blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
wait do you guys actually carry purses/bags everywhere you go i really need to know
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
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get ready everyone
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
i’m such a “i want your attention” but “won’t bother you” kinda person
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
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So many people do not understand the relationship between climate change and cold weather.
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
I mean it makes sense that robots would be more attuned with Earth magic and nature as they are made of refined rock and metal. They would be more affected by the grounds and rocks around them. The wilds calling out to them from the wind and a sense of home when lying in the dirt and feeling embraced by an unknown parent that is the world around them.
Robots are part of nature the same as any other living being.
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
That Realization that the last two Sana pieces are a Love Live Ascension
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
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Pride Collection, coming to the site on 6/2 at 3pm PST! As a queer woman, creating pride flag earrings has been on my bucket list since I started my handmade business! But I wanted to wait until I was ready to truly be publicly out - and this is the year. So hi Tumblr, I'm queer, and here are some queer earrings I made <3
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
I'm just putting this out there because I'm thinking about it and because I want people to know it's not just them.
I don't really read fic anymore. It's not because I stopped liking it, though. It's because I made a rule for myself that I'm not able to follow.
I told myself that if I read a fic, I should comment on it. And not just "I loved it!" but a detailed comment. A live reaction or at least quoting favourite lines. Maybe talk about symbolism or about references I caught or about characterization etc.
I did that because I loved the authors I was reading and because I'd received so many lovely comments like that and I wanted to be able to pass that joy onto others. But then I found it hard to actually comment like that.
I could manage it sometimes? Oneshots weren't too hard, for example, but multichaps? My rule was that I had to comment every chapter. And the kinds of comments I wanted to write, well that meant reading on my laptop because I hate typing on my phone.
Eventually, I felt so guilty when I read fic without commenting on it that I stopped reading fic altogether. Better to just not read if I wasn't able to hold up my end of the bargain.
I shifted out of my fandom not long after that, and I haven't found a new one that's sparked the same interest (ie obsession), so I don't know if I might be able to fix this habit if I ever get into a new fandom in the future. All I know is, don't be like me.
Comment as you can and when you can, but don't set up strict rules like I did. I can't speak for all authors of course, but I know that personally, I'd rather you enjoy my work without commenting at all rather than make yourself feel so guilty you stop reading it altogether.
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
i amn,, thjinking
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
"devotion that corrupts" this, "devotion that leads to ruin" that. no, fuck you. devotion that heals. devotion that motivates and edifies and gives those involved the will to keep fighting because now they finally have a reason to. devotion that is met with care and responsibility and warmth and acceptance. devotion that is returned a thousandfold. devotion that is projected outward to have a transformative impact on everyone in the vicinity. devotion that isn't perfect, but tries to do good.
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
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It's been a year since I released these two into the world
hope you guys don't get tired of 'em they'll be here for a good while
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
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more skrunkly grian - today's being non-dominant hand
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
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Here's some common Art Fight term definitions to help you out! Soon...
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blossomgalaxy · 9 hours
sometimes all you need is one passionate person who goes berserk for your work to keep you creating
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blossomgalaxy · 11 hours
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