blame-igotyou · 8 years
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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reblog while you still can
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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Police officers have arrested a man for filming an arrest even though they acknowledged it was legal for him to do so– and he’s a State Congressman
The police officers seemed more concerned with calling Rep. John Walker a “race baiter” for doing something completely legal than they were in upholding the law. But the kicker is that Rep. Walker had already been arrested for the same thing years ago, which is why he fought for the law (and won) in the first place.
Gifs: John Horse
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
have i told you guys about the time that i classically conditioned my kindergarten class
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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UNC rape survivor Delaney Robinson comes forward with brave statement
Delaney Robinson, a sophomore at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill alleged Tuesday that a football player at the school raped her in February and that UNC has done nothing about it. In a powerful personal statement she explained how “she did everything a rape victim is supposed to do.”
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life.
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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Mugshot of a 2-year-old Francois Bertillon, arrested for eating a basket of pears
Follow for more 1800s nostalgia
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
your starter in pokémon games: OP af, highest level pokémon on your team, can defeat other trainers single-handedly
your starter in pokémon go: this is my 12cp charmander and if he tries to fight anyone he will die immediately. he is literally the weakest pokémon that i own. he can't do anything but i love him
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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I just registered to vote by mail for this election.
Trump asked about using nuclear weapons 3x times in one hour. This is no longer an election that anyone can just sit idly by and do nothing. Your participation is required. If you are reading this message, then you have internet access and you can easily google your state + registration instructions to vote in person or by mail. It’s all very easy.
Please don’t let this election go by without you voting. Whether you live in a Red state, Blue state, Swing state, whatever. Your vote matters in this very contentious election season where anything can and will happen.
This is about the future of our country and the future state of the world.
Ever wonder how Hitler happened? Don’t be that person that stood by and did nothing; or worse, helped this kind of person gain power in the world.
Regardless of what the media tells you, what Trump tells you, or anyone else, each one of us does have power and together we can stop this demagogue from gaining enough power to destroy what we have come to love about our country.
Go vote!
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
Why the signs stay up all night
Stress: Virgo, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn
Internet: Gemini, Aries, Leo, Scorpio
FSDHJKDNMAJK: Aquarius, Taurus, Sagittarius, Pisces
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
I have made an error.
My brother attends a fairly exclusive private boys school that is incredibly religious.
He is going on this weird, intense camp with them next week and all the families have been asked to write personal letters saying why they love them and why they are proud of them.
I told my mother I was just going to enclose a massive drawing of a penis and she absolutely forbid me from doing so.
Anyway so the third page of my letter is a massive veiny penis with ‘SORRY MUM’ written as if it’s ejaculate.
Other quotes from my letter include
- I’m sorry this is handwritten, our printer is fucked. It feels so archaic I might as well be writing this on a cave wall in my own blood. - I am so much better at Pokemon than you. Sorry this isn’t a reason I love you, I’m just really good at Pokemon.
- Thanks for putting up with me even when I come into your room at 3am, drunk and insisting you smell the bacon lipgloss I found.
- My favourite moments between us are the ones where we’re drenched in animal blood, performing the appropriate sacrifices to maintain our youth.
- I’m proud of how quickly you can shove broccoli stems up your nose to diffuse tension at the dinner table.
And so on. These letters were submitted to the school yesterday.
I have just found out they are proofread by the principal and the school’s church leaders, and then read aloud to all the boys on the camp.
A Father is going to read the phrase ‘Suck it bitch’, directed at my brother, in front of 50 other 17 year old boys, whilst on church camp.
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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He was a young artist employed by the Disney studio, but tasked with the entry-level job of finishing off the work of the animators and crafting the “in-between” animations that completed the characters’ movements. Wong had learned that studio executives were creating a film from the new novel, Bambi, A Life in the Woods by Felix Salten. Tom says the young artist read the book and without consulting his supervisor, “took the script and painted some visual concepts to set the mood, color and the design.” 
His sketches recalled the lush mountain and forest scenes of Sung dynasty landscape paintings. His initiative paid off. Walt Disney, who was looking for something new for the film, was captivated and personally directed that Wong be promoted. Today, top animators and illustrators revere Wong’s work. Children today are as enchanted by the misty, lyrical brushstrokes of Wong’s colorful nature scenes, inspired by his training at Otis College of Art and self-study of Sung Dynasty art 
Source [x]
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
This is horrifying and gross, because the list includes:
Cranberry sauce and pie filling. (Poor people can forget about making dessert for Thanksgiving dinner.)
Creamed vegetables
Baked beans
Pork and beans
Frozen veggies that come in packages featuring pasta, nuts, rice, cheese, or meats
French fries and hash browns
Sharp cheddar cheese, Swiss, and fresh mozzarella, shredded and sliced cheeses (except American cheese of course), cheese food, spreads, and products. Even Kosher cheese is banned unless you apply to get a specific check for it which basically could identify who the poor Jewish people are. (This is really gross and skeevy because of how this is isolating Jewish people and outing them.)
Canned peas and green beans
Albacore tuna, red salmon, and fish fillets
Bagels, pita bread, English muffins
White rice and wild rice
Taco shells
Almond, rice, goat, and soy milk.
Brown eggs and any eggs produced by cage-free or free range chickens, which basically helps corporate chicken farms
Several kinds of infant food
Anything in bulk
Anything organic or natural
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
Lin-Manuel Miranda: *writes self-insert historical fanfiction starring himself*
Lin-Manuel Miranda: *wins 17 awards*
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blame-igotyou · 8 years
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i know i dont like to make it political here very often, but i found this tweet very accurate
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