bluewomanposts · 3 years
Menstrual Menstruation Causes Nausea
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It is common to experience nausea during your menstrual period and is caused by high levels of prostaglandin hormone that rise near the start of your menstrual period. Having nausea during the menstrual period can be considered as a normal condition due to the increase in hormones, and problems such as chocolate cysts and infections can also cause nausea. Is Nausea During Menstruation A Sign Of Pregnancy? Most of the time, nausea during the menstrual period is not a sign of pregnancy. However, very rarely, this situation, that is, nausea during menstruation, may be caused by pregnancy. Causes Nausea During Menstrual Period? Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Premenstrual syndrome includes physical and emotional symptoms that occur 1 to 2 weeks before the menstrual period. These symptoms continue when your period begins, but usually goes away after a few days. One of the symptoms of PMS is nausea during menstruation. Medical professionals believe PMS is caused by hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms affect more than 90 percent of menstruating women, so it is extremely common. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PDB) Premenstrual dysphoric disorder means experiencing severe symptoms during the menstrual period. This is due to the hormonal change seen in the menstrual period, as in Premenstrual syndrome. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder causes the same physical symptoms as PMS, including nausea and cramps. Endometriosis (Chocolate Cyst) The tissue lining your uterus is called the endometrium. This tissue swells and sheds during your cleansing period.When it grows outside of your endometrium, the tissue that covers your uterus, it is endometriosis, or chocolate cyst. Chocolate cysts can be seen in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissue around the uterus. Another symptom of chocolate cyst is nausea during menstruation. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection of the upper reproductive system. It usually occurs when a sexually transmitted infection in the vagina spreads to the uterus, ovaries, or fallopian tubes. The most common causes of pelvic inflammatory disease are sexually transmitted diseases called chlamydia and gonorrhea. Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause nausea during the menstrual period. Dysmenorrhea This is the medical term for menstrual cramps. Some people experience cramps severe enough to cause nausea. Prostaglandins are hormones that control uterine contractions. This hormone is secreted more when it approaches the menstrual period and can enter the bloodstream and cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and headache. How Does Nausea Pass During Menstrual Period? If you have nausea during your menstrual period, you should go to the obstetrician. The doctor will prescribe a medication to stop nausea.There are 3 methods to treat nausea during menstrual period; Pain Relief Use: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a common treatment for treating problems such as menstrual pain and nausea. It works by reducing prostaglandins, which can relieve cramps and nausea. Antidepressant Usage: Premenstrual syndrome and Premenstrual dysphoric disorder can be treated with selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs are antidepressants that increase your brain's serotonin levels. Birth Control Pill Usage: The birth control pill is designed to prevent pregnancy. They work by controlling hormonal changes during your menstrual cycle. This can help relieve some of the emotional and physical symptoms, including nausea during periods. Birth control pills can also be used to prevent nausea during the menstrual period. Herbal Solutions for Nausea During Menstrual Period Mint and lemon tea Mint lemon tea is a natural remedy for nausea during menstruation. Boil 1 teaspoon of mint in a glass of water and squeeze a little lemon into it. Ginger As a traditional remedy for nausea and cramps, ginger can regulate your body's prostaglandins and relieve menstrual nausea. You can make ginger tea with fresh ginger and drink it 1-2 times a day. Fennel The anti-inflammatory properties in fennel can help relieve pain and nausea during menstruation. You can consume fennel as tea. Cinnamon Cinnamon contains a compound known as eugenol that can suppress prostaglandins. This can reduce menstrual bleeding, nausea, and pain. Doing Breathing Exercise Deep breathing exercises can help relax your muscles and relieve nausea. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
Causes Womb Wall Thinning Symptoms and Treatment
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You must have a thick and healthy uterus in order to have a normal menstrual cycle and conceive. The thickness of the uterus should be at least 8 mm in order for the fetus to successfully attach to the uterus. Uterine volume less than 7 mm is called uterine thinness. Causes Uterine Wall Thinning? - Low estrogen - Uterine infection - Not enought feeding - Low blood flow to the uterus. Your doctor can use the ultrasound method to measure blood flow in the uterus. - Structural problems in the uterus - Use of birth control pills - Hormone disorder - Uterine fibroids: Uterine fibroids refer to benign growths that develop in the uterus. They can be either too small to be seen by the human eye or large enough to cause swelling in the uterus. - Sexually transmitted diseases What are the Symptoms of Uterine Thinning? - Infertility - Abnormal or irregular menstrual cycle - Irregular or painful menstruation - Insufficient menstrual bleeding - Dark red or purple menstrual blood - Backache What Should Those With Womb Wall Thin To Get Pregnant? How Is The Uterus Thick? In Chinese medicine, the uterus is known as the infant palace, and a healthy uterine wall is essential to raising a healthy baby. For the baby to attach to the uterus, it is very important that the uterus is not thin but of the necessary thickness. If you suffer from uterine thinness, use the medication prescribed by your obstetrician and be sure to follow your doctor's appropriate advice. The ideal thickness of the uterus is the key factor for the adhesion of the embryo to the uterine wall and pregnancy. The methods we'll report below will help thicken the uterine wall. - Use of estrogen pills. If the reason for the thinning of the uterine wall is estrogen hormone deficiency in the body, the doctor will start estrogen hormone supplementation. - For Daily Vitamin E (400 IU) - Research has shown that half of the women taking Vitamin E supplements begin to increase their uterine thickness. - Take aspirin. Aspirin increases blood flow, which helps to thicken the lining of the uterus. Studies have shown that low-dose aspirin can significantly increase the thickness of the uterine lining and pregnancy rates. - Eat a healthy diet: Food nourishes us and is essential for making blood, which creates a healthy uterine lining. Include them in your diet. Meat: Continue eating 1-3 servings of meat a day. Red meat, both beef and lamb, can aid in uterine thickening. Healthy fats: olive oil, raw hazelnuts, avocados. Dark leafy greens - Exercising regularly will improve blood flow in the body, which will help build the lining of the uterus. Exercise should be mild to moderate for 20-30 minutes a day. You can walk for at least half an hour every day. Swimming is also one of the healthiest sports. - Acupuncture can help improve blood circulation and thicken the lining of the uterus. With acupuncture, 1-2 treatment sessions a week, thickening of the uterus can be achieved in a period of 2 - 3 months. Prof. Dr. Herbal Remedy for Thickening the Uterus by İbrahim Saraçoğlu Prof. dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu recommends that women with uterine wall thinning consume at least 1 maximum 2 glasses of fresh pomegranate juice per day. What Drugs Are Used For Thickening Of The Uterine Lining? - Iron medicine - Fish oil, also known as Omega 3 essential fatty acids, 2000 mg per day - Vitamin E, 800 iu daily - L-Arginine, 6 grams a day - Turmeric, also known as Curcumin, 2000 mg per day, discontinue use of this drug while pregnant. - Low dose aspirin, 81 mg daily Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
How to Make a Steam Bath? Benefits And Harm Of Steam Bath
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How would you like to have a smoother skin with the steam bath, which cleanses the skin from blackheads and pimples by showing a detox effect and helps the skin to look smoother and more beautiful? Steam bath, which can be preferred to treat respiratory problems as well as facial cleansing; It relieves stress, relieves headaches, relieves muscle pain, and heals respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma. How to make a steam bath? In this article titled skin care after steam bath, we would like to briefly inform you about the benefits of the steam bath after mentioning the types of steam bath.
What is Steam Bath
Steam bath is one of the high temperature treatment methods frequently used by people with nasal congestion and flu. Another area of ​​use is one of the most preferred applications to open and clean the pores of the skin by holding hot water on the face for skin care. Here's what you need to know about the steam bath:
How To Steam The Face
Facial steam, one of the most effective and easiest methods of opening pores and cleansing deeply; It accelerates the blood circulation in the face and cleans our skin from dirt. The moisturizing mask applied to the skin right after the facial steam enables you to get a more efficient result from the steam bath. Steam Bath - Boil 3-4 glasses of water in a saucepan. - When the water boils and steam starts to come out of the water, soak your face in this steam. However, don't get too close to the steam. - In order to get the desired result from the steam bath, remove your make-up from your face and apply peeling and tonic to your skin before the procedure. In other words, clean your skin before the steam bath and make it ready for the process. - By taking advantage of the power of herbal teas, you can let the steam penetrate your skin more quickly. - For the steam bath, a little lemon, mint; chamomile and lavender; You can add sandalwood and bergamot. - Let your skin steam for 10 minutes. During this time, you should not forget to wrap your head with a towel.
Benefits of the Face-to-Face Steam Bath
- The steam bath, which opens the skin pores, also purifies the skin from acne and blackheads. Especially if you have an oily skin type, you can take a steam bath several times a week to remove excess oil from your skin. - The steam bath, which accelerates blood circulation, allows the skin to breathe thanks to this feature. It revitalizes the skin and contributes to getting rid of a pale and dull appearance. - The steam bath, which relaxes the facial muscles, also allows you to relieve the stress on you. WARNING: You can complete your skin care completely by applying a mask suitable for your skin type after the steam bath. At this point, you can apply a clay mask on your face. Or you can apply some honey on your skin with the help of your fingertips. After keeping the honey or clay mask on your skin for 15 minutes, you should not neglect to rinse your skin with warm water. When you want to apply moisturizer to your skin after the steam bath, you can use your own moisturizer or moisturize your skin with the help of coconut oil, argan oil or jojoba oil.
The Damages of the Steam Bath
It should be known that steam bath has benefits as well as harms. Among the most known damages of steam bath; It is when excessively hot water burns the skin or face. In addition, vegetable oils added to hot water to make a steam bath will cause allergic problems on the skin, so care must be taken. How often to steam bath on the face One of the most frequently asked questions is how many times a week steam bath is done and how often it is done. It is sufficient to do the steam bath once a week or once in 15 days. What to Do After Steam Bath Steam bath is one of the first treatments for skin care. After taking a steam bath, the pores are cleaned and moisturizing cream is used for skin care. Especially after the steam bath clay mask You can do. How to Make a Steam Bath in the Bathroom? The steam bath, which is extremely healthy like facial steam and made in the bathroom, relaxes not only the facial muscles but also all the muscles of our body. After a busy working day, you can get rid of all your tiredness and stress with the steam bath, and at the same time, you can clean all the pores in your body. To make a steam bath in your bathroom; - With a heater, heat your bath for 15-20 minutes. - Tightly close bathroom doors and windows to prevent steam from escaping. - Put some boiling water in a small bowl and add the essential oils you love. Place this container close to the shower. - Set your shower to its warmest setting (At this point, you should avoid taking a shower with this water. We aim to relax our body and open our pores with the steam bath. In other words, we do not bathe with hot water in any way. Otherwise, you may be bathed in hot water; may cause your skin to burn). - Put a chair in your bathroom and sit on this chair and wait for the steam to touch your whole body for 15 minutes. - After the steam bath, take a warm shower to relax your body. - Apply moisturizer to your entire body after showering.
Benefits of Steam Bath in Bathroom:
- It takes the tension of your muscles by acting on all body muscles. - It is extremely good for muscle aches and rheumatic pains. - Headaches caused by sinus problems are eliminated in a short time. - Steam bath; By releasing endorphins in our body, it mediates us to feel more peaceful and stress-free. - It cleanses our body from toxins and waste. - It dilates blood vessels, increases circulation and increases blood flow to the muscles. In this way, oxygen is carried to the muscles faster and more abundantly. It is considered among the most effective methods of getting rid of muscle pain caused by fibromyalgia, especially known as soft tissue rheumatism. - It leads the health of the scalp by considering the health of the hair as well as the skin health. It also balances the amount of sebum in the hair and prevents the hair from getting oily quickly.
Benefits and Benefits of Steam Bath to Skin
Skin care experts have stated that the steam bath has benefits for the skin. The benefits of the steam bath, which is one of the most effective methods that cleanse the skin deeply; - Eliminates black spots on the skin - Oily and combination skins are recommended to be done once a week. - Allows makeup residue to be removed from the skin - Steam bath to the face prevents acne and acne formation - Increases blood circulation - It allows vegetable oils to have a better effect on the skin. - Eliminates excess fat on the face and forehead - Removes dead skin from the skin - It helps to reduce wrinkles - It is the most effective method that cleanses the skin deeply. Who Is Not Suitable For A Steam Bath? - Pregnant women, blood pressure patients and young children should avoid steam baths. - If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or any other health problem, you should definitely consult your doctor about whether you can enter the steam bath. - You should not enter the steam room after consuming alcohol or eating a heavy meal. Things You Need To Pay Attention To When Taking A Steam Bath In The Bathroom: Turning your bathroom into a steam room can sometimes cause some side effects. That's why you need to pay attention to some points before entering the steam bath. At this point, we strongly recommend that you consider our recommendations below: - Do not stay in the bath for longer than 15 minutes. Take at least a few liters of pet water bottle with you for 15 minutes and consume this bottle. Otherwise, your exposure to steam for a long time; It can lead to complications such as heart palpitations, nausea, and fainting. - Stop the steam bath the moment you feel sleepy or unconscious in the bathroom. Get out of the room immediately and drink lots of water! Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
How is Genital Area Cleaning Done?
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How is Genital Area Cleaning Done? It is very important to keep the genital area clean. Otherwise, you will face unpleasant, difficult problems such as burning, itching, bad odor. Incorrectly used products and cleaning methods cause the balance of the environment here to deteriorate and also reduce benign bacteria that are responsible for protecting from all kinds of diseases, making it vulnerable to various infections. .. Anatomically located asymmetrical situations or sagging make cleaning and maintenance difficult. In this respect, it is necessary to know the genital area well and to give importance to care.
Genital Area Cleaning and Care
You should not use any random product or shower gel in this area for cleaning. It is even helpful to regularly wash with water in the shower every day. In fact, after every toilet cleansing of the genital areaIt forms the basis of. In the right way to bid on; It should always be done from front to back so that it will leave residue inside the vagina and prevent bacteria from forming. It should then be dried with toilet paper so that it remains moist and is not a settlement and breeding place for various fungi and infections. If you avoid doing this, you can also do your cleaning with the handkerchiefs specially produced for the genital area that you carry with you. In addition, shower gels or soaps that adjust the PH (acid-base balance) degree, which are specially produced for intima cleaning, are the products that every lady should have with them during shower.
How to Clean the Genital Area
In particular, taking it is enough to eliminate the odor and bacteria created by menstrual bleeding. It is necessary to clean with plenty of water after sexual intercourse or the use of condoms in order to keep the genital area moist. Genital shade cleaning If it is not done well, it may cause fungus and the disturbing odor it produces can be noticed by everyone. Regularly changing your underwear every day and boiling these clothes in the machine and washing them with bleach will kill the germs or bacteria, which is likely to be left in your laundry. Having colored clothes can keep you away from the purification job in this way. It will do the same to wash the colors that will not mix together, only with detergent at high temperature and then iron the net part of your laundry. Using cotton laundry is also very important in terms of protection from moisture. It absorbs the sweat and keeps you dry Synthetic lace clothes that look good on the eyes are only visual. They cause fungus due to the moisture formed by blocking the air circulation, thus trapping it in the genital area. In addition, tight and airtight trousers that stay on you for 14-15 hours a day cause sweating and airlessness and prepare the ground for bacteria and microbe growth, as in synthetic underwear. Long stay in wet swimsuit is also dangerous for both the genital area and the urinary tract. Mushrooms can grow easily in wet places, and they can cause pain when cold.
Cleaning the Genital Area
Pads that are used daily can keep your laundry dry by changing them frequently. If they are changed frequently, these pads can retain some liquid and moisture in their own body, and when used for a long time, it gives the feeling of living with a wet sponge. It can be extremely harmful in terms of health, and also causes discomfort to the person carrying it. During the menstrual period, the situation gets a little worse. The use of tampons and pads requires separate attention. Anyway, the blood that can not be absorbed anymore due to the fact that it is not changed at these times can leak out and contaminate your clothes after a while. More importantly, moisture and bacteria can cause serious diseases. Especially since tampons are in the vagina, they can cause bacterial infections. Bad odor caused by moisture and blood can increase more.Another cause of urinary tract infections that women often get poor cleaning of the genital areadir. In such cases, escaping urine becomes a problem of cleaning and causes new advanced infections by pushing you into a vicious circle. Because the constant moisture and bacteria intake continues. The necessary medications should be started without losing time by going to the doctor. In addition, when the need to urinate, one should definitely go to the toilet. Trying to keep it may cause incontinence as well as problems in the genital area. The cleanliness of the toilets where you sit must be hygienic. If you come into contact with liquids that may have come from someone else's urine or genital area on the toilet and this person has a disease, it can be passed on to you. Pools or bathtubs that are not properly cleaned and disinfected may cause the same problems. If you have to enter the toilet outside your home, it is recommended that you flush the toilet and lay toilet paper on your seat. Cleansing the genital area from hair and hair is important in terms of odor and moisture. For those who can resist the pain of wax, long-term cleaning is provided, and it can cause sagging lips in the future. Suitable women's razors are perfect for this job. Other razors can cause cuts, which invites bacteria. Razors must be personal and disposable. Very long hairs can be shortened with a pair of scissors. Regular gynecological exam genital area health It is important in terms of. When necessary, by using various medicines or medical bathroom cleaners that the doctor can give, it prevents the conditions that will cure the diseases and progress. You can prevent diseases that can lead to infertility by not hesitating to go to the doctor. The shape changes in the inner lips that prevent cleaning are eliminated by various aesthetic operations and prevents you from getting diseases. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
Natural Skin Care Secrets - Skin Beauty
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Natural skin care As the name suggests, it is natural skin care at home. Skin care, which you can do without going to beauty centers, using chemical creams and cosmetic products, will make your skin look healthier and you will avoid harmful effects. Well How to care for natural skin, What are natural skin care masks, natural methods for facial care I will try to help you by explaining it in detail. How to Care for Natural Skin Natural skin care You can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, revitalize the skin and have a brighter, renewed skin. Thanks to the natural skin masks you will make with the materials found at home, you will clean your skin naturally and open the pores. You will not spend money while doing skin care at home. Thanks to skin care, we will do natural ways, while getting rid of acne, blackheads, skin spots, sun burns, while moisturizing your skin, you will also have a more vivid and smooth skin. Here are the methods you can do skin care practically at home. Natural Mask Recipe for Blackheads The lemon and salt mask that cleanses the skin, eliminating black spots, is an effective mask that you should definitely try. While the lemon and salt mask mask eliminates black spots, lemon cleans the dirt on the skin and prevents the formation of acne and oily acne. Salt, on the other hand, opens the clogged pores with its anti - bacterial properties and destroys the bacteria that cause acne.Materials - Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
Benefits of Rose Water for Skin - Skin Beauty
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Benefits of Rose Water to Skin The natural beauty source of women for centuries rose wateris an assistant that women who do not prefer to use cosmetic products are now fond of and keep in front of the make-up mirror. Thanks to the distillation of rose petals with water, pure rose water obtained. Since some rose waters in the market are made with essence only, they do not serve any purpose other than fragrance. When you use it, it does not provide any benefit to your skin. For this, you should make sure that the rose water you buy is pure. What Are The Benefits Of Rose Water To The Skin? Versatile and a must have in every home rose water It is a very good wound cleanser and bactericidal. It can be used safely for eczema and skin irritations. It destroys bacteria and oil formations, especially on skin with acne. It provides the subcutaneous balance that produces abnormally oil so that the pimples are reduced and disappeared .. Makes the skin smoother. It is an indispensable product for oily skin and performs the shine and purification process. It provides the moisture balance of the face and changes it from oily skin to normal skin condition.It both opens and disinfects the pores blocked by airborne dirt all day long. Thus, it prevents the formation of black spots. Contrary to those who say they also do this as a tonic, cosmetic tonics only compress the pores. In other words, it does not disinfect the dirt and bacteria in the pore. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
How to Care for Nails? Nail Care at Home
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The nail is a layer of hardened keratin that covers the tips of your fingers. It grows up to 1 cm in 100 days. It varies according to nutrition, hereditary characteristics, care, age and season. Consuming foods containing omega 3 and iron is important for nail health. Bee pollen support, dried fruits, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, black raisins are the most important of these. A, C, E, B complex, biotin, protein, calcium and zinc are good for both skin and nails. How to Care for Nails? B vitamins for frequently broken nails, zinc against white spots, protein and calcium are the building blocks of strong nails. That protects the tip of our hands that we touch countless places every day. nail care It starts with keeping it clean. Brushing with a nail brush before going to bed in the evening is an important step to remove dirt and various bacteria. Nail care The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to Mani Pedi to do or have it done. This regular form of care prevents diseases such as ingrown toenails, hook nails, nail inflammation. In this type of care, it is important that the instruments are thoroughly sterilized or that you use your own instruments. Otherwise, you may be exposed to diseases transmitted from person to person. You can do these things yourself at home. Long and well-groomed nails It is an element of beauty that every lady wants to have. To use long nails, you must have a healthy keratin structure. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
Vaginal Tightening Creams And Kegel Exercise
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Although vaginal aesthetics may seem unnecessary at first, it is as important as applying to the face or an area in our body. Although it is not a visible area, it is of great importance both in terms of affecting sexual life and in terms of women's self-confidence. Especially after birth, the enlargement of the vagina by losing its elasticity becomes a problem for women's sexual life. Therefore, the deteriorating sex life between spouses creates coldness in relationships, which leads to divorces as a result. Vaginal Tightening Creams and Kegel Exercise Progressive age-related vaginal enlargement is an unavoidable condition and deformation as in the skin. In addition to this, the vagina has the ability to self-clean and contain bacteria; The outside world is becoming more open to bacteria and germs due to abundance. The risk of getting frequent fungal and bacterial infections increases. Due to the loss of elasticity of the vaginal muscles, an unpleasant situation such as urinary incontinence is faced. This means bad odor and constant humidity for the area, which can damage the health of the area. In addition, even if the tight-cut trousers, tights or swimwear - bikinis are not noticeable from the outside, you always feel obliged to pay attention because you are uncomfortable. Aesthetic surgeons, who go to every person with aesthetic concern, can easily overcome this problem. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
How is Ozone Therapy Done? - Skin Beauty
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As the age progresses, as a result of the decrease in the production of some substances necessary for the skin, wrinkles and sagging occur on the skin, which are signs of aging. The most important reason for this is that the collagen production which gives the skin elasticity slows down and therefore the skin cannot be fed sufficiently. Another factor is the slowing down of the capillary network that carries nutrients to the upper layers of the skin. It is common for the skin to become thinner and transparent, and capillaries to become more visible. Since the production of pigments that give color to the skin decreases, they have to manage with the old pigments. Therefore, a dull and dull skin texture is formed. Brown age spots appear in places that are frequently exposed to the sun. It is more pronounced in those with white skin than those with dark skin. Skin Benefits of Ozone Therapy The times when the skin starts to age fully starts after the age of 30s. All kinds of skin that has managed you so far have now reached the top of the hill for itself and the descend from the hill has begun. Nutrition, environmental factors, genetic influences, stress, skin color, and the time taken for wrinkles to become apparent or sagging rates may change due to paying attention to your daily care. The result is inevitable for everyone. After a point, anti-wrinkle creams and treatments may become useless. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
How to Care for Skin in Winter? Natural Skin Care at Home in Winter
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How to Care for Skin in Winter? Natural Skin Care at Home in Winter Our skin gets dry, cracked and exfoliated over time after cold weather, snow and rain; Unfortunately, it can make us look extremely bad if we don't pay attention to the right skin care techniques. Especially when we make up on our dry skin in order to get rid of this bad appearance, our make-up creates scabs, swelling and a mask-like appearance. In order to avoid this situation, we need to pay more and more attention to our skin care, especially in winter months compared to summer. Skin care in winter how is it done? In this article titled, we would like to briefly mention what you can do to protect your skin during the winter months. How to Care for Skin in Winter In winter, it is very important to take care of the correct care as well as care for the dry skin of the weather and wind. Here is what you need to do to moisturize dry skin and keep it soft.Here are the most important points to consider during skin care in winter: - Use a moisturizer that matches your skin type Our skin, which is exposed to weather and environmental factors intensely, loses its moisture significantly during the winter months. Therefore, we should never and never neglect the use of the right moisturizer that is compatible with our skin type. If you do not want to encounter skin rashes on your skin and face, you should not forget to moisturize your hands and your whole skin in winter, as well as your face. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
Making Cell Regenerating Cream At Home And Recipe
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Cell Regenerating Cream Making; Did you know that you can easily prepare a 'cell regenerating cream' at home with the help of a few basic ingredients used in skin care? The 'cell regenerating cream' that penetrates the skin rapidly, acting as a natural peeling; Like an elixir of youth, it cleanses the skin from toxins, residues, harmful bacteria and microbes. Thanks to its anti-aging effect, it prevents aging of the skin at an early age and the formation of wrinkles on the skin. This wonderful cream, which you can prepare by mixing products called Madecassol, Bepanthol and Hametan, offered for sale in pharmacies, provides rapid regeneration of skin cells. In other words, it allows you to get rid of dead cells that accumulate in the top layer of the skin. In this article, how to prepare a 'cell regenerating cream'? We will try to answer the question. If you can easily prepare this cream at home and use it regularly, you can get rid of acne, acne, blackheads, spots and wrinkles on your skin in a short time, and you can make your desire to have a younger, beautiful, bright and radiant skin come true. Here are the details you need to know about our cell regenerating cream mixture recipe, which is recommended by beauticians to all women who love their beauty and do not neglect their care: Cell Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
10 Golden Rules You Should Know For Skin Beauty
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10 Golden Rules You Should Know For Skin Beauty On the line where every lady makes a great effort beauty There is no one who does not know how to spend money for Actually skin beauty We will not be exaggerating if we say that there are golden rules you need to do to apply them, you will have a smooth skin when you apply them, your skin will become younger and even the dead cells will disappear and get a vivid appearance. Applying the 10 Golden rules that I will give you now to make your skin beautiful will give you a more well-groomed and more beautiful skin appearance, and these applications will be sure to attract attention to the people around you. To Beautify the Face What should we do to beautify the face? If you say, you can have a healthy and well-groomed face by applying the suggestions I will give you. How to make the face beautiful naturally - For facial beauty, protect your skin from the sun. One of the biggest enemies of your skin is the sun. You can stay in the sun and try to get tan, but remember that while sunburns do great damage to your skin, it makes your skin look older than it causes to wrinkle earlier. Sun damage to the skin so many that the most dangerous is skin cancer. For this reason, if you are going to stay under the sun for too long, you should use a sunscreen that does not transmit ultraviolet A and B rays, this cream will protect your skin from sunlight. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
How To Clean The Skin? Home Skin and Face Cleansing Suggestions
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How to clean the skin? Human skin has a sensitive structure. As a result of the skin's exposure to external factors, the cleaning of the dirt and harmful wastes accumulated on the skin related to the type of the skin, the process of opening the pores. skin cleansing is called. We will talk about the methods that women apply at home and are very easy for skin cleansing. skin cleansing at home What you need to know about how to clean the skin. It is very important to do daily and weekly facial cleansing, to clean the pores of the skin and to apply skin care mask recipes. In this article, I will try to give you information about how to clean the skin at home, what should be considered when doing facial cleansing. How to Make a Daily Face Care During the day, people are exposed to some external factors as well as themselves in their busy and paced lives. These external factors are polluted air, smoking environments, closing pores due to oily skin, excessive sweating, being in dusty environments and many other reasons. The skin, which is contaminated due to external factors, causes a pale skin appearance by blocking the pores and invites many diseases in the skin. At this point, you should never neglect your skin care and perform skin care regularly. The resulting black spots and acne on your skin can both upset you and cause unwanted bad images. How To Clean The Skin Skin cleansing There were main rules to be made about. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
What Are Minerals Required for Healthy Hair?
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More healthier and more have strong hairis one of the wishes of every person. Ultimately, women and men, as hair covers the most common and significant part of the person, your hair to be beautiful they want. But for hair to be healthy and strong There are certain minerals that the body must take. In this article, minerals essential for hair We will give information about. Everything you need for stronger and more beautiful hair is here. Remember that Causes of hair loss The most mineral deficiency is among them. Let's start! External factors that your hair are exposed to during the day cause a number of consequences such as hair loss, breakage and dullness. Although you use some products and try to protect your hair against external factors, the actions you take and the measures you take may not be sufficient. Well, more What are the minerals needed to have healthy hair? And in which foods are these minerals more abundant? Here is the answer! Minerals Required for Hair Calcium, Iodine, Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Iron, Potassium. Calcium Calcium is one of the minerals that hair needs the most in order to grow, stay alive and, more importantly, stay healthy. CalciumDue to its structure, it affects the growth of the hair and makes it look stronger. While you need to pay attention to the amount of calcium in the hair care products you buy, it is also important to use the right food sources. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
How to Make Herbal Skin Care at Home?
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Herbal Skin Care When it is called skin health, the effects of aging and the measures to be taken to protect the skin from the damage caused by environmental factors are mentioned. The first step to be followed by women who set out on this path is to keep the skin clean, moisturize and nourish the skin well. Of course, it is not possible to protect the skin with only external applications. You can make your skin healthier by paying attention to the diet, exercising regularly, sleeping patterns, drinking plenty of water, avoiding stress, smoking and alcohol. With herbal skin care You can keep your skin cleaner and add vitality. Many women do not bother to make skin cleansing with cosmetic creams and change their diet and sleep patterns. The cosmetic products used are financially expensive, and in continuous use, it is extremely forcing the budget. If continuous use is not applied, this option is not suitable because it cannot be obtained with the desired effect. With the chemicals it contains, it definitely leaves a small amount of damage to your skin. By the way, we will tell you about the affordable and harmless skin cleansing. Herbal skin care gaining more and more popularity every day, it allows every woman to cleanse without harming her skin. To Moisturize Dry Skin It is essential to nourish your skin with moisturizers in order to protect your skin from the appearance of aging and to have a more vibrant skin. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
What is Male Pattern Hair Loss?
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Male pattern hair loss, which manifests itself in the form of shedding at the top of the head and thinning or weakening in the temples, begins to manifest itself with an increasing level in the following periods. As the shedding progresses in the temples, the hair falls backwards and after a while, only the hair remains in the middle of the front part of the head. When precautions are not taken or there is no situation that can be taken, the hair loss that starts at the temples continues to progress and balding occurs on the top of the head. Male pattern hair lossis a type of hair loss that starts at the crown and temples and continues. The result of this hair loss is that only the sides of the hair remain, depending on the person's hair type and whether there are hereditary conditions. Hereditary means a family member hair loss If there is, the only solution is hair transplantation. However, other than that, the spillage caused by external factors is some of the spills to be used in the early period. hair masks and hair care products With it, spillage can be prevented. When Does Male Pattern Hair Loss Begin? Although it varies from person to person, hair loss begins to show itself generally from the age of 20. However, since the spills that started in this period are not taken seriously and the spill rate is low, many measures are not taken. However, as hair loss increases in later periods, the situation shows its gravity more clearly. Read the full article
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bluewomanposts · 3 years
Tea to Rejuvenate Dead Cells that Retard Aging
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Tea Rejuvenating Dead Cells Against Aging  Skin care is among the most important details for both men and women. For this reason, you should take care to use quality cosmetic products for skin care. Especially after a certain age, the skin can succumb to external factors and be exposed to sagging and skin wrinkles. In such cases, after the age of 35, it is necessary to benefit from more natural products instead of cosmetic products containing heavy chemicals. In particular, it is necessary to benefit from natural products rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. Thanks to some foods and plants that nature provides to humans, you can make your skin shiny and prevent your skin wrinkles. It is recommended to use it as a skin tonic, as well as regularly drink tea recipes that renew dead cells that delay aging . Here are natural products that revitalize skin cells and tighten the skin ... Anti-Aging Herbal Teas It will be enough for you to regularly drink a glass of herbal teas every day. In addition, you can use the teas we give as a tonic to your skin instead of make-up remover mercury and tonics containing heavy chemicals in make-up and skin cleaning. Before you start using herbal teas, it will be useful to know whether you are allergic to which plant or not. Finally, you should never add sugar or artificial sweeteners to these herbal teas. Brighten Your Skin With Rose Tea Rose is the crown of many cosmetic products. With Read the full article
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