We were feeling pretty chuffed about having the #6 trending post on this website until we saw number 7 was a Supernatural mpreg edit
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Tumblr observation day four: Analysis has led us to believe one would simply need to post something as inscrutable as "Feelin extra fergalicious at this grocery store" in order to attain high praise on this website. We will investigate and report back.
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one critical piece of advice is that opportunities are fractal doorways
you can take an opportunity that seems small, a group meeting for an hour once a week let's say, and if you really commit and put a lot of effort into even a small opportunity, if you work to prop open that passageway, then you will find that it can surprisingly quickly multiply into many future possibilities, many future paths.
one of the members of your small book club desperately needs a babysitter for the weekend. that's a gig. another one hits it off with you on some obscure topic. the bulletin board at the place you meet has a flyer for a class on writing. you go, and now you're in an environment full of other people who are there for the same reasons. talk to them. over drinks one night an older member encourages you to apply for uni with one of your short stories you wrote for the class. et cetera.
I spent a lot of time paralyzed with indecision, trying to find just the right opportunity to get me where i wanted to go. that's the entirely wrong way to go about it. practice pursuing possibilities is more important than optimizing your choice of path, waiting for just the perfect opportunity to magically drop into your lap. It likely won't happen like that, it's not necessary, and you don't need to live your whole life at once. Frodo didn't arrive at Mt Doom by making the optimal choice on the first crossroads out of the shire.
Instead cultivate an attitude of engagement with whatever imperfect seemingly insignificant opportunities that are already in front of you, and keep an open mind & eyes, and trust in the fractal nature of reality. look for threads to pull, opportunities to pursue, and engage with people as if every one of them has something new to teach you, and somewhere new to take you that you've never been. they probably do. the more you engage the more you'll find out that this is true; trust that paths will lead to more paths even if you can't see them yet. trust that the big scary void question mark of a future contains not only unseen dangers but also an unseen unfurling infinity of options and paths, friends and lovers, work and play. i love u
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I’ve only ever listened to the Httyd books so I’ve decided to draw the dragons as I pictured them from description for my relisten
starting out in book one with commoner garden!
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They all get Toothless’s big lamp eyes, long and flexible bodies for going down rabbit warrens, and horns and claws too small to be a major concern. They’re basically cats, this is not an original take.
They have caiman features because 1- caimans are the little cuties and 2- you can identify the dominant males of one really rare crocodylid species by the big wart on the end of their nose; just like the very real toothless daydream. :)
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Windwalker I drew a while back
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No cops at Pride, just Elton John with his Gucci shirt and a knife
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I cannot stand the parodies of modern major general, they're overdone and simply not as good as the original. They've done them about everything, whatever topic, big or small.
And when i notice one of them my eyes will always start to roll.
The diction's always slurry when they rush the complicated words, and adding many fricatives will turn it so cacophonous. The slanted rhymes are silly and they keep just making more and more, please someone stop the parodies of modern major general.
The scanning of the lyrics in the meter is unbearable, they emphazise the syllables in ways that are untenable, in short in matters musical, prosodic and ephemeral, i cannot stand the parodies of modern major general!
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one of the many victims of streaming is the dvd homepage where they included lil games, bloopers, director commentary, and behind the scenes. I miss u gurl
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Alright!!! This time the fanart is from my own fanfic! “Run Boy Run!” Got a new stylus for this one since the last one died. Played around more with backgrounds too!!!
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Please forgive my silly thought
I once thought like that..
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For the single drawing request, what about Legend or Hyrule with triumph/pride? Thank you 💜
I chose "triumph" body language, because it looks more fun to draw.
Here you go!
Did they succeed in defeating the monsters with their tactics?
Did they win bets from other Links?
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Say it with me, everyone.
edit: holy shit, this post has gotten so popular it's getting aphobia notes! thanks y'all
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we're fucked
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oh, i am finally old enough to know why my parents took so long to grab their coats. why they would ask us to get ready to go only to sit down for another round of coffee. what would i tell myself, at 10 years old? it’s okay. sit down with them too. take in the extra hour with your friend and her family. when you get home, write down every moment in your diary. one day you will be older and you will be waving goodbye to your best friend, and you will turn the key to start your beat up little car engine, and you will look back over your shoulder. her hair will be blowing in the wind and she will be beautiful and you will be, for a moment, struck by all of it. what you will feel is so wide and nameless that it will engulf you. and you will think of being 14 and kicking her under the table in math every time you wanted to whisper something behind the teacher’s back. you will think about how long the days felt, and how you could hold her hand whenever you wished, but you didn’t. and you will think about all of the people you could have lingered with. and you will wish, more than you have ever felt a wish, that the universe just gave you that - more time to linger. more time to say - i love you. i know i need to leave, but i don’t want to leave you. and when i go, i am leaving a piece of my heart that lingers too. 
one more round of coffee. the days are so short, and you are so lovely.
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