I was really bored and decided to make a Beyblade AU, I really love the Beyblade metal fusion seris- Kenta is my favorite so I kinda made an idea where Kenta is the son of Rago and brother of Pluto. I thought it would be interesting to try something different. Sorry if you don't like it or find it cringy. If you do, I fully understand and apologize! I decided to give Kenta's mom name Michelle.
Let's get on in the stories
These stories will be set in the past
A purple haired boy leaned against a school fence, his arms crossed against his chest with a tired look on his face. He was about to close his eyes and relax when a ear-percing ring was heard throughout the school yard.
The boy moved off the fence and looked over to the gate where he saw a little boy with green hair and sweet chocolate colored eyes. The boy noticed him and smiled happily running over to him
"Plu!" He exclaimed hugging him.
"Heya Kents, how was school?" The man asked
"It was awesome Pluto! I learned how to add and subtract but I'm a bit confused on it still. . ." The boy said sadly
"Don't worry Kenta, I can help you with it" Pluto said as he threw Kenta into the air and catched him before he fell to the ground which caused the younger to yelp in surprise.
"Plu! Put me down!" The younger complained
Pluto ignored the complainments and carried on..
"Sweetie, I'm not sure this suits my style" A older man complained
"Oh hush you" a female replied with a giggle as she put a paleish purple cape on him.
The man let out a small smile.
"Wow purple does suit you Rago" the woman said with a smile.
Rago smiled and kissed her on the forehead. The woman giggled and smiled a blush across her face.
The two were stopped by a door squeak. They both turned and saw Pluto and Kenta.
"Hey mom and dad" Pluto said putting Kenta down on the ground.
Kenta ran over and hugged the woman and then the man.
"Hi mommy and daddy!" He exclaimed happily.
Rago smiled and put a hand on his hair and ruffled it.
"Hey kiddos, how was school?" Rago asked.
"It was good! I met a new friend!"
Kenta went over to the women.
"Mommy, can I go watch Beyblade?" He asked.
"I'm not sure Kenta.. it's getting late" The woman said
"Oh come on Michelle, Pluto will go with him" Rago said trying to ease his wife's worry.
"But Rago, it's getting late and I don't want any of my kids out there" Michelle said.
"I'll just beyblade outside, and he can watch mom and dad, " Pluto replied.
"Alright but your father will watch you both, right honey?" Michelle said jabbing Rago in the arm.
Rago sighed but smiled "Alright, come on kiddos" he said while heading towards the backyard.
Pluto and Kenta followed along.
Time has passed and Kenta watched as Pluto and Rago dueled many times. He was getting bored and walked back into the house quietly not to disturb them.
Michelle was placing a casserole inside the preheated oven. After she placed it In the middle rack, she closed the oven door and moved her hand to the oven top and set a timer, every button making a beep sound.
Kenta grabbed onto her leg which startled Michelle and she sighed in relief
"Sweetie, don't scare mommy like that" Michelle said softly and placed a hand on his hair.
"Sorry mommy, i was wondering... can I have my own Beyblade? I'm tired of watching Plu and Daddy beyblade" Kenta asked softly.
Michelle put a hand on her chin thinking but sighed letting out a smile.
"Okay, I will let you have one of your birthday gifts early" She said as she went to go to her room and returned with a small box.
"What is that mommy?" Kenta asked not putting one to one together.
"Why don't you open and see?" She asked giving him the box.
Kenta took the box from Michelle and slowly opened the box.
He squealed and hugged Michelle.
"Thank you mommy! Thank you! Thank you!" He repeated over and over again. Michelle chucked
"You're very welcome sweetheart, what are you gonna name it?" She asked
Kenta put a hand on his chin and after a moment of slience his eyes shined with determination.
"Sagittario!" He yelled
"What a lovely name sweetie, now go have fun" She said.
Kenta nodded and ran back outside.
Next Story
"I did it! I launched it! Did you see it daddy?!" Kenta chirped.
Rago smiled and picked him up and threw him in the air and caught him.
"Great job Kenta!" Rago complimented.
Kenta let out a giggle, Rago placed him on the ground.
"I think we should start heading home little man"
"But I want to keep practicing! Please dad?" Kenta begged
Rago sighed but smiled
"Alright, go right ahead but only for a little bit" He said
Kenta smiled and ran back to the bey arena.
Rago smiled watching Kenta practice more and sighed.
"How am I gonna tell them?. . . The truth is bound to come out soon. . ." He thought.
His thoughts were cut off by hearing Kenta squeal.
"Daddy! I did it again!" Kenta yelled
Rago let out a smile and walked over..
I hope you liked it! I apologize if it's weird, I kinda wanted a soft personality for Rago in the past but something triggers his future. I hope you liked it tho! Sorry if it was a lot
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