booksmartuptight · 11 years
❝I think you ought to shush before you lose your voice completely,❞ Amy teased with a grin. ❝First, how could you be pissed off if you're already dead. Second, I know what I'm doing! Relax.❞ She reached into the bag of things she brought along with her and took out a pill box. She pulled out a purple capsule and a bottle of water. ❝Take it. My mother gives it to me when I'm sick. You should be up in no time. As for food, I don't know. Try liquidy things?❞
As I Lay Dying {booksmartuptight}
"Amy, I think you ought to shush before your ego gets any better." Theta coughed once more, his voice was already getting hoarse. "I swear to Rassilon, if you kill me because you have no idea how to deal with things, I will be so pissed… Anyway, my head feels like there are a thousand elephants trying to bust out, I can’t speak for very long before-" A series of coughs escaped Theta’s lips in interruption, "I start coughing again. There’s a most annoying sneeze, I can hardly keep crackers and water down, and I just feel like absolute shit."
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
❝Running again, I'm guessing. Because ninety-five percent of the time when you don't get sleep, it was because you were running.❞
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"I assure you that it didn’t vanish into thin air. I didn’t get any sleep, though. I would love going to the bunker."
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
Amy didn't want to let go. She refused; especially now. She was scared and she believed that he would protect her. Then it hit her: how does someone protect another from something one cannot see?
There were two people in her head - not including her own thoughts. One person too many. Every bit of her cranium felt as if it were expanding to the point where she couldn't handle it and it would explode.
            Whoever you are, whatever you want with me, I'm not afraid!
            The woman replied, Not yet.
She continued to shake and shiver from fear and shock. ❝Y-Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just cold and tired. Sorry, Theta.❞
Theta kissed the top of her head, trying to comfort her, “It’ll be all right…” He caressed her arm with his thumb soothingly. “Shh…” He held her gently, carefully, like she could break if too much pressure was applied. “Amy, you’re shaking. Are you okay?”
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
Amy shrugged. ❝I've got to check again. I hope it didn't some how vanish into thin area. Did you get at least an hour of sleep? Why don't we go to the bunker or something? We'll watch a movie maybe?❞
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Theta sighed and thought of the last time he saw it on her. “The last time I saw it on your finger was before you walked into the house. And then afterwards, I didn’t see it. Have you checked outside? Also, sorry, I’m just peculiarly tired right now.”
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
❝No. It would be nice if you helped me look, though. Someone's got an attitude today.❞
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"Do you expect me to know where it is?"
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
❝I've lost my ring!❞
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
Visit my askbox and name something you could see my muse being BAD at.
Bonus points if you make it into a headcanon!
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
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Imagine Person A of your OTP going down on Person B for the first time. They trail kisses down Person B’s body… (x)
#I’m not saying she did #but she obviously did
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
It's the 1 year anniversary of my muses death and your muse is visiting their grave. What do they say?
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
1 Has Found the Time Lady.
"Well aren't you cute!"
0 notes
booksmartuptight · 11 years
1 Has Found the Time Lady.
"You get the hell out'a here!"
0 notes
booksmartuptight · 11 years
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Tumblr! I need your help! Okay. So I met this kid at NYCC today! I don’t know his name or number. Nothing. He called me over to tell me my costume is cool and he was super sweet. I really wanted to ask for his number, but he left! I need you to help me find him!
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
5 Have Found the Time Lady
"Uh... Hi. Mind telling me where I am? I'm a tad lost."
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
"Oh shut up. You've got me. That's not the short side. I think it'd be the longest," she replied with her ego rising higher and higher. A small giggle left her lips as she spoke. "Now, I've literally brought as much as I possibly could to help, but you know I'm basically shit with nursing and taking care of another living creature, which is exactly why I shouldn't have kids. But, let's take a shot. What's the problem?"
As I Lay Dying {booksmartuptight}
Theta laughed weakly at her comment about the bathroom before opening one eye, “I’ve always got the short end of the stick, it just happens to be longer than most this time.” He felt horrid in all ways possible, and he couldn’t stop thinking about how horrid he felt. Because that’s all he’s been thinking about this entire time and won’t shut up about. My stars… “But I’m glad you’re hear. I would have had to suffer through an entire week of my family telling me to suck it up, it’s just a cold.”
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
"Ew... no. I'm fine without that. Thanks," she replied cringing a little. Amy rubbed his back gently before giving him a gentle kiss on the top of his head. "Life's been fine. But, I guess it didn't want you to win this poker game, did it?" She joked. 
Amy reached into her purse taking out a little bag of stuff she knew he would need. "Well, you've got me here, so you don't have the short end of the stick this time."
As I Lay Dying {booksmartuptight}
Theta coughed before mumbling, “You should see the bathroom.” Thank Rassilon he had a bathroom directly connected his bedroom. Otherwise he would have created a path of vomit all the way down to the downstairs bathroom. “So, how’s life treating you? ‘Cause I think I got dealt the bad hand for today.”
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booksmartuptight · 11 years
Amy looked at him with wide eyes. Seeing him like this really hurt because she cared for him so much. She sat on his bed next to him and rubbed his back gently. "Well hello to you too," she said with a chuckle.
"Blimey, you look terrible. Thank Rasslion I'm here."
As I Lay Dying {booksmartuptight}
Theta rolled his eyes and let out a moan as he rolled off his bed, crawled to the window, opened it, then crawled back into the bed. He felt way too awful to do anything except just lay in bed and contemplate his life choices. Which was only something he did five minutes before falling asleep, not all day. It only made him feel worse when he did.
Theta’s eyes closed as soon his face hit the pillow, he hadn’t even bothered to turn on the light in the morning. So the light now seeping through the window really hurt his eyes. Besides, he was extremely tired.
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