big-titty-goth-mom · 24 days
Reblog this to give Rincewind a potato
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big-titty-goth-mom · 1 month
i watch baseball for the side quests (ps: this baseball player also makes fruit cocktails midgame)
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big-titty-goth-mom · 2 months
The entire original discworld audio book catalogue
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big-titty-goth-mom · 2 months
also.... discworld
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angua thingy i really like making these little sketches, theyre just little guys.....little fellas....
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angua in a dress, vimes in a dress duke regalia, carrot inspired by Sergey Chinenov's art as well as some lady Sybils and a tsundere vimes
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oddly amiable patrician
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this ones hard to read but imma put it in here anyway
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big-titty-goth-mom · 2 months
Red dead redemption fucks you up man.
You literally can't do anything the same anymore after playing, I'm sitting in work thinking about my horses and wondering which one I'll ride to die with Arthur - I love them all so much that I wish I could save them all.
I even randomly think about the thimble Jack wants, I have no idea where to find it but nobody at hanging dog ranch has had it in all the times I've raided it.
I think about the sun and the stars, the dusty plains of West Elizabeth and the grasslands of New Hanover, I think about Tall Trees and the canyons of New Austin, the mountains, the snow, the peaceful times camping under the night sky.
And you find yourself yearning for it, despite how awful, unforgiving and unfair the time period was.
You can't go back to those days, it's definitely for the best, you'll lose yourself if you focus so much on wanting something from so far in the past.
Whatever you're yearning for, look for it in your future, your present time, find it and run with it. Life is too short to live in the past, live in the time you have now and thrive.
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big-titty-goth-mom · 2 months
*in the 2020s* he would do numbers on twitter *in the 2010s* he would get shares on his blog *in the 1990s* he would be a wiz on the multi-user dungeon *in the 1950s* he would get ratings on the television *in the 1930s* he would command the masses on the radio *in the 1880s* he would do dots and dashes on the telegram *in the 1790s* he would do arm signals on the semaphore *in the 1600s* his prints would be distributed widely *in the 1400s* he would sound the trumpet in battle *in the 700s* his words would be passed down by oral tradition *in the 300s* he would do smoke signals in the sky *in the neolithic* his artifacts would enter the archeological record *in the pliocene* his bones would be preserved in the sediment *in the mezozoic* he would do permineralization in mineral rich groundwater *in the paleoarchean* he would facilitate recombination of his genome *in the hadean* his molecules would self replicate in the early ocean *in the matter dominated era* his stellar nursery would collapse into a star and an orbiting cloud of dust *in the cosmological dark ages* quantum fluctuations in his density would form the first cosmological structures *10^-32 seconds after the big bang* his elementary particles would dominate in baryogenesis *in the plank epoch* he would do cosmic inflation in the energy dense early universe *10^-43 seconds after the big bang* he would be
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big-titty-goth-mom · 2 months
So, the thing about Don Quixote.
The thing about Don Quixote is that he tilts at windmills - tilts in the archaic sense of ‘charge at with a lance,’ because it’s the story of a guy who read so much chivalric romance that he lost his mind and started larping as a knight-errant. He was, if you’ll pardon the phrasing, chivalrybrained.
The thing about Don Quixote is, sometimes people take it as this story of whimsical and bravely misguided individualism or ‘being yourself’ or whatever, and they’re wrong. If it took place in the modern day, Don Quixote would absolutely be the story of a trust fund kid who blew his inheritance being a gacha whale until his internet got cut off so now he wanders around insisting that people refer to him as ‘Gudako.’
But the real thing about Don Quixote is that it was published in the early 1600s, and the thing about the 1600s is that Europe was one big tire fire. This is because 1600s Europe was still organized around feudalism (or ‘vassalage and manorialism’ if ya nasty), which assumed that land (and the peasants attached to it) were the only source of wealth. And that had worked just fine (well, ‘just fine,’ it was still feudalism) for a long time, because Europe had been a relative backwater with little in the way of urbanization or large-scale trade.
That was no longer true for Europe in the 1600s. The combination of urban development, technological advances, and brutal Spanish colonialism meant that land was no longer the sole source of wealth. Sudden there was a new class of business-savvy, investment-minded upwardly-mobile commoners, and another new class of downwardly-mobile gentry who simply couldn’t compete in this new fast-paced economy. Cervantes saw this process with his own eyes.
One of the symbols of this new age was the windmill, a complicated piece of engineering that was expensive to build but would then produce profits indefinitely - in other words, a windmill was capital.
The thing about Don Quixote is, when he tilts at windmills, he has correctly identified his nemesis.
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big-titty-goth-mom · 5 months
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hehe hgeehee ok ok rendered a few imgs with a smol test scene and the future is looking bright *tears up*
eh so a few things i still need to do,
arthur's beard texture is real fcken wack so i still need to figure that out
might have to rip more models from the game cuz the models i currently have are Not Enough (charles tits i need charles tites)
idk i want to do some modern au stuff with them so i'll have to brush up on my damn modeling skills
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big-titty-goth-mom · 7 months
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ganja and hess dir. bill gunn / only lovers left alive dir. jim jarmusch / suicidal failure- suicidal tendencies / the lost weekend- charles jackson / juliet- charles robert leslie / mrs dalloway- virginia woolf / source unknown / the bell jar- sylvia plath / les enfants terribles or the strange ones dir. jean-pierre melville / hamlet- william shakespeare / hamlet dir. kenneth branagh / the myth of sisyphus- albert camus
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big-titty-goth-mom · 7 months
“When the Chips are Down” from Hadestown is SUCH a Peter Nureyev song.
While I’m gonna make a separate post linking and also ranting about my Spotify playlist (cause I really like some of my choices lol) — I wanted to rant real quick about this one.
The Fates (for those who don’t know/haven’t listened to Hadestown I shall explain) are played by 3 women who sing (for the most part) in unison, and with harmonies and acapellas. In the context of Nureyev here; this *totally* reminds me of The Executives (or whatever they’re called), all being regarded as, ‘My Associate’ as well as having the same voice and speaking the same way. In “When the Chips are Down”, they’re talking to Eurydice (who is Nureyev in this ex.)
While the whole song gives me vibes, this section gets me quite a lot:
Life ain’t easy
Life ain’t fair
A girl’s gotta fight for her rightful share
Whatcha gonna do when the Chips are Down Now that the Chips are down (x2)
Help yourself
To hell with the rest
Even the one who loves you best.
Whatcha gonna do when the Chips are Down Now that the Chips are Down (x2)
Oh my aching heart. “
The parts that I put in italics remind me of the S3 finale (Juno Steel: What Lies Beyond Prt. 1-3) specially (for obvious reasons for the ones who knows SPOILERS HERE FOR THOSE WHO DONT) — considering Nureyev had been stressing out, brought down, and feeling cornered by his debt (“help yourself”), leading him to (which was his plan from the start) leave everyone on the Carte Blanche (“to hell with the rest”), including Juno (“even the one who loves you best”). He even references in his journal that while he wanted to be beside Juno while he read it, he knows deep down that he won’t be.
The rest of the song matches as well, having parts including “shooting to kill” before the other person can, and knives in the back. For these reasons the song itself honestly just clicks SO well in my head, thanks for coming to my TED Talk lmao — like I said, linking playlist with other song “matches” later on lol, but this one required a bit more than a little description on my part.
TLDR: the Fates represent The Executives, and Eurydice represents Nureyev. Linked by my brain due to lines matching plot points (S3 especially).
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big-titty-goth-mom · 7 months
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Endless Burrow’s End
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big-titty-goth-mom · 7 months
i hate it when you ask people to treat fat people with just some semblance of decency and you get hit with "stop promoting obesity" -_-................. just because you said that im promoting obesity now.
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big-titty-goth-mom · 7 months
*thunder crackling*
*fireball explosion*
*bubbling cauldron*
*shimmering mana crystal*
*Imagine Dragons - Radioactive starts playing*
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big-titty-goth-mom · 7 months
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Took around 3 days from start to finish
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big-titty-goth-mom · 7 months
Linus: The industrial revolution heavily aided in pollution and climate change.
Me: Based. Have a spring onion.
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big-titty-goth-mom · 8 months
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Watching 1 horror film everyday in October 13/31
Scanners (1981), dir. David Cronenberg
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big-titty-goth-mom · 8 months
I want weird math textbooks. Group theory textbooks in the style of a comic book. Real analysis textbooks written as a long dialogue between forest animals. Elaborate romantic fan fictions about the relationships between Lie groups and their corresponding Lie algebras.
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