blacknessaura · 3 years
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This isn’t Cash. Something’s wrong. It’s in his voice and his face and his anger. But the words he says aren’t untrue. That he never would have been lost if not for what had happened that day at the Compound attack. Victoria doesn’t have time to parse it though. The fear in her wife’s voice, the overwhelming sent of blood as it drains far too quickly from Aurora’s body are all far too powerful a distraction. Moll’s behind her, and reasonable. Moll can heal Aurora, as long as they can get her away from Cash. Victoria’s jaw tightens. She’d never choose her own feelings over the pack, but she’ll take him out in a heartbeat if she has to. “Cash, I won’t let you hurt her.” Victoria speaks even and determined, eyes focused, jaw tight. “You have five seconds to let her go. Whatever you’re trying to do here, you can still take back. But I won’t let you kill her. Five seconds. Your choice.”
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Moll can’t tear her eyes away from the wound and the slick spill of blood around clenched fingers. Cash doesn’t sound like himself - not just the words and the temperament, but the rhythms and patterns. Compelled by some spell or magic gone wrong, or the unlikely scenario that he had snapped from the stress. The why doesn’t matter with Aurora in immediate danger. Wolves have always been grenades, primal magic woven in waiting to hurt others. “We were just kids.” There’s a steel edge to her voice that she tries to soften. Like there’s anything at all she can do that he won’t see coming. Victoria, her favorite grenade, is the one with the real power. “We were kids blindly following Brigid’s orders. Same as you. Go after who you’re really pissed at next time.” Victoria delivers the ultimatum and Moll doesn’t even have to turn her head to know she means it. She tries desperately to focus. If Victoria manages to launch Cash back somehow, she has to be prepared to rush forward and catch Aurora before she hits the floor and does further damage. She repeats the instructions to herself, over and over. That means staring at the knife wound and ignoring the terror clawing at her throat. It means pretending she isn’t about to witness another powerful young witch snuffed out by the hands of a trusted wolf.
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Right now he seems calm, collected, and set on a singular path. Chaos has no part in his revenge, only calculated torment for the witches in the room. “Being a kid is no excuse when that kid pretends she has any business keeping wolves. Both of you had responsibilities. Both of you failed. Either you had those responsibilities or you were kids. You can’t fucking have both.” He adjusts the knife further up Aurora’s throat, just enough so Victoria and Moll could see the cut that had been made as they were standing there talking. “There is nothing I want to take back,” he snaps back through gritted teeth, growing annoyed, and tightens his grip on the knife. “That’s the whole point. I want to see the look in your eyes when I gave you a fraction of a taste of what you put your pack through. You have no right to stand there with your power, Moll, and shirk off your failure to someone else. And Victoria has no right to be anything that she’s parading around pretending to be. So you’ll watch the life leave her eyes…” His tongue darts out to wet his lips as the energy builds and he gets closer and closer to tasting his vengeance. “…Slowly, or quickly. This is for me and all the wolves you killed on that day.”
She can’t just stand here and do nothing, bleed out in someone’s arms and not fight back. She can feel her strength slipping and she guesses it must be the blood loss, because she feels the grip on her abdomen slowly giving out and a wave of discomfort that she recognizes as nausea. It reminds her of the time she was sick with whatever Noah had accidentally brought into the manor, before she started throwing up blood, but she keeps her slowly closing eyes on Victoria, eyelids only half open, and decides -- against her better judgement -- to drop her hands from the gushing knife wound and close them altogether. It brings her focus away from her body and towards her magic, because whatever is wrong with Cash, she hopes to find before its too late. It pulls every bit of energy she has left, finding it, trying to push herself through the barrier in his mind against his will -- she knows Victoria will know she’s using her magic -- except she finds, not the mind of Cash Stone, but something far more otherworldly, something her magic can’t push through, something... Eerily spiritual. Angry. When she opens her eyes she’s bleeding far more profusely, and her fingers are trembling, white as a sheet. “Its not...” Her voice shakes. She feels cold. Her teeth chatter. “This isn’t Ca-Cash”. Its the last thing she chokes out before she faints, the side of her neck pressed against the blade.
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blacknessaura · 3 years
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“Aurora –” Victoria feels it immediately. She mouths her wife’s name, cutting off whatever Moll had been saying as they both walk down the hallway. The full moon had gone off without a hitch, things beginning to slide back to normalcy. It’s nice to have Moll around again. She’s a friend, an ally, someone who knows Victoria’s whole life without having to say it or work not to. But that feeling interrupts her. Something in her gut. And then fear. Her hand goes to her own abdomen and she freezes before her eyes shoot up to Moll, much more intense than they’d been a second ago. “Something’s wrong,” Victoria says nothing more but takes off down the hall around one more corner to their room. There’s blood on the floor. She clocks Moll behind her, as if to tell her to stay back,  and shoves the door open fast. “Aurora what’s –” but her questions die in her throat at the sight on the other side. “Cash – what’s going on here? What did you do?” Her eyes flicker from the blonde wolf to Aurora, bleeding in his arms. Victoria locks her eyes on her wife’s. “What happened?”
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Another moon come and gone, and she could breath again. They had fallen back into an easy rhythm, Moll and Victoria, relearning the lines of their relationship. But her next sentence never gets fully formed. There’s sudden terror in Victoria’s eyes, a hand pressed to her stomach. It takes a moment for Moll to put the very obvious pieces together. She still doesn’t think of Victoria as a wolf, forgets that she has a tangible bond to her wife now. She follows blindly. Her stomach flips uncomfortably as her shoe loses its grip in a spot of sticky red just outside the room. “I’m not going anywhere,” she snaps out, quickly, not wasting time. But she can’t help it - she knows that look. It usually comes right before someone shoves the healer to safety and then charges into danger alone and dies. The sight on the other side of the door doesn’t make sense, but Moll forces it to. Stones might be the least likely to snap, but even they aren’t immune. Especially not when magic and buckets of trauma are involved. “Cash. You haven’t done anything you can’t undo yet. You need to let me help her.”
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“I think that’s pretty obvious. I stabbed your wife in the gut and now she’s bleeding out in front of you.” He ignores Moll, just as she ignored him…. both spirit and host. “The fact is, you and your healer are doing as much as you’re going to be able to right now. Yeah. You’re going to stand there, watch your wife die from just feet away, and you’re going to see the pain of all of the wolves you two abandoned at the compound and let die for Victoria’s secret in her eyes.” He presses the edge of the knife harder against Aurora’s throat, beginning to pierce skin. She smells so strongly of blood now that he’s losing the floral scents of her perfume. All he can really smell now is the pungent sage that’s clung to her hair as he holds her close in a tight grapple. “You walk around with your head held high, your chest puffed out like some kind of commander, like you’re a divine gift to these wolves and they should all be grateful for your leadership, but you’ve let down an entire pack before. You’ve killed your wolves before. Now look at your wife. See how expectant she is that you’ll do something to save her? I mean, why should she expect anything less? Why should I have expected anything less? But you never came for me. Neither of you did. So now, you won’t be able to come for her.”
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She doesn’t know what to focus on, the pain, the words coming out of Cash’s mouth, or the sight of Victoria looking at her by the door. The knife is pressed closer to her throat and she can feel it slicing through her skin like butter, followed by the rush of slowly trickling blood down to her collarbone. If he were to press it any harder, he’d slice right through her neck, and the fact that she’s trying not to writhe in his arms and trying to keep her hand steadily over the gash in her abdomen is making it very hard for her to keep her neck upright and away from the blade. And she tries, she looks at her wife and moves her hand away from her wound to attempt and use her magic to pry Cash away from her, but a rush of blood has her hands pooling in red, forcing her to keep them pressed against it. Aurora can’t use her magic, and that same familiar feeling of helplessness she’s experienced before comes back in a rush, bringing prickling tears to her eyes. “Victoria --” She thinks she doesn’t know why she says it; she’s not calling out for her when she’s right in front of her, but when when Cash assures them he won’t let anyone come close enough to heal her, she knows why. She’s terrified. “C-Cash please, let me go...”
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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“Of course.” He moves forward, toward Aurora and the closet, and doesn’t reach behind him until the last step. The cold hilt of the knife is quickly warmed by his hand as he grasps it and pulls it from the back of his waistband. There’s no hesitation, not even a change in expression as he raises it and drives the blade hard into Aurora’s stomach. The overwhelming scent of blood cuts through the smells of sage and lotus and citrus as he pulls the knife out and quickly steps behind her to catch her weight with an arm across her chest and a large hand grasping her throat. Quickly, quickly… he thinks to himself as he drags the bleeding witch down the hall to the room he observed as a spirit: Victoria’s, the true setting where he’d get his revenge. He kicks the door closed behind them, wrestles Aurora to the opposite side of the room, then angles her toward the door, replacing his hand with the sharp edge of the knife to her throat. 
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She’s not expecting it. Why would she? Its Cash Stone; if there was a poster child for a dutiful wolf, him and Presley would be plastered on the walls of Carden Manor like stellar examples of what it means to be in the Devereaux pack. And she’s so certain of the person he is that she doesn’t even notice until she feels the stabbing pain on her abdomen, the feeling of wetness on her perfectly tailored shirt, and how the pain makes her lose her balance on the chair only to be caught by him with a knife to her throat. “C-Cash?” She clutches the bleeding wound, whimpering in pain as she’s dragged away down the hall, feeling powerless against the grasp he has on her neck and her rapidly beating heard. She sees the trail of blood she starts to leave behind, and when she attempts to shuffle away from him, the knife digs ever so sharply into the side of her neck, making her wince, until she’s subdued inside her and Victoria’s room, breathing rapidly and training her eyes on the door in front of her. “Why are you... Why...” She can’t get the words out, but she knows, as she slowly bleeds out in Cash Stone’s arms, that somewhere in the manor, Victoria had felt it.
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blacknessaura · 4 years
[ PRIVATE F2F ] @blacknessaura​ 
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He spends a lingering moment watching Victoria and Moll converse from the hallway, unaware of who’s truly in their presence. With his thumb, he cracks each knuckle on his hand, soaking in the solidity of this form. He doesn’t understand it; This body died because of them, too. It wasn’t a Devereaux healer who saved him, but a group of hunters. Yet he still serves them. No matter. The unwilling host will get the revenge he doesn’t know he needs. Turning on his heels, he makes his way upstairs, ignoring the sharp edge that’s digging into his back underneath the coat of his uniform. And, just as suspected, he runs into exactly who he needs, smelling of sage. “We need to talk. Alone.”
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She’s on her tiptoes atop of a chair near the small storage closet upstairs, digging through old artifacts that have run their magic and run their course and boxes where she knows she’ll find what she’s looking for. She hears footsteps but doesn’t turn, unsurprised to hear one of the wolves calling her attention, though the tone catches her off guard, frowning as she turns to look at him where she’s standing. “Cash, you don’t have to ask every time you want something special from the kitchen, just take it. Its fine”. She wipes her hands on her pants, turns to the closet and then back to Cash. “Actually, can you give me a hand or a boost? There’s something really weird going on in this house today and I’m determined to find out what it is. I just need to get what I was looking for in this closet and I can’t reach”. 
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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Were you in the indulging camp or the quiet calm meditation camp? I’m very curious about what you’d use the extra juice for. I thought it was just the come down from the full moon. Things were weird last time. Then again, there were vamps running around last time.
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Meditation. My family’s magic is very cerebral, so we benefit from not overexerting our powers during celestial events. I’m sure its nothing, maybe just residual energy in the air, but it won’t hurt to keep an eye out for trouble. Magic is unpredictable. 
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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An intrusive energy. Or mismatched. Goddess. Figures Scorpio season wouldn’t hold back this year.
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It’s probably nothing... But i’ll burn some sage.
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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So much for the ‘it’s probably just me’ excuse. Like a word that’s on the tip of my tongue and no other clue. Something’s off.
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I’ve been yelling to Victoria about it all morning. I thought I was going crazy. Its just something in the air... Like a vibe? Do you know what I mean? Don’t answer that, of course you do. Like an energy.
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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Last night was a one of a kind occurrence for us: a full moon during Hallow’s Eve. Some witches decide to indulge in this peculiar burst of power while some others decide to use it as a time to meditate and restrain ourselves. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve been feeling this strange burst of energy in the air all morning and its either this crippling anxiety I’ve been feeling for weeks finally taking a toll on me, or something not even I can identify. So my advice to all of you, keep your eyes peeled for anything... Weird.
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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Of course, Miss Aurora. Always. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for your family or to make it better. I’ll be happy to. Are you doing okay?
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Better today than yesterday, and the day before that. Victoria and I had a very cathartic conversation that I think helped... put things into perspective again. I don’t know. I’m just really glad I’m part of this coven. Only the gods know what I’d do without the lot of you.
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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I fixed all the graves. So they’re deep enough and spaced out and there are actual markers now. And flowers. That I’m not very good at planting so someone might want to look at them. Everything should be ready for the funeral Miss Victoria wanted to make sure happened. If anyone else has any other ideas or suggestions for prep stuff, let me know. 
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Thank you, Presley... for everything. I’ll uh, see if Aemilia wants to say a few words.
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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Did we? Maybe I wasn’t convinced. You may have to show me again. 
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That can definitely be arranged...
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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As opposed to all of the other times where I am terribly mean. 
I thought we already established that I’m the mean one. 
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You’re the kind one, I’m a bitch, we balance each other out. Especially when I’m mean enough for the both of us.
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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If you’re going to start exploring magic your sister will blow a gasket over, can we at least wait until after the funeral?
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Fine, but only because you asked so nicely. 
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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Always. Did you ever get your ring fixed? I hear that new witch is an alchemist. 
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No, I’ve been wearing the band as a necklace. I planned on waiting until I found a way to fix it but now that you mention it, I’ll pay her a visit. Alchemy is... Rare. And her friend is some sort of medium -- that’s a lot of potential dark magic in one household.
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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I think I’m okay. I know that probably sounds a little untrustworthy coming from me. After all the times you lectured me about not feeling my feelings. But – I think it’s different this time. For the first time in my whole life, I feel like I can just say it …. if I’m scared or if I feel like a livewire or have a weird dream or haven’t slept in a week. For the first time it feels safe to just .. have those things. With you. And sort through them and I’m – I mean I don’t want to just dump everything on you all the time but I think I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop with this and I just realized that it isn’t going to. Because it’s not the same as every other terrible thing. It’s a terrible thing with you. And all the ways we’ve learned to be us. It just feels different. Easier. And I think I’m okay. Because I don’t have to be okay. 
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Come hell or high water, remember?
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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I love you too, Princess. I… don’t think I am hurting actually. Can I tell you something kind of silly?
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Yeah, of course. You can tell me anything.
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blacknessaura · 4 years
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Oh – Aurora it’s not your fault. I’m fairly certain shocks following me around and keeping me from running is some kind of just .. residual damage from my mom that’s going to come up when I’m stressed out. With or without what you had to do. It’s okay. You don’t – please don’t carry that. I don’t think it was you. 
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I love you. Did you know that? You know that. I missed getting to tell you that I do. And I’m still... I don’t like seeing you hurting. 
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