blinkflux-blog · 4 years
The Before & After of This Class
          There will never be a shortage of information or learning to be made for any person. This multimedia class has left me with more knowledge on the different types of things available whether it’s an Augmented Reality display, interface designs, or crowdfunding. It helped me find the difference between fads and trends, and the history of what our culture clings to. This is to illustrate how much I learned from this course.
           I had a vague idea of what I might learn from the class that it would discuss what multimedia is. I didn’t actually know much what would include multimedia and how many different aspects can cover it. I expected a broad overview of the field of study I was currently majoring into. The past year has been a blur of classes that I actually managed to stop and think about multimedia and general because of this course.
           One particular technology that I hadn’t had much knowledge of was the QR code. Having to make a blog to write what fads and trends are and their varying impact on culture was interesting to learn about. I knew only that QR codes were talked about years ago, but they never really took off. I always was never sure how different fads and trends are and having to research what each one was and go into the history of the technology for each category helped tremendously.
           The biggest takeaway I can get from this course is how broad multimedia can be. If anything, it’s gotten more complex and offers a lot of creativity and potential in unpredictable ways. How technology can be incorporated into industries in new and innovative ways to improve them is great in theory. The future of multimedia can change lifestyles and have a major impact on people.
           All in all, this class was a blessing in disguise. I didn’t think much of the course prior to me taking it. After going through it all, I can easily say I’m glad my mind was changed and am grateful to have learned more about multimedia. It helped me stop and think about how technology changes people’s lives and can enhance it.
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blinkflux-blog · 4 years
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud
What was formally a group of permanent purchases to own the software each year, Adobe changed it to offer a subscription based way to gain access to the wide variety of digital media software that ranges from creating animations, graphic media, audio/video editing, and more. They also offer a way to subscribe to individual programs if you don’t want the whole library of software.
Trend to Come
While the suite of programs aren’t new, the idea to subscribe to have the right to use the license is. Previously, customers were able to purchase the yearly release of these software, but that has changed with all the subscription focused changes across entertainment. Expect more services to offer subscriptions to their products or brands in not just streaming videos, but across technology in general.
My Thoughts on the Technology
I don’t think this is something I’d want to be involved with further. Having all these subscriptions to manage and remember is dangerous for the fact that it’s easy to forget to cancel a service when you have no current use for. It will end up costing more in the long run as more services require subscriptions to pay monthly and the customer will have less control with the services to only be allowed what the companies want to grant access to.
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blinkflux-blog · 4 years
Fad or Trend
Every year, there will always be something new that people cling to to ride the same wave others are on. Whether it’s a hashtag, product, or entertainment media, something will emerge to draw people’s attention for a short while. Fads are any behavior that only lasts a short time, usually a few months at most. It’s entirely unpredictable and can happen for whatever reason. Trends causes behavior shifts or changes that will permanently alter a culture. These are the seeds of change and can fundamentally change a lifestyle that also meets a consumer’s needs and behaviors for a long time.
One well-known but debatable fad is the QR code. They’re still in use today, but that’s due to Snapchat bringing back their popularity a bit. Years ago, these codes were all over the place and was touted to be the next big thing that would replace bar codes and be more secure. Ultimately, QR codes only served to advertise products and have a niche usage overall.
A trend that has steadily been rising are drones and drone ops centers. Even though drones are heavily regulated and limited in the U.S., the potential they have for companies and people is huge. They can be used for things like logistic challenges that can map out terrain that are risky or difficult to traverse. Eventually, it may even be possible to have packages be shipped via drones instead of trucks once the technology becomes refined enough.
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blinkflux-blog · 4 years
Resources for Keeping Current on Emerging Technology
With each passing day, each passing hour and minute, technology keeps on advancing and evolving. It’s important to keep up to date on what new tech becomes available for the public that could enhance our lives. These five resources will help anyone get started on keeping current with emerging technologies.
1. Ars Technica (https://arstechnica.com/)
Ars Technica covers a wide variety of technologies, whether it’s in gaming, cars, computers, or mobile apps. They talk about any laws that involve technology as well. One example of an emerging technology is a breakthrough for Deep Learning that was recently made by Rice University scientists. This classifies on a massive scale that takes in search input.
2. TG Daily (https://www.tgdaily.com/)
TG Daily covers news ranging from the web, tech company editorials, or technology changing various industries, whether they’re good or bad. They give buying guides to cover a wide variety of topics not just with tech, but how they incorporate it into them. They recently released an article talking about how smart technologies are reshaping the Construction Industry.
3. The Inquirer (https://www.theinquirer.net/)
The Inquirer covers the more technical side of technology. This can be anything from Artificial Intelligence, the internet, open source, hardware, software, and security. They reported on how Intel is currently trying to make a six-core CPU to compete with AMD and catch up.
4. ExtremeTech (https://www.extremetech.com/)
ExtremeTech on a first glance looks traditional like any of the other tech sites. They do offer some ‘deep dives’ for more insight into technologies as well as showcasing any current deals for tech. An article of theirs reported that Google was adding an ‘Interpreter Mode’ to have real-time translations for phones.
5. ZD Net (https://www.zdnet.com/)
ZD Net is for users that want more specific tech info on things like building websites, 5G guides, their opinions on best VPN services, web hosting, and more. Their focus is more on guides and how-to’s for anyone just starting out to dip their toes into technology. They report how quantum computing is making progress to be the next wave of impactful technology.
These are only some of the resources to learn more about emerging technologies available on the internet. These are only meant to help anyone get started to stay in the loop of all the technological innovations being made every day.
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