betweenthe-lines · 1 month
The secret to happiness is noticing the little things. Being present in each moment, drinking in life with all our senses—that's where the magic happens.
Of course, big goals, big dreams, the bigger picture—they all matter. Chasing aspirations and hitting milestones is exciting. But to cultivate lasting happiness that weathers life's ebbs and flows, it's important to find joy in the little things sprinkled throughout our everyday, hidden between the lines.
Life is full of these small, beautiful moments—a ray of sunshine warming our face, the sweet aroma of fresh bread, a warm hug. But we often miss them, caught up in the daily grind, too focused on the future. The world we saw as children: brimming with wonder, hasn't disappeared. We've simply forgotten how to notice its magic.
So open your senses, slow down, and practice the art of noticing the little things. Because when you do, you become happier.
Welcome to betweenthe-lines, your daily reminder to celebrate the little things. ✨️
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