need to not only free himself, but keep Eiji out of harms way. Together both men grow stronger and push themselves in order to win their freedom and understand the power of Banana Fish Action, Adventure, Drama, Violence (WARNING: This anime contains adult themes)
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Boku dake ga inai Machi (9/10): An edge of your seat thriller that tells the story about Satoru being sent back into the past in order to stop a girl from being murdered. It’s kind of challenging to save the girl since he’s now 18 years younger and people only see him as a child. He needs to team up with his childhood friends in order to figure out a way to save her and solve the mystery behind who is behind the murder (attempt?) Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural
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Fukigen na Mononokean (10/10): Tells the story of Hanae who is literally being weighted down by a spirit that is sucking the life out of him. In order to save himself he enlists the help of Abeno who is the Mononokean (the bridge between the human world and the spirit world) since Hanae cannot repay Abeno for saving him Hanae joins Abeno as his assitant in fighting evil spirits Comedy, Demons, Supernatural, Powers
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Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood (10/10): If you don’t really want romance you might want to skip this one. This anime tells the story of Edward as he searches for a way to save his brother Alphonse who is trapped inside of a suit of armor. The romance in this anime isn’t overwhelming or even the main focus. They are constantly surrounded by danger and must use their alchemic powers to battle against the seven deadly sins. If you liked Boku No Hero Academia I believe that you’ll really like this show since everyone has different abilities/powers. Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Magic, Military
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Hataraku Maou-sama (9/10): In the midst of a serious battle Demon Lord Satan and the Hero Emilia are transported into our world and need to learn how to survive. This show is filled with comedy, action, and villains/heroes. In order to survive they need to get normal human jobs while trying to figure out how to return to their world and stop each other. This one has a little romance, but it’s not over powering to the plot. Comedy, Demons, Supernatural, Fantasy
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Hataraku Saibou (8/10): This anime captures the tales of unsung heroes…OUR CELLS! Follow a directionally challenged red blood cell as she befriends a white blood cell whose only job is fight against the viruses and germs that threaten the body. They work with the other cells in the body to vanish the threats to their home body. It might sound a little silly but the action is real Supernatural, Comedy, Adventure
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One Punch Man (7/10): I’m personally not a big super hero fan, but many people LOVE this anime. It tells the story of an unlikely hero (voiced by Kindaichi from Haikyuu) who doesn’t have to bend over backward to defeat enemies. Fighting comes naturally to him and he’s able to help others around him learn the importance of being a hero. He takes a cyborg under his tutelage (who is voice by Kageyama from haikyuu) and together they defend the people in need. Action, Comedy, Superpowers, Supernatural
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Soul Eater (10/10): This anime is about a group of people that can turn into weapons and their masters that wield them. Together they need to take down the forces of darkness that threaten their magic school and the rest of the world. The characters in this anime are hilarious and scary powerful Comedy, Action, Weapons, Superpowers, Supernatural, Adventure
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bookworm513 · 5 years
(Opinion) Short stories 2019
Today, we’ve read the last of the short stories (unless sensei wants to keep writing, but unlikely). And I’d like to share my opinion on these.
1) Gunter’s SS: Take care 2) Gwendal’s SS:That’s admirable 3) Anissina’s SS: Sounds good doesn’t it? 4) Murata’s SS: Otsukaresama 5) Greta’s SS:  Happy Halloween 6) Yuuri’s SS: Good morning 7) Wolfram SS: Welcome Home ** 8) Saralegui SS: That’s really interesting, huh? 9) Yuuri’ SS: I’m Home  ** 10) Jozak SS: Leave that to me 11) Conrad SS: Good night
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The yuuram
For me of course, the most important ones are the matching Yuuri and Wolf stories: Welcome home and I’m home. 
*  In Wolfram’s story we see him explaining that he goes with Yuuri not to satisfy his ego but rather, because he worries something might happen to Yuuri. So he “won’t wait at home”. I felt such a passionate feeling coming from those words. He explains he’ll go anywhere with him. But in the second part, he gives a funny reason as to why he doesn’t go to Earth (yet) with him, and again says he’ll say welcome home from the bottom of his heart when he returns to Shin Makoku.
*In Yuuri’s I’m Home: He talks about the typical topic of having two homes and worries about never taking souvenirs back home. The last line of the first part where he says and even so I’m received by such a smile and says he’s a lucky guy, as in leading a happy life. It fits perfectly with Wolfram’s story’s end of welcoming him back (and he’s smiling in it), completely unifying the two cards, as we thought from the beginning.  This makes me really happy, I love it so much!
Individual analyses under the cut
Keep reading
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bookworm513 · 5 years
I honestly thought this was fake but it’s real😭
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yooo everybody. my mom and i were goofing around and found this seriously FUCKED UP site. all your information, (phone number, nam, address even) is available for 2.99. like everything. please watch this video on how to remove it. (im not sure if it’s there for minors, but if you’ve ever owned/rented a house you’re definitely there. it’s worth checking it out to make sure.)
video on how to remove information. : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPFLagxnDsA
fucked up website: http://www.spokeo.com/
also, if you’ve lived in more than one place/state it has you multiple times, remove all of your profile things. (it had my mom 4 times, all over our state. even from when she lived in a house 9 years ago.)
psa over.
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bookworm513 · 5 years
I love them😂☺️ this is true friendship.
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bookworm513 · 5 years
This scene had me in tears. I absolutely love these two😭
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bookworm513 · 5 years
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“I’ll Fall With You”
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bookworm513 · 5 years
Hello~~ I want to know your hc about how yuuri confession to wolfram 💞
There are no headcanons needed, as Yuuri has already confessed plenty in novels and manga.
Chapter 108 where he tells Wolfram “I finally caught you” , using the same words Wolf used when he saved him. As Wolfram will say later on “the catching” is of course, falling in love.
Novel 9, chapter 9
-He tells Wolfram “You’re cute” (Wolfram misunderstands and thinks Yuuri wants to turn him into a human sacrifice. Oh novels, I love you so~!) 
In Japanese culture: You don’t go around telling people they’re cute, unless you like them.
Novel 14, chapter 7-
-The bed scene because it’s a tree that keeps on giving is a confession too (1)“Thank goodness I still have you beside me.”(2)“You’re being so honest about your feelings, it’s sickening.”(3) “I don’t even have the strength to pretend anymore.”
Not only does Yuuri confess (1), but Wolfram acknowledges the confession and makes sure that Yuuri is saying what he thinks he’s saying (2); Yuuri confirms (3)
This scene is really spectacular in the drama cds (cd56, disc 1, track 11), first because there are some added words to it, second because you can hear the tone in their voices. Although the word ‘sickening’ might not intuitively feel like love in English, it works in the context in Japanese. Wolfram is pretty much saying “you’re being straightforward about your feelings” and Yuuri is saying, “yeah I am”.
-Novel 15, chapter 5Yuuri asks Wolfram :“What’s the meaning of that punch to my stomach? Do you want a divorce? To remarry another person?”
I think we’re a bit past “confessions” once Yuuri starts assuming that they’re married.
- End of Seisakoku arc (nv.15, chapter 8)Marriage talk continues: Yuuri accuses Wolfram of domestic violence…. If you’re not family, it’s not domestic violence, it’s just violence. Once again, Wolfram misunderstands the whole thing. In novel 15.5 he’ll talk about Domestic violence again, this time feeling bad himself for having stabbed Wolfram back then.
And for those of you who haven’t read my past analyses:Japanese people don’t say I love you (aishiteiru is never used in rl). They rarely say “I like you”. A vast majority of MARRIED couples have never said “I love/like you” (suki da). 
In Japanese there are all sorts of euphemisms to say you like someone, without having to use the words.
And if saying that “The moon looks beautiful tonight” is a love confession, I think that asking someone if they are trying to divorce you, has a very “we’re a married ” tone to it, no? 
AND, if the ‘Love Letter’ story in the last doujinshi, where they write things they like about each other, aren’t 26 damn love confessions then I don’t know what is!
Finally, Wolfram
It’s lovely how yuuram fans (not just you, lovely batkray) all want a confession from Yuuri …. but no one wants one from Wolf? Why not? 
Is it because he tells Yuuri he’s beautiful? Well, guess what? Yuuri always replies with a “you’re more beautiful than I am” to Wolf.
Is it because he sneaks into Yuuri’s bed? Well, guess what? Yuuri is the one who lets him come into his room, sleep, and stay with him. There IS a lock in the door. (novel 4)Is it because Wolfram pretty much jumped Yuuri to have sex with him in the second novel? Well, guess what? Yuuri didn’t say no. He panicked a bit and jumped into the ofuro saying “You don’t want to do it with a smelly guy, right?” He was buying himself time, not knowing he was returning to earth, and his mouth intuitively said yes to Wolf. “Yes, lemme take a bath”For those of you who don’t know this: Japanese people ALWAYS take a bath before sex. Yuuri didn’t run back outside to the corridor to get help (pretty sure there are soldiers guarding him around the clock), he went to the ofuro TO TAKE A BATH! He even said the words” You don’t want to do it with a smelly guy”.
So what’s up with that?
Didn’t Yuuri go above and beyond confessing? Don’t Yuuri’s words and actions count, too? Didn’t he choose Wolf to go with him on an “adventure”, knowing it would just be the two of them in Seisa arc? Didn’t he call Wolfram cute? Didn’t he almost loose himself when he thought Wolf was dead? Doesn’t he constantly think about Wolfram’s beauty and braveness, and is terrified of that time when Wolf almost died? Didn’t he tell Wolfram he’s happy to have him in the bed scene? Didn’t he get in bed with Wolfram to get comforted by him, telling him he couldn’t pretend anymore? Didn’t Yuuri ask Wolfram if his punch meant ‘divorce’? Doesn’t he talk about Wolfram and himself as having “domestic violence” issues? Didn’t he COMPLAIN that Wolfram isn’t sleeping with him since Seisa? Doesn’t he refer to Wolfram as Greta’s father!? Doesn’t he say that Wolfram is the only one who can understand him when it comes to parenting Greta? Didn’t he tell Wolfram in misepan 2 that he would give him anything Wolfram wanted? Wolfram didn’t say that… Yuuri said that! Didn’t he sit down to write wonderful things about Wolf in ‘Love Letter’? The doujinshi is called Love Letter! And how about Crossheart? The story where he asks Wolfram if he would cry if Yuuri wasn’t there anymore? Yuuri plainly said he WOULD cry, and Wolfram said he wouldn’t because he didn’t want Yuuri to be sad…. Not to mention that before Wolfram explained himself, Yuuri immediately felt hurt because he thought a fiance should cry.
Conversely: Has he ever done any of these things, thought any of these things towards anyone else? Is anyone else Greta’s father? Did he tell anyone else he would give them anything they want? Did he ask anyone else if they wanted a divorce!? 
In my opinion, anyone refusing to accept that Yuuri has confessed to Wolfram, has professed his love with words and actions has simply not read the novels; or is negating half the canon to fit some other ship.
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bookworm513 · 5 years
Yuu and Mika made me remember for some reason, heh this long ass series everybody forgot about a long time ago, Kyou kara Maou! Yuuri and Wolfram were precious lill dorks, an interesting, accidentally engaged couple 
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with an adopted daughter who ships her daddies hard, she actually  NAMED THE SHIP XD (episode 83)
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Ohh the nostalgia… deserves a remembering post :3 aaww the overprotective jealous Wolfram… always good recipe for some silly humor :DDD ..Yuuri is also called yuu-chan by mommy, gosh so many stuff to trigger my memory :D Hahaha and all the FUUUN all over not just the ship… but the ship, lol…  as this:
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quickly turned into this:
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as silly Wolfram fell hard like a meteorite XDD ah all the joy. May Yuuram live happily ever after and adopt even more children :) they are such nice parents already, maturity will help what they lack :D 
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bookworm513 · 6 years
maknae line cuteness
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bookworm513 · 6 years
Coming from a state champion baker:
If y’all use a decent box mix and use melted butter instead of vegetable oil, an extra egg, and milk instead of water, no one can tell the difference. I sure as hell can’t. 
Also, if you add a little almond extract to vanilla cake, or a little coffee to chocolate cake, it sends it through the roof. 
This concludes me attempting to be helpful. 
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bookworm513 · 6 years
a concept: future jake and amy having a kid BUT amy goes into labour on halloween and jake has to figure out if amy is cheating him out of the heist or if he’s actually about to have a kid
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bookworm513 · 6 years
The Radioactive Man Who Returned To Fukushima To Feed The Animals That Everyone Else Left Behind
Naoto Matsumura is the only human brave enough to live in Fukushima’s 12.5-mile exclusion zone
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He fled at first but returned to take care of the animals that were left behind
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He returned for his own animals at first, but realized that so many more needed his help, too
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Matsumura, who is 55 years old, knows that the radiation is harmful, but he “refuses to worry about it”
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“They also told me that I wouldn’t get sick for 30 or 40 years. I’ll most likely be dead by then anyway, so I couldn’t care less”
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Matsumura discovered that thousands of cows had died locked in barns
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He also freed many animals that had been left chained up by their owners
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Many of them now rely on him for food
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The government has forbidden him from staying, but that doesn’t stop him either
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He started in 2011 and is still going strong 4 years later
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He relies solely on donations from supporters to work with and feed the animals
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His supporters are calling him the ‘guardian of Fukushima’s animals’
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The man clearly has a sense of humor as well
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bookworm513 · 6 years
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bookworm513 · 6 years
How they propose- Host Club
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- Tamaki wanted to propose but wasn’t sure when - He waited for the perfect moment - At dinner when he went into a huge 10-hour long speech on his love for you - “Y/N! Every day I spend away from you, my (princess/prince) is a painful day indeed!” -‘Tamaki everyone is staring!’ - “Of course they are staring! You are so beautiful they can not tear away their eyes!” - He whips out the ring - HUGE diamond  - “Please never let me feel the pain of being away from you! Be mine forever and do me the honor of becoming my (wife/husband)!” - Of course, you accept - but like Tamaki next time you do something like this maybe it can be in private??
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- Kyoya definitely knew he was going to propose - He plans everything, so this was no different - But he doesn’t fret about it - Would never do it public in fear of his reputation being tarnished - Calm and collected on the outside - Deep down he is quite nervous but would never admit it - You are eating dinner at his house when he brings it up -“Y/N we need to talk” - Is he going to break up with me? - “I believe it is in both of our interests to be engaged.” - wow kyoya, can you even try to be romantic? - The ring is expensive (I mean what else did you expect?) but stunning - Obviously, you say yes
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-He tries really hard to make this the BEST proposal there has ever been -Wears that one super uncomfortable suit hidden at the back of his closet -He wore it once like a year ago? -He writes a speech out and mumbles it to himself throughout the date -“Kaoru did you say something?” -“WHAT?? No no of course not!” - Kaoru the heck is up with you? -He proposes when you guys are out at dinner -Completely forgets his entire speech -ends up blurting out -“WILLYOUMARRYME?” -The ring is super trendy and stylish -Immediately he hides behind his hair and blushes redder than a tomato -Just put him out of his misery and say yes
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-DOES NOT PLAN WHATSOEVER -Totally low key about it -He proposes when you guys are hanging out at your house -like in your pj’s cuddling on the couch -Blushing stuttering mess -“Y/N I w-was t-thinking.” -that’s never a good thing -“And I wondering if you wanted to get married?” -simple diamond ring -He can NOT. STOP. BLUSHING. -but you’re touched because he’s never been so open with his feelings -When you say yes he pulls you into a crushing hug and lets out a relieved sigh
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-Plans in advanced -Proposes on a quiet night when you’re walking through the park -Simplest of them all -Does the whole 'gets down on one knee’ and holds one of your hands  -“Will you marry me?” -Classic diamond ring -He keeps a stoic face, but the tips of his ears are red -“Mori, of course, I’ll marry you!” -“Please, call me Takashi.” -SCREAMING
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-Cutest proposal of all -He puts the ring in his cake -“Y/N-chan!! Eat some cake with me!” -You’re chewing the bite when you almost choke -wow honey, just kill me why don’t you? -“MARRY ME!!!” -The diamond in the ring is shaped like a heart -Of course, you have to say yes to this little boy lolita -He doesn’t stop cuddling you for the ENTIRE DAY -“Y/N-chan is going to be my (wife/husband)!”
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bookworm513 · 6 years
I like how even Kyoya was a part of it, like someone get this girl some fancy tuna stat!
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bookworm513 · 6 years
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