body-wise · 4 years
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body-wise · 4 years
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body-wise · 4 years
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Also: don’t stigmatize HIV+ individuals because they all have different circumstances and might’ve  gotten the virus from a variety of sources (sex, occupational, birth, blood transfusions in other countries). 
HIV-related stigma remains a huge barrier to preventing HIV, and is linked to a low level of people testing for HIV. 
The bad news is that Trump is cutting America’s spending on HIV year after year.  He has taken steps to weaken the Affordable Care Act since coming to power.
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body-wise · 4 years
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315K notes · View notes
body-wise · 4 years
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body-wise · 4 years
i will say that this coronavirus scare has definitely revealed that minimum-wage service workers are absolutely instrumental for society to function… all the hoity-toity business meetings can be cancelled, the NBA can be cancelled, public schools and colleges can be cancelled, government meetings can be cancelled, but the checkout line at the grocery store can’t be cancelled… in a perfect world i’d hope that this was a bellwether for better treatment of workers like me but i know we’ll just continue to get paid min wage with no rewards or thank-yous from the world during this time lolololol
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body-wise · 4 years
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body-wise · 4 years
It's unbelievably hard to focus on the positive right now but I'm trying to count my blessings. I know people who, for the first time ever, have the time and space to work on their passions. People are making art and music and noise against the big wide silence we are all backed against. I am at risk due to preexisting conditions. But I am also playing a Pokemon emulator and FaceTiming people I'd have never called otherwise. I am aggravated that my students are being left in the lurch and the teachers are given no help. But I am also aware that every time I've asked for patience, they have stepped up and offered me as much time and help as I need. For every person I see fighting over supplies, there's two who are offering theirs to shelters, who are volunteering, who work endless hours providing supplies. Many of us are in such dire circumstances that we feel like discarded rats, trapped and screaming. But I am reminding myself - even rats know to hold their hand out for each other.
No, the media does not like this narrative. It is not good for ratings. It is better to say we are crumbling as a society for them; they need the views regardless of how much panic they incite. This is okay. I know in my heart. For all that things are coming apart, people are doing what we have always, always, always been best at. We are a tiny mammal species with badly designed backs. We still put paint on cave walls and called each other home and taught our young to dance. We made safe and we made gentle and we told ghost stories. We kept legends and sang glories. They will tell you this was not necessary. But of course it was. The real nature of humanity is to spread our joy, our love, our hope. One at a time in tiny candles. It is the nature of people to light every endless night. To hold hands. To offer up.
I cannot see you. I am sorry you are lonely. But here am I and here are you and we are both scared. It is growing dark, but tell me your story or show me your drawing. We can both say - isn't it so wonderful to be reminded? We were always in love with each other. Look up. Tell me how I can be helping.
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body-wise · 4 years
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Good wood - ‘The Smile’ by Alison Brooks, one of many stunning examples of wooden design and architecture at the London Design Festival. Could easily hang out in there all day…
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body-wise · 4 years
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Good wood - sitting on a secluded patch of land in Scotland, just a few metres from the shore of the Sound of Mull, the AirShip is a submarine inspired cabin with a wood-lined interior that keeps up the nautical theme. Quirky but cool AF 🛶🛶🛶
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body-wise · 4 years
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body-wise · 4 years
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body-wise · 4 years
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“Take him out!”
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body-wise · 4 years
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body-wise · 4 years
medically accurate muscle chart:
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body-wise · 4 years
An addition regarding contraindications for use of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and codeine. Sports clubs here in Ireland are circulating this advice also as some young people have ended up hospitalised with Covid19 inspite of having no underlying conditions and the only common factor is use of these drugs for sports injuries.
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93K notes · View notes
body-wise · 4 years
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