blainke · 5 hours
wants to be clingy 🤝 scared of being annoying
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blainke · 11 hours
my personal argument for open borders is really simple it just boils down to "i believe restricting human movement and barring certain people from certain places on this earth is a human rights violation"
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blainke · 13 hours
Anxieties! Attack!
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blainke · 1 day
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blainke · 1 day
I love going viral on tumblr.com. It’s like if you stood in a field and said some of the stupidest shit a human being is capable of and then like fifty thousand crows attacked you
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blainke · 1 day
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Gonna get myself a fun little surprise I guess
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blainke · 1 day
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blainke · 1 day
This is more personal rambling than anything else (for reasons that will become clear lol), but I'm currently in the worst phase for my ADHD.
I'm pretty lucky with it by and large - there are some symptoms of ADHD that I would hate, loathe and detest having, and I don't have them. My sister has emotional dysregulation and very mild RSD, and fuck me, I would hate to have those. I also don't have anything close to the conversational impulsivity that people stereotypically think of with it, so that's a whole thing I don't have to deal with. My addictive tendencies are pretty mild. The symptoms I do have are moderate, sometimes mild. It could be a lot, lot worse.
BUT I am currently in the danger zone, as it were. Something I'm prone to, for good or bad, is that when I'm going through a busy period with a fixed deadline (end of term, last submissions of my PCET and the exam boards all happened in the last two weeks), it's like I'm running through a tunnel with a comically oversized mallet. I have set goals, and set deadlines. This means that I know exactly which tasks I need to focus on, and complete, and so everything else can be safely ignored or batted forward with the mallet to deal with after the tunnel. And this starts mild, the tunnel is fairly wide; but, as I keep going, I go faster and faster and it gets narrower and narrower until even things like "Answering texts from friends" gets blasted back up that tunnel, straight into the "Deal With Later" pile.
But then the deadline arrives, and I get everything in, and it's all over, and I plummet out of the tunnel -
And find I'm in a massive open field, with pretty wildflowers dancing in the breeze, and all those things I was ignoring and punting up the tunnel ahead of me are scattered all around. There is no direction in the field. The Things are randomly scattered. I need to pick them all up in turn to work out how important they are, and what order to now do them in; but there are so very many, and some are hidden in the grass, and I am tired from the tunnel and want to look at the flowers. Sometimes I pick one up and start sprinting with it, because that's what I'm now used to doing; but then it's done really quickly, or I trip over another hidden one, and so I get distracted.
And that's how I feel at the minute. I'm in the 'drifting in a field' phase. Limited motivation to do anything, surrounded by the detritus of stuff I put off, needing to get my shit together and struggling to do it. I almost miss the tunnel - the tunnel gave a direction and also permission to ignore things. The field gives neither. It's not overwhelm as such - it's like the sudden lifting of pressure, and now I'm unravelling as a result.
Ironically - or possibly aptly - I don't know where I'm going with this
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blainke · 2 days
Your body must be rested and fed if you wish to be a pervert.
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blainke · 2 days
I am not meant for casual. I was born for soul crushing devotion.
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blainke · 3 days
technically we’re ALL, always LARPing, because the Self is only a construct,
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blainke · 3 days
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this reddit thread of living your silliest life is so so good
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blainke · 4 days
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blainke · 4 days
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blainke · 4 days
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blainke · 4 days
Deeply fucked up that this game (real life) forces you to play a crafting mini-game (cooking) every time you want to replenish your stamina bar.
You can skip the crafting game by using a pre-made consumable if you have them on hand, but high level players will constantly nag you about it and tell you that it damages your character's stats in the long run.
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blainke · 6 days
Got a request for this loom footage with no overlay audio, so here you go!!
Clackity-clacks of the loom and my awkward attempts to throw the shuttle with my phone stand arm directly in my face lol.
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