blhth · 3 years
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When Cal had a craving there was nothing he could do but satisfy that. In most occasions, the one thing he always craved was something sweet. One of the first things that he had to do that morning was visit his favorite bakery. For those that knew the man, knew that Calcifer loved sweets or honestly, just food in general. He was perched on a bench, a box of pastries beside him. The moment he got his hands on that chocolate croissant, his mouth started watering and the way he was looking at the pastry was a little concerning. It only lasted a second before flickering his gaze up and meeting a pair of eyes that was watching him, he could feeling himself blushing with embarrassment. “Could you give us some privacy, please?” he joked, lightly.
gilbert walked on the park, going back to his apartment, a cup of coffee in his hand has he dreamt about sitting on the couch watching something, also known as, falling asleep 5 minutes into the episode and taking a nap. his daydreams were quickly shattered as he saw the familiar face sitting on the bench with a pastry in his hands. gilbert walked over to his friend and smiled as he stared and waited to see how long it would take for him to notice him. when he finally did, gilbert smirked. “oh, i’m sorry. am i interrupting something?” he teased, with a smile on his lips. “i’m so glad to see you here. i have been meaning to call but there’s always something coming up and i never do.” he admitted, scratching his neck.
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blhth · 3 years
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“hey!” Penelope grins happily watching as he pulls out the chair before her.  “please, don’t be sorry, i know how hectic things can be i’m just glad that you made it gil,  it’s so nice to see you again!” she beams excitedly. she sits more comfortably now that he’s joined her. “oh ya know same old same old living in cyber space kicking crime in the ass.” she giggles. “but it was a fairly tamed day compared to normal, so i was thankful for that.” she says to him smiling. “how about you, the kids at the school being good to you? or do they need a lesson?” she teases.
gilbert smiled at his friend's kindness as he got himself comfortable on the chair. “it’s so nice to see you too and i can’t believe we finally managed to meet.” he answered happily. “well that’s way more interesting than what i do.” he admitted, he had always been fascinated by what she did, it sounded way cooler than teaching. “you have to admit you like the craziness.” he said with a smirk on his lips. gilbert laughed at the girl's comment. “well, i think they might need a lesson.” he joked, shaking his head. “but they’ll come around. hopefully.” he muttered the last bit, more to himself than to her.
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blhth · 3 years
Eddie was just reading as he waited for the other sipping his coffee, a voice pulled him out of his book and he smiled warmly “It’s okay you’re here that’s all that matters sorry your day has been insane.” he placed his bookmark in his book wanting to give the other his full attention sitting up a bit more scoffing chuckling just a bit “I dealt with so many middle aged women today pissed over their prescriptions not being ready in five minutes and I got yelled at a lot, that’s why I was so glad to clock out honestly it was a shit day.” 
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gilbert gestured. “it’s okay, don’t worry,” he said, thankful for his friend’s concern. “your day sounds fun...” he said, sarcastically as he heard about the other’s misfortunes. “but at least now you got me here to make it a little less shitty.” he answered playfully, smirking a bit. gilbert ordered his coffee and focused all his attention back at him. “anything new in your life?” he asked. “mine is just the same old boring thing, maybe yours is doing a little better.”
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blhth · 3 years
luna had been waiting for a friend to arrive in their usual spot. the blonde of course had been munching on a chocolate chip muffin as well as strawberry concoction that she had decided to try, requesting the most interesting drink they had. as soon as gillbert sat down luna gave him a gentle smile in response. “ oh that’s alright, “ she assured him. “ i was just watching a few butterflies out the window before you got here, fascinating creatures aren’t they? “ she asked him. luna began to recount the events of her day starting out with the newest liter of beagal puppies that just arrived at the shelter. 
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gilbert smiled at his friends comment about the butterflies. “yes, absolutely captivating creatures.” he agreed as he trying to locate them. he listened mindfully to his friend. “you know, i’d love to get a puppy.” he admitted, as he looked at her. “but i don’t have the time to look after it as one should.” he continued, imagining how less lonely his apartment would be if he had a little buddy. “maybe one day.” he smiled. gilbert ordered his usual, a simple black coffee and a piece of chocolate cake.
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blhth · 3 years
elias appreciated gilbert’s interest even if he didn’t fully understand what he was talking about. he was surprised, however, by the other’s morning — his expression showing such on his features. “cops because of a cat? sounds a bit much,” he mused, laughing slightly. “you definitely need to find a new place if that’s something that’s going to happen. i suppose the police are bored — which is a bad and good thing,” he said, mostly to himself really. “i’m still not sure how you handle student, though. i would go crazy. and, with you being so young, i’m sure they either lack respect for you or think they can be your friend and get away with things. all the power to you, though,” he commented. he’d always admired teachers and professors, or anyone in a leadership position. it was expected of him to be the same, but he could never see himself leading anyone into doing anything.
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gilbert nodded at his friend's disbelief. “yes, i think my neighbours need to find new hobbies.” he rose his eyebrows as he let out a small laugh. “i have thought about starting to look for a new one but i’ve been barely having time to sleep, as soon as i get any free time i’ll try to find somewhere to live.” he promised as he watched his order being brought. “i’m still working on the respect aspect, to be completely honest. some of them try to befriend me and the rest try to intimidate me which is just...” gilbert fell silent for a second, shaking his head a little bit a trying not to roll his eyes. “but thank you.” he smiled at the others compliment. finally, he took a sip of his coffee, which was still too hot, but that’s how he liked it. “do you want a bite?” he asked, pointing at the cake that set untouched on the table.
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blhth · 3 years
Emma softened some upon hearing him speak up; although she had a reputation for being snarky and crabby, that was only to those who deserved it. But when someone treated her with kindness, she tried to return the favor. “Okay, that’ll be two dollars.” She replied, giving him an exhausted but genuine smile. As she got to work on making his coffee, she decided she might as well make conversation. “Is this your first time coming here?”
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Gilbert grabbed his wallet looking for the two dollars he was sure he had somewhere hidden. He finally found them, with more clumsiness than anticipated and gave them to her with a smile on his lips hoping she would ignore what had just happened. He watched his coffee being made, zooming out a little but zoomed out of it as soon as he heard her question. He cleared his throat before starting to talk. “yes, this is my first time here, but it’s a lovely place.” he smiled while looking around.
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blhth · 3 years
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vanessa’s eyes lit up the moment she saw the other arrive, a smile easing its way onto her lips. “hey! i was starting to worry that you were ghosting me.” she teased, knowing fully well that gilbert had a lot on his plate as of late. “you’re totally fine, you know you never have to apologize to me. besides, it gave me an excuse to order some food. want a croissant?” she slid the plate over to the other, unsure if he had the time to eat or not today. “my day was kind of… boring? the usual. dealing with people gossiping at the salon and rushing to attend classes.” she folded her hands on the table and peered up at him. “i’d much rather hear about your day. have you been taking care of yourself lately?”
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gilbert showed a small smile as he heard her. “you know i could never.” he teased back as he set back on his chair, trying to find a comfortable position in those metal chairs that made his back hurt. “i know, i know, but better safe than sorry, you know?” gilbert tilted his head to the side while smiling. he stopped a few seconds to think, he was indeed hungry, he was so busy he had forgotten to eat. “actually, yes, thank you.” he thanked as he grabbed one and took a bite out of it, it tasted even better than he remembered. “i stand by its the best croissant in town.” he commented as he took another bite. “ he looked at her as he listened. “well seems like you also need to rest.” as he heard her questioned he moved his back on the seat. “well, i’m doing my best i promise, i just can’t promise my best is good enough,” he admitted. “i do have a free weekend next week if you have any ideas for anything relaxing to do.”
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blhth · 3 years
If there was one thing Emma hated, it was going into work. It wasn’t the work itself, that was fine; what made her dread having to clock in were the shitty customers, along with her shitty boss and shitty co-workers. Both Nora and Zoey were in the back room, leaving her to take the brunt of things. Which was why when she heard the bell over the door chime, a groan escaped her lips. Putting on a fake smile, she looked up. “Hi, what can I get for you?”
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gilbert finally had some free time after an exhausting day and couldn’t wait to finally drink his cup of coffee in peace, in a quiet coffee shop. his dream moment quickly died as soon as he entered it. instead of the calm, peaceful place he imagined there were loud and messy people everywhere. at least there was no queue, he thought, sort of relieved. “hi.” he smiled, trying to be nice to the barista. “i would like a black coffee, please.”
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blhth · 3 years
elias had allowed his work to get the best of him — inferring with everything he usually did or wished to do. he shook his head as gilbert apologized, offering a shake of his head. “there’s no need for that. i know you’ll appear sooner or later,” he assured. he knew the other had far more pressing things to attend to than himself, so he could be patient. he took in a deep breath before taking a sip of his coffee, expression showing just how he felt about his day — not thrilled. “you know just how much a love doing paperwork. i suppose the most interesting thing to happen would be the possible lawsuit being filed against a landlord because he wouldn’t allow a woman to have her emotional support gerbil. why was your’s insane, though? i’m sure you have a more thrilling answer.”
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“well it was definitely later...” gilbert admited, scratching his neck with a guilty yet playful smile on his lips. gilbert looked around, trying to decide what to order while looking for the barista, that knew he would end take a few minutes thinking only to order same thing as always; a simple black coffee and a piece of chocolate cake. gilbert laughed at his friends story, tempted to ask for more details. “well, i don’t know what you’re talking about that seems interesting.” he corrected, playfully. “my students drive me insane and one of my neighbors called the police because of another neighbors cat. it was an intense morning, i couldn’t leave the house because there were cops everywhere. i think i should probably switch apartments.” he admitted more to himself than anything else. gilbert finally order, same things as always.
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blhth · 3 years
"hello!" gilbert greeted as he pulled the chair in front of his friend. they hadn't spoken in a few weeks and this coffee shop was the usual meeting point for all the catch-up and gossips. "i'm so sorry i'm this late, my day has been insane." he explained, thinking about his awfully busy day and his students that sometimes made him want to throw a book at their faces. gilbert shook his head, bringing himself back to the conversation. "but tell me, how was your day?" he asked with more energy, has he rested his arm on the chair, trying to get himself comfortable while he waited for an answer.
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blhth · 3 years
[Lucas Jade Zumann, Male, 22 years] Let’s give a warm welcome to one of Sparkwood’s finest, GILBERT BLYTHE!! Before coming here, he once lived on the pages of ANNE OF GREEN GABBLES/ AWAE. Though now they currently spend most of their time as a ENGLISH TEACHER. If you ask the townsfolk about what they are like, you will hear that they are adventurous but also stubborn. If they had a theme song it would be HOME - AURORA.
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gilbert blythe grew up with his loving parents in a small but cozy house. he got the support he needed and wanted through most of his childhood and was a pretty happy child. however, things started going south when his father got sick and money started to lack instead of being enough to save some at the end of the month. at first, the boy wanted to be a doctor, but that dream rapidly died as things tangled up. he ended up following his second plan, becoming an english teacher.
traveling has always been one of his main interests and dreams, his courageous nature led him to travel and explore as much as he could but, among with so many other things, it had to be put on the shelf. gilbert was has stubborn as they come and sometimes ended up in easily avoidable situations because of it, but he had his fun with those journies,
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blhth · 3 years
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Gilbert “heart eyes” Blythe
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