Tag Responsibly, Block Freely
I’ve noticed that there has been an uptick in users subjected to what they consider an unsatisfying Tumblr experience that goes beyond the unnecessary and unwanted updates Tumblr occasionally roles out.  I’m talking about your squicks and the antis.  I get it, I get it, you are most certainly allowed to your opinions and likes and your extreme dislikes.  But here’s the thing:
So is everyone else. 
There are certain responsibilities that you have as a Tumblr user.  One is to tag responsibly.  The other is to personalize your Tumblr feed.
Tag Responsibly
What I mean when I say tagging responsibly is for you to consider the content you are creating or reblogging and using critical thinking on the important things like triggers and what things about your post that people may want to filter to the find or filter to block. 
It isn’t okay for you to intentionally not tag warnings for content that you know may reach an audience that may be triggered and may not be suitable for their consumption.  I’m not saying that you have to tag everything, followers are pretty good at asking nicely for lesser known trigger tags if they are really dedicated to your blog, but for the big common triggers that don’t go hand and hand with the main tag (how does anyone watch GOT and not expect gratuitous amounts of violence, death, and incest), it doesn’t take that much longer to tag. 
List of Common Trigger Warnings
Personalize Your Feed
No one knows you better than yourself and therefore you are responsible for creating your own “safe” space.  Block what triggers you.  Block what disgusts you.  Block what you hate.  I can promise you, blocking people feels great and knowing that people who strongly dislike the things you like are blocking you rather than bothering you feels just as great.
Link to one of the most comprehensive tutorials on how to get the most out of your blacklisting tools. 
So please, don’t stress yourself out on here more than necessary when it’s avoidable.  Tumblr is an escape, it doesn’t have to be a battleground.  Have fun!
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