big-golyat · 8 days
Yeah, fuck this game. I'm playing Elden Ring again.
Playing Dark Souls II for the first time. It's kind of impressive how much my attitude shifted in the first 30 minutes.
First, it was "I don't know why people say this game is the worst of the Soulsbornes. Sure, the animations aren't blended very well, but the gameplay is fine, and Majula is beautiful!"
Then, twenty minutes later, I died because I clipped the first step of a staircase while being attacked.
And I began to understand.
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big-golyat · 9 days
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"Hey, it's me, the turtle pope!"
-Turtle Pope, The Elder Rings
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big-golyat · 18 days
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big-golyat · 21 days
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big-golyat · 22 days
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This is NG? I remember her grab being brutal, but that's ridiculous.
"Level your Vigor in Elden Ring!"
Me with 75 Vigor: "OKAY."
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big-golyat · 26 days
"No, officer, I swear! These boops were obtained legally, I promise!"
Don't mind me, just trying to boop myself.
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big-golyat · 26 days
Ah, there we go. Had to go to my own homepage. Boop laundering successful.
Don't mind me, just trying to boop myself.
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big-golyat · 26 days
Apparently, it's harder than just making a post. Hm.
Don't mind me, just trying to boop myself.
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big-golyat · 26 days
Don't mind me, just trying to boop myself.
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big-golyat · 1 month
Finally done with No-Man's Wharf. Aside from the game lying about a man being there, the whole area really put into perspective just how different DS2 is from the rest of the series.
In 1 and 3, I had to learn each enemy's moveset carefully, learning how to either get around them or interrupt them with my own. There was enough consistency in my and my enemies' movements that I could figure out exactly where to move and roll to win.
But 2 has so much irregularity in its i-frames and hitboxes that trying to do the same just leads me to hating myself more than usual. So instead I just walk backwards and poke them with a spear until they die.
I don't feel good about that.
Playing Dark Souls II for the first time. It's kind of impressive how much my attitude shifted in the first 30 minutes.
First, it was "I don't know why people say this game is the worst of the Soulsbornes. Sure, the animations aren't blended very well, but the gameplay is fine, and Majula is beautiful!"
Then, twenty minutes later, I died because I clipped the first step of a staircase while being attacked.
And I began to understand.
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big-golyat · 1 month
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big-golyat · 1 month
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The awe of SHE
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big-golyat · 1 month
Winning Monster Hunter strategy is listen to EDM at max volume while just brute-forcing all your problems.
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big-golyat · 1 month
Gods dammit, this game should be a banger. The levels are great, the environment is great, the boss fights are (or at least the one I've found is) fantastic.
And yet the player animations have killed me more than anything else. And that just feels bad.
Playing Dark Souls II for the first time. It's kind of impressive how much my attitude shifted in the first 30 minutes.
First, it was "I don't know why people say this game is the worst of the Soulsbornes. Sure, the animations aren't blended very well, but the gameplay is fine, and Majula is beautiful!"
Then, twenty minutes later, I died because I clipped the first step of a staircase while being attacked.
And I began to understand.
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big-golyat · 1 month
Me staring at Sekiro on my shelf tempted to play it like it won't annoy me.
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big-golyat · 1 month
Happy Ides of March everyone!
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big-golyat · 2 months
oh god, why did i read "miquella the unalloyed" as "miquella the UNEMPLOYED" 😭
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canon now
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