boneseno · 2 months
Hello everyone! This might be a stretch seeing as we are a third of the way into the year 2024 but I was hoping to find a partner or two interested in doing a canon x OC The Wolf Among Us rp! (Specifically looking for a Bigby against my oc)
I am more than happy to do doubles and am comfortable with a solidly wide range of characters, so feel free to ask me about whoever you’re interested in! My oc is based on Goldilocks, but is not associated with the comics version of her; I’ve only played the game and decided to use that fable for my oc out of pure fun!
I’m comfortable with NSFW and dark themes, so with that said, I WILL NOT WRITE WITH ANY MINORS!
I am a big novella style fan but I also do advanced lit, so you can expect anywhere from 5-10+ paragraphs per reply from me, and I expect around the same from my partner. Correct grammar, punctuation, all that. Please keep that in mind! I’ve been writing for 5 years now so I like having some weight to our replies— with that said, I will not respond to any one liners.
So yeah! With all that said, feel free to leave a note or send me a dm! Looking forward to writing with ya :)
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boneseno · 5 months
RDR2 roleplay, anybody?
Hi y’all! I just started playing the first red dead game and it has only revived my love for the series as well as its prequel haha, so I’m hoping to find someone interested in writing as Arthur Morgan against either one of my two ocs; either my camp nurse oc in a romantic plot, or a found-family with my child orphan that gets taken into the gang.
I am happy to do double ups and can comfortably write the following:
John Marston
Dutch van der Linde
Hosea Mathews
Sadie Adler
However, if there’s a character not on the list that you’d like, feel free to bring them up and I can give it my best shot! These are merely the ones I have the most experience or understanding of :)
For some background, I’ve been rping for 6 years now in a variety of fandoms. I tend to write in advanced lit if not novella style, sending anywhere between 6-10 hefty paragraphs per reply— proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. As such, I expect more or less the same from my partner. If our writing styles do not match I will not respond to the rp!
Currently I’m on break from classes however normally I have a hectic schedule and can only get out a minimum of one reply a day— usually no more than two. Please take note of this! If I expect to be absent for a long period of time I’ll be sure to notify you in advance.
I have no triggers or limits and can write against any gender. If you have your own limits, feel free to let me know so we can keep the story comfortable for everyone.
So, with all of that being said, please do interact with this post or dm me if you are interested! I look forward to writing with y’all :)
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boneseno · 7 months
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deku takes him mom and dad all might to a trip in Otheon
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boneseno · 7 months
Looking for SatoSugu RP!
Hi! I’m a 21 year old full time student that’s been catching up with the newest jjk season and as a result has been itching to do a satosugu roleplay! (Bonus points if you’re down for a trans gojo headcanon)
I would like to write as Gojo but would not mind giving a shot at Suguru either.
For some background, I’ve been roleplaying for well over 5 years now and tend to stick to advanced lit / novella style, sending anywhere between 5 paragraphs to 10+ per reply. Third person, proper grammar, all that fun stuff. Given my age I’m not looking to write with any minors, ESPECIALLY if NSFW is involved.
I like aus quite a bit, usually fantasy/otherworldly stuff but am also totally fine with sticking to canon. Maybe something from their teen years would be fun. I love to plot and think through ideas together so a partner equally as interested in that aspect would be great!
With all that being said, feel free to leave like, a comment or shoot me a dm if interested! Looking forward to writing with y’all :)
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boneseno · 10 months
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get the adoption papers
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boneseno · 1 year
Looking for an Arthur Morgan to write against my OC!
Hello! My name is Bones (nb21) and I'm on the search for someone willing to write as Arthur Morgan from the rdr2 / red dead redemption 2 series against my fem oc. I am more than happy to do double ups as well!
The following characters I am comfortable with/ have written before are Dutch, Sadie, John, Hosea, and Arthur himself. If you had any others in mind I can also definitely give them a shot, just let me know!
A little about me, l've been rping casually for the past 5 years or so. These days I go for advanced literate but when I have the time and energy I write in a novella style, so you can expect anywhere between 5-10+ hefty paragraphs per reply- usually depending on what you give me to work with. Past tense, third person, and proper grammar. I expect more or less the same from my partner!
As for my oc, I have a character sheet and reference art for her but as a general description, she is a nurse that gets taken into the gang to play the role of camp medic.
With all that being said, feel free to leave a comment or send me a dm if you're interested have any questions! Looking forward to writing with y'all 🙂
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boneseno · 1 year
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every rejection, every disappointment
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boneseno · 1 year
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Before you start reading my tutorial, please consider helping out a dying artist. I created this tutorial in hoping to bring people to support my activity on Patreon. Guess what?! Nearly 10K notes and only +60 people decided to back me up. I have always been supportive to improvement of aspiring artists, people eager to learn and have never asked for a single dime. I’m in a verge of giving up art and go homeless for real and once in my life I beg internet to support me.
Support me on Patreon so I don’t have to quite art. MY PATREON PAGE –> www.patreon.com/toshinho
I give up, but thanks. Enjoy the tutorial and have a nice day.
I’ve archived series of perspective & warped perspective tutorials that I made in the past with minor revisions and added samples. I believe some people have struggle with perspective probably because of the impression of complexity and the fancy terms that comes with it. I’ve met many artists that just didn’t want to deal with the all fancy terms like “3 point/4 point” perspective and walked away from it and I understand that feeling. Personally these terms are quite useless and that the important part of perspective drawing is really just capturing the dimension and getting use to it. (When I do perspective drawing I put very little consciousness in points & lines but towards how my brain is seeing the depth and dimension.)
When I first learned perspective drawing in elementary school art class, my teacher taught me the conventional method with ruler, lines and dots. While it provide accuracy, it tends to require alot of lines and wide space where your starting points existing way off the page and perhaps this might be the reason why some people find it tedious and hard to deal with. So I’m going to ditch using ruler and the fancy term and demonstrate them in much simpler approach.
I purposely build these tutorials in raw pencil rather than the nice looking digital tutorials because I want to show you that it’s not about the precision and accuracy that makes convincing perspective but a daily scribble and eye-balling. Treat them like any other drawing practice, doing tons of freehand and eye-balling to grasp the dimension in your head. I wont stop you from making a use of a ruler, however perspective drawing is a vital practice to improve your line work as well. (Personally when I use a ruler, my perspective looses the sense of dynamics and objects would look too uniform. Besides clean straight lines has no personality and can look dull at times.)
1 BOX - Method
The idea is that when drawing 2 squares with different size (having same or similar ratio) you have already managed to create an illusion of dimension. By connecting each corners with four lines you are dealing with perspective. The key to this practice is that you’re trying to place your consciousness on dimension and not towards drawing a nice looking box. Train your eye-balling by making use of the four extending lines from each corners to get the perspective line without the need of referencing the focal (center) point.
2 & 3 PLANE - Method (The lower portion of third image)
Basically it’s the reverse of conventional point based perspective. You’re not drawing from the point but towards the imaginary point. When you draw a square shape in an angle, you manage to create first step of illusion that suggest dimension, so this tutorial is trying to take advantage of that situation. (Tho it’s heavily dependent towards your EYE-BALLING SKILLS!)
This is pseudo “Fish-Eye” tutorial that is trying to simulate fish-eye lens on a camera. The idea is that the object close to the center has fewer distortion and will cause more distortion as it gets further towards the edge of the lens (sphere). I believe that warped perspective requires a bit of confidence in handling normal perspective drawing. More so the sense in eye balling is needed, so get use the normal perspective drawing first and then start mixing warped perspective into your practice.
My 2 cent is that rather than using a big space on an empty page/canvas, draw a frame and then start drawing. (You can see me do that on few of my samples.) This tip apply to general drawing as well since “big empty canvas” can be a bit intimidating. By setting a frame or a border, it’s actually you’re first attempt on creating an illusion in a 2D space.
My final note is that even though you’re doing a freehand, a sloppy lines will break the illusion, so pay attention to where the line starts, how it flow and where it ends.
Support me on Patreon so I can create more artworks and tutorials! MY PATREON PAGE –> www.patreon.com/toshinho
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boneseno · 2 years
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s1 kevin ball.
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boneseno · 2 years
Hey all, would love to do a trans hawks x Dabi rp if anyones interested!
I’m advanced lit and send anywhere between 5-10 paragraphs per reply (I expect roughly the same from my partner). I have a brief plot list but am also quite open to any ideas you may have. Smut is 100% fine with me as I do not have any triggers/limits besides obvious things such as noncon.
I have a huge preference in writing as Hawks— if you really want, I can take a shot at Dabi, though I can not promise it’ll be any good!
With that being said, send me a dm if you’re interested! I don’t bite :)
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boneseno · 2 years
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boneseno · 2 years
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boneseno · 2 years
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he doesnt wanna talk
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boneseno · 2 years
Dabihawks rp wanted!
Hello! I’m bones, I am turning 22 this October and I’m looking for someone interested in writing as Dabi against my Hawks in a advanced lit/novella rp! (Would especially love someone interested in a trans! Hawks hc!!)
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For some background, I have roughly 5+ years of experience and send anywhere between 6-10+ paragraphs per reply, really depending on what’s sent back to me. However I will not work with anything that’s less than a few paragraphs, same goes for poor grammar/punctuation/etc. Please keep that in mind!
I have a few ideas in mind in terms of plots, both canon and au, but I’m also very interested in hearing any ideas you may have! NSFW is perfectly fine and I have no triggers, but absolutely no minors!! If I find out you’re a minor, you will be blocked!
With all that being said, let me know if you’re interested! I do not bite :)
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boneseno · 2 years
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Peter:  ʰᶦ
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boneseno · 2 years
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‘trikey breakup’ vip
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boneseno · 2 years
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