bitchwhooo · 1 year
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You were walking up the mikealson porch to see your lovely boyfriend klaus “ babe you home “ you shouted it was quiet you walked up to klaus’s room to hear strange noises “klaus your so good “ you opens the door slowly to see Caroline and klaus to together on his bed you had tears in your eye “ I go help kol in Denver for 2 days and you sleep with Caroline wow Nikki you downgraded really bad and so quickly” “ love it’s not what is looks like” “ so my best friend is not hooking up with my boyfriend” “ love “ “ you know what klaus were over and you can sleep with calzone as many times as you want also I’m moving out too then see you never fuckface and you Caroline I’m telling Tyler also” you stormed out of the place and go into your navy blue camero and drove to the boarding house you knocked and damon answers “ yes” you went straight and hugged Damon and stared crying “what happens” he question “ he cheated on me” Damon closed the door and carried you to the coach “ shhh it ok he doesn’t deserve you” you looked up at Damon’s and saw his beautiful oceans blue eye you kissed him and to your supieses he kissed you back “ Damon I’m so sorry I did it mean too “ “ I always wanted to do that” “ what?” “ I’ve liked you for a really long time so now I can do whatever I want with you” (time skip sorry I’m not good with smut ) you came to mikealson mansion once again “ love you’ve come back” “ no I came to get my stuff back” Damon was behind you and klaus grade and the raven hair man Damon just smirked at him you can beck with a suitcase “ Damon can you get my other suitcases there upstairs please” “ sure sweetheart” “ what was that” “ what was what” “ you and him” “ ohh since you hooked up with Caroline I got Damon now and he is so much nicer and handsome too bye klaus “ Damon came back with the suitcases and loaded them in the trunk “ I love you “ Damon said “ I love you too Ana “ you both had a passionate kiss and drive back to the boarding house. ~THE END~
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