bodyrecompjournal · 4 months
2Q program
VDOT: 36 E/L: 10:23-11:34 M: 9:41 T: 8:55 I: 2:02/400
VDOT: 37 E/L: 10:09-11:20/mi M: 9:28/mi T: 8:44/mi I: 1:59/400m
VDOT: 38 E/L: 9:56-11:06/mi M: 9:15/mi T: 8:33/mi or 2:07/400m I: 1:56/400m R: 54/200m or 1:48/400m
0 notes
bodyrecompjournal · 4 months
1/9 Start
Starting weight: 177.5 lbs Starting body fat: 33.1%
I used this calculator to get my BMR = 2,100 calories to maintain my weight at 177.5lb.
To lose weight at 0.5 lb/week, my calorie deficit will be -250 calories/day (12% deficit), so I'll eat about 1,874 calories/day.
Protein: 116 lbs (lean body mass) * 1.4 = 160g protein (680 calories)
Fat: 0.4g * 170 lbs = ~70g fat (630 calories)
Carbs = (1,874 - 680 - 612) / 4g = 150g carbs (582 calories)
Other priorities in addition to cutting:
Sleep 8 hours/night
Lift 3x/week with Push app
Run 3x/week with Daniels' marathon plan
Prehab back and knees with Kneesovertoes
To-do's for this week:
Program all my all my lifts and runs into FinalSurge
Figure out my starting meal plan for the upcoming weeks
Apply to the United job (not recomp-related but just including here since I feel like this will turn into a goals journal over time)
0 notes