bobaboard · 6 days
Schrodinger's stream tomorrow!
See you tomorrow at 3PM PDT on Twitch for our next stream: self-hosting a BobaBoard instance with NixOS (and what's missing for us to recommend you do so)!
Heads up: due to an unrelated issue, we might have to change the stream last minute.
If that happens, we'll instead do a "decentralization corner" stream edition, in which we'll go through the Open Badge standard which enables issuing certified "badges" in a decentralized manner! This means we can make achievements for people to earn.
We'll keep people posted on how the streaming schedule evolves! Catch the time in your timezone here!
Twitch link
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bobaboard · 7 days
Heads up! Tomorrow we'll be holding one of our monthly(ish) BobaBoard-related streams.... or at least attempting to.
We'll keep you posted!
Schrodinger's stream tomorrow!
See you tomorrow at 3PM PDT on Twitch for our next stream: self-hosting a BobaBoard instance with NixOS (and what's missing for us to recommend you do so)!
Heads up: due to an unrelated issue, we might have to change the stream last minute.
If that happens, we'll instead do a "decentralization corner" stream edition, in which we'll go through the Open Badge standard which enables issuing certified "badges" in a decentralized manner! This means we can make achievements for people to earn.
We'll keep people posted on how the streaming schedule evolves! Catch the time in your timezone here!
Twitch link
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bobaboard · 2 months
Final Campaign Showcase
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It's time! With our campaign concluded, and our energy replenished, let's do a final campaign tally and look at all the amazing contributors that helped make this fundraiser an astounding success. Hold on to your seats, we're going for a ride! For obvious reasons, this is going under the cut 👇 If you're curious about what this is all about, check out our (now concluded) BackerKit campaign here!
First of all, the final numbers: as you know, we raised $9,258 from 170 backers, 309% of our goal for an average of more than $50(!!!) per person. Our most backed tier was "Mandarin Seed" with 41, followed by Lime at 34. (hope you enjoyed all the citrus-y references 🌱)
For the high level tiers, we got 4(!!) Bronze Fujin backers at $250+ and 1 Gold Fujin at $1,000. There are no words to quantify our gratitude for this amount of support. But there's a sponsor wall on which we'll soon showcase our generous patrons' names (or not, as they wish)!
For add-ons, the winner is "Additional Sticker Set" (SO glad you love them as much as we do), followed by the "Shipping on Company Time–AO3 edition" sticker. This was our "target audience"-bait stretch goal, so we're glad to see it worked! FujoBoards are also ever-popular.
And speaking of stickers... let's talk about our sticker sets and the people who made them! We didn't get to shout out our artists quite as often as we wanted to during the campaign (the rapid pace of “all that needs doing” made it hard), so it's time to put names to the art!
Our Brand Sticker Pack mostly features graphics and art like the logo and raccoon) by anonymous collaborators who 💜 their privacy! The stickers themselves were designed by @essential-randomness, and the brilliant "fujin inside" joke was a last-minute stroke of genius by @enigmalea.
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For the slogan pack, "Boba-tan's Big Integers" features art by @moksutinn, the "be gay commit code crimes" chibi are by @ikam177, and office lady Boba-tan is by @ymkse–all long-term collaborators! Once again they were assembled by @essential-randomness with help from our community
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Next is the amazing "fujin/sickos" parody by Ererifan (as sticker and shirt/tote), and our 88x31 badges by Goblin. And don't forget the anonymous artist for our teasers!
They too had already collaborated with us in previous initiatives! As they say, "the gang is all here".
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Now, our website! It was primarily coded by @essential-randomness, but is heavy in community contributions. Check code (and contributors) on GitHub: https://github.com/FujoWebDev/fujocoded
Even here, a lot of long-term collaborators, some in their first foray with git!
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For the art (once again, have you tried moving the browser windows on the site?), we have two amazing artists to thank: @brokemycrown, our FujoGuide KS art director, created the "web" trio pics, while the rest is the work of @ymkse, with us since the very first Boba-tan art!
As you know, more goes into a project than coding and art. Between writing, proof-reading, alt-texting, cat-herding, pep-talking, and "running around getting things done" so many community contributors pitched in! We're still confirming who wants public credit, but here's a few:
@enigmalea, without whom so many of our projects wouldn't exist in their current form, did a bit of everything: from styling, to design, to wording, to typing... not even technical difficulties can keep her down!
VCat, without whom our website wouldn't have shipped in time
@starfieldcanvas, at their first big projects with us, gets the credit of "first volunteer to write a @bobaboard retrospective" (rather than founder @essential-randomness), which alone would be an incredible feat. However, Dove did a lot more, handling all our newsletters through the lead up to the campaign, thus making it possible for the team to make everything that needed happening actually happen. She also helped with design, FujoVerse copy, and even picked up coding (!) and GitHub (!!) to help update things here and there!
@elendraug picked up everything that needed picking up! From the humongous task of adding all our collaborators to @fujowebdev, to writing most of our alt text, to proofreading, to helping with drafts...
@xieliansbignaturals who took care of alt text, proofreading and cheerleading
@tarantasina, who kept the team on track and delighted us all with their Signature High-Spirit Emotional Encouragement™
@thebiballerina, who gave us social media wisdom, help with proofreading and wordsmithing, and other invaluable support
...and then me, @essential-randomness, who has written most of the posts delighting your days, manned an inordinate amount of social accounts, did everything-not-done-by-others, and somehow managed to get a company started on the wings of being a fujoshi–the highest of achievements.
With all of this said, the plan for the future: this campaign took us months to prepare on top of working on our other projects. We're now going to take a deserved couple of weeks to rest, then regroup to discuss next steps and priorities.
Formalizing all this into a company won't always be straightforward, and there will be decisions to make we haven’t even encountered yet. Our first priorities will be finishing FujoGuide Issue 2 and producing + shipping the rewards for this campaign.
Alongside this, we'll start contacting the lawyers you all recommended (seriously, thank you) so we can begin hiring with confidence, and continue the work making @bobaboard's governance independent so we can finally onboard more volunteers and push the project forward.
There's a lot to do (as you can see), and it will take time to realize the full potential of what you've helped us launch. We're incredibly excited to get to work, even more so now that we have some seed (money) to help lighten the load. And with this, we say (a temporary) goodbye.
Thank you everyone who supported us, and thank you everyone who's been at our side all along, and everyone who is joining our journey for the first time.
Looking forward to the future, The FujoCoded LLC Team
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bobaboard · 2 months
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thanks to 170 of you, we were able to raise $9,258. That is over 300% of our goal (309% to be precise), and an amount of seed (money) beyond anything we could have possibly imagined.
With almost a full hour (!!!) of overtime, our team is now utterly spent 💦💦💦. We're so thankful for everything you did, and can't muster words to express how much this means to us... yet.
Tomorrow, we'll have one more campaign post showcasing all the wonderfully generous people who contributed their time and skills to this campaign, and properly giving you all the shoutout you deserve. 
Until then, let's all pat ourselves on the backs (you included). This was an incredible result, and an amazing start to what we know will be just as an amazing journey.
Thank you so much and see you tomorrow, The FujoCoded LLC Team
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bobaboard · 2 months
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BackerKit has an overtime feature. Once the campaign ends, it will continue in 10 minutes increments as long as people continue pitching.
13 on the train now!!! Let's keep it going!!
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bobaboard · 2 months
20 minutes and $45 left!!!
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bobaboard · 2 months
-$200 with 30 minutes!!!
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bobaboard · 2 months
-$430!!!!! with 76 minutes!!!
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Back us here:
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bobaboard · 2 months
An incredibly nice message we received from a long-term supporter.
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Thank you everyone who's been with us throughout this journey, and everyone who just got here!
We're so excited for the difference we will make.
Let's get to 300% funded! 2 hrs 38 min to go!
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bobaboard · 2 months
An incredibly nice message we received from a long-term supporter.
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Thank you everyone who's been with us throughout this journey, and everyone who just got here!
We're so excited for the difference we will make.
Let's get to 300% funded! 2 hrs 38 min to go!
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bobaboard · 2 months
An incredibly nice message we received from a long-term supporter.
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Thank you everyone who's been with us throughout this journey, and everyone who just got here!
We're so excited for the difference we will make.
Let's get to 300% funded! 2 hrs 38 min to go!
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bobaboard · 2 months
3 hours to go!!! Let's go for 300% funded!!!
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Do it for the memes (and a better future for the fandom web and beyond)
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bobaboard · 2 months
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We're *so close* to our last stretch goal! Let's get past $8,000 (!!!), hit 300% funded (!!!!!!), and build a kinder, more diverse, more collaborative—and unapologetically *weirder*—internet.
Back us here!
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bobaboard · 2 months
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We're *so close* to our last stretch goal! Let's get past $8,000 (!!!), hit 300% funded (!!!!!!), and build a kinder, more diverse, more collaborative—and unapologetically *weirder*—internet.
Back us here!
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bobaboard · 2 months
So close…
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(back us here)
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bobaboard · 2 months
Check out this incredibly nice endorsement we got from THE creator of Dreamwidth! Senpai noticed us 🥺🎉
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With (almost) 24 hours left, THIS IS THE (almost) LAST CHANCE TO BACK
Back us here
Help us bring internet weirdos together and empower our communities to reclaim the web!
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bobaboard · 2 months
Spread the word! Your reblog might be the missing link between us and the lawyer of our dreams 😎
Do YOU know a good lawyer?
In these last 3 days of our campaign, help our fandom project find friendly lawyer(s) for hire!
Details here in pic & doc below.
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Full requirements
Our campaign
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