black-hole-cobra · 7 months
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here we have tri (it/its) playing with its herotoy, Draco (he/him). an arm and some fingers were taken off, but don't worry, Draco got put back together afterwards.
honestly i loved this idea the moment it was presented to me and i absolutely love a non-human whumper unintentionally harming a whumpee when showing affection or playing with them. filling Draco's holes is also a very nice bonus IMO
thank you again to @darkdaemon for commissioning me and thank you to @an-ethically-dubious-lab for letting me draw Draco!
OC Credits: tri belongs to @darkdaemon Draco belongs to @an-ethically-dubious-lab
My Commission Sheet | My Art | My Ko-fi
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black-hole-cobra · 9 months
Draco, *sir*, that is the *only thing I do*?
@black-hole-cobra stop bullying meee
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black-hole-cobra · 9 months
Hey uhm. To make this clear my spaces will always be system friendly. I haven't really discussed or wrote about systems in *our* work, because we arnt sure how to responsibly but. Just like you see me reblog stuff for personality disorder activism my spaces, our spaces, are safe
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
the last human died today in captivity. it was 137 years old. it passed away peacefully in it's enclosure, under a weighted blanket, clutching a Squishmallow (a type of pseudo-companion favored by the infamously social human species).
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
not everyone that loves horror is fucked in the head and you shouldnt assume they are!! i of course am but not everyone is
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
"So..." Whumper said with a grin, cocking their gun before turning to the tied-up team. Whumper points their gun to each and every one of the team members. Some glared, others are shaking in fear.
"Who will die first?"
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
(Content warning: Very angsty)
An android/doll whumpee abandoned in an attic by their Whumper. They can't die, they can't move, and they're heavily conditioned. When they stuck them in the dark attic, hidden behind some boxes and tools, they don't question it. Whumper assures them they will be back soon.
A day passes.
"Whumper's going to come back for me! I just need to be good and patient!"
A week passes.
"Wher-where's Whumper? Someone's going to come for me soon! Everything is going to be okay!"
A month passes.
"Hello? Can-can anyone hear me? Please come back."
A year passes.
Whumpee is mostly gone. They keep muttering the same phrases over and over again.
"Come back, please come back . . . I'm so lonely . . ."
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
Whumpee abruptly stopped their begging and flailing, watching in horror as Whumper slowly turned back to face them.
He touched over his cheekbone, somewhat in surprise, over the spot where Whumpee had just hit him.
"Well," he drawled as he drew up. "If it’s a fight you want..."
"No..." Whumpee backed away. "No please, I didn't mean to! It was an accident! I just... meant to defend myself..."
"From what? I didn't come at you with the intent to fight. Do you want to?"
"No! I just... didn't want you near me..."
"Oh." He stopped and Whumpee almost sighed in relief. But their sigh was cut off by a yelp when the hand that had stopped reaching for them, suddenly clamped around their wrist. "That can easily be arranged."
He dragged the shrieking Whumpee along behind him and threw them into a small room. "Well, a few days in a pitch dark cramped room will surely be better than being near me." He smiled as Whumpee reached out. "Enjoy yourself." And he slammed the door shut.
Small drabble again for once, tagging anyways: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @hold-back-on-the-comfort @whumpawink @painsandconfusion
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
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bloodrogue by popular demand 🐍🦇
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
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@skittles-the-whumpee​ this got too long to answer as an ask xD
i decided to do this prompt with Logan and Cassius in the Mob AU. this is inspired by the same prompt that @oddsconvert​ did with Izaak and Ronan, and i cannot recommend it enough. i’ve reread it at least 3 times so far. click here if you want to read it too!
thank you for reblogging this if you do. <3
before i get into the content warnings, please be warned that there are some dark NSFW implications and noncon is implied at the very end, but everything else is SFW. 
CW: intimate whumper, possessive whumper, obsessive whumper, mob whump, audience whump, mouth whump, stress positions, forced nudity, restraints, burns, violence, torture, crying, begging, humiliation, choking, degradation, child abuse (mentioned), unlikeable whumpee, threatening to kill whumpee, caretaker unable to help, betrayed whumpee, betrayed whumper
Mob AU Taglist: @whump-queen​ @whumpshaped​ @sukoshimikan​ @oddsconvert​ @whumpsday​
Prompt: Put on display.
Waking up was a slow, unpleasant process. Logan’s head felt heavier than his body, and his nerves were prickling in pain. Once his senses started coming back to him, he could feel the strain in his muscles, the metal biting into his wrist and ankles…and he realized what kind of position he was in.
His arm and his prosthetic were outstretched and handcuffed in front of him. There were cuffs around his ankles too, because there was something keeping his legs spread wide behind him, and Logan didn’t need to look behind him to know what that something was.
Not that he could. There was a short chain looped around both handcuffs connected to heavy weights on the floor, and with his arms pulled in front of him, he couldn’t turn his head enough to see behind him. 
(He also couldn’t lower his ass from the air, but Logan was choosing to ignore that. At least he still had his suit on, though the jacket was gone and the dress shirt was unbuttoned.) 
All he could do was lift his head up enough to see the wall. And when he saw the wall, it became apparent that he was in his own mansion. His flat screen TV was right there, surrounded by his potted plants. And this was his own floor, where his knees were pressed into his own carpet. 
What was on the TV? 
“Ah. You’re awake.” 
Logan struggled to process whose voice it was. But once he did, his eyes went wide as Cassius approached him from behind. He tried to turn his head without thinking, but hissed in pain and turned it back to glare at the wall. 
“Get me out of this thing, Cassius.”
He could figure out how this happened later. Right now, he just needed his underboss to free him…but instead of rushing to follow his orders, Cassius stayed in place, and Logan couldn’t fathom why. 
He grit his teeth. “Are you expecting a please? Just hurry up!” 
“I can’t do that, boss.” 
Logan jerked against the chain in frustration. “And why the hell not?!” 
Cassius’ black shoes came into his vision now, polished well enough for Logan to see his face; flushed from exertion, and his eyes sparking with anger. But yet again, instead of helping him, Cassius just knelt down with a disturbingly sweet smile on his face, and used one finger to tilt Logan’s head up. Making him look at the TV again. 
And look at what was on it. 
Logan recognized this set up. The chat box in the left corner, the names of donors on the right side, the multiple angles provided by different cameras – it was a livestream, and he was the one on camera. All of him was. There were two views from the front, one where you could see his face from above, and the other that was directly in line with him. One view from the side, where the forced arch of his spine and the veins popping in his arm became clear. And one embarrassing view from the back, focused solely on his ass. 
“Because then everyone would miss the show,” Cassius answered. 
Logan’s stomach dropped.
Keep reading
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
tw pet whump, betrayal, panic attack, guilt
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The fingers in their hair felt nice. They felt almost comforting- no, they did feel comforting. They didn't have to worry about a thing.
Whumpee really wished they could relax.
They lay there, completely still and very stiff, letting Caretaker try to soothe them. They told themself were calm, they were safe, they liked being here.
Maybe it wasn't about them at all, maybe Caretaker just liked the repetitive motions themself. How selfish, to have always thought that everything had to be about them.
They couldn't let go of the missed talk, and the fact that Caretaker just went back to acting like everything was okay without a single word. They couldn't stop thinking the punishment was always right around the corner. They assumed this was part of it. The anticipation. Carding gentle fingers through their hair, letting them wonder when those same fingers were finally going to grab and yank and-
Whumpee slightly flinched at the sound, and for a moment, they couldn't find their voice. There was something blocking it, a horrible, constricting feeling that crept up their chest and lungs and wrapped around their throat. It was painful, which Whumpee couldn't justify to themself. No one was even hurting them.
"Yes, Master?" they forced out. They weren't going to be able to speak another word, they knew it. It was too much, for whatever reason, the task of creating any sort of coherent sound, forming words, it was just too much.
"I love you."
Whumpee stopped breathing. No. No, no, no, not now, not when they couldn't even say it back. They wanted to, they had to, but that feeling wasn't going away, and all they could manage was a weak, pitiful whine. They were getting dizzy with the panic of not being able to verbally reciprocate, and before they knew it, they were soaking Caretaker's pants with fresh tears.
"Oh, no..." Caretaker sounded... confused, and embarrassed. They didn't sound mad, not yet. "I didn't mean to overwhelm you."
The more Whumpee tried to force themself to say no, please, I'm not, I love you too, I love you so much, the more they wept. They just couldn't say it. They pawed at Caretaker's leg pathetically, nuzzling against the fabric, and trying to let them know in whatever way they could that they adored them.
"It's okay... it's okay... you, um... you don't have to say it back." Oh god. They'd done it. Caretaker was hurt. Rejected. "I won't say it again if it makes you uncomfortable."
Whumpee choked on a sob. No. No. Please. The pain in their throat and chest only became more unbearable with each word from their owner. They were slowly suffocating, and the last thing they had done was hurt the only person who had been kind to them. What a useless life theirs was.
In what they were convinced were their last minutes, they did something they never thought they'd do. They thought about Whumper, silently begging them to take the pain away. They thought about their predictable punishments, and the predictable comfort they had provided afterwards, and the fact that they had never been left in the dark for so long. They wished for it back, despite the horrible, bitter taste of betrayal in their mouth. They wished for the routine, the familiar environment, the torment that always put their anxiety to rest for the remainder of the day.
And through those thoughts, the panic slowly dissipated. They weren't choking anymore; they certainly weren't dying. They clung to the memory of Whumper holding them after bandaging their burns, and their tears came to a stop, allowing them more than just shallow, gasping breaths. "I love you," they whispered, not even knowing whether it was addressed to the saviour from their past, or the saviour of their present.
"Oh." Whumpee swallowed, waiting for something more. Something to let them know they were safe again, and Caretaker didn't hear their thoughts, and everything was going to be okay. "I'm so glad."
They clung even tighter, rubbing their face against their pants. Maybe they were just destined to long for whatever they couldn't have, no matter how perfect their life got. Maybe they were just greedy, unsatiable, and maybe they were cursed to seek comfort through constant betrayal, never allowing them a single moment of true peace.
It didn't matter. What mattered was that Caretaker sounded relieved, and Whumpee would've done anything to keep it that way.
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taglist for miniseries: @whumpsday @whumpdreamz @whumpkinz @itsmeblackcat @maracujatangerine @parasitebunny @litsuki @zillastar13 @batfacedliar-yetagain
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
Whumps you whumps you whumps you whumps you whumps you whumps you whumps you whu
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
Two team members are captured. The rest of the team has to vote on who will live and who will die. If they refuse, both will die.
One of the ones captured knows he won’t get chosen. He tells himself it’s okay—at least one of them will make it out alive, even though it won’t be him. And he knows his team would save them both if they could. They do love him. Or, well… they at least like him. Just not as much as they love the other one. And that’s okay, right? Not everyone can be the favorite. Not everyone can be likeable.
Still, it hurts when the vote is unanimous.
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
Villainous Action Figures *probably* are sometimes broken or coerced into their roles, but those ones don't last long. The most effective ones are the ones that were looking for an excuse to snap anyway.
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
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if you, like me, very much enjoy scientists with demonic parasites in them that love getting their hands dirty, please consider voting for Abaellis and Abaellis' shadow HERE!
Abaellis belongs to @obsessedwithegos
@science-slapfight this is propaganda! /lh
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
When the Leader snaps and just. Beats and beats and beats on villain. And villain, the perspective character here, my sweetie, just can't stop being so *elated* for some reason. Maybe it's seeing a big hero fall, but maybe it's the feeling of finally being punished for the uncountable lives lost.
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black-hole-cobra · 1 year
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Depersonalization — full on Twitter
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