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black-witches-haven · 21 days
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(The First House is ruled by Aries and Mars.)
The first moment you open your eyes to the world, first breath, first sight, first intention and first experience
General appearance, form and shape, physical body, general health, vitality and energy, action
Character, identity, self image, personality, mask, self interest, how others perceive you, self expression, independence, behavior, name, attitude, fame
How you see the world, how the world sees you
Spirit, life, ego, soul body
First impressions, beginnings
Head, face, eyes, blood, brain, muscular system
The moment of birth and people around you, place of birth and atmosphere, birth experiences, mother’s health and experiences during childbirth
(The Second House is ruled by Taurus and Venus.)
Material and non-material resources, attitude toward possessions,
How you make money or meet obligations, self worth
Personal finances, money matters, sense of value, stocks and share, trade, jewelry, documents, cash money, valuables, wealth, possessions, trade, material possessions, luxuries, banking activities, loans, economic situation, wares, rank, guarantee, financial security, artworks
Talents, comfort zone, security, self esteem, valuables, sense of values, resourcefulness, nutrition
Face, neck, throat, vocal cords, thyroid, metabolic system, voice and vocal talents
Economy, sovereign debt, colonies, fees, trade, banks, internal debts, artistic approaches of a country
(The Third House is ruled by Gemini and Mercury.)
Conscious mind, memory, mental confusion, communication, intellect, mentation, thinking
Skillfulness, study, ability, writing, speaking, researching, learning, reading, perceiving, adaptability, ability to learn foreign languages
Depthless thoughts and informations, smattering
Elementary and primary education, puberty
Siblings, brothers, sisters, cousins, close relatives and neighbors
Short trips, tour, daily travel, neighborhood, public transports, vehicles, motorbike, cars, train, bus, boats, urban roads
TV, radio, telephone, computer, mails, messages, text, communication network and channels, short correspondence on social media, weather forecast
Shoulders, collar bone, arms, hands, fingers, lungs, nerves, the nervous system
Bookstore, library, school, post office, educational institution, streets, telephone kiosk
(The Fourth House is ruled by Cancer and Moon.)
The place where we live with the family, home atmosphere, home life, house, mother, family, lineage, family matters, ancestry, custom, femininity
Subconscious, things we hide about ourselves, emotional problems, early childhood, depression, personal commitment, the deepest and the darkest point of the chart
Old age, the end of the life, diseases, grave
Land, realty, genetic heritage, underground sources
Chest, breaths, stomach, uterus, diaphragm, upper alimentary system
Agricultural enterprise, historical values, mining site, real estate, refuge facilities, farmers, cemeteries
(The Fifth House is ruled by Leo and Sun.)
Actions and activities we do for ourselves, things we like to do, hobbies, how do we spend our free time, creativity, activities we enjoy, pleasure, self expression, risk taking, leisure time, artistic talents,
Love, romance, dating, courtship, love affairs, the way we flirt
Children, birthing and creation, the character of our children
Acting, drama, dance, music, sports, artists, celebrities, stage
Games, cards, puzzles, fun, amusement, games of chance, gambling, speculative investment
Chest, upper back, heart, spine, cardiac system
Hotels, entertainment centers, casino, beauty shops, coiffeur, resort, amusement park, cinema, theatre, sports center, park, art exhibition
(The Sixth House is ruled by Virgo and Mercury.)
What we do to survive, daily work, everyday routine, details, skills
Work routines, where we specialize our skills, workers, competition, employment, workmates
House of sickness, exhaustion, disease, allergies, health, physical body, physical condition
Issues that tire us and weaken us, drugs and addictions
Pets and animals
Abdomen, intestines, lower liver, alimentary canal, spleen, digestive nerves
Hospitals, health care providers, employees, service sector, trade unions, state employees, restaurants, food and beverage services, enemies, soldiers, police, military, army, security guard, navy, animal clinic
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black-witches-haven · 22 days
Let's all collectively point at laugh at the Tarot movie
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black-witches-haven · 22 days
If you're wondering if the Tarot movie is any good, the first person who gets their reading is a Libra and the reader says that the card they're associated with is The High Priestess.
I'm sorry, but as a Libra myself this is WRONG! 😭
Libra is associated with the Justice card and is an air sign. (Notice the scale and the sword)
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The High Priestess is actually associated with Cancer and is a water sign. (Notice the giant moon on the card.)
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I know it's a stupid horror movie, but if you're a tarot reader, you're going to be very annoyed lol
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black-witches-haven · 22 days
Omg, this is funny
So there’s this new horror movie called tarot, and I figured it wouldn’t be very good anyways, but it’s just so funny how it portrays tarot.
Like it’s seen as this “dark” and “satanic ritual”, but in reality tarot is just a really old card game that goes “you might be stressed, maybe you should take a break” or “something good might be coming your way! You miss every shot you don’t take!”
And like they have the cards laid out in a circle with one in the centre being the main card, something I have literally never seen before in a reading, and the card they draw doesn’t foreshadow any specific fate but what monster they’re gonna get 🤣🤣 like “oooo you got the high preistess, you’re gonna get killed by a scary Preist!!”
It’s just so obvious the people don’t know how tarot is used by people at all, and just scribbled scary imagery on the cards and have chanting children in the background lmao
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black-witches-haven · 2 months
30 days of shadow work challenge
hey everyone! i’ve found myself in a bit of a journalling/shadow work rut and thought i would give myself a little challenge to do for the next 30 days. i know that this is pretty common for a lot of people, so i thought i would share my challenge with you so we can keep each other accountable and do some reflective work 🤍 obviously you don’t have to do all 30 days, and this can purely be a prompt list if you need it! you can join in whenever you like 🤍
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what is something you wish you could be doing right now? what’s stopping you?
if you could receive the truthful answer any question of your choice, what would you ask? why? what response would you hope for?
if you could change anything about your childhood, what would it be?
name 3 of your least favourite things about yourself. then challenge them - why do you think that way? what could you do to change?
what relationships in your life bring you joy and which ones don’t?
how could you show yourself love in your love language?
when was the last time you felt at peace?
write a letter to someone who hurt you - no matter how long ago. write everything you wish you could say to them, every emotion that comes up. burn, tear apart or flush away the letter
how would you treat yourself if you were a young child? how could you make them feel loved? see where you could incorporate that into your life
what triggers your temper most? why does it make you angry/frustrated/sad?
if you had everything you ever wanted, what would your life look like?
what emotions or feelings do you avoid? why?
what are your core values? do they align with the life you’re living right now?
what do you hate about yourself and why do you hate it? did someone tell you you should?
what negative patterns keep repeating in your life?
when you lash out, what part of you wants to be protected?
what is something you fear others knowing about you? why do you fear it?
in what ways do you consciously or unconsciously punish myself?
what is a grudge/instance that you are holding onto that no longer serves you? why are you holding on to it? how can you let it go?
what are your pet peeves? where do you think they come from?
when was the last time you felt wronged by someone?
when are you the hardest on yourself? why? can you find a way to be kinder to yourself?
how do you respond to situations that make you angry?
what are you the most proud of in your life?
in what ways are you hypocritical?
when am i my truest, most authentic self?
what advice would you give to yourself 5 years ago?
what boundaries do i need to set and reinforce in my life?
what things make you feel the most alive and present?
list 10 things you like about yourself. get specific! list more if you can 🤍
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black-witches-haven · 2 months
The Ultimate Grimoire Guide
So! I have been seeing a ton of grimoire ideas and thought I’d stuff them all together. A lot of ideas are from @manifestationsofasort, @banebite, and @pigeonflavouredcake. Check them out! They have a ton of cool stuff there.
What Do I Use For My Grimoire?
You can use anything for a grimoire! For a physical one, journals, binders, and notebooks are good. For digital ones, Notion, Tumblr, Docs, and even just your file folder are great.
A Book Blessing
Table of Contents
About Me
Your Current Path
Your Personal Beliefs
Your Spiritual Journey
Past lives
Favorite Herbs/Crystals/Animals/Etc.
Natal Chart
Craft Name
How You Entered The Craft
Astrology Signs
Birthday Correspondences (birth tarot card, birth stone, etc.)
Fire Safety
What Not to Burn
Toxic Plants & Oils (to humans, plants, animals)
Crystals That Shouldn’t Be Put… (in sun, in water, etc.)
Things That Shouldn’t Be In Nature (glass, salt, etc.)
Potion Safety
How to Incorporate Blood in Spells
Smoke Safety
Wound Care
Core Concepts
Intention & How It Works
Directing Energy
What Makes A Spell Work
Basic Spell Structure
What Not To Do In Spells
Disposing Spell Ingredients
Revitalizing Long Term Spells
How To Cast Spells
What To Put In Spells
Spell Mediums (jars, spoken, candle, sigils)
Spell Timing
Potion Bases
Differentiating Between Magick and Mundane
Common Terms
Common Symbols
Basic Alchemy and Symbols
Ways To Break Spells
Laws and Philosophies
Herbs & Spices
Crystals & Rocks
Liquids & Drinks
Tarot Cards
Trees & Woods
Moon Phases
Essential Oils
Bone Correspondences
Different Types of Water
Common Plants
Deities You Worship
Pantheons & Deities Closed to You
Common Offerings
Worship vs Work
Prayers & Prayer Template
Deity Comms
Devotional Acts
Spirit Guides
House, Animal, Plant, Etc. Spirits
Folklore Entities
Spirit Etiquette
Graveyard Etiquette
Communication Guide & Etiquette
Spirit Work Safety Guide
How Entities Appear To You
Circle Casting
Common Offerings
Mythological Creatures (dragons, gorgons, etc.)
Utility Pages
Gazing Pages
Sigil Charging Station
Altar Pages
Intent Pages
Getaway Pages
Vision Boards
Dream Pages
Binding Page
Pendulum Board
Crystal Grid
Throwing Bones Page
Divination Pages
Mirror Gazing Page
Invocation Pages
Affirmation/Manifestation Pages
Spirit Board Page
Other Practices
Practices That Are Closed to You (Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria, Brujeria, Shamanism, Native Practices)
Wicca and Wiccan Paths
Satanism, Both Theistic and Non-Theistic
Deity Work
Religious Paths (Hellenism, Christianity, Kemeticism, etc.)
Types of Magic/Spells
Pop Culture Paganism/Magic
Tech Magic
Chaos Magic
Green Magic
Lunar Magic
Solar Magic
Sea Magic
Kitchen Magic
Ceremonial Magic
Hedge Magic
Death Magic
Gray Magic
Eclectic Magic
Elemental Magic
Fae Magic
Spirit Magic
Candle Magic
Crystal Magic
Weather Magic
Astral Magic
Shadow Work
Energy Work
Art Magic
Knot Magic
Music Magic
Blood Magic
Bath Magic
Tarot Cards
Oracle Cards
Playing Cards
Card Spreads
Psychic Abilities
Sacred Geometry
Angel Numbers
Crystal grid
Candle grid
Witches Ladder
Deity Specific Holidays
Religious Holidays (Christmas, Easter, Dionysia, etc.)
Celestial Events
Basics of Altars
Travel Altars
Deity Altars
Spirit Altars
Familiar Altars
Ancestor Altars
Self Altars
Working Altars
Burnout Prevention
Stress Management
Coping Mechanisms
Theories & History
Witchcraft history
New Age Spirituality
Cultural Appropriation
Conspiracy Theories
Satanic Panic
Witches in History
Cats in History
Transphobia in Witchcraft Circles
Queerness in Witchcraft Circles
How to Get Herbs
Drying Herbs and Flowers
Witches Alphabet
Runic Alphabet
Guide to Gardening
Your Witch Tips
Other Tips
List of Spells
Cryptids and Their Lore
What is a Liminal Space?
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black-witches-haven · 2 months
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One of the Fortune Cards recently commissioned Thank you Aurora for allowing me to share ♥
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black-witches-haven · 2 months
Shadow work doesn’t have to be heavy prompts and three hour long journal session with heavy crying especially for beginners.
While yes, that side of shadow work is very important because the whole point of it is to unravel your last trauma and to bring your shadows to the light and that is inevitably uncomfortable and painful HOWEVER it can be very discouraging to beginner and novice witches , even intermediate ones , so here’s my humble idea to introduce yourself to shadow work gently.
I actually did and still do most of these and they personally helped me in my craft, but that definitely does not mean they will help you necessarily but they might , and I hope , they might help you too.
Feel free to let me know if you disagree (respectfully please), agree or want to add on to this list.
Blessed be.
When you’re just starting out, don’t force yourself to answer the prompts or questions, just bring them to your attention consciously and gently. Fill a page with prompts and just … look at them. Read them. Think about them. I personally think it eases you into the process and sort of primes your brain to the whole thing.
Record your reactions throughout the day. Any reaction whatsoever be it small or big. What triggered it ? Does it often happen ?
Now this, this is my favorite one so far , record any interesting thought you have throughout the day, I’m your phone’s note app, and write them out , elaborate your thoughts , it’ll give you so much insight about yourself and about what you think about the most.
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black-witches-haven · 2 months
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black-witches-haven · 3 months
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black-witches-haven · 3 months
Witchy Baths Masterpost
Here is a big masterpost of different types of baths for different types of witches! Use these baths before or after witchcraft to pump yourself up or to wind down. And you do not have to be any specific type of witch to use any of these baths. Any witch can use them.
Note: Many of these baths call for crystals. Research crystals before getting them wet. Many of them listed you should not put in water, instead keep them at the edge of your tub or near it.
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Sea Witch Bath
Kelp Powder (1 tsp)
Sea Salt (½ tsp)
Coconut Oil (1 spoonful)
Coconut Water (½ cup)
Sea Glass, Sea shells, aquamarine, ocean jasper, abalone, pearl, larimar, coral, sand dollars and/or clear quartz
Wood Spoon
Blue and white candles (optional- ocean scented ones)
Steps: Light your candles before filling the tub. Once you start filling the tub add your coconut oil, coconut water, sea salt and kelp powder. With your spoon stir clockwise to help mix in the powder, which can take a bit. The water should turn a faint green tint (the more kelp you add the greener it gets but also the stronger the smell gets). Line your tub’s edge with your sea glass, sea shells, and gemstones. Be sure not to let the gemstones fall in the water, especially if they are ones that can’t get wet. Get into your tub and enjoy.
Note: Kelp powder smells very strongly of kelp, it is a scent I personally like but a lot of people don’t. Air out your bathroom a bit after the bath to disperse the smell. Also if you do not wish to smell like kelp yourself, rinse off after your bath quickly.
Swamp Witch Bath
Kelp Powder (2 spoonfuls)
Clay or Bath Mud like Moor Mud (read label for how much to use)
Green and brown candles
Wooden Spoon
Snail shells, alligator teeth, rounded rocks and any green gemstones you may have
Optional- Moss if you have potted moss to keep on the edge of the tub (or a moss bathmat)
Steps: Light your candles then begin to fill your tub. Add in your kelp powder and the mud, using your wooden spoon stir clockwise to mix. Depending on the type of mud/clay you are using the water will either turn very green to a dark brown. Line your tub with your gemstones, rocks, teeth and snail shells. If you are bringing in a moss plant or other plants keep them near the tub. Get into the tub and relax, if your moss is a stepable type of moss and in reach you can rub your fingers in it as you relax.
Note: Like the sea witch bath, you may want to air out the bathroom after your bath. This bath will smell much stronger of kelp and you may want to shower afterwards to avoid smelling strongly of kelp. You may have to rinse your tub to rid of mud used.
Forest Witch Bath
Pine Needles
Pine essential oil (2 drops)
3 bags of green or black tea
Green sachet
Cedar Chips
Green Candles (optional- tree or plant scented ones)
Steps: Light your candles and begin filling your tub. In you sachet add 1 part cedar chips and 1 part mint. Tie it shut and add to your bath as it fills. You may then add the pine needles to float freely or you may add them in a sachet as well. Add your two drops of pine oil once the tub is half filled to ensure it is well diluted in the bath. Add your tea bags into the water, line your tub with the pinecones and get in.
Note: essential oils can be harsh on certain skins, dilute the oil with a carrier oil and test on your skin to see if it affects you. If your skin is too sensitive for pine oil omit it from the spell.
Floral Witch Bath
Rose petals
Meadow sweet/Sweet grass
Pink and/or Green sachets
Pink Candles
Rose Quartz and Milky Quartz
Floral scented candles or incense of choice
Steps: In your sachet(s) add your lavender, chamomile, meadow sweet/sweet grass and rosemary. Light your candles and incense. Once you begin filling your tub add your sachets, once tub is half filled add your Rose petals. Line your tub with your quartz and get in to enjoy.
Storm Witch Bath
Rain or Storm Water
Thunder/Lightning Charged Water
Acorns or Acorn caps
Black tea (2-5 bags)
Gray Candles
Sounds of rain, storms, and/or drums
Steps: Light your candles as your tub fills. Add in your charged water and rain/storm water as the tub fills. Add in your black tea bags. Line your tub with the acorns or acorn caps. On a laptop, tablet, or phone that is a safe distance from the tub, begin playing your sounds of choice. Get into your bath and enjoy.
Divination Witch/Psychic Witch Bath
Moon Water
2 bay leaves
Purple Sachet
2-4 bags Green Tea
Amethyst, Jet, Moonstone, Nuummite, Silver, Sunstone, and/or Tiger’s Eye
Steps: As your tub fills add in your moon water. In your sachet add 1 part lemongrass, 2 part marigold, and 1 part mugwort; add it to the filling tub along with your tea. Line your tub with the crystals and metals you have available. Once the tub is nearly filled add in bay leaves. Soak and relax.
Urban Witch Bath
Epsom Salts
Bubble bath of choice
Dyed Quartz, Crackled Quartz, Aura Quartz and/or clear quartz
Bath/Body safe glitter of choice
Sachet of Coffee Grounds (freshly used or never used)
Device to Play Music
Steps: Begin filling your tub. Add in the amount of epsom salts you usually use as well as your bubble bath. Drop in your sachet of coffee grounds when the tub is still filling. Sprinkle in your glitter onto the bubbles once the tub is about half filled. Start your music and line your tub with your quartz. Soak and enjoy yourself.
Tech Witch Bath
3 bags of black tea
Fairy lights, lamps, night lights, etc
LED Candles
Sachet of color of choice
1 Tbsp Olive Oil
Music Playing Device
Steps: set up your lights and LED candles as you wish. Be sure none of the wires are near the tub or where water will be, be safe! If you can turn off the main lights. Don’t do this if you can’t see well enough to move about safely! Begin filling your tub and add your tea. In your sachet add your oatmeal and add it to the bath. Start playing your music and get into your bath and enjoy.
Death Witch Bath
¼th cup olive oil
2 spoonfuls of Salt (or more if desired)
Purified, bottled or moon water (at least 1 cup)
White Sachet
White candles
Myrrh, Frankincense, Jasmine, Chamomile, or Sage Incense
Obsidian, Jet, Onyx, Fire Agate and/or Garnet
Steps: Light your candles and incense; fill your sachet with rosemary. Begin filling your tub and add in your water, oil, salt and sachet. Let it fill to about half way before lining tub with your gemstones. Get in and soak and enjoy.
Stellar/Cosmic Witch Bath
Cosmetic/Bath/Body safe glitter in colors of choice
Star Anise
White Sachet
Orange peels/slices or Lemon peels/slices
Goldstone (blue, green, purple, etc)
Purple, white and blue candles
Steps: Light your candles before you begin to fill your tub. In your sachet add your Basil and Chamomile (about 1 part each). Add in your sachet and star anise as the tub fills. Add your glitters of choice to the water as well and until it glitters the amount you desire. Line your tub with the goldstone. Add your citrus peels or slices before you get in. Relax and enjoy your bath.
Note: Due to glitter you may have to rinse the tub after your bath.
Fire Witch Bath
Red Sachet
Red, Orange, and white candles
¼th cup sunflower seed oil
2 drops red food coloring
Carnelian, citrine, lava stone, fire agate and/or red jasper
Steps: Light your candles before you begin filling your tub. In the sachet add your rosemary, cloves and marigold. Add the sachet and sunflower oil as the tub fills. Line your tub with the crystals and stones you have available. Once the tub is nearly filled add 2 drops of food coloring (or more if you want a more intense color). Get in and enjoy.
Note: food coloring shouldn’t stain your tub unless you use large amounts.
Water Witch Bath
Rain Water
Purified or Bottled Water
Moon Water
Cucumber cut into slices
Blue Sachet
Lemon Balm
Aqua Aura Quartz, Moonstone, Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, and/or Pearl
Steps: Begin filling your tub. Add in your waters as it fills. In your sachet add in your jasmine, lemon balm, and catnip. Add in your sachet. As the tub fills line your tub with your gemstones and crystals. Once tub is about half filled add your cucumber slices and get in to enjoy.
Earth Witch Bath
Moor Mud
Agate, Jasper, Jet, and Quartz
Salt of your choice
1 cup oats/oatmeal
Brown or Green Sachet
Sage Incense
Steps: Light your incense before filling your tub. As the tub fills, add in your mud to the amount it states on package. If needed use a spoon to stir it clockwise to mix. Add in your salt. In your sachet add your oats before dropping it into bath as well. Line your tub with your gemstones before getting in.
Note: Due to mud you may have to rinse or clean bath afterwards.
Air Witch Bath
Yellow Candles
Yellow Sachet
Incense of choice
Amethyst, mica, opal, tiger’s eye, and/or turquoise
Sounds of wind or wind chimes
Steps: Set up your sound playing device to play the sounds you desire to listen to. Light your candles and incense before you start filling your tub. In your sachet add your cilantro, lavender, rosemary, mint and dandelion. Place your feathers near your tub but where they won’t get wet and ruined. Line your tub with gemstones and add in your sachet. Get into your tub and enjoy.
Solar Witch Bath
Gold and Orange Candles
Marigold Tea (2-5 bags)
Black Tea (1 bag)
Orange slices or peels
1 drop of a citrus essential oil
Steps: Light your candles before filling your tub. As your tub fills add in your teas and one drop essential oil. Place our sunstone near your tub or about the rim. Once tub is about half filled add in your orange slices/peels and get in. Soak and enjoy.
Note: essential oils can be harsh on certain skins, dilute the oil with a carrier oil and test on your skin to see if it affects you. If your skin is too sensitive for the oil omit it from the spell.
Lunar Witch Bath
Moon Water
Jasmine Tea (4 bags)
White and Silver Candles
Amethyst and Moonstone
Silver or White Sachet
Steps: Light your candles before filling your tub. As your tub fills add your jasmine tea bags. In your sachet add 1 part mugwort and 2 parts anise before adding it to the tub as well as pouring in your moon water. Line the tub with amethyst and moonstone before getting into the water and enjoying.
Special thanks to @cosmic-witch and @death-witch-envy for helping with my research for the Stellar Witch Bath and the Death Witch Bath. Thank you both very much for helping out~
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black-witches-haven · 3 months
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black-witches-haven · 3 months
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black-witches-haven · 3 months
🌛 lunar witch tips 🌜
- make large quantities of moon water to use in your morning drinks to give you that extra boost
- carry around charged moonstone with you throughout the day
- set reminders on your phone for the phases of the moon
- take bubble baths in moon water
- make special devotions to the moon, or do rituals that correspond with the current lunar phase
- spend time outside in the evening just absorbing the moonlight (if this isn’t a possible option, find a room in your house that let’s in the light of the moon and hangout there)
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black-witches-haven · 3 months
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Givenchy Scorpio Zodiac Earrings (€450,00) Givenchy Scorpio Zodiac Ring (€320,00)
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black-witches-haven · 3 months
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Tea for the soul 
Witchy Tip: This tea works in the night and remember to use moon water for better results  ♡  On a personal note, I always try this when I´m feeling sad   ♡
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