bigpeacefuldreams · 2 years
Why do I always forget my worth
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bigpeacefuldreams · 2 years
how many women were broken in the making of a great man
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bigpeacefuldreams · 2 years
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I didnt need to be attacked like this, Batman.
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bigpeacefuldreams · 2 years
i’m sorry but ew
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bigpeacefuldreams · 2 years
my lashes better grow the house down the way that im crying rn
apparently tears make your lashes grow?!
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bigpeacefuldreams · 2 years
its so easy for everyone to fall back into seeing the person i used to be, and not the person i have been working so hard to be.
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bigpeacefuldreams · 2 years
A rant
I am 22 years old and my 25 year old sister and her husband feel the need to discipline me. like babe, just because I have different opinions/values than yours doesnt mean that yours are better and that you need to ‘teach’ me the better ways. We are two separate individuals and you need to learn how to fucking respect me. but the problem is that I am not doing enough to demand that respect, so its lowkey my fault that I keep letting you disrespect me. I just want to keep the peace. But when you are doing absolutely nothing on your end to try and  keep the peace, when you have instead made disrupting the peace an experience where you and your husband can bond over- then it makes me also want to stop keeping the peace. but really its just a matter of standing up for myself.  I NEED to get better at doing that. I just want to know why you and your husband get off to telling me what you think I should or shouldnt do, like I am not ur fucking child and I am not asking for your opinion on how I choose to live my life?! If its not harming anyone than shut the fuck up dude!!  And to the husband-do you really think I am going to be taking advice on someone who uses their wifes sister as a punching bag because you dont have the balls to speak up to your wife about the shit you cant stand that she does? WHY are you yelling at me for not emptying the two week old food in your fridge when ive been visiting your place for 1 day?! its unbeleivable that you feel comfortable doing that to me, and that you feel comfortable admitting that you use getting angry at me for things shes done as a way to releive your stress from the fact that you are too much of a coward to say anything to her. You feel way too comfortable disrespecting me. But again, its because i dont make you feel like ur disrespecting me. I have normalized being disrespected so severely in this family that they dont see it as disrespect. And the worst part about it is that I dont even want to go through the process of having to teach them what it looks like to respect me.  And its not because I dont want the respect, I want it very much and I know that i deserve it. I just want to keep the peace, and I am afraid of not having a good relationship with them. I guess I value the relationship i do have with them now for what it is, because even with the disrespect- i LOVE THEM. and there are many other things I like about my relationship with them that i dont want to lose. i genuinely feel like they are not secure enough within themselves to take me telling them that i want respect from them in a way that wont cause relationship changing turmoil. And im afraid of how our relationship would change. Cuz what if it ends up being changed for the worse, what if its no relationship at all.
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bigpeacefuldreams · 2 years
i wish my sadness was not so debilitating
pls give suggestions on how to have the motivation to do things when you are sad
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bigpeacefuldreams · 2 years
some thoughts are important to remember, others are not. the problem i have is that i forget them all.
i feel like i’m never given the choice 
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