blindbats · 7 years
Announcing our existence!
Hi! We are a new blog that writes for the batfamily. This blog is run by two co-writes, Matt and Myan. Matt goes by he/her. (He’ll respond to either pronoun so whichever you prefer is fine.) Myan (the one who’s writing this) goes by they/them. I will also go by she/her, but I prefer they/them. 
We’ll be writing both x readers and non x readers. We are not willing to write smut or batkid/batkid, but we’re willing to write pretty much anything else. Matt will mostly be writing headcanons, and I will mostly be writing longer pieces. We’ll be putting who wrote what in the tags on every post so you will be able to know and talk to the right person if wanting to say something about that piece.
We might also be posting art, but that will be a lot less frequent than writing. We’ll be trying to get at least a single post out every week, but we are both busy people and it’s the end of the school year right now, so for the first few weeks, that might not happen. Just try to be patient with us, please. 
Thanks for following, and we hope you enjoy!
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