bit-sized · 1 year
“It’s been very rare to have known you, very strange and wonderful.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
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bit-sized · 1 year
I kinda miss your writings
Are you somewhere else now
If yes
Share a link so I can follow
Hey. Thanks for the ask.
I haven't been writing lateley as I did not have the motivation to do so. I'm on a vacation this March, and hopefully, find some inspiration along the way. As a consolation, please enjoy this photo of a serene sea.
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bit-sized · 2 years
Hello, Winter.
Thank you for showing a kinder face this time. You have been quite unfriendly and disappointing these past few years, so I was surprised by your warmth despite the cold weather.
I am grateful for your company. In these chilly, dark nights, having you nearby somehow makes unbearable moments less insufferable, and trying to be happy a little less taxing.
I am grateful for your cozy weather. I am not the biggest fan of staying indoors, but with you, I can't see myself doing anything else. Your frigid waters wake me up to a white-washed morning, where you covered all that is green with your soul.
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bit-sized · 2 years
Final Thoughts for 2021
Just Keep Going
→ For the second year in a row, I had to maintain a modified lifestyle and continue to reevaluate my priorities. Still, the fact that I am a living, breathing creature, I should consider myself lucky... As long as I am given the chance to continue on living, I'll take each step with purpose, and keep up my pace; the pace to which my heart beats, and keep on living. 2021 was not an easy year to live through, but 2022 might be, and I have to be there to find out.
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Finding Happiness
→ There are many thoughts on what is happiness, and how to attain this somewhat elusive trinket of bliss. I, for one, decided to actively "find" it. Not in a way where I will scour every corner of the world, searching for a thing, scene, or a person, but by doing what I love. One thing I realized this 2021 is that looking for happiness does not necessarily mean seeking out what it is that makes you happy, because I found happiness simply by purposely doing the simple things I genuinely enjoy. And when happiness starts to slip away, I let it go with an open palm, knowing that happiness is nothing but an intimate moment shared with my own heart, and I await the next one with eagerness and curiosity.
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Laugh Out Louder
→ From bad jokes to awkward moments, I have always laughed my heart out in almost every chance that I have. I was never one to shy away from enjoying a good old laugh, and I'm going to continue doing so in the years to come. Life can be really tough at times, and it has brought me to my knees at several points this 2021, but along with those hard, unforgiving moments are snippets of joy and occasional moments of an excuse to bellow a boisterous laugh. I learned to enjoy these moments as they present themself. I never know when my last laugh will be, so I'm going to laugh my heart out every chance I get.
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Where the Feet and Heart Leads
→ I was never one to shy away from a good adventure, whether going somewhere for the heck of it, trying some exotic food or drink, or even doing dares that are outright ridiculous and dumb, as the stories from those arguably stupid decisions are treasures I'll take with me until my last breath. I realized that I am who I am today because of all the experiences I said YES to, no matter if that particular decision led to a good or bad moment, the realization I got to keep was worth more than enough. I will continue to let my feet take me to places in the direction my heart faces, because that is the only way I know how to live.
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bit-sized · 2 years
The year's almost ending, and it has been one hell of a ride. A little over a month and a half left before we can call 2021 a year. Here are 4 of my 8 thoughts for 2021. (Will post the last 4 by Dec. 31)
1. 2021 is 1 better than 2020.
→ We saw our world get torn apart and thrust into despair and hopelessness, as millions died, and billions suffered the consequences of a global pandemic. Some people took advantage of this situation, and tried to make the most out of what they have, not letting the trials and tribulations to continuously kick them down. I take courage in knowing that we have that 1 level of becoming better human beings, as shown by the dedication of health professionals, as well as professionals in other industries, to adapt, while showing compassion and empathy with those around them. Granted, this may not be the case for you who are reading this. But if so, I urge you to be 1-up better than the 2020 version of you. Life is already difficult, and the times are desperate. But we did what we could to make 2021 better, 1-up better than 2020. If you haven't, you have 6 weeks left to do so. How will you end your 2021? 🔥
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2. Outlive your scars and traumas
→ As much as we suffered physically, the emotional and mental distraught we went through during these past 2 years has been traumatic, and it left scars in places we would never even care to admit. Some succumbed to the heavy burden, but if you're reading this, then you are a survivor. You survived one of humanity's difficult ages, and I hope you keep on surviving. As much as we admire the heroes and heroines in our favorite movies, or even the stories of strength and unbelievable human endurance told in our favorite songs, they are nothing but stories and songs. But the words and emotions they portray are as real as you are alive, and I believe that they are rooting for you to outlive your scars and traumas, because you are stronger and better than you think you are. Most especially, you are not alone in this struggle. Inside you is a herculean strength ang fortitude to overcome ALL THE ADVERSITIES that come your way. Dig deep, take a stand, and outlive all that tries to suck all the colors of life.
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3. Tomorrow may not always be better, but it could be
→ Tomorrow's sunrise isn't always guaranteed, and we will go through shitty days. There will be days, weeks, or even months where blue skies seem bland, and rainy evenings are hellish. Giving up might be alluring, and the promise of not having to endure a second more of this heavy burden might seem enticing, but I promise you that the joy of being alive, and having to see one more sun rise gives warmth enough to shine over all your gloomy days. I have been through some rough patches this year, and even contemplated ending it all in the past years 3 times. What kept me going was the thought of seeing one more sun rise, seeing one more smile, having one more smile. Tomorrow may not always be better, but it could be, and if we just hold on long enough, I promise you, it will all make sense, and you will be glad that you did. I know I will.
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4. Let life embrace you
→ Like me, you probably have plans, your own hopes and dreams. All the things you wished the world would be, and your fantasies of a perfect life dancing in your mind, and you hold on to those thoughts, as you trot through life. I still have those. But what these past years taught me was that life is too grand and adventitious. Nobody plans for disappointment, but it rarely misses to show up in everybody's stories. Here's what I offer you. Let life embrace you. Let this twisted, conniving hell of a roller coaster ride take you to places you never expected to go, make you feel things you never thought you would in parts of you that you never knew existed. Let life surprise you, and let it be a co-author of your masterpiece. You may not end up with the life you wanted, but you will always end up having adventures to thrilling cities, challenge the unknown, and with your last breath, you know you'll have no regrets, because you lived your years embracing joy, embracing pain, embracing life.
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bit-sized · 3 years
Oh, dear moon. I wonder how it is to be looked up to. To hear the whispers of longing hearts, the pleas of tired souls, the cries of the hurting. To just exist, to be solemn but bathed in stories; to be appreciated with sweet tongue and honey.
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bit-sized · 3 years
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Things Do Not Go Well Always
When things do not go well,
and you feel sad and dull,
and missed the morning bell.
Things that you were hoping,
expecting, and praying
on evening's night, hiding
Because even stars tire
glowing faintly up high.
'tis situations, dire.
Some days start good enough
but take you out at noon
and drain you up at night
Even at sleep they haunt
'til you wake up at dawn
and a new day will hunt.
Things don't go well always
but I keep moving still.
Wait for the day with grace.
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bit-sized · 3 years
Oceans and Skies
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Two souls meet on heaven's greet.
Lo and behold! They sing in harmony.
The chords in the air keep life upbeat
as they wait from each moon's balcony.
The shadows hide not their faces
but show all their dirt and graces
Now the moonlit eyes in the night
Glint and flutter with delight.
Revealing oceans in their lives,
Showing skies they plan to fly.
Both tired but boldly dives
Though drown or drop, it's worth the try.
For what they have is not a lie.
They share the same oceans and skies
But what they have is not a lie,
In between are oceans and skies.
Cruel and bitter is life's joke,
Cruel and bitter is life's joke.
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bit-sized · 3 years
Who are you?
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Maybe, to some, a half-assed asymptotical existence. A bystander in a photo during a vacation, or that random person you asked to take pictures of you. A voice heard in a bus; a minute leakage of their story, somehow finding its way into your ears and for a brief instance, just for that stolen, specific moment, sharing a truth that was resounding in their life. A glimpse of a face in a line at restaurants or department stores; exchanging glances both directed at each other’s eyes and groceries, at the same time creating assumptions based on the items in their carts. Two stories that gets as close as living in the same city, or same block, but never really getting the chance to utter each other’s names. All the while, forgetting that they too, have their own chapters and stanzas, struggles and successes, a plethora of events that they were, and would would always be, ignorant of.
To a select few, a friend. A reliable shoulder, an open ear, a warm hug... A human being chosen as a companion in this journey called life. Amidst the barren times and bountiful seasons, through grey skies and vivid days, a constant reminder that although nothing ever stays the same, a confidant exists; an attestment that change is not something to be scared of, rather something that should be embraced. A heart that beats at the same pace, rhythm, humming the same melody and tapping to the tunes of each other’s song. Sometimes, in perfect harmony, oftentimes, differing in pitches and notes, but not giving a single damn because it only affirms the peculiarity of the bond shared through these asomatous threads.
To others, a passing stranger sharing the same page, but living different stories. At one point, shared the same smiles, crafting a daft joke to invoke laughter. A dim soul, bright enough to guide someone through a vivid chapter, but a dim soul nonetheless. Temporal is the role that is played; fate’s way of mocking yearning hearts. Laying foundations of bonds that is bound to crumble, and at times may shatter the very hands that built it, betraying the efforts and hoisting the white flag of solace. And only until then that the purpose of these chance meetings are revealed; that not all who wander in one’s life are meant to stay, but rather meant to leave one with something to take with for the rest of this amiable journey.
Who are you to the world? Some try to seek this answer through living behind alluring, but noble causes. May it be for a humane purpose, such as the elimination of poverty, or just its alleviation; betting on the chance that somehow, someway, you create enough ripples to echo your name even after your own voice has ceased humming. To cover one’s self with fancy dreams and ambitions; to soar high above all others and be remembered ‘til kingdom come, hoping to find identity in these glamours and spotlights.
But most importantly, who are you to yourself? Who are you when the only eyes perusing through your inner depths are the very ones you carry? What are the words you speak to yourself; the hymn you sing to your ears on a daily basis? Often times, one builds a persona, a show, to entertain the rest of the world; abiding by the stereotypes that has been laid down from the very start of dawn, without even having the smallest of curiosity as to what one’s own heart cries itself with to sleep.
If everything is a matter of perspective, through whose eyes do you choose to see this daunting skies, whose hands do you choose to feel this big ball of dirt? Through whose heart do you choose to conquer these days?
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bit-sized · 3 years
Someone asked me the other day...
"What do you think of our times?"
After giving it some thought, I replied, I see people...
focusing too much on their future, that they forget they live only in the present.
who blame the government for their misery, that they forget it's their choices that make them who they are.
who pretend to be doing excellent, but in the process, carry a volcano of emotions.
who think they are smarter than anyone else, in the process, fail to learn anything anymore.
who sees the beauty in others, but fail to see the beauty in themselves.
who talk about life instead of living it.
who promised you company, then leave right after.
who will sacrifice for strangers, but can not take it for a family.
who shaped lives, but take theirs on a moon's evening.
who would do anything to voice their thoughts, without thinking about the voice that they will be using.
who never really knew why they lived, but just keep on living anyway.
Why not...
try to see the present and actually find a gift in each day? You never know what is the thing inside the wrapping.
stop blaming and start choosing to do more? You never know what you are capable of.
be true to yourself and start healing the wounds? You might wake up with the sun.
learn something from everyone you meet? You may be speaking to an old soul.
appreciate what you have and be grateful? You will be surprised with what you have.
try new things? You only live once.
bring people with you on your journey? The road can sometimes be very lonely.
give your parents a chance? They gave you that.
live out your tidbits of wisdom? You might be someone's strength.
watch your step? You might stumble on your way up.
try to find out your purpose? Though you may never arrive, you have lived trying.
LIFE is like a coin. You can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once.
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bit-sized · 3 years
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Thoughts on the Spring of 2021
Several years passed when I first saw you, but when we met again on that windy, Sunday afternoon, it felt as if I am meeting you for the first time. Feeling your tepid winds after a whitewashed, cold winter, your presence unfailingly provides reason for hope, and perhaps justification for enduring.
As fickle as human hearts, your leaves come and go in a moment. Your beauty is timeless but ephemeral, your fame quiet but enchanting ー things a human soul wishes it could be, but not realizing that it already is; a treasure seeking itself.
Slowly, your flowers gracefully dance to the ground, the exquisite making way for the common. Elegantly swaying with the ebb and flow of fates.
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bit-sized · 3 years
While the world is fast asleep, I lay here lying to myself
With one foot in the past, and another in the future
Torn by traumas and dreams, when all I want is rest
All I get is dying, and with a heavy breath, I lay my heart in a shelf.
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bit-sized · 3 years
Sleep has once again escaped, and this day would probably, too.
As notes and time fly by, as every breath brings death nearby
as if life is anything but not for naught, as the eye, with lies, fought
as the chest battle for air, as the heart suffocated with despair,
as the soul longs for rest, as the body, in pain arrest,
and as long as night turns to day, and day to night,
sleep will once again escape, and the day would probably, too.
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bit-sized · 3 years
What's in a moment, a fleeting moment?
Is there chance of everlasting glory,
or the shame of a dim coward's folly?
For love to start an unending story,
or sorrow to drown another Dolly?
What's in a moment, a fleeting moment?
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bit-sized · 3 years
I present this day with dismay,
For the night that gives rest
Was the night that taketh away.
When sleep is too far, far away,
And your mind's wandering
In search for rest that's far from bay.
As stars turn and to sun gives way,
Night turns from dark to blue
But mind and heart's all but decayed.
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bit-sized · 3 years
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Sometimes, somewhere.
I used to think that there was a perfect place where I could let my tired shoulders rest, and a perfect time for when my dreary soul could finally sigh for relief.
But as life would have it, that haven I am desperately longing for is always one day away, always one step further... always far enough to be longed for but not near enough to be grasped.
This is why sorrow and hope always go together, and there is no getting one without the other. An eternal dance that keeps the heart wanting but never getting, persevering but dying with every breath... a delightful pain.
But sometimes, somewhere, life decides to smile, and a crimson colored sky will embrace you with warmth enough to make the cold winds feel like an old, familiar friend.
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bit-sized · 3 years
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Beyond over Yonder
Busy days and hectic schedules slowly pulled me into a world I once thought I'd never get trapped into. I remember walking along the streets of Manila with my Tita, I told her about an observation I made about most of the people I saw in my immediate surrounding. Everybody was walking fast, some were facing the ground, but almost everyone was frowning or at least had an arched eyebrow.
Years passed, and now, I can't deny the reality that I have become one of those people I used to frown upon. Somehow along the way, I got sucked in into a life that is not my own; constantly chasing deadlines, finishing projects, dealing with the corporate world... it takes its toll on you.
As I was trying to unwind myself, I decided to
1. Walk as slow as possible
Appreciate. I was reminded to appreciate every step I make because each moment passes only once, and every one of them is priceless
2. Close my eyes on a sunset
Rest. Find time to let go of all the burdens I carry, even for a few moments, and allow the sunset to soothe my tired soul
3. Feel my heart beat under the evening sky
Home. I used to obsess about carving a place for myself in this world, thinking that in order for the world to accept me, I had to earn my place in it. But the truth is much simpler: I belong here just as much as the stars and planets I see above.
At the end of the day, each second that passes by is a second that is surrendered to the past. But that does not have to be a sad thing. Surrender each moment gracefully, and with a grateful heart, accept its temporal existence. Find relief in knowing that my life is how I choose to define it, and that wherever I find myself, I am home.
I will take with me the memories, and treat each minute, hour, and day as treasures beyond over yonder.
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