bluesuns3t · 23 days
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I've made this a long time ago.
Translate "don't be wasteful, you're poor. "
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bluesuns3t · 1 month
Why is something like this never happen to me. I also want some platonic relationship like if someone seeing us they'll assume we're gay
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same genre
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bluesuns3t · 1 month
I want your smile
I want you so bad it hurts my heart for the fact that I can't have you
and yet I pray and hope that someday it'll never come true
I want your eyes
For looking at me 24/7 beside me and seeing me as a whole
Seeing me as a person and after that you say to yourself that "I love to see your soul"
I want your lips speaking of sweetness about how you gonna be a different person if you never met me
How you say that I change you to be a better version
I want you whole. I want you all
I know sometimes I feel like a burden, but you don't mind
In fact, you always say it's fine like it is not something but
Oh my
How my eyes spark
How my cheeks blush and
How my heart rush
I'm sure it is something and
I want to shout on top of my lungs that
you're mine.
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bluesuns3t · 2 months
Is the new avatar live action a perfect remake
Does it have a perfect scene of a random lady hitting zuko with a brush to stop him from trying to attack aang that wasn’t in the original
Yea and it was great
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bluesuns3t · 2 months
I'm not saying the show is bad, but I really felt something was missing. ldk what, but Def need the og creator to step up and make a better story for season 2. It felt like they took something important from my childhood fave story. The actors were great but the story (???)
Don't get me wrong, all of the actors were great. I fckn cried on the first ep and cried again because of zuko back story. But the rest of the story errr.
Maybe I should watch it again for the second time. Maybe I was missing something
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bluesuns3t · 2 months
I can't believe I cried so much back when I was watching the boy and the heron thinking "oh this is hayao miyazski last movies. It looks like he was saying goodbye. Oh boy some of the scenes and characters even resemble his other movies. Man, this can't be his last movies. Why is he making it so obvious that is his last one "
And he just failed to retire (again). Idk I should be glad or pissed
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his best running gag
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bluesuns3t · 2 months
Yes, do all these things!
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bluesuns3t · 2 months
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Winnie got some points here
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bluesuns3t · 2 months
One thing I learned from adulthood is
Grown-ups are hypocrites
And I live in this hiprocrities world where I pretend to be a grown woman just to be slapped by the fact that I am 13 inside my soul.
Can I identify as 13? Forever and ever, never ever growing up and being part of society
Society is a cunt world that full of people bullshitting each other
I want to shit my pants
Did you realize how morality is a social construct and yet it force feeding to us as a child and for the result we've never growing up from the fact that I'm 13 in an old body trying to thriving through the selfless yet selfish world and hoping someone just hit my head with a baseball bat so I can come to the conclusion that life is indeed shit and so is living
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bluesuns3t · 3 months
Never thought I need this duo but the cegil and cogil energy is ridiculously high 🤣🤣
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Once I sober up the next day, I know I'll regret hugging him.
But the warmth she gave me that day was so comforting. It helped me forget the pain in that moment.
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bluesuns3t · 3 months
All of this translation is in Bahasa and I don't have an energy to translate it back to English cause somehow I feel drained after watching 2 children fighting for their happiness
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I mean how the hell this little kid is already think that if anybody know his secret, he will never be happy. Like dudeee, drop some weight from your shoulder and ask for help or explanation, whatever helps.
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And I thought this principle right here is kinda sus but she already have something on her plate. Can't blame her with anything
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And the most important thing is
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Please (so I can sleep)
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bluesuns3t · 3 months
Dari Minato, Untuk Yori
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yori, dunia ini katanya sangat luas buat ditempati manusia, tapi ternyata malah mereka sendiri yang buatnya makin sempit. pola pikir mereka mencekik, ucapan mereka buat isi kepala makin berisik, semuanya terasa menyesakkan. mereka bilang kamu beda ─ ibuku, ayahmu, teman-teman, guru-guru ─ katanya, ada sakit yang bersemayam dalam kepala cemerlangmu. omong kosong yang aneh, ya. padahal, kamu sehat-sehat saja. kilau gemerlap nebula seperti di buku ensiklopedia dalam matamu masih bersinar terang. senyummu ingatkan aku dengan mentari pada pertengahan musim semi yang hangat. tanganmu usap rambutku dengan lembut dan penuh perhatian, takut-takut kalau aku bisa pecah saat itu juga jika kamu terlalu kasar.
padahal kamu juga sama-sama bernapas, berjalan dengan dua kaki dan sepasang sepatu, serta bisa merasa sakit seperti mereka. warna-warna yang tercetak nyata di kulit kamu itu bukti bahwa kamu sama manusianya dengan mereka. kalau mereka bilang kamu beda, berarti aku juga sama bedanya dengan kamu. karena aku tidak menganggap kamu beda. kamu dan aku sama. mungkin memang kitalah monster yang mereka takut-takutkan itu.
yori, kalau di bagian sini kita tidak diterima, ayo kita pergi saja. kita berangkat naik kereta ini dan pergi ke luar angkasa, mungkin di sana kita bisa temukan rasi bintang yang membentuk nama kita. atau mungkin kita cari tempat lain di dunia ini. lihat pagar itu, itu tanda awal kita bisa bebas berkelana. siapa tahu kita bisa temui ibumu di perjalanan menuju tempat itu. tempat di mana kamu bisa sebutkan nama segala jenis bunga di dunia dan aku akan ekori kamu dari belakang sambil dengarkan ucapanmu. tempat di mana kita bisa berlari sepuasnya di padang rumput sampai kaki kita bisa copot dan anggota tubuh kita lainnya terlepas dari badan satu per satu. tempat di mana kita tidak perlu mati dan hidup lagi bukan sebagai sepasang anak laki-laki cuma untuk bisa diterima dengan sentosa.
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bluesuns3t · 4 months
And some ig post literally want me to ship megumi and nobara while what I wanted the most is to ship mahito with death. WHY GEGE WHYYYY
I hate when jujutsu kaisen almost gave me hope for romance but they be like.. mehhh
I can give you Maki and Yuta but no thanks I won't
Or I can give you Geto and Gojo but I prefer gave you trauma instead
Ahh I can make you think Mechamaru has a crush on Miwa but ahahahah I think Mechamaru should be dead
And at the end I can give you hope for Itadori and Ozawa but who knows *ehe
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bluesuns3t · 5 months
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No context needed
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bluesuns3t · 5 months
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Hidden Love 偷偷藏不住 (2023) — 1.21 | "He's asleep."
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bluesuns3t · 5 months
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You know the friendship's real when there's a rumor you're gay for each other
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bluesuns3t · 5 months
I might be over protective too if I become her older sister. My sister is sooo CUTE.
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