The Many Benefits of Doing Yoga
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It is extremely important to stay fit. Many people are placing a lot of emphasis and money on the well being of their bodies and health. Exercise and dieting is an extremely important factor to achieve this goal. However physical wellbeing cannot be detached from mental well being. Mental well being and spiritual peace can be derived from ancient forms of meditation and yoga. Yoga today has grown in popularity and demand and is practiced in different parts of the world. Yoga has the power to unleash a very positive energy inside and around you to keep you feeling extremely optimistic and cheerful throughout the day.
Yoga has been present as a form of physical and mental discipline for thousands of years in India. It was practiced by the monks to liberate them and discharge unbelievable amount of physical and mental capabilities and powers. So true, pure and dear are the practices of yoga to those in India that it has always been mentioned in the ancient sacred books and Vedas of the Hindus! There are even six types of yoga's based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjal which are the main pillars of the Hindu philosophy. It was believed that there was nothing in the world that could not be cured by the continuous practice of yoga.
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The form of yoga has been synonymous to and extremely dear to the Hindus, Buddhist and Buddhist monks and the jains, who all lived their lives practicing these forms and asanas.
Regular practice of yoga and its asanas can keep away serious ailments such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, arthritis etc. yoga permits you control involuntary functions such as blood pressure, and heart beats. Yoga helps the endocrine and nervous system and balances it to keep it healthy and function well.
Yoga has bee known to help with pain management such as arthritis and pain in the knees. A common problem with older people is that the synovial fluid in the knees. Yoga can help reduce the pain and keep you fit and on your feet.
Yoga can help cure migraine headaches and other stress related problems. Yoga has been known to help with weight management and cure obesity. Yoga strikes homeostasis in the body, a phase of complete well being. When the body is well from within no other external agency is able to disrupt the balance and the body remains well and fit.
Yoga is known to bring with it peace and harmony. it can even promote and increase concentration and memory. The pundits in ancient India had tuned their minds towards learning their scripts without any texts and hence had to have a well developed mental capability. Yoga is a great practice for students.
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Self-image is such a strange thing. For years and years I hated absolutely everything about my own self. My body, my face, my voice, my skin, my character, my behaviour. I hid myself under layers of make-up and oversized clothes, came with excuses as to why I couldn’t meet up that day, simply ‘cause I didn’t want to be seen or heard or make a fool of myself. But then little by little, by effort and practice, you befriend yourself. And little by little I started thinking, “maybe I’m not that terrible?” “Maybe I’m kind of ok?”. I stoped eating plastic food made of non-existing ingredients, stopped spending stupid money on “super foods” and “miracle mixes”, and instead gave my body real foods from the ground. Simple. Real. I threw out all expensive factory-made branded products for my skin and instead decided to use plant-based products. Oils and herbs, made by nature. I decided that maybe I don’t have to go running 6 days a week just because I made that rule for myself when I was 10 and I stuck to it religiously but not anymore, my body says no. Instead I meditate. I practice yoga. I walk and breathe, run when I feel like it and use my time wiser. We’re getting older and I don’t want to waste a second doing something that doesn’t feel good or wants me well. Slowly you start loving the way your body carries you rather than how it looks and, as if my outer just needed some love – when I let go of my self-hatred and decided to love what I am and how I am, work with it and befriend it – everything started to flourish by itself. My lifelong acne cleared up. My insomnia is gone, I sleep through the night without pills or chemicals and that strange mark on my left thigh just vanished. Food taste better, smells are richer, my voice is changed. Lower and steadier. I no longer feel the need to hide myself under layers of make-up, I’m trying not to avert my eyes when I talk to someone I don’t know very well, and raw coconut oil makes your hair grow like wildfire!
I just poured some love into my own being and it healed itself. How strangely magically logically wonderful 🌸
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If you look closely you can see the smile on my face, as I manage to finally hold eight-angle pose without falling on my face 🤩 so blessed for my yoga practice, and my vessel ❤️ it can do so many extraordinary things.
Instagram: the.island.spirit
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To Those Feeling Drained
Many souls are feeling drained emotionally, physically, spiritually and energetically, due to the current social and political climate. This energy transference happens via heart, mind, spirit and direct contact. The great news is that you are feeling! You are empathetic to the world of hurting souls around you. You are not closing yourself—or your gifts, off to the world in its time of need. Times like these are why we do the work. A mass awakening is happening, as it must. A sacred fire has been started. Chaos comes before order. Pain before birth. We are experiencing an energetic detox on a mass scale. Human parasites who mean us no good, are being revealed daily. These times evoke a change in the course of history, every great period has had one; this is ours. So, how do we feel, connect, share our gifts, light and works with the world in this current state without becoming drained in the process? We vibrate higher daily. That simple. There are endless modalities for vibrating higher. You may already have your favorite routine in practice; if so, keep up the great work. If not, may you be inspired and fired up to begin yours. No mistake about it, this country is at war—with itself, an energetic war, a moral war, a vibrational war, and an ethical war. In the human body, this is known as disease; at war with itself. How to cure and overcome dis-ease? We cure and overcome dis-ease by creating a suitable environment for healing and renewal to take place. Through vibrating higher daily in our food choices, physical fitness, stress control, routines, thoughts and overall mindset and lifestyle—healing, restoration, and renewal organically take place. To sum it up….. do more of what makes your mind, heart, and body come alive, restore and come back to center…..and do less of what does not. The world and your life work need you strengthened and vibrating higher now, more than ever. So feel, connect, show love, have compassion and be a light to the world. Just be mindful to vibrate higher through self-care. Recharge, release, restore, renew, nourish, and find your heart, mind and soul’s balance. Vibrating higher daily is your protection. —Lalah Delia | VibrateHigherDaily
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Why you should give a FUCK about YOU?
You should give a fuck to give a fuck about yourself. You can either take care of yourself or let yourself fall apart. You don’t have to immediately know how to take care of yourself, but you can take small steps to learn. Your physical and mental health matters.
 For a long time I did not care about myself. I wanted to be in a better place but did not know how to get there. It took time to establish healthy behaviors.  In the beginning of my journey, the small successes really helped. If  I met my goal of  successfully mediating or  completing yoga  for the day, I would be really proud of myself.
                           Please give a fuck about your well-being.
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9 Ways To Invite More Love Into Your Life Today
1. Intention - making the conscious decision to choose love. When we set our intention to inviting love into our lives we are deciding that the purpose behind each and every interaction we have is to attract love into our lives.
2. Motivation - the reason we’re seeking love. We must allow the negative experiences in our lives to motivate us to seek out love rather than feed the negative energy.
3. Observation - being on the lookout for opportunities for love to present itself. When we prime the mind to look out opportunities for love to be present in our lives we will be much more likely to find it and often times it will show itself in the least likely places.
4. Reflection - understanding when others are showing us an opportunity to choose love. If others choose to project their negativity on us it is up to us to acknowledge that this is an opportunity to choose to love them & actively invite love into our lives.
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5. Vibration - raising our own frequency. Vibrating higher allows us to transcend much of the negativity that can weigh us down and brings us closer to the love vibration - being in divine alignment with what we love.
6. Creativity - reacting differently to create our desired outcome. Being creative doesn’t necessarily mean painting or drawing - we can approach negative situations with a creative eye and look for ways to replace negativity with love.
7. Empathy - lending an ear to those who need it. One of the easiest ways to invite love into our lives is by showing love to others because we get what we give. Giving love aligns our vibration with what we are seeking and attracts more of it to us, even if others do not reciprocate. 
8. Kindness - being the helping hand others need. When we lift others up we are also lifting ourselves up because there is no other - separation is the illusion. Showing up for others in their time of need is how we show the universe we’re ready to receive love.
9. Alchemy - turning negativity into love. One of the most difficult things to do in this life is turn our hardships into success, but we must keep in mind that it is only under great pressure that diamonds are created. We must become the alchemist and transform our negativity into love.
Love is anywhere & everywhere you just have to look for it.
Peace & positive vibes.
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9 Signs You’re Manifesting Your Dreams
1. Synchronicity - there are no accidents. Noticing synchronicity in our lives is a clear indication that we’re living in alignment with our true purpose, which how we manifest our dreams. Look out for 11:11, meeting strangers who help us and being in the right place at the right time.
2. Love - the highest vibration. Doing what we love is the only way to make our dreams come true, when what we say, think & do are all in harmony we will manifest the reality we desire.
3. Presence - being in the now. The process of manifestation only occurs in one place - the now. When we make a conscious effort to tune into the present moment as often as possible we can create the life of our dreams.
4. Tribe - those we attract are fulfilled. Our vibe attracts our tribe, if we are in the process of manifesting our dreams we will attract others who are doing the same because there is a commonality between us - we are fulfilled.
5. Fulfilment - not needing anything attracts everything. When we are fulfilled we do not seek anything from the external world to satisfy us, we provide our own fulfilment because we are doing what we love which is how we manifest our dreams.
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6. Peace - living without inner conflict. Not feeling conflicted when making decisions - big or small - is a clear sign that we we have clarity of mind which is essential for manifesting our dreams.
7. Purpose - understanding the path we’re on. Knowing our place in the world & acting in accordance to our true heart’s desires allows us to manifest our dreams by placing our trust in the universe and knowing that whatever is coming is better than what has gone.
8. Oneness - feeling connected. Being able to see how everyone and everything is connected and understand why things had to happen the way they did to bring us here is a clear sign we’re on the path to manifesting our dreams.
9. Ego - keeping ourselves in check. When we are fulfilled we are more likely to respond to others from a place of love, rather than trying to satisfy the ego which leads to acting out of insecurity - this blocks our manifestation process.
We manifest our dreams using our thoughts, beliefs & actions.
Peace & positive vibes.
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